Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 172: God King (on)

"No, what happened in the end? Why? Why can you imprison me? No... you are so weak, you are so weak, how can you do it..."

When I heard the words of the war, this evil thought felt the endless crisis.

I can't move myself?

How did this battle in the sky?

"You are part of me! This body, after all, is me. What is your use in front of me?"

In the face of the panic of evil thoughts, the battle is full of expressionless expressions.

Yes, this evil thought is very powerful.

However, after all, it is only a trace of evil thoughts.

How can it compete with the deity of the war?

He can restrain this evil thought between his thoughts.

This is the source of confidence in Warfare!

"Give me over!"

When the voice fell, I didn’t care about the sorrow of evil thoughts. I saw that between the waves and the waves, the uncontrollable evil thoughts were flying toward the war!

"Do not……"

Desperate embarrassment, it seems to be heartbreaking.

The body flew uncontrollably to the front of the battle, and this evil thought mourned again and again.

He is desperate.

He is not willing! Really unwilling to be so integrated.

But what about him?

The screams can't hide everything.


I saw that in the screams, Zhan Huai Tian pinched out a red seal, and once again slammed into the evil thoughts, and the red light burst into the sky.

The top of the entire tower of the gods is shrouded in this red light.

At this moment, if the war is in the sky, the momentum is astounding.

That evil thought, the screams gradually weakened, Wang Chen’s eyes widened! He clearly saw that the evil thoughts were integrated into the body of the war.

The next moment, the screams came to an abrupt end.

The only thing left is the endless red light, and the raging souls of the rising momentum.


Time circulates, I don’t know how long it has passed, and finally converges with the red light. From the void, the sky has fallen from the ground to the high tower.


Until this time, the genius of the war gave a breath.

"Evil thoughts, after all, are just evil thoughts. Still want to struggle?"

There was a sneer in the corner of his mouth, and he was cold and sullen.

I have to say that the strength of this evil thought is really strong. ,

Unexpectedly, thousands of years, he nourished him to this point.

But what about that?

In front of the war, he is nothing.

The owner is still the master!

This iron-like fact cannot be changed.

Obviously, the battle of the sky left a hand, this hand played a vital role today!

"Predecessors, you are now..."

Looking at the battle of the moment, Wang Chen has some unbelievable.

At this moment of war, the soul is so solid! Where are the signs of dissipating?

His momentum even made Wang Chen feel scared.

How powerful is the remnant of the war?

Wang Chen has not dared to imagine!

"never mind!"

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, Zhanhuai revealed a smile: “Now I am only a short-lived strong! But the decadent power of time is still there. So, don’t have any other ideas. Kid, hurry up.趁Now, merge with me!"

The battle of the sky is a condensate, said to Wang Chen.


Wang Chen was disappointed when he heard the words of the war.

Can't change the result?

In this case, it can only be merged!

According to Zhanhuai’s words, Wang Chen sat cross-legged and closed his eyes and sank into cultivation.

Emperor Dragon is running, and the energy in the body is rolling.

Endless energy, began to rush in Wang Chen's body, roar!

With the operation of the week, Wang Chen's momentum is constantly rising, and his state is getting better and better.

I don't know how long it took, finally, Wang Chen's momentum climbed to the peak of a peak.

"Kid, I am coming!"

I also felt the situation of Wang Chen, and the voice of Huai Tiantian seemed to be coming from Wang Chen’s mind.

A scorn, flashing light, and even waiting for Wang Chen's reaction, the soul of the sky is flashing, it is into the body of Wang Chen.

Suddenly, Wang Chen was able to clearly feel that there was more energy in his body.

That energy, and even almost torn their own soul.

He rushed directly into the middle of the Dantian, and the conflict entered the body of the reincarnation.

Oh wow, wow...

Feeling the arrival of this energy, the reincarnation of the baby suddenly opened his eyes and made a sharp voice.

It seems to be resisting, it seems to be angry!

"Kid, don't be dazed, fast, according to my method, fusion!"

In the scream of the reincarnation, the voice of the war is coming again.

However, this time, his voice is much weaker and more illusory.

This voice made Wang Chen’s heart shake suddenly.

Complex, emotional, sad...

At this moment, is the real difference?

Taking a deep breath, Wang Chen suppressed the feeling of depression.

So far, there is no turning back.

If he does not follow the words of the war, he will not be able to imagine what will happen.

I dare not have the slightest wish. Wang Chen is busy to gather the soul of the gods, and the mind embraces the Lingtai, and begins to merge with the soul of the war!

No resistance was encountered, no difficulty in imagination.

Obviously, this time refining and integration is smooth and easy.

With the active integration of the battle, Wang Chen does not need to worry too much.

The only thing he needs to do is to control his own energy, avoiding the ignorance of the powerful energy, or bringing unimaginable disasters!

In fact, all this is not difficult for Wang Chen!

Sitting cross-legged, Wang Chen eyes closed, the whole person is very quiet, no distracting thoughts, and devoted himself to this fusion!


The integration is smooth, but the time it takes is terrible.

A bite can't be fat.

Especially in the face of such a powerful soul, such as the battle of the sky, Wang Chen is where there is a hint of half-hearted?

Everything is based on caution!

In such a situation, time is quietly passing by without knowing it!

More than a month!

In the course of more than a month, Wang Chen did not move.

Until a month later, suddenly, the entire calm **** was so high that it suddenly shook.

The wind blew and the wind changed.

Wang Chen's long hair, turned into red, the blood of the force is completely released, the whole person seems to be in the magic, it looks very incomparable.

"Good horrible energy! Good energy!"

On this day, Wang Chen frowned and complained in his heart.

That's right, it's almost the same as the soul of the war.

More than a month is enough for Wang Chen to go this step.

Of course, this is in full cooperation with the war.

If you do not cooperate with the sky, refining such a powerful soul, I am afraid that it will not be able to reach this step in three months.

Now, in the early months of the month, Wang Chen has come to this step!

Now, the most crucial step!

"The king level, broken!"

Driving the energy of the body almost violently, Wang Chen no longer hesitates, and goes to the level of the king of God!

More than two months ago, Wang Chen tried many times to attack this level.

However, unfortunately, he failed.

Several failures have even brought an unimaginable injury to Wang Chen.

Now, on this day, Wang Chen tries again.

However, today's Wang Chen, and Wang Chen more than two months ago, is completely different.

He has undergone earth-shaking changes.

After more than two months of failure, Wang Chen continued to rebuild and experience, accumulating and upgrading in constant battles.

Now, there is even more help from the power of the gods.

At this moment, Wang Chen is like a rainbow!


Under the guidance of Wang Chen, very quickly, the huge and unimaginable energy is the impact of the shackles on the sturdy barrier!


The roar sounds like Xuan Lei, and it blasts in the body of Wang Chen.


Wang Chen’s whole person was turbulent in this shock.


In this crazy shock, finally, that a strong armband, issued some crisp sound, several tiny cracks appeared.

"not enough!"

Looking at this scene, Wang Chen looked calm and shouted.

not enough!

Yes, this is not enough.

Before more than two months, Wang Chen came to this step and made a gap in the barrier.

On that day, Wang Chen thought he was going to succeed.

But what about it?

In fact, Wang Chen was still defeated in the end.

This level of the gods is very different from the rest!

If you are a little careless, you may be able to give up.

Before there was no complete success, Wang Chen could not relax and slack off.

"carry on!"

After taking a deep breath, Wang Chen once again began to attack the layer of barriers!




Tightly biting his teeth, Wang Chen madly launched the impact again and again.


Every impact made Wang Chen's body torn.

Every time the impact of Wang Chen seems to explode, the soul seems to collapse.

Every time the impact on that layer of barriers seems to be on the verge of death!

This is the difficulty of hitting the king level.

This is why, the king of the king has banned so many strong people. So many powerful, life can not step into this level. This is why so many people are at the level of the impact on the king of the king, the road to lose weight!

Because it is too difficult!

Because this time the impact is to fight against the **** of death, in the fight with the heavens and the earth!


At this moment, Wang Chen obviously became weak.

But what about that?

This time, Wang Chen’s situation is completely different from before.

Every time the impact, the barrier has a few cracks.

After Wang Chen did not know how many times the impact, the barrier now is already fragmented!

"the last time!"

the last time!

Wang Chen is very clear that he only needs the last sudden shock, which can completely break the already broken barrier.

Thinking of this, biting his teeth, Wang Chen is launching another impact.


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