Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 611: Amazing Skywind City

? Listening to the advice of Sun Yifan and others, Wang Chen brows slightly wrinkled, revealing a bitter bitterness. "".

Do you really want to be like this?

Wang Chen is also very clear, their advice is already the best practice, but let him marry Zilan? This seems to have some...

"Boss, are you afraid that Liu Xinyan will not agree? Rest assured, Liu Xinyan is not so stingy! Hey, Tian Xuan mainland, the strong is respected, the boss wants to be strong, of course, you must be prepared. You should have the style of a strong person. As a strong person, not only must the strength be strong, but all aspects must be strong.

The money is the most, the woman is the most beautiful, the power is the biggest...

So, boss, now you start "". Create a harem army!

Seeing that Wang Chen is still hesitating, the madman cried.

A few words really made everyone have a fainting impulse, and quickly turned their attention and pretended to look like he didn't know.

There are still strong, women are the most, and there are some pitfalls in these words.

"Xiao Chen, this matter you decide! Big Brother supports you, Tianfeng Kingdom, my king family does not owe him, fights and fights, the world is big, where can't you go?" Feel Wang Chen toward himself Wang Yan took a deep breath and said slowly.

When I heard Wang Yan’s words, I saw Wang Yan’s resolute eyes, and Wang Chen showed a grateful look.

A deep breath, as if making a decision, Wang Chen saw everyone in a circle: "That will be..."

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, I heard these two words, and everyone in the room suddenly erected his ears, and at the same time, his face had a heavy look. Obviously, Wang Chen should have chosen to fight.

"Get married!"

When Wang Chen just said these two words, there was a light voice coming out of the door.

The next moment, Liu Xinyan appeared in the sight of Wang Chen and others. At her side, there is a magic dance.

Yes, that is what Liu Xinyan said! After finishing the work of finishing the outside items, Liu Xinyan came to this place, just in time for the most crucial moment.

"Chen Ge, at this stage, it is the best plan to get married with Zilan sister. As for the Wang family, how to develop in the future is a matter of hindrance. If the Wang family wants to become the first family in northern Xinjiang, this step must be taken. !! Liu Xinyan slowly walked into the house and watched Wang Chen whisper.

"You..." Looking at Liu Xinyan Wang Chen has some anxiety.

"Chen Ge, Xiner said, Xiner will not care. And, Zilan sister is very good. She is taking care of you, Xiner is also very reassuring! Chen brother, step back and open the sky. Want To become a person, you must learn to be patient, don't be tempted!" Liu Xinyan came to Wang Chen's side and whispered comfortably.

When I heard Liu Xinyan’s words, Wang Yan’s eyes lit up, showing a smile, and Liu Xinyan had a satisfying look.

"Yes, boss, Zilan, I don't know how many people like her. Hey, now you are cheaper, you still don't know. I don't know if Zilan knows how sad it will be!" The madman also exclaimed with excitement.

"Okay, this thing is fixed. Going to the purple kingdom, returning to the kingdom of the wind, but you are stationed in the city of sin! I believe that this decision will not continue. The most urgent task is to upgrade the strength of the Wang family, and the strength of the Wang family must be strong!" Liu Xinyan said that the madman and others said.

Then, after a moment of indulgence, revealing a trace of loss: "Xiner will return to Qingzhou in these two days, so you have to help Chenge in this matter!"

"Liu Xinyan, are you leaving?" Suddenly, the madman asked with a big eyes.

Again, Wanze and others also showed a strange look.

Although the time spent together is very short, Liu Xinyan's generosity and elegance have won the respect of all people, and she has been regarded as the mother of the royal family. Nowadays, it is said that it is going to go back, which is inevitably surprising.

"Well, Xiner wants to go back! There is still something to be done in Qingzhou. Xiner also has to go back to practice. I told him about this thing. But I believe that soon, Xiner will Come back again!"

A deep breath, Liu Xinyan flashed a resolute look in his eyes, and then looked at Wang Chen deeply: "At that time, you will not leave!"

"Well, Qingzhou is very troublesome, especially you Liujia!" The madman grinned and said: "This time it is estimated that it will take a short time. Oh, it doesn't matter. I will go looking for the boss." You!"

"Well, so this thing is fixed!" Liu Xinyan showed a smile and looked at Wanze and others.

"" Wang Chen, who was not talking about a word, madman and others put his eyes on Wang Chen's body.

After all, he is a boarder.

In fact, there is no way to do this. There is still a way to agree on marriage. Anyway, I don’t say when I get married! I will drag it first. When Zilan finds someone she likes, it will be the best. There is also the ability to resist, all this can be solved!"

At this time, Sun Yifan said with a slight frown.

"Of course, how to delay depends on how we can fight for it!" Sun Yifan continued to add.

"Well, this is a good idea!"

The idea was quickly recognized and endorsed by many people!

First drag, if Wang Chen and Zilan have a feeling, it just happens to be a chapter, if there is no feeling, then the right to do is to delay the time, for their king family to fight for opportunities! It is a good policy.

"Well! That's it!"

When I heard this suggestion, Wang Chen flashed a light in front of his eyes and nodded in agreement!

Liu Xinyan agrees to say this, what else can he say! Sun Yifan has already considered his feelings very much. Moreover, this method is the best way now.

If it is only Wang Chen himself, he will not hesitate to refuse.

But now, there is the whole king behind him, and hundreds of lives! These people are their own loved ones and are all their own brothers.

The stronger the strength, the bigger the burden, this sentence Wang Chen is finally realized. Nowadays, he can't do anything because of what he is doing. A lot of things have to be considered in the whole family.

At the very least, before the Wang family has absolute strength, many things he does will be involuntarily.

Just, this thing is to grieve some of the purple orchids.

"Okay, that's it. It's good to set this up for the next two days!" Wang Yan, the eldest brother of Wang Chen, spoke at this time. After all, this matter is related to Wang Chen, so Wang Yan is also very stable.

"Haha, all happy, um, this is a good way! Hey... boss, try to get the purple orchid down!" The result was that everyone was exhaling, and the madman said.

"Xiao Chen, what is there at the Luo family?" Wang Yan quickly asked about Luo's business.

After all, this is about the great hatred of the Wang family, how can they not care.

"Wan Shixiong, this matter is handed over to you! You went to Tianzhu in the past two days, and interrogated the Luo family, and you must dig up the news!" Wang Chen said.

Nalan's news, he can't guarantee that all is true. Since he promised someone can be a jury, it is naturally the best. Wanze is a man of stability and strength, and this thing is suitable for him to do.

"Boss, I am going, hey, interrogating this kind of thing, I like it the most!" The madman’s mouth showed a smirk and said awkwardly.

"Well, then let's go together!" After a sigh of relief, Wang Chen was very refreshed and agreed.

The madman, this guy, though impetuous, is militant. However, there are a lot of ghost ideas. If you interrogate such things, you may be able to play a big role.

After the main things were confirmed, the atmosphere in the house suddenly eased.

Before dawn, everyone will take a break. One day of fighting and rectification is really making these people very tired.

With the advent of dawn, the drifting rain in the sky is gradually disappearing, and the clouds are gone! When the first rays of the morning light came out, Tianfeng City was once again bustling.

Today, Tianfeng City is of course extraordinarily lively.

Everyone knows that starting today, Tianfeng City has completely changed.

The collapse of Luo’s towering tree is undoubtedly a huge earthquake.

A night of cleaning, I don’t know how many people were dragged in. I don’t know how many tears and blood swayed over this land.

Looking at the ruins of Luojia, everyone in Tianfeng City was filled with emotion.

"Ronaldo is finished!"

"It’s going to be a day, Luo’s family disappears, the king’s family returns, hehe...this is the next time!”

"Is it not? I got the news, I heard that Wang Chen entered the palace yesterday!"

"You know, the man who ran out of the original forest? Who doesn't know this thing now?"

"Hey, do you still know? I heard that the Wang family returned to the Tianfeng Kingdom. It took back the original status. Now, the Wang family once again became the first family of the Tianfeng Kingdom?"

"The first family? No? So fast? Is it slogan?"

"I can't go wrong, I heard it. I heard that last night, Wang Chen was sitting on the third row of the left hand at the palace night banquet. That is the position of the top four families. Obviously, Wang Jia Already recognized!"

"It's no wonder, no wonder there was a big cleansing yesterday. It turned out to be paving the way for the king!"

"Hey... This is the king's family, the first family, this is a big profit!"

"Yeah, it’s really enviable. Didn’t you see that the Wang family has now begun to rebuild? That’s the people sent by the court to build the building!”

"I also saw it, now the king is rebuilding! It seems that the Wang family is really coming back!"

In the Tianfeng City, on the streets, there are many people talking about it, so it’s not lively. Wang Jia, has become the hottest topic today.

At the same time, this topic is spreading towards the entire Tianfeng Kingdom and the entire northern Xinjiang. ~ See no ads, please go to "".

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