Zhang Lingshan didn't know that the monk Huixiu had changed his face after he left.

At this time, he had returned to Hong's martial arts hall.

Just in time for lunch.

After eating and drinking, he went directly to the medicine shop to buy medicine.

The twenty taels of silver came at a very timely moment, just when the money on hand was almost spent, this was a timely help.

In order to seize the time to accumulate energy.

He spent a lot of money to buy a large number of snow silver flowers.

One coin of snow silver flowers can accumulate 1 energy, but it is worth one tael of silver.

One coin of spiritual root grass can accumulate 0.2 energy, which is only worth one coin of silver.

In other words, one tael of silver can buy one tael of spiritual root grass, which can accumulate 2 energy.

The cost performance is twice that of snow silver flowers.

However, spiritual root grass absorbs slowly, and one tael of spiritual root grass absorbs even slower, and it takes five or six days.

And one coin of snow silver flowers, four hours are enough.

If you eat on time for twelve hours a day, you can accumulate three energy points.

This is not a small amount.

It is much faster than eating the spiritual root grass slowly.

The only disadvantage is that it is too expensive.

Twenty taels of silver, plus the remaining ones, a total of twenty-seven taels, can be eaten for nine days at most, and 27 energy points can be accumulated.

Nine days, plus two meals a day at the martial arts hall, 1.8 energy points can be accumulated.

Add some dried meat left at home.

A total of about 35 points can be accumulated.

It is still a little less, and the speed is still slow, but this is his limit.

‘I don’t know how much energy is needed to break through to Dacheng from Hunyuan Zhengyang Zhuang. Is 35 points enough? ’

Zhang Lingshan still has no idea.

But he has no other way to make money, so he can only hope to improve his experience by standing crazily, so as to reduce energy consumption when breaking through.

So in the following days, he had almost no free time.

Hammering day and night, tirelessly.

Only sleep for two hours a day, just like Zhang Chaoyang.

The benefits of doing this are obvious. Zhang Lingshan can clearly feel that his Hunyuan Zhengyang Posture is getting smoother and smoother, and he is not far from forming his own routine.

The disadvantage is that the body may be too tired. Even if Hunyuan Zhengyang Posture is good for health, if you don't rest enough every day, you may not be able to hold on for long.

The fact is just as Zhang Lingshan expected.

He couldn't hold on for only five days.

That night, he finally fell into a deep sleep.

In his dream, he suddenly heard a bang bang bang on the door, and someone outside urged him to open the door.

The knocking sound became louder and louder, and the urging sound became more and more urgent, which made people tire of it.

Zhang Lingshan finally couldn't help it, got up from the bed, walked to the door of the room and prepared to open the door.

At this moment.

A scream rang out: "Brother!"


Zhang Lingshan woke up suddenly, and saw that he was almost about to open the bolt. His face changed instantly, and cold sweat ran down his back. He was extremely scared.

He hurriedly put the bolt back and looked back at his sister.

The candlelight flickered in the dark, illuminating his sister's face.

Her pink face was full of fear, and her small body was trembling.


Zhang's mother followed with a trembling voice.

"Mom, Xiaoyu, you haven't slept yet?"

Zhang Lingshan slowly calmed down and asked in surprise.

Zhang's mother said, "We saw that your face was pale from fatigue these days, and we were worried that something might happen to you, so we took turns to keep watch at night."

"Brother, although it is said that sufficient blood and qi are not afraid of evil spirits, you can't be too tired. You are in a trance and wandering at night. If you continue to practice like this, I'm afraid that if the three Li Fus don't come, you won't be able to hold on."

The sister persuaded worriedly.

Zhang Lingshan nodded heavily: "Xiaoyu is right, I know. It's okay today, you all rest, I'll stand for a while, and rest during the day tomorrow."

"Well, this is the best."

Zhang Lingyu was also very tired.

They have not lived much better than Zhang Lingshan these days.

Everyone is worried.

I just hope to get through this disaster as soon as possible.

Unlike Zhang Lingshan, Zhang Lingyu and her daughter are looking forward to the passage of time, the gradual dissipation of the resentment of Li Fusan, and they will be relieved.

As for how long that time will be, who knows.

One day is one day.

Early morning.

After the sun rises, Zhang Lingshan goes to sleep, and does not rush to Hong's martial arts hall until noon.

At night, he stands in the room.

In this way, day and night are reversed, and another five days have passed.

At noon of this day.

After lunch at Hong's martial arts hall.

Zhang Lingshan sits on the stone pier and takes a nap.

In a daze, I don't know how long it has been.

A subtitle suddenly flashes in my mind.

[Energy +1.1]

[Hunyuan Zhengyang Posture can be broken through! Do you want to break through? ]


Zhang Lingshan wakes up suddenly!

1.1 energy, 1 point is from the snow silver flower I bought with my last pocket.

0.1 is from lunch.

Check the panel.

Name: Zhang Lingshan

Martial arts: Hunyuan Zhengyang Posture (Small Success +)

Energy: 39.8

"Add energy points! Breakthrough!!"

Zhang Lingshan roared in his heart.

After waiting for a long time, he finally waited until today.

He did not hesitate at all, and his whole mind rushed to the yellow "+".


He felt that the thoughts in his mind at this moment were like shock waves, which dispersed the words "small success" and turned them into "great success".

The blood in his body began to boil.


The sound of rushing river water sounded.

Everything around him seemed to be quiet.

Zhang Lingshan only heard the sound in his body, which was the sound of all things reviving and growing.

The bones seemed to have turned into bamboo, like bamboo shoots after rain, and they were madly rising up.

The muscle cells in his body seemed to have turned into countless little people at this moment, running around excitedly in his body.

No, not running around, but being directed by a baton.

The orderly running in chaos impacted the limbs, the skin of the whole body, the soles of the feet, and the fingertips.

This magical state lasted for an unknown period of time.

It seemed eternal, and it seemed like a moment.

When Zhang Lingshan came back to his senses, he saw his bare wrists.


A breeze blew across his ankles.

It turned out that both arms and legs had become longer, and the calves had grown by a full five centimeters.

He stood up.

His height had exceeded 1.6 meters.

At least 1.62 meters.

‘Finally, I have reached the height of the first grade in the previous life…’

He calmed down.

Zhang Lingshan carefully felt the changes in his body.

He found that the change in height was only the most insignificant part.

At this moment, he felt that he was full of energy to the extreme, and all the fatigue of these days was swept away, and his whole body was full of strength.

His mood was surging, and his strength was full!

If he met Li Hu and the other two who borrowed money again, he would not need to sneak attack, and he could kill the three people in one encounter.

Even if he did not know any martial arts, he had the confidence to rely on the strong physical strength of his current body.

“Disciple Zhang Lingshan, the Hunyuan Zhengyang Posture has been practiced, please Master Hong to test it!”

Towards the central hall.

Zhang Lingshan shouted loudly.

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