Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 160: Tenjin Yaeten

This is a mysterious world. When Wang Chen completely sinks in, the whole world suddenly becomes colorful.

The hot fire is fierce, the blue water of the mother water is soft, the overbearing gold of the gold, the dark yellow of the thick soil, and the green of the wood.

In addition to this, there is also the aura of aura, the sullen sullen...

This is a world full of colors.

Soaring in this world, Wang Chen can clearly feel their existence, as if they are life, as if they are the same as Wang Chen.

These energies are either excited, or cheering, or angry, or...

Human emotions seem to be reflected in these energies.

Wang Chen tried a little bit to touch and dance with them.

In this process, Wang Chen has unwittingly improved the degree of integration between him and the Five Elements and the spirit of heaven and earth!

Suddenly, there are a series of criss-crossing tracks in front of them. These tracks also have their own colors and have their own breath.

These trajectories, each representing the power of heaven, represent a avenue.

Three thousand avenues and thousands of trails seem to be integrated into this world.

Wang Chen can go to touch and feel!

This is a mysterious feeling.

Suddenly, there was a breath of familiarity in front of Wang Chen.

"This is the sentiment left by the ancestors, leaving the energy breath!"

Wang Chen’s heart moved and approached the past in that direction.

This is a cloud-like energy. As it approaches, with the integration, Wang Chen feels the unseen ancestor of the original, the path he has traveled, and the achievements he has achieved.

Wang Chen saw the fusion of the five elements and felt the power of the strong man!

This is the sentiment of the predecessor!


This made Wang Chen breathe a sigh of relief.

"A wonderful world! A strange world. Can you leave such energy?"

This time Wang Chen was really shocked.

Wang Chen not only discovered a group of such energy.

Roaming in this world does not know how many such energy groups.

"The combination of the four five elements!"

Suddenly, Wang Chen’s eyes lit up and he saw a new energy.

Thick, overbearing, as if supreme, above the world.

"Familiar atmosphere, familiar feelings... This is... the sentiment left by the predecessors of the war?"

Wang Chen’s eyes widened.

Fight against the sky!

Yes, Wang Chen felt it. This energy is the energy left by the predecessors of the Warriors. There is a sentiment of the predecessors.

Wang Chen will not feel wrong.

The combination of the four elements of the five elements is really overbearing!

At the moment of touching this energy, Wang Chen’s soul is almost shaken!

"It seems that it takes a lot of time and effort to integrate into this sentiment!"

Stabilizing the soul, Wang Chen took a breath of air, muttered to himself.

The voice fell, and soon, Wang Chen temporarily avoided this dangerous sentiment and looked in the rest of the world!

The world is very big, Wang Chen is very small! ,

Heaven and earth are wonderful, all in one.

"This mysterious world really helps me a lot! Not all comprehension, because no one can do it. This is a world. But if you understand some of these mysteries, it will be enough for me to benefit a lot? ”

After a long time, after a deeper understanding of the world, Wang Chen muttered excitedly.

His soul, as if cheering, is jumping!

"First of all, I feel the sentiments left by the ancestors. This will further integrate me into the world and I will be more helpful in understanding the world!"

Soon, Wang Chen made a decision.

His fascination is a rush of clouds that are closest to the distance and whose energy is not very powerful.

Into the cloud, Wang Chen is silent, feeling the sentiments of the predecessors!

Time, this moment is also like stopping.

The world is completely quiet!


I don't know how long it took, Wang Chen realized the first cloud of sentiment!

With the moment of Wang Chen’s enlightenment, the cloud disappeared and gradually became blurred!

Want to recover again? But I don't know how many years to wait.

This requires the brewing of this world, which takes a long time as the foundation!

"This is the most precious treasure in the gods!"

Thinking of the gains he gained from the first cloud, Wang Chen was filled with emotion.

"There are still a lot of sentiments, and I have little time left. I have to enter the next group of energy as soon as possible!"

The world is very big, Wang Chen is very small, there are a lot of things to do, but time is obviously insufficient.

This makes Wang Chen dare not have the slightest fallacy.

Soon, Wang Chen entered the next group of energy.

Time is not short, the years are like a rush of water!

Wang Chen didn't know how long he had been practicing. He didn't know how long he had been feeling.

Even, Wang Chen did not know how many energy groups he had already realized, and how many predecessors left the inheritance...

Until Wang Chen struggled, almost all the power would be the energy left by Huai Tian and the war-torn predecessors. After all the feelings, Wang Chen clearly felt his own change.

Although, in this world, Wang Chen is only an illusory existence, but exists in the way of the soul. However, this change is clear!

"Eight Heavens, the water is ripe!"

Wang Chen can feel that in the outside world, his own deity has already entered the ranks of Eight Heavens.

The water is full of water and the water is everywhere.

You don't need Wang Chen to spend the least effort, this is a perfect breakthrough!

The sentiments left by many ancestors are the most valuable treasure for Wang Chen.

At the level of the gods, what is the most needed for breakthrough? Isn't that the feeling?

Even Wang Chen feels that his strength is still improving!

"It's time to enjoy the world!"

Suppressing the inner ecstasy, Wang Chen focused on the world!

The mystery of this world, is it that Wang Chen can imagine?

The road ahead is still very long!

Wang Chen once again returned to calm!



While the silence that Wang Chen will send is in the process of cultivation, the outside world has already stirred up and down.

The entire tower of the gods, the wind whistling.

The energy of the whole world, autonomously condensed toward this side.

In the gust of wind, Wang Chen suspended in the air, and the whole body shone with a red light.

The endless energy, as if there is life, autonomously poured into the body of Wang Chen.

Wang Chen's momentum is climbing!

Eight heavens?

Do not! This is not the limit!

With Wang Chen's constant sentiment, his own momentum, his energy is still climbing!

This is the benefit of Wang Chen.

In line with the world, the energy of heaven and earth is to see Wang Chen as the same kind, and go to Wang Chen.

You don't need Wang Chen to practice. At this moment, Wang Chen's speed of improvement is enough to make you know how many warriors are not in sight!

"Yes! It seems that this kid's understanding is very good! The promotion is really fast! The height of the Eight Heavens! So, how long will it take to enter the height of the Nine Heavens?"

Taking a deep breath, outside the wind, watching Wang Chen, the battle is full of emotions.

"Eight months! Just eight months, he is almost halfway through the progress! Another year, within a year, he will definitely go out!"

War Waitian is full of confidence in Wang Chen.

If this is the case, Wang Chen’s retreat within the shrine is only lasting more than two years from the beginning to the end. Under such circumstances, it is absolutely horrible to be able to complete the refining of the gods!

"I should also prepare for it! The time left for me is really not much! Kid, it's worth it! I will help you again! That little Nizi, almost ready to go out, you can't catch up. I will give her another A chance. How much can be obtained, see her own creation. As for whether you can finally leave her, it is to see your creation!"

After a long time, thinking of the aura, the battle of the sky revealed a complex complexion, muttered.

When the voice falls, the figure is flashing, and the battle is disappearing in the world!


"The four big families, the four holy places, as well as the Mohist, the Xingyue family and the Han family, have they started to act?"

At the same time that Wang Chen retreats, within the warrior, the atmosphere of this day is also solemn!

In the Warrior Hall, there are many people at the core of the warriors.

In addition to the four elders who have not returned, even the five elders and the war eagle have returned and returned to the warriors.

It has been more than a year since the alliance with the four major families, the four great holy places, the Han family, the Mofeng family and the Xingyue family.

More than a year is enough for them to do a lot of things!

Clean up the family, integrate strength, lay the foundation, and be prepared...

More than a year, enough!

Now, this alliance has begun to work quietly!

Now, the warriors should start acting!

Looking at everyone present, Zhanpeng looks solemn!

"The news came, the forces of all parties have begun to prepare. The Mozu also expressed sufficient sincerity in cooperation. Although it has not been blunt to join the alliance. However, this is no different from our alliance!"

In the face of Zhanpeng’s inquiry, the eagle smiled.

"Ha ha ha ... Mozu? They are different from the homeowners in the battlefield! Now this attitude is not surprising. Besides, don't forget, several young Junjies of the Mozu just left our warriors. Soon. Everyone has won a huge harvest. This one, they will not forget!"

Said the Mozu, the six elders laughed loudly.

Yes, just a few days ago, the Devil's Broken Blade, Jiang Chenyuan, Forgot Valley Lady, Ji Xueling... These people left the warrior after retreating.

Almost a year ago, these people came to the highest battlefield, then returned to their respective families, and soon came to the warriors and entered the retreat.

This retreat, everyone can be said to have undergone earth-shaking changes. The benefits gained are naturally unimaginable.

This opportunity, the Mozu can forget?

They are standing with the warrior, this is a normal thing.

"Nine elders, the king's family..."

Zhanpeng nodded and looked at Wang Yan.

The forces of all parties are ready.

What happened to the Wang family?

Saying that the Wang family, many people present showed a look of concern.

After all, Wang Jia is the family of Wang Chen, and can be said to be the same root as their war.

However, today's Wang family seems to have no leader! Wang Chen retreats, Wang Yan sits in the town.

What about the Wang family?

How is the situation? !

The eyes of everyone are concentrated on Wang Yan’s body.


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