Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 654: Nang Gongyu shot

The figure rushed through the encirclement of the Tauren and rushed straight over the altar. The target was the one surrounded by the blue aperture above the altar.

"Nan Gongyu!"

"It turned out to be him!"

"God, this guy doesn't want to live!"

After seeing this figure, Wang Chen and others in the rear couldn't help but **** in a cold air and said quietly.

"Looking for death!" Looking at the guy who rushed to the altar, Wang Chen’s eyes flashed coldly and snorted.

This guy, at this time, hit the bullhead crowd and rushed to the altar. Don’t you know that this is a behavior to find death?

This is definitely the biggest insult and provocation to the Tauren! Not to mention the seven-order bull demon, any one of the eight sixth-order Tauren is enough to make him fatal! What's more, there are nearly five fifth-order Taurens? This guy is clearly challenging the majesty of the Tauren.

This kind of battle is not the usual martial arts, I am afraid I will not dare to come along? He dared to mess up! This is not looking for death, what is it?

When the coldness is cold, Wang Chen’s brows are slightly wrinkled, revealing a chill. At this moment, it’s hard to stabilize the bullheads by the inflammatory moon. I don’t know if this guy will rush up to cause inflammation. Danger, even in the rear they will be involved!


Sure enough, after this scene happened, the head of the bulls who had been worshipped sincerely, this moment issued an angry roar.

All the Tauren eyes are red. They are worshipping their beasts and are holding their ceremonies. At this time, it is unforgivable to kill such a human being to destroy.


Not only the Tauren, but the Yanyue above the altar is also an angry roar at this time. It seems to express any dissatisfaction.

The murderousness of the snoring is so clear that everyone can clearly feel it.

When you hear the screams of Yanyue, the head of the bulls is starting to roar in anger.

"Chen, this guy let these Tauren solve it, they will tear him into pieces!" At the same time, I tried to contact Yanyue and asked what happened to it, but I could not contact the success. Wang Chen, the voice of Yanyue came from the heart.

At this moment, their communication has returned to normal.

When I heard the inflammatory moon, Wang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and the fear in her heart disappeared.


After hearing the screams of the Yanyue, the bullheads were even more angry. All the Tauren roared toward Nangongyu, who rushed to the altar.

The head of the demon king roared, his body violently, and suddenly rushed toward Nangongyu.

"Hahahaha... sure enough, it really is this thing, hahahaha... this thing belongs to me, haha..."

At this time, Nangongyu, who entered the altar, was watching the things surrounded by the blue halo on the altar, excited and laughing.

Yes, he can feel that what is inside Blu-ray is what he wants, what his family wants.

For this thing, the family didn't know how much effort it took, and it was finally found here.

"Wang Chen? Hey...this thing must belong to me! Hahahaha &..." I thought of Wang Chen, Nangong Yu’s mouth showed a sneer of Ling Xiao, looking at the place where Wang Chen and others were hiding.

Why didn’t he know that Wang Chen and others came to this place, why don’t you know that the monster above the altar is the Yanyue?

But it doesn't matter. No matter what means Wang Chen has, no matter what the actor has, it doesn't matter.

As long as you get what you want, then leave the Purple Temple and go back to the day of the demise of the Stars and the Kings.

At the same time, feeling the cow demon king chasing after him, his eyes flashed a trace of disdain: "Hey, the seventh-order monster? It seems that it is time to use that thing!"

Thinking of it, Nangongyu sighs lightly, and a white jade piece is taken from the storage space.

"Absolute defense!" Angrily screamed, and suddenly crushed the white jade. For a moment, a majestic energy came out, and a glass glare was arranged in the whole body of Nangongyu.

"Absolute defense!"

"The Nangong family actually gave him absolute defense!"

Seeing this scene, Wang Chen and others who had been watching the cold eyes were all shocked.

Obviously, I don’t think this guy has this means. At the same time, he secretly felt that the Nangong family was a big family that had been passed down for thousands of years, and there was such a strong absolute defense.

In terms of this intensity of glare halo, it should be the intermediate defense strength, able to defend against all attacks by all warriors under the saints! Defense three times.

This thing is also familiar to Wang Chen. Because, at the beginning, he received a primary absolute defense from the two elders. That primary absolute defense saved him once. Let him get a **** flower and escape from the mysterious woman.

Now, the absolute defense of Nangongyu is an intermediate level.

I didn’t expect this Nangongyu to be so tolerant.

Whether in the case of Bishui Lake, when everyone is in danger, or when they came to the heart of this battle song, they were in danger of being fatal, but he did not use absolute defense. Obviously, he is waiting! Waiting for the best chance, waiting for the chance to win the battle!

Thinking of this, Wang Chen looks a bit gloomy!

"Yinyue, block him!"

Looking at this guy will rush to the top of the altar, Wang Chen shouted. Of course, Wang Chen can't let Nangong Yu get it.


When I heard Wang Chen’s words, Yanyue made a roar of noise. The next moment, looking at the rushing Nangongyu, the purple light flashed in his eyes and suddenly went to him.

"Hey, hey, I dare to block me!"

Looking at the rushing moon, Nangongyu’s eyes are cold, how can he not see that this is Wang Chen’s monster?

Although it is doubtful why this time of the month appeared on this altar and was not attacked, but at this moment, there is no time to give him more thought.

The rear, the demon king is coming over, the absolute defense is consumed once in the desert, so now there are only two chances, he must get the thing before then escape from this place.

Thinking of this, while the palm of the hand is rushing toward the Yanyue, the hand is crushed with a jade seal!

This piece of jade was crushed. In an instant, a majestic energy condensed toward Nangongyu. In the twinkling of an eye, his figure became somewhat dim.

"Back to the city!"

"He is going to return to the city while he gets the treasure!"

"Can't let her succeed, brother, we must! Block him!"

"This thing can't fall into his hands!"

Seeing the jade that was crushed by Nan Gongyu, Dong Hao and others suddenly shouted.

This is the returning city character given to them by the Purple Temple. Once the jade is crushed, it will be able to condense enough energy in one minute, echoing with the array outside the Purple Temple, thus leaving the purple directly. The temple hall returned to the outside world.

One minute, in a dangerous situation, this back to the city has no effect. However, at this moment, with the absolute defense, it is to let Nangongyu have the qualification to pull the teeth.

When I heard everyone’s words, Wang Chen’s eyes were cold and after a moment of indulgence, he said: “Up!”

Absolutely can't let Nangong Yu get it, this is for sure!

Think of it, Wang Chen can only take a chance.


And at the same time that Wang Chen and others plucked out, Nangongyu was already in the same place in Yanyue!

The crisp sound is like a bell in the sky. Nangongyu relies on the absolute defense shape, but after a slight meal, the three palms are slamming on the body of Yanyue.

Among the dull bombardment, Yan Yue’s figure flew out. By absolute defense, Nangongyu adopted a life-saving approach! What he needs is the fastest to reach the top of the altar and get that thing.

The rear cow demon has come after him, he has no more time to entangle. As long as you get that thing, what if you lose your absolute defense?

Looking at that thing, Nan Gongyu’s eyes are very hot.


The roar came and saw that the **** humans dared to fight against their beasts, and the demon king roared wildly.

Under a roar, in the twinkling of an eye, rushed to the front of Nangong, the sharp fork spurred toward Nangong.


At the moment when Nangongyu arrived at the top of the altar, the devil's fork smashed to Nangongyu.

"Hey, squatting, dare to do it! Roll!" Blocking a blow, for a moment, there were only two defensive glazed hoods left at this moment, and Nan Gongyu pulled out one from his arms. The black thing was thrown away toward the demon king.


The sky shakes, and the moment when this bead is thrown onto the demon king, it suddenly erupts.

"Shen Tianlei!"

"Damn, there are so many good things about this guy!"

"It must be done by the Nangong family. Absolute defense, Zhentianlei, these two things cooperate... It’s true, even the martial arts Nangongyu can not fear! It seems that they are for the land of war songs. Things are ready!"

In the roar of the roar, the smoke is rolling, and the screams of the demon king can be heard.

The next moment, the huge figure of the demon king suddenly flew out.

Shen Tianlei, that is a powerful presence! That is precious and precious! It is not an exaggeration to say that a Zhentianlei can kill a Zongwu. This thing is something that belongs to the Central Plains. It is extremely rare in the northern Xinjiang. Even in the Central China, it is a very good thing for the very few people to use.

The power of such things is not something that ordinary people can imagine.

If it weren’t for the devil’s defense, the sudden earthquake was just enough to make it dead.

"Hey, don't be self-sufficient!" A tremor of the thunder and the devil of the devil, Nangong Yu mouth sneaked a sneer, his body flashed, and the eyes appeared at the top of the altar.

Looking at the blue glow, there was a fanatical look in his eyes.

"Ice god, jade water! Hahaha... These two things belong to me!" Then, Nangongyu quickly reached out and grabbed two things on the altar with a very happy look. ~

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