Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 100: Identity

"Oh, the end of the show! Yanchen? Interesting! Haha... interesting!"

When Wang Chen walked outside the martial arts field, the Xuan Ming family’s mysterious night showed a smile and muttered to himself. [.Com text/text:

"Yan Chen, Wang Chen? Hehe, it seems that your identity still concealed a lot of people!"

Then, Xuan Night flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes, saying to himself: "Maybe, we will meet again soon, isn't it?"

Speaking, Xuan night also turned and left the other side of the show.

If this is the moment, Wang Chen will be shocked to hear the words of Xuan Yeu.

Yes, it will be a big surprise! Because, Xuan night actually saw the identity of Wang Chen, know that he is Wang Chen! This is not the result Wang Chen wants...

"Kid, yes, this time, didn't give us White Tiger College shame!"

Wait until Wang Chen walks out of the military field. The director of the White Tiger Academy led the team, Nie Elder, and Huang Elder, who looked at Wang Chen with a complicated face.

Even if it is very optimistic about Wang Chen's Nie Elder and Huang Elder, I have never thought about it. In this trip, Wang Chen was able to be so beautiful.

The talent and strength that Wang Chen showed up far exceeded their imagination and exceeded their expectations.

If you don't think that the loss of Baihu College is so heavy, I believe that the three people must be very excited at this moment. However, the thought of the loss of Baihu College this time, the three were quickly silenced.

This time, eleven people from Baihu College came to Baijia and entered the secret world. Now only four people return, can they have a good mood? This time, the loss is actually a bit bigger.

"Okay, kid, go back to rest, we will be ready to return to White Tiger Academy tomorrow!"

Next, Nie Chang sighed.

"No, Yanchen brother can't go back with you!"

Who knows, Nie’s voice has just fallen, and Starry Night is Dasheng’s.

"Well?" When he heard the starry night, Nie elders showed a strange look.

"Yan Chen brother wants to go with me to our Xingyue family!"

Starry night is busy.

When you hear the stars and nights, the talents such as Nie Elders suddenly wake up and think about it. It looks like this is really true!

Xingyue Family invited Wang Chen!

Thinking about this matter, Nie Elder looks even more weird!

Wang Chen actually got the invitation of the Xingyue family! You should know that the Xingyue family is the most mysterious family and a powerful family. Those who can get their invitation, all are strong, and the best. Now, Wang Chen has also received their invitation, does this mean that...

The emergence of this idea, let Nie elders and Huang elders look at each other and face each other.

"Also, then you go to the Xingyue family and return to the college! Now, with your strength, you can apply for graduation!" Nie elders smiled.

The rules of the White Tiger Academy are that you can apply for graduation after reaching the 9th-order Imperial Warrior. Today, Wang Chen has already exceeded this requirement! It is no problem to apply for graduation! This is even more so that the elders of Nie are secretly sweaty.

Know that Wang Chen’s entry into the college is only less than half a year.

After half a year, Wang Chen was lucky to enter Baihu College, but now he is able to graduate. Can this make people feel shame?

You can apply for graduation in less than half a year after entering the college. If Wang Chen applied for graduation and graduated, it would definitely set a record for Baihu College! It can even be asserted that this is a record of no one who has never come before! Because it is impossible to find another person who is as enchanting as Wang Chen.

"Chen Ge, Xingyue Family, you can't go!"

When Nie agreed to Wang Chen’s trip to the Xingyue family, Liu Xinyan suddenly opened his mouth and said after hesitating.

"Well?" This time, it was the turn of Wang Chen.

Liu Xinyan does not let himself go to the Xingyue family. Why is this?

"Well, Xiaochen, you can't go to the Xingyue family! We have to go back to the northern Xinjiang!" Wang Yan said after a sigh of relief: "There is something going wrong!"

There is an accident!

In a word, let Wang Chen jump wildly!

It’s been almost a year since I left Northern Xinjiang. Is there something going on? Judging from the expressions of Liu Xinyan and Wang Yan, this time it seems that things are not small.

I thought that before I left North Xinjiang, there was already a raging storm, and the undercurrent was raging! The king's family is in the center of the storm.

Now I have been away for more than a year now...over there...what is it?

All of a sudden, Wang Chen brows tightly, revealing a trace of worry.

He looked at the starry night and opened his mouth to speak.

"Haha...Yan Chen, nothing! I will go to Beijiang with you in the night, and when I come back, go to my Xingyue family!" Who knows. At the time when Wang Chen was preparing to reject the Starry Night, Moonlight stood up at this time and said with a loud laugh.

Nothing unexpected.

Obviously, this thing seems to have already known the general.

"Mother..." Starry Night curiously looked at the veiled lady around her. Seems to be consulting!

"Night, you will follow it! Northern Xinjiang is a good place!" The Xingyue family's lead team, the mother of Xingyue, said at this time.

She didn't hesitate. Obviously, she had already prepared for it, even saying it every month, because she promised.

"Well..." Hearing the mother's words, the starry night paused, and then a smile appeared, nodding his head and agreeing.

Northern Xinjiang, a brand new place! At this moment, Starry Night has some expectations.

"Northern Xinjiang...Yan Chen, the person from northern Xinjiang?"

The dialogue between Wang Chen and others, let Nie Elder and Huang Elder hear it, and stunned.

Northern Xinjiang, Yanchen turned out to be a native of northern Xinjiang, which made them feel unbelievable.

Know that Wang Chen has shown such a terrible talent, and has a very close relationship with Liu family, an extraordinary relationship with the Holy Mountain, and a Han family... All of this makes Nie Elders think that Wang Chen is a place in Kyushu. The descendants of the big family. Who thought that he turned out to be a native of Northern Xinjiang?

Northern Xinjiang is called the barbaric land by people in the land of Kyushu. Wang Chen turned out to be from such a barbaric land. The shock brought by this news is really horrible.

"Well, I am from Northern Xinjiang. Northern Xinjiang, Wangjia, Wang Chen!"

In the face of Nie Elder Wang Chen, he did not intend to continue to conceal, took a deep breath and said slowly.

"Northern Wang Family, Wang Chen?" Nie Chang's brow wrinkled and snorted.


The next moment, as if thinking of something, Nie elders took a breath. Northern Xinjiang Wang

Obviously, Nie Elder seems to know something!

"I also know, damn, it is your kid, no wonder the name is familiar, you..."

The yellow elders are also weird.

Wang Chen, the name is among the core figures in the Kyushu region, but it is also a little famous! Because, he makes too many people jealous. Let too many people want to kill.

The infant of reincarnation, the eye of Suzaku, these are the things that Wang Chen got.

Especially the eyes of Suzaku... It’s a heaven and earth! Can you make people feel jealous...

If it is not suppressed by the holy mountain, it is estimated that the land of Kyushu does not know how many people have already gone to the northern Xinjiang to find Wang Chen.

And even if the sacred mountain is suppressed, there are still many people in the dark who are flocking to the northern Xinjiang!

And finally, I heard that Wang Chen is also being hunted by the strong, and life and death are unknown!

Who can think of it, Wang Chen now appears in the land of Kyushu. And, is it in front of them?

Looking at Wang Chen, Huang’s elders seem to have seen ghosts.

Not only Huang Elder and Nie Elder, the president of the palace is also very different.

The other three of the three returned from White Tiger College, the only one who was not injured, stood on the spot of the blood wolf!

He also showed the difference and looked at Wang Chen.

It is precisely because only these people are present that Wang Chen has said his identity.

Because he believes that these people will not be like him.

", did the Zhu family not find your identity?"

The next moment, Nie Elder asked quickly. There was a trace of worry.

The eye of Suzaku, but what Zhu’s family wants most. If the family of Zhu discovered the identity of Wang Chen...

"No!" Wang Chen said with certainty.

"Well, that's good! Be careful with yourself. Don't let the Zhu family find your identity. Otherwise there will be trouble!" Nie Elder quickly reminded.

When I heard the reminder of Nie Elder, Wang Chen nodded and showed a gratitude!

"Kid, this is good! You will go back to Northern Xinjiang! Oh, but be careful. There are some small people in the northern Xinjiang who are waiting for you to return, oh... but It is estimated that these people are also very difficult to threaten you!"

The yellow elders said with a smile.

After knowing the identity of Wang Chen, their topic suddenly became less.

"Chen Ge, Northern Xinjiang... I may not be able to go, I... I want to go back to the family... careful, Xiner is waiting for you in Qingzhou!"

After a moment of silence, Liu Xinyan whispered to Wang Chen.

There is a complicated look in his eyes. Liu Xinyan doesn't know what he is worried about, or hesitates.

"Qingzhou? After the settlement of the Northern Xinjiang, I will go to Qingzhou!"

Wang Chen took a deep breath and said.

"Xiner waiting for you!" Liu Xinyan said firmly, can not be shaken.

"Yuan Xiu brother has already traveled to northern Xinjiang, he can help you!" Liu Xinyan added.

"Well!" Wang Chen nodded and answered.

The heart has already drifted back to the northern Xinjiang.

What happened to the other side? Can Liu Yuanxiu rush over? Needless to say, it is definitely Liu Xin’s research for Liu Yuanxiu to help! What was the point of the celestial character of the original Stars? At this moment, Wang Chen did not have much time to be curious and looking forward to it! He is worried about the things of the royal family.

"Elders, I am ready to leave for the Northern Territory today!" Finally, Wang Chen turned to the old man. He is waiting for a moment!

"Kid, then we will return to White Tiger College today! There is a transmission array on the side of the college that will allow you to return to the Northern Territory!"

After hearing the words of Wang Chen, Elder Nie said after a moment of silence.

The land of Kyushu, which leads to the northern Xinjiang. How long is it? In the middle is the secluded sea, the mourning plain, the death canyon! The only channel is a few transmission arrays.

In the barbaric state, only three transmission arrays can lead to the northern Xinjiang, one of which is within the White Tiger Academy!

So, returning to White Tiger College is the most convenient thing. "Alright, then return to White Tiger College!"

Wang Chen quickly agreed. The cold light flashed through my eyes.

Northern Xinjiang, he finally has to go back!


(The second is today!)

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