Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 624: Mysterious spar

?When I heard Wang Yan’s words, Wang Chen and Wan Ze were all nodded with a dignified look. "".

Wang Yan said the truth, of course they know. In such a place, once the treasure appears, it is a big battle for you to die, and the fight between each other is essential.

If you can get together, with the strength of their three people, you can not be afraid of any dangerous impact, this is definitely the best choice.

When looking at the crystal blue spar that Wang Yan handed over, Wang Chen and Wan Ze nodded.

Like this mysterious place, it is always a matter of separation after entering. Especially for those who have entered the realm of stars like Wang Chen and Wan Ze, they can't understand it anymore.

At the moment, this blue spar can actually sense each other's existence? It’s really a bit of a surprise. This kind of thing is rare and has never been heard.

Looking at the blue crystal stone in his hand, Wang Chen and Wan Ze’s face are even more strange.

The moment you hold this thing, you will have a wonderful feeling!

This blue spar has a warm feeling, and it radiates a soft energy, as if it is a living object, which makes people feel calm and peaceful! Has a refreshing effect.

The hand holds this spar, and Wang Chen suddenly feels that his perception seems to increase several times in a flash! Especially for the induction of the other two spar.

Even if you close your eyes, you can clearly feel the wonderful feeling.

"This is..." With this kind of feeling, Wang Chen instantly showed a stunned look and looked at Wang Yan.

"A rare spar found in the Netherland. I went to the old man and I didn't want to get it there last year. There are four in total!" Wang Yan showed a sneer: "With this thing, after entering It should not be spread out!"

Soon, the three men took the blue spar into their arms, and then quietly waited for the opening of the Purple Temple.

At this time, the nine elders who returned home began to convey their true power.

With the majestic force of the majestic, it was delivered, and instantly, on the whole piece of open space, with a hundred and eight pieces of demon, it began to tremble.


The low roaring sound came out, and the entire Zixiao Temple seemed to be in an earthquake. This really made many people open their eyes.

The ultimate radiance of the stock rises and rises into the sky!

Red, blue, green, purple, white, black... One hundred and eight rays of light converge above the sky and then, above the sky, depict a dreamlike picture.

On the ground, the nine elders continually pinched out the characters and incorporated them into this array. Then, as the sky turned, the whole world seemed to be spinning.

The one hundred and eight light rays are constantly alternating in this kind of rotation, which is even more beautiful.

"Heaven and Earth Fusion, Purple Temple, Out!"

Finally, I don’t know how many stamps were scored, and the last elder of the Purple Temple was slammed into this array, and a burst of screaming in the mouth.


In an instant, the whole world began to tremble violently.

Booming rumbling...

Before the sky, I don’t know when the thick black clouds are condensed, and the original bright sunshine is completely covered, making the whole world seem to fall into the night.

Over the sky, thunder and lightning flash, like a dragon flying in the clouds.


The crisp sound came and the ground began to produce a crack!


The screaming wind brings a violent temperament and a breath of soul.

In the dramatic changes in the heavens and the earth, the hundred and eight rays of light above the sky gradually merged together, becoming a pillar of the sky, standing in the sky.


The roaring sound continues, as if the world has come to the end! For a time, the whole scene seemed to be extremely oppressive and horrible. It can be said that the world is discolored, the sun and the moon are bleak!

In the roar of the ground, in the trembling and cracking of the ground, gradually, the power between the whole world was violent.

"The temple, out!" At this step, the nine elders of the Purple Temple are sweating and their faces are pale!

In the burst of the elders, with the compass standing by Wang Chen and others as the fulcrum, an extreme blue light rises into the sky and blends into the huge beam of light.

Soon, after this blue light was merged, the huge light column seemed to have a low humming sound, and then the light column turned sharply, and lasing toward the other end of the open space. And go.

At the same time, countless lightnings accompanied the light column in another part of the open space.


The roaring sounds are continuous, under the gust of wind, the dust is so vast, and even everyone can't open their eyes to see what the situation is, what is the situation.


A burst of lightning power is incorporated into the light column, illuminating the cliff at the other end of the open space.

Under the violent wind, everyone waited quietly.

Finally, after a while, a burst of purple skylighted up, illuminating the entire sky.

In the purple light, among the roaring thunder, in the violent wind, the purple light is constantly magnifying, and gradually, a huge roof begins to rise slowly.

Under the injection of energy, the roof slowly rises and gradually presents a magnificent building.

"The Purple Temple has appeared!"

"Oh my God, look at it, is that the top of the Purple Temple?"

"Oh... it’s magnificent, although it’s the second time I’ve seen it, but it’s still so shocking! On the roof, the dragon is leaping, oh...”

Along with the appearance of this roof, the crowd suddenly and boiled up.

The Purple Temple was finally presented to the eyes of the world under the wait of everyone.

Seeing this scene, countless people who saw this scene for the first time were shocked and could not say a word.

Even Wang Chen and Wang Yan and Wan Ze are inevitably stunned.

This... This sable temple is clearly rising from the ground beneath the cliff.

Is the Purple Temple hidden under the ground? Is this the legendary Purple Temple?

It’s just a roof that has shocked everyone.

This purple palace is so big! At the very least, there are thousands of square meters?

What is hidden in this? For a time, everyone looked at each other.

Along with the continued rise of the temple, it quickly appeared at a height of five meters, ten meters, twenty meters...

The vermillion walls give a feeling of nobleness and richness. It is also a beauty that exudes a vicissitude.

After a full ten minutes, the whole temple was presented before everyone’s attention. It is a hundred meters high, like a mountain, standing in front of everyone.

Under the vermilion wall, the steps and squares made of milky white jade are like a magnificent temple. It is worthy of the name of the Temple of Purple.

"God, it... it's still rising!"

"It turned out to be... suspended in the air!"

"What the **** is going on?"

"Where is this going?"

After a while, when everyone thought that the Purple Temple had appeared, the Purple Temple was still rising!

The volley is suspended in midair.

After raising the height of hundreds of meters, this stopped.

At this moment, the magnificent palace is suspended in the sky above the 100 meters. It is like a heavenly palace. It is beautiful and beautiful, covered with gorgeous halo, and it is with the demon of 108 monsters. Echoes.



The sound of the dragon and the tiger whirls over the sky.


The thunder and lightning are constantly flashing, and the roar is heard.

The Temple of the Purple Skull in midair is a shocking feeling under such halo and lightning.

Rao is the person who has seen the temple twice, or even three times, and it is inevitable that he will open his mouth and cannot say a word.

They have been completely shocked by such scenes.

With the Purple Temple, the temple finally stopped rising, and the next moment, in a roar.

The white jade ladder appeared out of thin air and began to spread from the height of hundreds of meters, spreading in the direction of Wang Chen and others.

Finally, finally, it was on top of the compass.

The compass and the Temple of the Purple Skull, under the connection of this ladder, is extremely spectacular. This success seems to be the road to heaven. It is beautiful to be speechless.

"Hey... this purple temple, but also come to this set, but it is a good look!" Even after the battle, after seeing this scene, I couldn’t help but scream and say a lot.

"The Temple of the Purple Temple, you can enter, anyway, after three days, please return, otherwise, it will be closed forever in the Temple of Purple Temple to become part of the Temple of Purple, remember to remember!" Until this For a moment, the great elders of the Zixiao Temple said to the crowd with a tired look and tone.

Obviously, the call of the Temple of the Purple Temple allowed him to exhaust his whole body.


With the sound of the Great Elders of the Purple Temple, the gates of the Purple Temple above the sky began to open in the dull roar.

A breath of anger instantly fills the whole world and covers everything in the world.



"Fast, let's go!"

The next moment, a hundred people in the compass are crazy.

I don't know who is snarling first, and I don't know who is going to rush toward the ladder. The next moment, everyone is moving, rushing forward toward the ladder.

At this moment, the coveted temple of their dreams finally appeared. At this moment, their ideal temple finally opened. They are on the road to finding and dreaming. The dangers and opportunities coexist, which makes everyone full of expectations.

"Go!" Seeing everyone rushing forward, Wang Chen also shouted to Wang Yan and Wan Ze.

When the voice fell, the three people suddenly burst out, and then rushed toward the ladder. ~ See no ads, please go to "".

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