Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 183: Baptism

The holy pool, a silver pool that has accumulated thousands of years of energy,

In these, these silvery liquids are actually made up of rich energy, which is extremely scary,

Silver flashing, Wang Chen and Liu Xinyan jumped into the holy pool,

The holy pool baptism, this is an opportunity that countless people dream of,

The rich energy in the holy pool allows the baptized people to enjoy endless benefits,

Washing the muscles, improving the strength, restoring the injury, and stimulating the potential... All this is what the holy pool can do,

It can be said that the baptism of the holy pool can definitely make a person have a broader future,


As the three jumped into the holy pool, the energy liquid in the holy pool began to roll up,

This is a wonderful feeling, very overbearing, but also very soft,

"Xiner sister, Chen Ge, hurry to absorb the energy, the more the better, the opportunity is only once, unless you can't insist, otherwise, don't give up easily," as this energy begins to impact, Bai Ling Quickly said to Wang Chen and Liu Xinyan,

The holy pool baptism, only one chance, once easily abandoned, leaving the holy pool, will be blocked by the power of the white tiger, can not enter again, so this opportunity, but can not easily give up,

Bai Ling’s words, Wang Chen and Liu Xinyan nodded. The next moment, the two quickly closed their eyes and entered the cultivation,

One strand of energy constantly impacts their bodies, making the three faces look very good,

The real power of the body is rolling, and the dragon of the real yuan is roaring. In the face of this energy that suddenly rushes into the body, it begins to merge rapidly,

Under the energy impact of the majestic, Wang Chen felt that the body seemed to be broken, and the blood seemed to be boiled up. Gradually, the body began to ache, and his expression began to pick up.

In the body around Wang Chen, the energy liquid began to roll, and the influx of madness,

Wang Chen, Liu Xinyan, Bai Ling, under the influence of three people, the whole holy pool began to fluctuate, calm is no longer,

Strength, a little improvement, I don’t know how long it took, Wang Chen’s physical injury, under the influence of the holy pool energy, completely restored, the impurities in his body were ruled out a little, his strength, In a little improvement,


In a bang, Wang Chen finally broke through the ranks of the third-order martial artists and entered the ranks of the fourth-order martial artists,

Intermediate martial arts, at this moment, Wang Chen finally entered the fourth-order martial arts level and became a middle-class martial artist,

Not only that, Wang Chen's blood, thoroughly reached the nine products, toward the ten blood, the development of perfect bloodlines...

Today, the eight-folded star quenching body has gradually evolved toward the nine-fold body,

This time the baptism, Wang Chen can be said to be a huge harvest...



I don’t know how long it’s been, within the holy pool, a figure rises,


Standing on the shore, this figure is breathing slightly,

"In less than a day, Linger only insisted on less than one day. The strength also reached the ranks of the fourth-order martial arts. Although it was the peak, it was a step away from the fifth-order martial arts. ...unfortunately, if Linger can stick to it more..." The girl was very emotional, showing a trace of regret,

"Singer sister and Yanchen brother are still not good," followed by Wang Chen and Liu Xinyan, who still closed their eyes in the holy pool. The woman muttered to herself, and there was a hint of envy in her eyes. /

Yes, this girl is not Bai Ling and who is it,

She only insisted on the Holy Pool for less than a day, but in less than a day, it was the third-order martial arts who let the girl’s strength enter the core. The stage of the martial arts peak,

The time of day has increased by nearly two levels, which is enough to see how great the baptism of this holy pool is,

Bai Ling insisted on staying close to one day,

And looking at Liu Xinyan and Wang Chen, looking at the two people who continue to insist, white-collars certainly know what it means,

The longer you stay, the better the benefits will be. This is not enough for Bai Ling, so she can’t help but have some envy,

Especially looking at Wang Chen’s eyes is complicated,

Shenwu blood, I did not expect him to be the blood of the gods, what is his identity, Bai Ling doubts in his heart, how long he can persist, Bai Ling is curious,

If Liu Xinyan persists for a long time and can understand it, then... Wang Chen’s insistence makes Bai Ling have some incredible things,

Know that for thousands of years, there have been many people who have received the Holy Pool suction,

But... there are very few people who can stick to the day,

Bai Ling’s achievements are also among the best,

And Liu Xinyan, undoubtedly, is the most outstanding genius of the six major families in the millennium. The perfect blood makes her strong and powerful. It is not surprising that she can persist for more than one day, but Wang Chen...

This time, he made Bai Ling have some surprises. It is really a guy who can constantly bring surprises to himself,

Bai Ling thought secretly,

Then, quietly waiting at the water...


"It will take two days, Xiner sister and Yanchen brother actually..."

Awaiting a day, outside the holy pool, Bai Ling’s eyes widened and his face was incredible,

It’s almost two days, and it’s more than a day longer than myself. However, Liu Xinyan and Wang Chen actually...have not come out yet, they can be so strong and persistent,

Bai Ling’s heart is extremely shocking,

Be aware that for the millennium, one of the longest-standing guys in the holy pool has only persisted for two days. He is a genius ancestor of Baijia eight hundred years ago,

Because of the emergence of this genius ancestor, the fourth-ranked White Tiger family was greatly increased in strength. Finally, relying on the strength of the powerful force, the White House became the first family to deserved, this continuation Is nearly a thousand years,

Now, is Liu Xinyan and Wang Chen going to be the second, the third such genius,

Bai Ling bites his lip slightly, and his complex looks very complicated,

But at the moment, all she can do is wait, except waiting, there is no other way,


I don't know how long it took, in Bai Ling's waiting, finally in the water, a figure flashed past, and appeared in the blink of an eye beside Bai Ling,

The temperament is dusty, if it is a fairy,

"Sister of Xiner,"

Seeing the woman who appeared next to him, Bai Ling quickly called,

Yes, at this moment, the person who appears next to Bai Ling is Liu Xinyan,

After two days, Liu Xinyan finally left the holy pool and completed the baptism,

At this moment, Liu Xinyan's breath is more dusty, three thousand green silk, dancing with the wind, very beautiful,

When I heard Bai Ling’s voice, Liu Xinyan showed a smile: “Linger,”

"Well, Xiner sister, congratulations on your strength and improvement,"

Bai Ling laughs,

From the breath of Liu Xinyan, no doubt, her strength has improved a lot in this baptism,

After hearing Bai Ling, Liu Xinyan smiled slightly,

Yes, this time the baptism of the holy pool, let her strength, once again, not only that, the injury in her body has all recovered, this is the best thing,

If she encounters the red king snake again, she will no longer be afraid. At the very least, she will not let the red king snake be so arrogant,

No one knows this moment, the strength of Liu Xinyan has reached a point where only she knows how terrible her strength is,

"Chen brother...he,"

After greeting Bai Ling, Liu Xinyan turned to look inside the holy pool,

At this moment, Wang Chen is still practicing in the holy pool,

Seeing this scene, Liu Xinyan flashed a trace of surprise, and then, a smile, a smile, with a deep pride,

Wang Chen can persist until now, what is represented, Liu Xinyan is certainly clear,

This means that Wang Chen’s talent is even more horrible than her. The longer she persists, the more benefits she gets. Wang Chen persists in the present, but I can imagine how much benefit he has gained,

"Yan Chen brother is still insisting on it," Bai Ling said in a complicated way when he heard Liu Xinyan's words,

She did not think that Wang Chen’s talent was so enchanting that she could persist until now, which is longer than Liu Xinyan’s persistence,

"Well, let's wait,"

Slightly nodded, Liu Xinyan said to Bai Ling, the next moment, the two women quietly stood on the shore waiting,

At the moment, Wang Chen is still continuing in the holy pool,

Around his body, the energy of the holy pool is rolling, and constantly moving toward Wang Chen’s body,

"Three days, Xiner sister, Yanchen brother, he actually insisted on three days,"

After Liu Xinyan waited on the shore for another day, Bai Ling couldn’t help but exclaimed,

Three days, yes, Wang Chen insisted on nearly three days in the holy pool,

What is this concept? For thousands of years, Wang Chen was the first person, and no one can persist in it for so long,

Three days, what is it. If you let outsiders know, you don’t know how crazy the big families are. Is this talent still available to people?

"Three thousand years ago, one person also insisted on three days," Liu Xinyan appeared to be a lot calmer. With a hint of long-term tone, his eyes flashed, and Liu Xinyan seemed to be thinking about something,

"Three thousand years ago, wasn’s Xiner’s sister saying...” Bai Ling seemed to think of something, his face changed, and his incredible exclamation,

The next moment, looking at Wang Chen in the holy pool, Bai Ling’s face changes constantly: “Is the blood of God, really so powerful? The person three thousand years ago is also the blood family of Shenwu,”

In my heart, Bai Ling was shocked and thought,

Three thousand years ago, there was a genius character in the Shenwu blood family, which was like a comet that crossed the sky to illuminate the entire Tianxuan continent,

Unfortunately, this super strong person appears fast, but it also disappears quickly,

Just like a comet that glides through the sky and illuminates the Tian Xuan continent, he disappears without a trace. No one knows where he went. No one knows what happened to him.

But he is missing,

Otherwise, if he can stay in the war, he will be able to lead the warrior to a new glory,

However, unfortunately, he did not stay, did not know where to go, and the warrior, because of his departure, gradually declined, and now, the fifth family is tightly arranged,

Not only the genius who appeared three thousand years ago, but also the first generation of God of War, who had been in the holy pool for three days,

Now, Wang Chen has become another person who has been insisting for three days, and the third person who has been in the holy pool for three days,

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