Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 112: Sweep all the way

"Hah, this is really a good place!"

After discovering the beauty of this trial land, Wang Chen couldn't help but laugh.

"Come on, let me have a hearty battle!"

Passing through the three levels in one breath, watching the fourth level of the challenge began, Wang Chen's face full of fighting spirit.

Such a battle is not for Wang Chen.

Can lay a solid foundation, more able to make up for their own regrets, and what is better than this.

Be aware that after the level of the gods, every battle is a valuable experience.

Where are the ordinary gods and strong people, where will they easily fight?

Therefore, there is not much fighting at the level of the gods.

However, Wang Chen now has a chance to be a big one.

He will face challenges one after another, constantly challenging himself and accumulating experience.

This is simply the best chance given by God!

Where will Wang Chen waste such an opportunity?

More importantly, Wang Chen is very clear that after passing these levels, he can enter the tower in front.

Perhaps in that, you should be able to find what you want to know!

This makes Wang Chen's fighting spirit full.

The fourth level, the repetition is the first level of fighting, but the opponent becomes the strongman of the double heaven.

However, Wang Chen’s strength has also increased to the height of the Double Heaven.

As long as it is maintained at this height, Wang Chen is invincible within the double heaven!

Even if the fifth level, the sixth level is the emergence of two opponents, how about the three opponents?

Wang Chen rolled all the way!

The fourth pass, the fifth pass, and the sixth pass, Wang Chen only spent a lot of effort, and it passed smoothly.

Then, after Wang Chen passed the sixth level, his strength returned to the level of the triple heaven. He offered the seventh, eighth and ninth levels of challenge!

In these levels, Wang Chen is still invincible!

It can be said that in this battle, Wang Chen is destined to win.

His strength, within the same level, is enough to crush everything.

What's more, what is facing you.

The combat effect may not be the best, but it is also quite good!


A roar came and accompanied by three figures, Wang Chen took a breather.

Finally, a trace of exhaustion came, Wang Chen began to breathe!

"Five Heavens, 15 Passes, 30 Opponents! I have restored all the original strengths! There are still six?"


? Once out of the station, it will be sixteen, seventeen and eighteen! This will also be the last three levels. What challenges will I face? ”

Looking at the last six remaining squats, Wang Chen, who was slightly breathing, looked very dignified.

Along the way, Wang Chen has passed the fifteenth pass.

Or, to be precise, Wang Chen passed five big levels!

A heavy three-day pass, two heavens three off... five heavens three off! Wang Chen's strength is improving step by step! And every level of this, Wang Chen can be said to be very easy.

Now he has recovered to its peak.

Even the constant fighting, the potential that has been stimulated, makes Wang Chen feel that he seems to go beyond the limit! His strength is faint, and it seems to be refined.

Just, what's next?

The next big level, three small levels, how will it be a challenge?

"The fifteenth pass, pass, the sixteenth challenge, start!"

It seems that I feel the emotional fluctuations of Wang Chen, the head of the cockroach, said with a blank expression.


As the voice fell, Wang Chen saw a figure appear in front of himself.

"Six heavens!"

Feel the breath of this figure, Wang Chen's look suddenly changed.

Six heavens!

Yes, what Wang Chen feels at the moment is a breath of six heavens?

At this moment, Wang Chen is faced with the strongest of Six Heavens.

However, Wang Chen did not feel any improvement in his own strength!

In other words, from now on, Wang Chen will be more challenging! Challenge the strength of Six Heavens with the strength of the Five Heavens!

Thinking of this, Wang Chen's face is more and more dignified.

"It seems that this space, the limit of strength is its ultimate strength! However, the strength of the cockroach is unchanged. I have encountered such a situation, then the people who were the martial artists? At the beginning, the warriors were Many people who have not stepped into the gods level have entered this place to try! They will be challenged! It is impossible to continue to challenge more and more. They can't overcome too many levels of challenges. I can't do it either. It seems that the trial of this place is not a layer of change! It really is a place of ingenious trials. The warrior, for the sake of this trial, I am afraid it is also a painstaking thought?"

Looking at the six-day statue that appeared in front of him, Wang Chen looked solemnly muttering.

"Oh... six days? Yeah! My fighting power is also six heavens. Then it will be a battle, how about?"

Soon, Wang Chen’s mouth showed a sneer.

What about the six heavens? Wang Chen is very interested.

Although his strength is still only five days. However, if Wang Chen is fully fired, his combat power will not be inferior to the six-day strong.

In this battle, Wang Chen is not in a disadvantage.


Thinking of this, Wang Chen is finally unreserved, and he is fully committed!


Magical display.

As soon as he shot, Wang Chen displayed Shi Tianquan.

Combined with the trend of streamer, Wang Chen will speed up to the extreme.

In this case, the two peaks battle.

However, the situation is better than Wang Chen’s imagination.

After the two sides only had two moves, Wang Chen took the upper hand.

"Get out of my way! Destroy the sword!"

Take the upper hand, Wang Chen fully urged the eyes of Suzaku! In an instant, Suzaku’s flames wrapped Wang Chen in it.

In the hands of the forces of the forces of force, Wang Chen is directly blasted out the sword!


As this move came out, the world was distorted.

The troops of Yuan Li in the hands of Wang Chen turned into a long river, with a raging flame, pouring down from the sky.


This move with unmatched power, a blow with the statue, the impact of the smashing together.


Along with the collision of this move, the entire square trembled wildly, and the wind whistled. In the wind, a burst of crisp sound came.

The fire is splattered and the fire is over the sky.

A strong stock of swords, sweeping away.

This sword and anger, and even forced the statues that were previously defeated by Wang Chen, retreat!

"Oh! The power is good! But, after all, it’s just awkward! Your limit should be almost here? Give me away!"

In the stalemate, Wang Chen’s mouth suddenly showed a sneer.

Yes, the stalemate of this move, Wang Chen actually felt some hard work, but it did not reach the limit.

Destroy the sword! This is a great supernatural power.

Especially with the improvement of strength, Wang Chen has repeatedly improved the Yangyang sword.

Today's annihilation sword, Wang Chen gradually control the essence!

Now, it is not the limit of Wang Chen.

In the sneer, Wang Chen made a second effort and broke out again!


Endless swords, in front of Wang Chen condensed into thousands of flying flowers!

The flying flowers that are condensed by these swords are like snowflakes, falling down. However, it is with an unparalleled killing!


A burst of dull sound broke out.


With the falling of the snow that the sword became vaporized, and the shackles in the stalemate with Wang Chen, I finally could not persist, and Wang Chen directly flew out!

"Three strokes! It is smoother than I thought!"

With this slap in the air, Wang Chen said to himself without expression.

That's right, with this six-day battle, Wang Chen just showed three tricks.

"The fighting power of Liuzhongtian, but this is the statue, I am afraid that I can only compete with the strongest of the five peaks of Tianfeng. I will not challenge my limit! Sixteen customs, this is the end! Seventeen off, come on !"

This battle has greatly increased Wang Chen’s confidence!

Looking at the cockroaches flying out, watching the remaining five squats, Wang Chen smiled.

"16 customs, win! Seventeen, start!"

As Wang Chen expected, just after Wang Chen’s voice fell for a while, the head of the face was stunned.

Seventeen off, start!

Two cockroaches stood up!

"If it is only the strength of the cockroach, the two of you are joining hands, not my opponent!"

Looking at the two stations, Wang Chen sneered.


In the face of these two embarrassments, Wang Chen’s shot is a direct display of a powerful law!

Qiankun Ding was urging, and the huge French seal was condensed! Thousands of French seals have become a huge legal seal, so that the whole sky is shaking, so that the sun, the moon and the stars are eclipsed!

Nowadays, this method of law, in the hands of Wang Chen, has long been a thing of the past!

Especially with the strength of Qiankun Ding, along with the power of Wang Chen, this trick, the power is more powerful than the great supernatural powers do not know how much.

Under this law, the two monks quickly lost!

Only this one move, Wang Chen seconds to destroy two!

This way, Wang Chen still maintains a sweeping posture.

What about the six heavens? In front of Wang Chen, it was just a blow.

This is the state of strength of Wang Chen today. This is the power of the death of Wang Chen!

"The last level, it's time to come!"

At the end of the seventeenth pass, Wang Chen looked at the last three remaining squats and smiled.

The last level.

Wang Chen has already stepped into the tall tower in front of him.

At this moment, Wang Chen could not wait to get up.

The victory is close at hand, and his trials will soon end.

Everything is going smooth!

"Tenteen off, win! Eighteenth off, start!"

Sure enough, just in the moment when Wang Chen’s voice fell, the head of the cockroach, the voice said coldly.

The voice fell, and the three monks, including him, stood up.

This is the last three! This will also be the last level. This is the last barrier placed in front of Wang Chen!


With these three squats coming out, a powerful wave of waves rolled over.


Feeling the rolling waves, the smile on Wang Chen’s face suddenly disappeared.

His expression solidified in place.

Wang Chen at this moment is full of incredible.

"Damn, this...not six heavens! This sturdy strength is not a six-day! This is the head of the cockroach, the strength surpasses the six heavens! Seven heavens! The **** is actually the strength of the seven heavens!"

Among them, Wang Chen exclaimed.

That's right.

This last level, so that Wang Chen can no longer laugh.

Because, Wang Chen once again encountered a huge trouble.

Originally, in Wang Chen’s view, this last level, he is nothing more than to face the three six-day statues.

Although the Sixth Heaven is very powerful, but because of the strong fighting power of Wang Chen, because of the characteristics of the cockroach, this makes Wang Chen confident to overcome!

The trouble is definitely there. After all, it is three six-day Scorpio opponents! This is completely different from the two six-day rivals.

But... Wang Chen thinks he can handle it.

He still has a lot of means to play.

However, the current situation is wrong!

That is the head of the cockroach, although the strength is not the top level of the gods that Wang Chen felt at the beginning. However, it also reached the level of seven heavens.

The other two crickets also have the strength of being close to seven heavens! This is no longer the one that Wang Chen encountered before can be comparable!

Even if the three are embarrassed, but under such strength, any one is not inferior to the strength of the six-strong Tianwu! Just because the two men joined forces, they could bring great trouble to Wang Chen.

Moreover, there is still a more anti-day existence?

Especially the seven re-repairs! I am afraid that I am really comparable to the ordinary warriors of the seven heavens!

Thinking of this, Wang Chen’s face is blue!


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