Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 52: Intimate

Speaking of the next action, Hu San’s face suddenly became serious.

"what's your plan?"

Wang Chen couldn't help but wonder.

He would like to see what plans and means Hu has.

"Tomorrow's evening! At that time, the aura within the veins will be confusing, which will inevitably lead to the chaos of the corpse king! At that time, it is the best time for us to act!"

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, Hu San smiled and said.

“There is a mess? Do you want to start with the pulse?”

Hu San’s words made Wang Chen’s heart shocked.

Hu San wants to start with the pulse? How can Wang Chen not worry?

Other people's things don't hurt. If this spiritual pulse Wang Chen can't take it, maybe it won't care.

However, this spiritual pulse is now regarded as a thing of his own, what problems can he make the pulse of the pulse? The loss is Wang Chen himself.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen looked awkward.

"Yes, only then, we have the opportunity to create chaos. Otherwise, we will have no chance at the core of the geography. As long as the spirits are chaotic, at this critical moment, it will certainly attract the attention of the entire corpse Wang Zongqiang. By then, we will be able to sneak into it!"

Said that here, Hu San looked excited.

"What are you going to do? Are you hands-on? How do we act when we get there?"

Wang Chen brows and asks.

"You seem to be very worried about the spirit? Haha? Do you still feel sorry for the corpse Wangzong? Rest assured! This is very powerful, can I still ruin it? I don't have this ability!"

Looking at Wang Chen's dignified appearance, Hu San brows a pick, like a smile.

"I just feel that I am going to be mad at the spirit, and the corpse Wang Zong will be angry. I will not end well when you are there!"

Wang Chen sneaked a bit in his heart, his face said gloomy.

He naturally does not expose his ambitions to the spirit.

"Rage? Is it that we took Danfang and took away the yin and yang, the corpse Wangzong will not be angry? You just said that the corpse Wangzong found that yin and yang and Danfang were stolen, and it is bound to be angry. You may not be able to leave the body. Wang Zong. Only by creating chaos can we get rid of it and be able to leave smoothly! As for the pulse? You don’t have to worry, destruction is definitely impossible. I don’t have that ability! Even, I want to think of my strength. It’s impossible to make a big hit on the scene!

Tonight, I will make people help me in the early veins, creating a burst! How rich is the energy of the pulse? If it is used properly, it will bring us a chance!

As for this blasting damage to the spirit? That is still far away! Just, the movement will not be small! ”

Hu San grinned.

If you are happy, Hu San does not mind destroying the spirit!

However, Hu San could not do it. With his strength, there is a lot to be done to do this! Hu San obviously does not have this opportunity and effort.

Thinking of this, Hu San’s eyes flashed through.

"It turns out! Who is your helper?"

When I heard Hu San’s words, Wang Chen breathed a sigh of relief! As long as the spirit does not have much damage, it does not matter. Moreover, Hu San’s plan is indeed good. Creating a mess, isn't this just giving them the opportunity to act?

Just, it sounds like Hu also seems to have a helper? Who is that?

This is the place where Wang Chen is curious.

"My helper? You don't need to know, aren't you? We all have secrets!"

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, Hu San’s mouth rose slightly and looked at Wang Chen with deep meaning.

Your own helper?

Thinking of the helper, Hu San is full of confidence.

This helper, he will not let Wang Chen know.

You must know that this helper can even be said to be Hu's most powerful means and backing! Even, tomorrow, Hu San wants to leave, but they all want to help the helper. Can Hu Sanzhen expose his identity?

"Well! You can't say it. What time is it tomorrow night?"

When I heard Hu San’s words, Wang Chen’s heart was tight and he did not continue to pursue it.

Although there are many doubts, at this time, the questioning will not only fail to get an answer, but will also attract Hu San’s vigilance.

Wang Chen does not want to see such a situation.

Now, for Wang Chen, it is a fallacy to get yin and yang, or even to enrich the spirit into the world of Qiankun!

"Oh... rest assured! I promise you, definitely do it! Just like the soul of Dan and the **** of heaven, I promise, I did it! Now, tomorrow is when you help me. The benefits I give you are also affirmed. Do it. The sky marks the creation of Dan, there is a huge opportunity to create!

As for the time of action, I will meet you tomorrow, and when I am ugly, I will start to act! ”

Hu San said directly.

"Ok, I will wait for you!"

After hearing this action time, Wang Chen stunned and agreed directly.

Since Hu San has a plan, Wang Chen certainly will not oppose it.

All he has to do is wait for the instructions of Hu San.

Of course, by then, what is the result of the action? Wang Chen can not guarantee it.

Hu San wants yin and yang?

It’s just a joke.

Wang Chen sneered in his heart.

"Ha ha ha... good! refreshing! I just like to cooperate with people like you! I believe that our cooperation will be very happy! If so, I will go now. These two days, you should be careful, don't show anything!" ”

Seeing that Wang Chen had promised his plan, Hu San laughed.

After a long time with Wang Chen, Hu San left the room of Wang Chen directly.

"Hu San? It seems that you are hiding more and more behind you. The more you contact with you, the more elusive it is!"

After Hu San left, in the room, squinting, Wang Chen muttered to himself.

There are still people behind Hu San. This is what Wang Chen had expected. Otherwise, how did the news and clues of Hu San come from?

Wang Chen does not think that Hu San has the ability to get these news and clues.

But who is the person behind Hu San? Wang Chen does not know! There is only one thing that can be affirmed. There are definitely more than one person behind Hu San.

This time, is the person behind Hu San going out of the water?

This is to make Wang Chen curious. At the same time, it is also to let Wang Chen could not help but be alert.

If this time, the people behind Hu San appear, it may bring great trouble to Wang Chen.

Will your plans be devastated by then? Can you kill Hu San? This is hard to say.

"I hope you won't bring me too much trouble!"

Thinking of this, Wang Chen snorted and whispered to himself.

If there is no choice, Wang Chen can not move Hu San. However, the thing Wang Chen must be taken away.

This is the bottom line of Wang Chen.

"However, it will start to act tomorrow. This time is quite urgent! It seems that I want to reach the peak of the triple sky, maybe it will be worse, and the recovery of the world will be delayed. However, the impact is not great. Into the arms, what is the delay in a few days!"

Thinking of starting the night, Wang Chen sighed.

Time is tight.

However, the problem is not big.

And now?

Wang Chen is going to go straight into the depths of the earth to continue practicing.

Since it is about to start tomorrow, Wang Chen must try to improve his strength as much as possible.

A little more strength is more than one guarantee!

Thinking of this, Wang Chen no longer hesitates, directly summoning the drug king, let the drug king take himself, it is directly to the depths of the earth!


In the world of Qiankun, Wang Chen opened his eyes and exhaled a long breath.

"Sure enough, after the world can be used, it is the existence of anti-sky. Even though there are still many problems in the world of today's Qiankun, it is restored to five or six layers, but the ability is still there. Ten times the cultivation time! I am It’s only half a day to practice here, it’s a three-day time to compete with the outside world. It works very well!”

Feeling his own situation, Wang Chen's mouth showed a smile!

Yes, after entering the depths of the earth, Wang Chen is directly practicing in the world of Qiankun.

This time, with the help of the world of Qiankun, Wang Chen has gained a lot.

Directly running through the world of Qiankun, mobilizing the ground energy into the world of cultivation, which makes Wang Chen's cultivation time a lot longer.

In the three days of the world of Qiankun, Wang Chen’s strength once again made a huge leap.

"Ground energy has already made my strength reach the middle of the Three Gods of Heaven, close to the peak. Unfortunately, it is saturated, but today it is impossible to continue cultivation!"

The only regret is that Wang Chen did not rush into the peak of the Three Gods of Heaven.

But what about this?

From the beginning of the veins, the two short cultivations, that is, the two days outside, Wang Chen has almost crossed the level of the three heavens, which is not enough to make Wang Chen satisfied?

This is already something that countless people can't even think about it?

Thinking of Wang Chen here is a lot more comfortable.

"And, with my current strength, I am afraid that I will encounter the power of the gods in the late days of the four gods. I have the power of a battle! Hu San? I hope that tomorrow I will surprise you!"

Feeling the energy of the body, the smile on Wang Chen's face gradually bloomed.

With such strength, against Hu San? Wang Chen has more grasp.

He will send Hu San a big surprise!

"This time, the training and the movements should not be as big as yesterday. Does the corpse Wangzong have any reflection?"

Thinking of the previous cultivation, his own restraint, Wang Chen thought.

"Now, there is still a lot of time left, but I can use it to make the world of Qiankun more restored!"

After a while, the energy in the body gradually subsided, and Wang Chen sank.

When cultivation is saturated, it is obviously impossible to continue cultivation.

The rest of the time can be used to restore the world.

The better the world of Qiankun is restored, the more assured Wang Chen is.

The time outside, as well as the full night, this is placed in the world of the world, it is full of three or four days.

For this period of time, if it is going well, it will not be a problem to restore the world to the seven or eight layers.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen no longer hesitated, and soon, with the opening channel, the introduction of the external energy of the earth, infusion of the world.

With the influx of energy, the whole world has become crazy again.

In this quiet night, in this quiet underground world, this moment, Wang Chen is fully committed to reserve power for the upcoming action!


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