Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 178: Through the heavens!

"The last step is the last step!"

I don’t know the depths of the secrets. There is a huge danger at this moment. Wang Chen, who is waiting for his own, is standing at the last step of Tiandao [.anshuba] (please use our Pinyin domain name to visit us.

Even after stepping into the ranks of the third-order martial arts, Wang Chen’s body is still on the verge of collapse.

As if you are going out next time, it will collapse.

The six-door armor has been open for too long, and it has been constantly impacting Wang Chen’s internal diplomacy from the inside and allowing Wang Chen’s body to be in an extremely dangerous state

In addition to the burnt black, there is a little bit of blood that constantly overflows from the pores, making Wang Chen even more like a demon god.


There is a constant overflow of blood in the big mouth and mouth, and Wang Chen bites his teeth.

The last step cannot be abandoned in this last step, otherwise it will be abandoned before


At last, Wang Chen took the last step with a resolute attitude.


This step is stepping out of the sky and the thunderbolt that has already been brewed is crazy.

A white lightning that is as thick as a bucket is instantly covered by Wang Chen.

There is no time here...

A burst of shrill and thunderous lightning came over the thunder and lightning, and Wang Chen turned into a white light group!

White lightning, how terrible, this huge lightning bolt screamed Wang Chen’s heartbreaking

Rao is the intensity of the star quenching body. He is able to absorb lightning but the horrible thunder is also getting Wang Chen closer and closer to the ghost gate.

With the last step, the king of heaven, Wang Chen, feels that he is about to collapse...

Blood flesh is smothered by the power of horror, and the power of the stars is burning. The power of the stars above the sky is endlessly integrated into the body of Wang Chen. The quenching of the stars begins to help Wang Chen to recover such life and death. Tolerable

The constant spread of thunder and lightning, Wang Chen madly swallowed his expression, and his whole body was violent.


At the end of Wang Chenxi’s stepping out of this step, he has stabilized his pace!

Step 81: He took the eleventh step

In the endless hardships, the power of thunder and lightning gradually receded and gradually devours Wang Chen’s unbearable body between the heavens and the earth


Sweat dripping Wang Chen's breath"


The blood is floating and his face is pale.

The last lightning bolt, he still passed the last step, he still stepped out

The power of endless thunderbolt in the body began to be swallowed up by the real power to replenish the true power

In the blink of an eye, Wang Chen’s true Yuan Li once again returned to the peak and his strength improved again

The last step to step out of the thunderbolt. The strength of Wang Chen in the third-order martial arts has come to the level of the third-order martial arts peak! He is only one step away from the fourth-order martial arts.

How big is the road to heaven to make Wang Chen harvest?

This moment Tianwei disappears!

With the last step, the Tianwei, which was constantly pushing against Wang Chen, gradually disappeared. Wang Chen was relaxed.


Finally, his weak body can’t hold on and sit on the ground again

He looked up and looked at the moment. Wang Chen had a passage in the void and Wang Chen did not know when he set foot on this passage.

When looking backwards, Wang Chen is more convinced that he is in the void at this moment

The bottom is actually an endless road! And the real core of the White Tiger Secret is actually above this void

The road to heaven leads Wang Chen to the void to find the core of the secret.

This scene can be said to make Wang Chen's eyes wide open!

It’s no wonder that the endless road has no end! Because the core of this endless secret does not need to be at the end of the endless road but in this void.

When you breathe for a while, with the help of the body of the stars, Wang Chen’s body quickly recovers with the speed visible to the naked eye

As for the real power? It has already recovered to the peak under the influence of the power of lightning. If it is not the exhaustion of the body, Wang Chen can even show the most powerful power immediately!

Thinking of Wang Chen’s emotions here

This road to heaven makes him gain more than just the improvement of his strength. What he gains more is the understanding of heaven. Although he is against the sky, the power of heaven is also to be understood because this is The most important means of attacking is against this sky, but this is not the day.

In addition to the control of Tiandao and the improvement of strength, the star quenching body is also jumping into a big step in the unconscious. Wang Chen is close to the nine-fold body and does not know how much

The body's tumbling blood gradually subsided and the eight-door armor closed the blood of the blood to close the Wang Chen pressure drop!

"Year of the month, do you have a lot of gains?"

Get up and Wang Chen muttered to himself

It’s true that the month of the moon is not known to be improved in this time.

The last part of the thundering power of lightning was swallowed up by the inflammatory moon and became part of its condensation.

This powerful energy of Wang Chen can be personally experienced

I want to be helpful enough for Yanyue.

This makes Wang Chen excited.

Of course, what excites Wang Chen is the Emperor!

What is harvested on this road of heaven is not only the harvest of Wang Chen, but also the harvest of the emperor.

Now the strength of the Emperor is not only restored, but also a lot of progress

With the completion of the Heavenly Road, the strength of the Emperor has also broken through to the level of the Zongwu.

The seventh-order monster! Yes, the emperor is also transformed into a seventh-order monster.

As for the specific level, Wang Chen does not know that because the Emperor has already fallen into a deep sleep under the powerful energy and horror improvement

I believe that once you return to the emperor, you must be shocked.

蝎皇炎月 These two monsters must all enter the ranks of the seventh-order monsters and add Wang Chen’s own strength. Now Wang Chen is equal to the fighting power of three martial artists. What is the horror?

With the strength of the third-order martial arts, Wang Chen has the confidence to fight against the fifth-order martial arts and even the sixth-order martial arts in the case of opening the six-door armor to open the blood talent to open the blood of the blood! Today, Wang Chen has finally had a certain strength. This makes Wang Chen, who is extremely eager for strength, finally get some comfort.

Adjusted the mentality of Wang Chen towards the front of the passage

This is a closed channel that is dark and damp

There is no accident in front of it, it must be the core of the White Tiger Secret

"The core of the White Tiger Secret? Hehe I am here!"

Wang Chen muttered his own voice and walked towards the depths of the white tiger's secret core


On the other side of the day when Wang Chen stepped into the core channel of the White Tigers, Liu Xinyan’s Tiandao Road


Slightly breathing, Liu Xinyan’s face showed a trace of fatigue

Erasing a trace of blood on the corner of the mouth, Liu Xinyan’s face still looks pale.

The face of the country is with a weak look!

"The road to heaven! Has it finally passed the core of the white family? It is what people look forward to!" muttered to himself that Liu Xinyan swallowed a healing sacrament and revealed a smile.

Yes, Liu Xinyan also finished the road of heaven. She also came to the channel of the core of Bai’s secrets

Nine-nine-eighth step, the road to heaven, think of what happened just now. Liu Xinyan’s face can’t help but change it. It’s really a tough road

"I don't know what happened to Chen Ge?"

Liu Xinyan's brow wrinkles reveal a trace of

Can such a tough road to heaven be able to spend? She doesn't know

After all, it’s hard to finish this road of heaven with Liu Xinyan’s own powerful strength. What is Wang Chen?

"Chen Ge Xiner believes in you! You can see you within the core of the White House!"

A moment later, Liu Xinyan bite his lip and reveals a hint of anticipation.

The voice fell and she turned and walked inside the passage



The roaring sound came from a horrible white thunderbolt at the other end of the endless road

"Tigers and sorrows, all things are surrendered! The blood of the blood is shocking and smashing!" With the white lightning red glow, there is a light sizzle like a silver bell

"Thunderball is now lightning! Receive!"

After several signs imprinted in a blink of an eye, a transparent black bead appeared in the sky and suddenly rose to the thunder and greeted with the effect of the seal.

There is no time here...

A burst of crisp sounds, the black thunderballs are thoroughly integrated into the thunder and lightning

The magical scene of this moment has an endless thunderbolt that seems to have been swallowed up by the black hole and quickly disappeared quickly

This horrible thunderbolt disappears in the blink of an eye


It turned out to be Raymond! If someone sees this black bead here, it will be very different.

Thunderball is a kind of heaven and earth that has evolved through the dust of history after thousands of years of accumulation and concentration of endless thunder and lightning! This is a horrible attack magic weapon called a magic weapon! This is the top baby. The number of Thunder beads in the whole Tian Xuan Continental may only be such a thing and it is only in the legend that it appears here at this moment

Imagine how precious this bead is!

The saying that Leizhu is out of thunder and lightning is not empty talk about this scene just enough to prove everything.


After the thunder and lightning disappeared, the Leizhu girl showed a slight exhaustion and a slight gasp

"Oh... well, the patriarch gave this leizhu or else it’s really hard for Linger to walk through this road of heaven!" Looking at the black lei girl who shrinks to the free thumb size A smile whispered to himself

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