Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 167: Lv Zhen is attacking

( Heart, gradually calm down, Wang Chen looks around and looks around,

Dark environment, curved roads, layers of obstacles...

Obviously, this is not a fantasy, not a battle, but the simplest maze without any tricks.

Here, the road is curved and hovering, it is difficult to find a way out! I don't know, how many people have been trapped in this place! This may be the most dangerous place in the Bai family.

Now, if you want to pass this place, perhaps, you can only rely on the simplest and most direct method---patience and perseverance!

It is aiming at the direction, relying on the perception of the gods, relying on patience and perseverance, slowly advance!

Wang Chen must try to protect his own direction, avoid being dizzy by this place and keep a calm mind

The only way is that he can get out of this place

Otherwise, once turned dizzy, he will inevitably fall into an endless roundabout... Or, if there is a problem with the mentality, an anxious and embarrassing mentality will fall into a strange curse...

Thinking of all this, Wang Chen is full of emotions

Wang Chen knows that he must leave this place as soon as possible! Otherwise, trapped here and engaged in endless battles, his true power will inevitably be consumed, and at that time... the consequences can be imagined, even if they are not killed in an endless battle, so that it is not a hovering and a roundabout advance. , constantly in the same place, it will also make people fall into the crash.

If this is the case, then it’s dangerous

Now, for Wang Chen, the most important thing is to calm yourself down

As for the blue Lingshi and Liu Xinyan's life magic weapon, perhaps the place that can be used is to let Wang Chen and Liu Xinyan and Wang Yan meet!

Thinking of this, Wang Chen showed a hint of helplessness. It seems that the situation is much more difficult than imagined

It’s not that easy to pass this maze

After a moment, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and Wang Chen opened his eyes again

Just, this time, his eyes opened, his eyes were completely different, and there was a bit more perseverance, a little more calm and calm.

The release of the gods' senses is released

Today, Wang Chen’s Yuanshen is so powerful that it is no worse than the ordinary first-class martial arts, even the second-order martial artists.

With this silk **** perception, Wang Chen instantly covers a distance of several kilometers!

When the Yuanshen covers a few kilometers, Wang Chen observes the situation a little bit! With the surrounding situation of the Yuanshen cover, let Wang Chen frown up /\/\/\/\

Bending the roundabout, there are a lot of roads within a few kilometers of this circle... there are parallels, crosses, and traverses... These curved roads suddenly let Wang Chen feels a headache.

The road that is so densely curved and crossed is like a spider spread over this piece of land, making people dizzy

Seeing this, Wang Chen’s heart is secretly vigilant

This layer is dangerous but not fatal! After all, in terms of the strength of the monsters here, it seems that the elites of the major families do not really pose a real threat to the real threat. It is the maze itself.

I want to come, the person trapped in this, the tenth of the **, is under such a complicated road, was confused with thoughts, fell into the curse, and finally collapsed, trapped here.

It can be said that this layer of more test for everyone is patience and perseverance

After all, a warrior, without strong perseverance, is unlikely to win the highest peak without patience, but it is impossible to go further on the boring cultivation path

Anyone who has won the peak of the peak, which one has not experienced the boring years of cultivation, how many hardships have passed, how many tests have been accepted before standing at that peak? Perseverance and patience can be said to be the two most important qualities of the military.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen is calm down

He, calm down his thoughts and start a tedious and complicated exclusion

The exclusion of a road makes Wang Chen's brow wrinkled and falls into endless repeated calculations

This depends on patience and computing power. Wang Chen, now in this state, he must choose a road that can lead directly to another direction, leaving this place.

In such endless calculations, I don’t know how long it took, Wang Chen’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light: “This is it!”

The corner of his mouth reveals a sneer sneer, and Wang Chen’s body flashes and plunges forward.

This time, his speed is getting faster and he doesn’t know how much

Because, just now, Wang Chen has already figured out an accurate road. Under such circumstances, his advancement is just following the path that he has calculated.


The figure is flashing, and in the twinkling of an eye, Wang Chen plucks a distance of kilometers! Along the road in front of me, Wang Chen's figure flashed one after another. This time, I finally did not return to the original point under the precise calculation. Wang Chen finally found the correct way forward!

After the kilometer, presented in front of Wang Chen, there are dozens of forks!

Standing in front of this fork, Wang Chen stopped again and released the power of the gods.

Stop and stop, relying on the perception of the gods, after half a day, Wang Chen finally advanced the distance of about four or five kilometers

After a day, Wang Chen has come to the center of the eighth floor, taking a distance of 10,000 meters


When Wang Chen once again stood at the intersection and chose the way forward, behind Wang Chen, there was a burst of air, and the next moment, a murder spread and opened, facing Wang Chen. , the cold breath, in an instant, as if to let Wang Chen fall into the hail

Feeling this murder, Wang Chen’s face changed and he quickly went to the side to dodge

"Looking for death!"

At the same time, Wang Chen’s body momentum suddenly soared, and the six-door armor opened, without any reservations

The soldiers of Zhongyuanli condensed out, and his body flashed, turned, and the red light passed, and Yuanli’s soldiers resisted toward the rear.


The violent roar came, and the violent waves suddenly overflowed around.

The huge force is flowing into the body of Wang Chen along the Yuanli soldiers!


Under the violent collision, Wang Chen’s figure went backwards again and again

"Lv Zhen!"

The figure is going backwards, Wang Chen finally saw the person who sneaked on himself, and his face was cold and cold.

Lv Zhen, yes, at this moment, who is attacking Wang Chen is not Lu Zhen?

Unexpectedly, Wang Chen met Lu Zhen here!

At this time, Lu Zhen holds his life, and his body is full of momentum. His face is very cold and cold: "Hey, you know it is too late. This time, I have to look at it, who else can protect you!" /

Looking at Wang Chen, Lu Zhen sneered again and again

It’s finally waiting for the opportunity!

He, can't make Wang Chen leave the white house secretly

With his current relationship with Wang Chen, once he goes out of the White House, how can Wang Chen revenge can be imagined

Thinking about the relationship between Wang Chen and the major families, let Lu Zhen kill the heart

Since, before the Wanjia, the warriors did not kill Wang Chen, since in the white family secret, the endless monsters can not kill Wang Chen, then let him say, what is the reason?

As long as Wang Chen is dead, his heart can be relaxed

Originally, I was still thinking about when I could find an opportunity to kill Wang Chen. I did not expect that Wang Chen was encountered here. How excited about Lu Zhen’s heart?

In the eyes of the cold, he released the momentum to the most powerful level: "Today, you are dead!"

With a sly smile, when Wang Chen’s figure has not yet stabilized, Lu Zhen once again rushed toward Wang Chen

"Second Order Warrior!"

Feeling the momentum of Lu Zhen, Wang Chen looks sad and screams

Second-order martial arts, yes, at this moment, the momentum released by Lu Zhen is not the momentum of the second-order martial arts.

He, even reached the level of the second-order martial arts, how is this possible!

Feeling this, Wang Chen was shocked in his heart

As the top ten of the White Tiger Academy's Dragon List, Lu Zhen, ranked fifth, is undoubtedly strong! Although he knows that Lu Zhen hides his strength, although he knows that his strength can at least enter the top three ranks, but Wang Chen did not think that he actually has the strength of the second-order martial arts.

Second-order martial arts, this strength is not to be inferior to the brothers of the big family

Unexpectedly, the strength of the second-order martial arts, he even hides his strength in the hierarchy of the great perfection, and has been staying at Baihu College. How can this be surprising?

"Second-order martial arts?! Oh, you are the first person to know my strength, and the last one of our White Tiger Academy!"

Seeing the face of Wang Chen’s change, Lu Zhen is even sneer again

There is a flash of cold in the eyes, and a slap in the sky is falling from the sky. It is like a broken bamboo, and it is unstoppable

Yan Chen? However, it is the strength of the 9th-order Fenghuang Emperor. At the very least, before the departure of Baihu College, the strength he showed is only so, even if his combat strength is strong? At most, the beautiful and perfect emperor! He can't step into the ranks of Zongwu.

With the strength of his second-order martial arts, can't he kill him?

At this moment, Lu Zhen is full of confidence as if he saw the appearance of Wang Chen’s death

"The last one? Oh, I will be the last one! Because, after today, you will disappear from this world!"

Feeling the murder of Lu Zhenling, watching Lu Zhen’s mad eyes, Wang Chen snorted and shouted

"Ha ha ha...speak big, die!"

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, I heard that there was a big joke, and Lu Zhen shouted loudly.

Kill yourself? Killing a second-order martial artist with a royal martial artist? This is not a big joke, what is it? In Lu Zhen’s opinion, Wang Chen is sure to be scared and stupid, so he will say such stupid words

Thinking of this, his mouth smiles magnified, the killing is even more intense, and the expression is also a bit easier


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