Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 76: Enemy attack

Looking at Xiaoyun, this moment of Wang Chen, my heart is undoubtedly tangled.

He is worried that the situation he most wants to see appears.

This is a lot of speculation about the identity of Xiao Yun.

Now, Xiao Yun’s expression of this kind of yin and death temperament makes Wang Chen’s heart inevitable.

If your own guess comes true, how do you face Xiaoyun?

Wang Chen brows tightly.

"Why do I like it here? I like it! Brother, don't you like it? How comfortable it is! I feel like I am getting spiritual!"

In the face of Wang Chen's inquiry, Xiao Nizi squinted and looked at Wang Chen, but asked curiously.


And just as Xiao Nizi spoke, suddenly, there were two sounds in the jungle in the distance.

"not good!"

I didn't have time to think about what Xiao Nizi said. When I heard the sudden movement, Wang Chen was a big change.


Holding Xiao Nizi, Wang Chen is taking a few steps toward the side.


And just in the moment when Wang Chen plucked, a roar suddenly exploded.

The place where Wang Chen was originally located, this moment is dusty and the wind is sweeping.

The few trees that were towering in the sky were smashed apart.

"Ha ha ha... Wang Chen, we finally found you!"

In the dust of the sky, followed by a burst of laughter.


Among the laughter, two figures appeared in the place where Wang Chen was less than 100 meters in front of him.

"The corpse Wang Zong people?"

Looking at the changes in front of me, holding a small rhyme tightly, Wang Chen's look became gloomy, looking at the two figures in front of him, he even blinked in the eyes.

These two people are obviously the people of the corpse Wang Zong.

It was pale and with a gloomy breath, which was obviously the result of dealing with the body all the year round. In addition to the corpse Wang Zong, who will have such a breath?

The corpse Wang Zong’s person, even so soon, came to the door?

This made Wang Chen feel a bit stunned.

What exactly is going on?

The corpse Wang Zong, seems to be waiting for himself?

Is it that his whereabouts have already been exposed? Wang Chen could not help but have doubts.


Just, very quickly, Wang Chen has decided his own guess.

Can't be found.

If it has already been discovered, how can the other party wait until now.

That is the last one possible!

The other party has some means to find themselves.

Before, when leaving the world of Qiankun, Wang Chen felt a burst of heat in the depths of the body! That feeling is very small, Wang Chen did not even care.

However, if you want to come now, I am afraid... It’s that feeling, it’s weird.

Did the other person have any strange tracking on himself?

This made Wang Chen's face look bad.

"Oh... Wang Chen, that's right! We are the corpse Wang Zong's people! I am the corpse of the corpse Wang Zong's law! You actually betrayed the corpse Wang Zong, you must be punished by my corpse Wangzong! Hand over the things I got from my corpse, Wang Zong, and tell me where the corpse is.

Otherwise, today we will blame us for letting you die without a place of burial! ”

Looking at Wang Chen’s shocked appearance, the two old men standing in front of Wang Chen’s dozens of meters smiled coldly.

Wang Chen?

That's right! This is Wang Chen. They have been searching for Wang Chen.

Hu San and Wang Chen are now listed as the target of the corpse Wang Zong.

Even the Sovereign has given out a reward!

That is the perfect corpse king.

Such a corpse king, even these two elders, are also very excited!

This reward is as effective for the corpse Wang Zong personnel.

Therefore, before such a reward, the corpse Wangzong did not know how many people were crazy. Even if it is to protect the law, it is no exception.

Do you know if it can?


Get the perfect corpse king, with their strength to protect the law, it is very likely that within a short time, become another elder of the corpse Wangzong.

Under such circumstances, their status will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Unfortunately, this time, Wang Chen is not willing to show up.

Only Hu Sanyi is accepting the pursuit.

However, Hu San is like a fox, and several times chasing and killing, let Hu San escape. Although Hu San was unbearable, he never left Hu San.

Today, Hu San is hidden and difficult to find.

Rao is a full-length old-fashioned tracker, and it has been temporarily covered up. It is impossible to determine the position of Hu San.

This made people who did not know how many people chased Hu San were disappointed.

Under such circumstances, the appearance of Wang Chen is simply a gift from heaven.

Just now, these two laws of protection are still within the sect.

However, they happened to be in Danfang.

The moment when Wang Chen appeared, the full length of the old man felt it. And immediately said the approximate location of Wang Chen.

These two guards were chased after the first time.

They really saw Wang Chen.

How can this two people not be excited?

Wang Chen, if he is controlled, not only can he recover the face of the corpse Wang Zong, find the corpse of the corpse, and even get the perfect corpse.

This temptation is too big.

So, now looking at Wang Chen, these two people seem to have seen a Jinshan Silver Mountain.

"Wang Chen, at this moment, you don't want to be stubborn. If you know each other, I will leave you a whole body. If you don't know each other, hey, don't blame us for being unkind!"

Another law of protection is also watching Wang Chen sneer again and again.

"Great tone!"

Looking at the two men, listening to their words, Wang Chen was extremely angry.

Hand over the things you get and hand over the ground? Otherwise, there is no place to die?

It is a big tone.

If the corpse Wangzong elders appear, say no, Wang Chen still needs to worry about it.

However, these two methods of protection...

The corpse Wang Zong protects the law, and the strength is mostly in the middle of the gods.

There are even some methods of protection, but the strength is only the beginning of the gods.

Such a warrior, why is Wang Chen now afraid?

In the face of these two people, if Wang Chen wants to escape, there is no problem at all.

With Wang Chen’s current strength, these two people want to leave Wang Chen? It’s simply an idiot saying a dream!

But killing these two people? I am afraid that there is a problem.

If you face any one alone, Wang Chen has the confidence to kill.

However, facing two people will be a lot of difficulties.

Wang Chen quickly analyzed the situation in front of him.

"Wang Chen, I advise you not to think about escape! Even if you flee to the ends of the earth, it is useless! You can't escape the palm of my corpse Wang Zong. You can't escape the full-length control!"

Looking at Wang Chen's silent standing there, the face of constant changes, headed by a law, cold martyrdom.

"Sure enough? Dan House is old? Hehe..."

When I heard this as the first law, Wang Chen browed and sneered.

The other party is simply, actually even said something in his heart of suspicion?

Sure enough, I should be a secret means of being moved by the full length.

Otherwise, the other party cannot find himself so early.

"Little rhyme, afraid not afraid?"

Looking at the small rhyme in the middle of the situation, Wang Chen revealed a smile.

"Brother, they are all bad guys! They all have the breath of the old man. They are all people who hate Xiaoyun. Are they bullying you?"

When I heard Wang Chen’s inquiry, Xiao Yun’s eyes widened and asked with a delicate voice.

"Well! They are all bad people. So, my brother is going to beat the bad guys, okay?"

Wang Chen asked with a smile.

"Good! Let's be a bad guy! Brother, let me teach them!"

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, Xiao Yun’s eyes lit up!

"However, my brother, they both bully you alone, it’s not fair! Xiaoyun helps you fight badly!"

Xiaoyun naively asked.

"Oh, Xiao Yun! They are not so good to play. You look good!"

When I heard Xiaoyun, Wang Chen’s mouth was pumping, and she smiled bitterly.

Although very curious about Xiaoyun's identity.

But let Xiaoyun shoot? How could Wang Chen promise?

"Good! That little rhyme will see my brother teach these bad guys!"

Xiao Nizi does not think that there is a problem with her own words.

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, Xiao Nizi showed a trace of regret, but quickly agreed.

"Want to get something, come and get it yourself!"

Seeing Xiao Nizi's well-behaved shackles in his arms, Wang Chen looked in front, his eyes murdered in silence, cold and cold.

Between the talks, Wang Chen slightly bowed his body and watched the two with vigilance.

The situation around, this moment, has already been printed in the heart of Wang Chen.

He made all the preparations.


If it is necessary, Wang Chen will escape the first time.

On this side, facing the two men, Wang Chen will encounter difficulties. More importantly, it may lead to more corpse Wang Zongqiang.

This is too close to the corpse Wangzong.

This is a bad thing for Wang Chen.

What's more, Wang Chen still has to take care of Xiaoyun!

Escape, perhaps the best option, isn't it?

If you can hit it, you can't fight it, just go!

This is the intention of Wang Chen now.

"Ha ha ha... good! Good boy! Great tone! And that little Nizi, hey, I don't know how to live!"

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, I heard the dialogue between Wang Chen and Xiao Yun, and the head guard’s anger was extremely angry.

When he died, Wang Chen and Xiao Nizi, who did not know how to live and die, still sweared at this side. This is not looking for death, what is it?

"Hey... Wang Chen? This is why you are looking for death! Don't blame us for being polite. That little Nizi, it's not bad! Hey... I like it! Wait, I will make her heartbreak!"

Another method of protection, a flash of color in the eyes, revealing a smirk, said.


I have to say that when I heard the second law-protection, I looked at the disgusting smile and expression of the law-protection, and Wang Chen’s face became more and more ugly.

The Guardian King's protection? This is a scum!


Thinking of this, Wang Chen no longer hesitates, and the momentum of the whole body suddenly rises!

"King of the dead, out!"

Feel the breath of Wang Chen's rising season, headed by the expression of the faceless expression of the cold road.


As the first guardian method pinched out the mark, a coffin emerged from the void.

The lid was opened, and a huge figure full of tyrannical scent appeared in front of Wang Chen. ;

Between the shots, this law of protection is to summon a powerful corpse.

At this moment, Wang Chen came back to God.

What he faced was not a simple **** warrior.

It is the corpse of the corpse king, Zongwu.

This made Wang Chen's face dignified.


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