Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 593: Trap

? "Kill!" Seeing the fireworks in the Luojia House, Wang Chen took a deep breath and shouted. "".

The voice fell, and the real body force burst out suddenly. In an instant, the dragon of the real yuan began to grow out!

Eight armor, blood talent directly opened at this moment, facing this battle, Wang Chen did not keep it. The hatred that has been forbearing for nearly seven years began to vent.

"Yuanli Chengbing!" Under a soft drink, Wang Chen suddenly condensed a red force of the soldiers.

The next moment, Wang Chen’s figure flashed and rushed toward Luo’s house.

At the same time, the rest of Luo’s position, a dozen figures of people are also suddenly seen when they see this brilliant fireworks.

Between the blink of an eye, more than a dozen people gathered in front of Luo’s family.



"Chen Shaoye!"

Seeing Wang Chen, madman and others shouted loudly. At the same time, there is also a small team on the scene. This is the team that the Xiangjia sent to help them.

"Kill!" Looking at the Luo family, Wang Chen did not take the slightest feelings to the public.

"The fire is on, the warehouse is on fire!"

"Firefighting...Hurry up to save the fire..."

At the same moment, within the Luo family, it was a mess.

The sky is raining, but at this moment, there is a raging fire in their warehouse. This is their warehouse, and they don’t know how much precious things are there.

The rain is large, but the flame burns from the inside, but it is impossible to extinguish it for a time. This made the Luo family people anxious. For a moment, under the fire, it was a mess.


The sound of a roaring sound came, and Luo’s closed door was directly blown away under Wang Yan’s move.

Between the blink of an eye, Wang Chen and others rushed into Luojia.

Under the leadership of the people of the family, he suddenly went to the depths of the Luo family.

Ah ah...

Then, the screams came one after another, and in the blink of an eye several people fell to the ground.

"Hahaha, little nephews, the uncle's fist has begun to roar, come on, die!" The screams of the madman's arrogance continued to come, and the screams and mourning sounds joined together.

"The enemy attack, there is an enemy attack, come to the people... the enemy attack..." The exclamation sounded in one piece, making the Luojia, which was confusing, more chaotic.

"One does not stay, kill!" For the Luo family, Wang Chen did not take the slightest feelings and went straight to the front.

More than six years ago, this family, with people, tried to kill hundreds of people from the top and bottom of the family. This blood debt can be easily removed?


The rain is drifting, and under the heavy rain, a dull voice is coming from this moment.

The blood is floating, and the rain quickly merges into a **** stream. The bright blood is glaring, and the disgusting **** smell spreads.

Under Wang Chen and Wang Yan’s leadership, the Wang family’s people entered the Luo family. Wherever they passed, they were like harvesters, swept the army and tried their best to kill them.

Between the blink of an eye, there are more than a dozen people in Luo’s family who are being killed by their men.

There are dozens of people who are full of vitality, and the light is shining.

Purple light, red light, blue light and white light... For a time, colorful and gorgeous.

But, under such a bad, it is killing again and again.

Wang Chen and others are sweeping the posture of the Qianjun. No one can match it.


"Hey, Wang family, they really came!" At the moment, in a study in the depths of Luojia, Luo’s ancestors were cold with several black people and several elders of Luo’s family. Cold listening to the cold screams of the screams from the front yard.

"These people really can't help themselves, really thought that this would kill me Luojia?" Luo Jia, an elder's cold martyrdom.

"Oh, just right, they came just right, hey, let them go back without this!" Another elder shouted.

"The elders were killed in the city of sin, the young master was killed in Dabie in northern Xinjiang, the second master was killed in the stars, oh... the blood debt of this pen must be repaid by the king!"

"Xi Jia, hey, this old fox, dare to be an enemy of my Luo family, this time the king is destroyed, the next one is the Xiang family! I really thought they arranged the two spies in my Luo family. We don't know? Hey, let their own spies send them to the West, which is not bad!"

"Wang family, I did not expect that the two small shards in the original can still pick up this storm, but we really take it lightly."

For a time, several elders of Luo’s family had a lot of arguments, and his face was murderous.

"Old ancestors, we are going out to kill the Wang family now, oh! Jump into our trap, can they fly out?" After the discussion, an elder of Luojia got up and looked at the top. , consulted a white-haired old man.

"No hurry, the traps are not deep enough, how can it be cool enough to kill! Let them slap for a while!" Just when the elders of Luojia fell, sitting in a black man next to Luo’s ancestors, Said faintly.

"But, the above, those outside are my members of the Luo family! This..." Hearing the words of the black man, Luo parents always said something anxious.

Although the trap was laid out, he chose to sacrifice some people to complete the plan. But now, the Wang family has jumped into the trap! At this time, the loss of Luo’s personnel will continue to be lost... The strength of their Luo family will inevitably be greatly reduced.

"Distressed? Rest assured, we organize as compensation, this time will help your family to have five more kings! In addition, give you two opportunities to enter the Imperial Warrior.

In this way, you have more than a dozen royal martial artists and four imperial martial artists in Luojia, but not enough compensation? "For the old worry of Luo, another black man said with a sneer.


When I heard the words of the black man, in an instant, the eyes of several elders in the house flashed a hot glow. In an instant, a person’s face showed an excited look.

At the same time, the Luojia ancestors at the top also showed a glimmer of light.

In the past few years, Luo family has developed from a second-rate family to the current first-class family, and even the ranks of the top family of the Tianfeng Kingdom. It has an inseparable relationship with this organization.

A few years ago, Luojia had only one Wangwu from the beginning, and several Zunwu people developed all the way to two years ago. They reached three Wangwu martial artists, dozens of martial artists, and a year ago, four kings. Warrior, a royal martial artist, dozens of martial artists.

Until this year, they reached the limit and reached three extremes, seven royal martial artists and more than forty martial artists. Such progress is simply unimaginable.

This is inseparable from the cultivation opportunities given by this organization for the cultivation of medicinal herbs and resources.

In particular, the Luojia family and the elders, the two can get into the ranks of the imperial martial arts, but they have got the hard-working breakthrough of this black-shirt organization!

Under this, Luojia can be called the first family of the Tianfeng Kingdom.

But, some time ago, in the city of sin, it was the loss of a royal martial artist, which really made them feel bad.

At this moment, the conditions that the black man said are undoubtedly tempting.

Help them build two royal warriors and five king warriors again! What a horrible data this is.

Once this, the strength of the four imperial warriors and more than a dozen Wangwu people is enough to allow them to jump out of the ranks of the first-class families in northern Xinjiang and jump out of the control of the Tianfeng Kingdom. Even after the success of the plan, the organization promised that they could take the royal family of the Tianfeng Kingdom and replace it!

Think of this, the Luo family are eager to try this moment.

If this is the case, what if you sacrifice all the people under the Luo family? All losses are worth it.

Especially a few elders, this moment is extremely exciting.

If you make the Imperial Warrior, you must choose among them, which makes these people feel awkward.

"The pearl of the gods should be on Wang Chen's body. Otherwise, he could not break through in just a few years. This time, in any case, Wang Chen must be caught alive, and the rest of the people will kill!" Looking at the Luo family, everyone looks like this, the black man is cold.

Think of the pearl of the god, his eyes flashing.

"Shang, I don't know if this adult will come, the Liu family is a big trouble..." When I heard the black man, the Luo family ancestors finally asked.

The brow is locked and there is a bit of worry.

If this time their traps are seamlessly laid out, then the Liu family is definitely the most unsettled factor.

"Liu Jia? Hey, they don't dare to intervene. If you dare to intervene in this matter, naturally someone will pack them!" said Liu Jia, the black man's eyes twitched slightly, his eyes flashing, cold and cold.

"Almost, if they are not fools, they should be seen. We can't let them down. Since they have invested in the net, don't let them go!" Then, take a deep breath, two black men Get up and say slowly.


"Ah, ah..."

The screams came one after another. At this moment, within the Luo family, Wang Chen and others were killing all the way, and soon entered the core of Luojia.

A few dozen people died in their blink of an eye.

At the moment, in front of the Wang family, there are nearly a hundred members of the Luo family. The two sides are fiercely fighting.

"Xiao Chen, there is a problem, ready to retreat!" A few of the Luo family members who were forced to retreat, Wang Yan rushed to Wang Chen's side and said quietly at this moment.

"Well!" When he heard Wang Yan's words, Wang Chen gave a slight glimpse, and then he frowned and answered with a frown.

"Retire!" A wave of rumors that forced the retreat of the Luo family, Wang Chen, to make a loud noise toward the crowd.

The situation is not right, it is felt when they enter Luojia.

Ruojia, no matter how bad it is, as one of the four major families of the Wind Kingdom today, the strength is extremely powerful! Do not say anything else, this time, this has already killed the core of the Luo family, but did not see any strong appear.

Ross family ancestors, Luo parents have not appeared, this is really not normal! With the deepening, this doubt is getting more and more thick, and Wang Chen can't feel the problem?

This is obviously a trap set by Luo Jia. Are they fooled?

"Boss..." Hearing Wang Chen let the people retreat, and the madman who is killing is showing his unwilling look.

"Retire, this is a trap!" Wang Chen shouted loudly, no doubt.

"Hahaha...Where to go, since it is here, let's stay!" And when Wang Chen shouted this, there was a big laugh. ~ See no ads, please go to "".

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