Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 587: Be an enemy

? "Ha ha ha ha, little rabbits, look at my big chrysanthemum magic!" As for the madman, there is nothing to feel. "".

Wipe your hands and watch the loud shouts of the Han family.

This time, when you hear the words of the madman, suddenly everyone in the Han family suddenly changed his face.

The next moment, the screams linger in one piece, and everyone flees. They don't want to suffer from their hips like their ancestors.

But, this is the case, for a time, it is still a scream, and mourning again and again.

"Stop!! Watching the family members mourn again and again, standing in the place where Han Yuxi did not start, this time finally shouted.

The voice fell, and the thunder sword in the hand was instantly squirted, and a faint blue light rose from the sky.

I don’t want to shoot, and she is unwilling to be enemies with Wang Chen.

The tribe is constantly falling.

The ancestor was injured, his father was injured, three elders were killed, two were seriously injured, more than ten people were injured, and seven or eight people were killed...

Looking at the **** scene, how can Han Yuxi continue to endure as a member of the Korean family?

"Your opponent is me!" However, just in the moment when Han Yuxi was about to rush out, he saw a figure in front of him.

Wang Chen, yes, it’s Wang Chen who is in front of Han Yu’s eyes.

In the field, only Han Yuxuan, who can pose a threat to the Wang family, is not afraid of the rest of the Han family. Therefore, Wang Chen always pays attention to Han Yuxi’s actions.

At this moment, when he saw Han Yuqi’s shot, he was naturally in the first place in front of Han Yuxi.

"You..." Looking at Wang Chen, at this time Han Yuxi’s eyes flashed a complex look: "Is this really true?"

At this moment, standing in the opposite of Wang Chen, Han Yuxi’s heart is very complicated, and he does not even know what kind of thought he is.

They, after all, are they going to stand on the opposite side? Han Jia and Wang Jia, really have no hope of repairing a little.

The eyes of the two are staggered in the air. For a time, as if there were only two people left in the whole world, the time seemed to stop.

Who is, makes the sky dark.

Who is, makes the mood so heavy.

Who is this, let this desperate and desolate start to spread?

"Tang Ming, can't die in white!" Hearing the words of Han Yuxi, Wang Chen said in a loud voice!

"Tang Ming? He is dead, but Han Feng is also dead, you can not let go of the Korean family once? Han Yu is also a young Han family, Tang Ming is just a man!" Han Yuqi with a little Lost, faint asked.

"Don't be a meat residue! Hahaha... Do you know what it feels like? Han Feng is dead, that's right! But Han Yu is also involved! Tang Ming is the next person, that is also the person, it is my best. Friends! Han Yu is a young master? Hey, how about it! Today, no one can keep him! As for the Han family, surrender Han Yu, I immediately retreat, otherwise, block me, kill!" A light drink, Wang Chen In the hands of the forces of the force of the light flashing, Heng Han said: "If you block me ... also kill!"

"You..." When you heard Wang Chen’s words, Han Yuxi’s figure shook a little, revealing a faint look: “Also kill?”

Speaking of this sentence, her mouth has a hint of self-deprecating smile, like the winter plum blossoming in the winter, beautiful.

"I didn't expect that we will still have to go this step after all! I, after all, are Han people. If so, fight now!"

A sigh, Han Yuyan flashed a bleak look in his eyes, and sighed lightly, and suddenly his body was full of momentum.


Under the majestic perfusion of the majestic, the thunder sword in the hands of Han Yuqi suddenly sounded a low and whistling sound.

"Foliage flying flowers!"

A light drink, Han Yuxi took the lead in attacking Wang Chen!

"修罗斩!" In the face of Han Yuxi, Wang Chen did not care, and sighed lightly, and the soldiers of Yuanli suddenly rushed back.

In an instant, accompanied by two people's moves, between the heavens and the earth, flying leaves and falling leaves, covering the sky; in an instant, Shura is full of days, mourning again and again.


Between the blink of an eye, the two men rushed together, suddenly, the roaring sound was deafening, and the violent rags spread all around.


After a snoring, under the million-strong force of Wang Chen, Han Yuqi’s figure regressed.

At the beginning, Wang Chen, the strength of the fifth-order king warrior, was able to beat Han Yuyu in the northern Xinjiang, let alone today.

The present Wang Chen, stepping into the ranks of the seventh-order Wang Wu, is more important that his Yuan Lizhi is now also promoted, not as fragile as it was at the beginning.

Looking at the forced retreat of Han Yuxi, Wang Chen, who wanted to chase, was in the moment of seeing Han Yu's reluctant eyes, his body shape was slightly, and he finally gave up the idea of ​​chasing.

"Wang Chen, hey, this young master will meet you today!" Seeing Han Yuxi was forced to retreat, originally did not intend to shoot, always standing in front of Han Yuyu, Nangongyu, this moment, cold, the white sword in his hand Moved toward Wang Chen.

"Looking for death!" The mood was complicated and it was not clear. When Nangongyu saw the door at this time, Wang Chen vented his full anger.

"The waves are smashing!" A roar, smashing the waves and showing them.

In an instant, countless red swords shadows continue to form a world, and the scene is smashing toward the bottom, and the slamming bangs to Nangongyu.


It’s like a blue sky, and for a moment, the sky shakes and the sky changes.



The blood is floating, in the screams, Nangongyu, the ninth-order Wang Wu who was actually thrown out at this moment, like a stone,

The 9th-order Wang Wu, in today, even lost to Wang Chen! This is really a cold breath for everyone around me. The eyes widened were unbelievable.

"You... broke through a lot!" At the same time that Wang Chen forced the retreat of Nangongyu, Han Yuxi had already stabilized his body shape and looked at Wang Chen with a complicated look.

"Boss, hahaha... Boss, I caught it, hahaha... caught!" At this time, a loud laugh came from behind!

When I heard this call, Wang Chen suddenly slammed Han Yuzhen, who was forced to come back. Then, his body shape flashed and he came to the madman's side.

At this moment, Han Yuzheng is like a chicken and is stunned by a madman.

The face is pale and cold and sweaty. At this moment, where is Han Yu’s image of the former Han’s young master?

"Hahaha... Boss, this guy, even wants to escape, hey, Lao Tzu rushed to the Han family to catch him alive, haha..."

Take Han Yu to Wang Chen, the madman said excitedly.

He just spent a lot of time trying to catch this guy, looking for a lot of places, and now it is finally caught.

"Wang...Wang can't kill, I...I am the youngest Han family, can't, my Han family has grace for you, you can't do this!" Looking at Wang Chen, at this moment, Han Yu’s face was not even the slightest blood, screaming loudly and screaming loudly.

"Retire!" For Han Yu's words, Wang Chen directly ignored it, looked at the scene of the mess, and said to the Wang family.

"Retire!" With the voice of Wang Chen falling, the Wang family quickly pulled out of the battle circle, and in the blink of an eye, they withdrew from the door of the Han family and withdrew from the battle circle.

For today's Korean family, they can't stop the pace of the Wang family.

With Han Yu’s hand, Wang Chen did not intend to kill him. After all, he had no idea of ​​slaughter.

For the retreat of the Wang family, the Han people who have already been killed and chilled are naturally reluctant to continue to entangle, which is exactly to let these people exhale.


The roar is still going on.


The squeak is still going on.

Yinyue, Wang Yan and Wanze three people also got rid of the enemy's entanglement in the shortest time after Wang Chen's voice fell, and came to Wang Chen's side.

"Wang Chen, you... let go of Han Yu!" With the withdrawal of the Wang family, the scene of the chaos just began to calm down. Looking at Han Yu, who was stunned by the madman, the Han family changed their face and shouted loudly. Drinking.

"Han Yu was arrested!"

"This time, the Korean family is losing money!"

"Yes, this time the Korean family is not a big loss?"

"Hey... Han’s least lost half of the power?”

Along with the cessation of the fighting between the two sides, the audience who had watched the battle before watching the battle suddenly became awakened.

This war, it is clear that the Han family was defeated and the Wang family won the victory.

This time, the Wang family not only did not lose a single person, but also killed more than ten people in the Korean family, and even one elder! Seriously injured the Korean family does not know how many people. Now I have caught Han Yu live, but this has left the Korean family lost!

Even the ancestors of the Han family, even in the public court, were bursting with daisy~! What a shameful thing this is!

"Elders, patriarchs, save me, save me!" The madman was in his hands, and Han Yu was pleading for mercy and pleading with sorrow.

"Wang Chen, you have to be too arrogant!" Han family long, this face is iron-blue, with a trace of blood and loud screams on the corner of his mouth.

"Wang Chen, if you dare to kill Han Yu, your king's family will perish!" Nan Gongyu, who was forced to retreat by Wang Chen, was also an ugly face.

"Dare to kill Han Yu, my king's family will perish?" Hearing the threat of Nangongyu, Wang Chen's mouth showed a cold and cold smile.

"Kill!" The voice fell, faintly speaking to the madman around him.

"No, don't kill me..." When he heard Wang Chen's words, he suddenly became more and more martyrdom.

"Wang Chen, Dare!" Han Jia, Nan Gongyu, Zi Yan Temple, everyone's face is also a big change.

In front of them, Wang Chen is really daring to kill people. If Han Yu is killed in front of them, how can they establish themselves in the northern Xinjiang in the future?

In particular, the Nangong family and the Zixiao Temple, one is an old family that has been passed down for thousands of years, and the other is a mysterious and powerful sect. If Han Yu died under their eyelids, then...


However, just when these people shouted, just as Han Yu struggled wildly, a crisp voice came.

The next moment, the screams came to an abrupt end, and the next moment, the scene fell into silence.

The cold wind is bleak, this moment has turned into a sound without a trace! ~ See no ads, please go to "".

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