Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 170: Separate time (on)

“Is it only a month?”

After a long silence, Wang Chen asked for a difficult opening!

One month?

very long? very short!

If it is placed before, Wang Chen will feel very long! He retired for a long time.

Two years! Full two years!

How many things can happen in two years? can not imagine!

How has the world been made? Wang Chen does not know!

He misses his loved ones, friends!

He wants to go back!

Therefore, Wang Chen wants to go out as soon as possible.

But this moment? Wang Chen thinks that a month is very short.

If it is OK, Wang Chen would rather continue to retreat for a while.

In the face of the difference, all the emotions have emerged!

The time to get along is not long. But that is a kind of affection! Yes, Wang Chen has already turned the battle into a loved one. Real loved ones.

Even, you must know that Wang Chen is a reincarnation of the war...

This one comes from the feelings in the bones, who can wipe out?

In front of them, Wang Chen could not accept it.

"Yeah! Only one month!"

Feel the reluctance of Wang Chen, watching Wang Chen's dignified look, and the battle of the sky is also showing a sly expression.

Yes! A month is very short and short.

If so, who is willing to separate?

If so, who wouldn’t want to last forever?

However, there is no banquet in the world.

"The last month, work hard! Kid, there is no banquet in the world. I am a person who has fallen for thousands of years. I should have disappeared. I have been supporting it all the time. Today, I really have time. Not much. I can see you, I am very happy! Perhaps, God let me stay, is to wait for you? My reincarnation, the lack of my soul can not! Haha... After the fusion, not Separation, just the beginning! No?"

I took a shot of Wang Chen’s shoulder and laughed at the sky.

Just a smile has too much disappointment and bitterness.

I should have disappeared long ago. Especially during this period of time, I feel that I can collapse at any time.

If it were not a trace of obsession, if it was not the sanctuary of this god, he would no longer exist.

This extra million years has been robbed from the hands of God, and it is not regrettable to fight against the sky.

Even Warfare has always believed that this is the arrangement of heaven.

From seeing Wang Chen, from the confirmation of their true gods, after the reincarnation of the generations, Wars Day is to confirm this.

At the beginning, when I fell, my soul was broken, why did I leave a remnant soul that could not reunite the flesh? This is to wait! Waiting for this day?

Since I waited until this day, what else is there to say in Warfare? Everything is fulfilled!

If it is hard to say regret, perhaps it is the only point.

That is, he did not see Wang Chen on the peak, he did not see the last wonderful world, it is a pity.

This is a pity, I only hope that Wang Chen can make up for him!

"Go! Good guy, aiming at the Quartet, why bother?"

Then, the face was tight, and the battle against the sky was repulsed to Wang Chen!


When he heard the words of Huai Tian, ​​Wang Chen took a deep breath and said with a deep voice.

respectively? Undoubtedly heavy.

However, this day will come.

The only thing that Wang Chen can do now is to make this last time perfect as much as possible, and let the war and the day leave regret and disappointment!

Thinking of this, take a deep breath, Wang Chen retreats toward the gods after the deep salute of the battle!


Time flies.

Just like the torment before death, the time is particularly slow, but the opposite is the time before, the speed is very fast.

A month's time, blink of an eye.

On this day, Wang Chen experienced the 30th battle. When Wang Chen truly defeated the god-level 傀儡, with a statue of quasi-sacred combat power, Wang Chen stood in the square and had some ecstasy!

"One month? It's really fast! It's just a blink of an eye! Is it over?"

Looking up at the sky, Wang Chen smiled bitterly.

This month's experience is vivid. Wang Chen will not forget.

As if all this happened before the blink of an eye.

On the first day, I came here, and with the mighty battle, Wang Chen was seriously injured, almost collapsed and defeated!

This makes Wang Chen realize the gap between him and the real king of the king!

The next day, Wang Chen can be white!

The third day, fiasco!

On the seventh day, Wang Chen reluctantly persisted to the end, but still failed with a weak disadvantage!

On the fifteenth day, Wang Chen finally beat the quasi-god-level beating!

This day is worth remembering.

On this day, Wang Chen felt that he was in perfect harmony with his own energy.

On this day, Wang Chen was regarded as the true strongest of the nine heavens.

On this day, Wang Chen showed his strength to the extreme, and displayed a new magical power and a new **** magical power.

On this day, Wang Chen’s results made him satisfied!

However, after this day, the next cultivation is extremely painful.

Every battle is very difficult.

Wang Chen can maintain an undefeated situation, but want to overcome that? almost impossible!

Every battle between the two sides is difficult to resolve. Every battle is dangerous for Wang Chen.

This kind of ambiguity on the edge of life and death allowed Wang Chen to make rapid progress and quickly compensated for the defects he felt when he stepped into the level of the gods.

Wang Chen can clearly feel it!

In the next two months, Wang Chen was still quiet in such a battle.

Until today, Wang Chen almost exhausted all his strength, and almost all the means to be able to display it. Finally, relying on the weak advantage, he suppressed this battle with the fighting power of the quasi-god! He won.

And this victory, how difficult it is, only Wang Chen himself knows.

However, now, standing here, Wang Chen is not the pleasure of the slightest victory.

The brow was locked, and Wang Chen’s mouth showed a bitter smile.

"The last day! When it is time, it should be coming?"

Turning to look at the **** behind him, Wang Chen's feet are like falling into the quagmire, legs seem to be filled with lead, there are heavy weight.

It is difficult for him to step forward and return to the gods!

Although I am ready for everything. However, this moment is still difficult to decide!

"Kid, come back!"

Under the night, I don’t know how long Wang Chen stood silent here. A illusory voice came at this time and poured into Wang Chen’s ear.

It is the voice of war.

In the sky above the highest level of the gods, it seems that I feel the emotional changes of Wang Chen, and the call is directed toward him.


When I heard the words of the war, Wang Chen took a deep breath and said with a deep breath.

Helpless! I can only go back.

Difficult to take the pace, Wang Chen returned to the gods!


"One month's time, it's over!"

At the highest level of the tower, I watched Wang Chen and sighed in the sky.

"Yes! Time is up!"

Wang Chen said softly.

"You are doing very well! Now, your strength is substantial. If you hit the king level again, there are five layers of chances!"

Sai Huai Tian said with relief.

The progress of Wang Chen is still visible to the naked eye.

This kid's talent is absolutely superior, and his comprehension is absolutely superior.

This makes the war and the sky full of emotions.

"Five-storey odds?"

When I heard the words of the war, Wang Chen’s eyes widened.

Only five floors? This is what Wang Chen expected.

In Wang Chen’s view, now that he is attacking the level of the king of God, how can he say that there should be seven or eight layers of control?

There are only five layers? How can it be……

"Five layers! A lot! You have to know that even if you step into the king of the gods, it is difficult to attack the king of the king. At this threshold, you can have three layers of grasping even if you are a talented group. You have five layers of grasp. This is definitely top!"

Feel the strangeness and loss of Wang Chen, as a person who came over, smiled and smiled.

God king level? This is not as simple as people think.

If it is really so simple, this supreme battlefield, the king of God will not be a handful!

"However, I have a way to raise your grasp to the eighth floor! The rest is to see your creation!"

After a pause, Wars continued to say.

"any solution!"

Wang Chen asked the heart.

"Merge me! Your soul seems perfect, but flawed. This is why the true descendants of God need to constantly find the soul and merge! Because, after the soul of all the inheritors, this is the true perfect soul! Fusion me, your soul is complete and further, this will greatly increase your grasp of the level of the king of God! I can also help you! So, there are eight layers of grasp!"

Warfare said directly.

This method is to integrate himself.

And this thing is also what Wang Chen will do next.

This is exactly what you do!


It is still on this day, it is still at this moment.

Listening to the words of the war, Wang Chen lived.

"Well, boy, you should be ready, aren't you?"

Looking at the sluggish Wang Chen, the battle sighed.

A month.

In the eyes of War, it should be enough for Wang Chen to digest this fact.

However, now it seems that he still underestimated Wang Chen’s weight and righteousness!

This is gratifying and it is also a headache!

"This is not the end, just the beginning! Do you remember that I said this? Come on, merge me, you will not merge me, soon soon, I will disappear. Really reached a limit. I have not Time is up!"

Warrior sighed and said tiredly.

Then, he took a deep breath: "Merge me, leave here, create the world that belongs to you, take me to see the end of the world, what a landscape! I didn't see it at the beginning. Now, I hope Can you show me!"

Warrior continued to say.

"I know!"

After hearing the words of the war, Wang Chen was silent for a long time, and finally, took a deep breath and said with difficulty.

This is the day.

This moment is coming.

This one decision was made.

Wang Chen has no other choice.

Is it really like watching Warsday and dissipating it?

Perhaps it’s really like the war, it’s not the end, it’s just the beginning.

Is this a continuation of another form?

Thinking of this, Wang Chen seems to make the heavy heart easier.

However, it is just a little easier!


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