Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 49: Like a snow lotus

Although the world has recovered, there are only five or six floors, but this is enough to make Wang Chen excited.

You must know that Wang Chen only spent the middle of the night in the middle of the night, less than three days in the world.

This recovery speed is enough to make people feel terrified.

Although the world of Qiankun has not yet been fully restored, it is finally to let the world of Qiankun avoid the most dangerous situation.

This level of the world of the world is enough to make Wang Chen re-call the dragon.

At the beginning, in order to let Han Yuxuan get better protection, Wang Chen did not only enclose Han Yuxuan in Feng Long. He sealed Han Yuxuan in Fenglong, and then sealed Feng Long in the core of the world.

There, there is the source of energy in the world of the world, which can best help Han Yuxuan maintain his life!

Because of this, Wang Chen is extremely worried when the world of Qiankun is nearing collapse. However, the world of Qiankun is more worried about Han Yuxuan.

More importantly, the world’s collapse in the world of Qiankun made Wang Chen dare not rush to move the world. Therefore, Feng Longzhen was sealed at the core of Qiankun World. What is the specific situation, Wang Chen is not clear!

Now, finally, you can finally remove the dragon seal!

Thinking of this, where will Wang Chen hesitate?

"Give me out!"

In the hands of the pinch, Wang Chen shouted.


Accompanied by the seal, it was to see Wang Chen’s right foot suddenly slammed on the ground.

Suddenly a loud noise came!

Wang Chen’s foot is like a million pounds, which has shaken the whole world.

In the roar of the roar, the whole world of glory trembled faintly.


Then, the lake in the core of Qiankun world stirred up thousands of waves.

Among the huge waves, a faint shadow appeared.

Breaking the water, the shadow appeared in Wang Chen's line of sight.

This is not a dragon seal, what is it?

That's right! Feng Longzhen, this moment was summoned by Wang Chen.


Looking at the Feng Long, who appeared in front of him, Wang Chen grabbed his right hand out of thin air.


A strong suction force produced, the dragon seal that was washed out of the lake by the water waves, under the suction, quickly flew toward Wang Chen, and in the blink of an eye it fell on the ground in front of Wang Chen.


The dragon seal landed and made a deafening sound.


Without hesitation, Wang Chen opened the dragon directly!

The next moment, a familiar face appeared in front of Wang Chen.

Not Han Yuxuan, who is it?

Muscle ~ skin white, with a morbid pale, dressed in a white dress. This allowed Han Yuxuan to exude a dusty atmosphere, like the tacky snow lotus, which was independent.

With a slight closed eyes, Han Yuxuan was so quietly lying inside the dragon, and the corner of his mouth seemed to hang a smile.

Such a Han Yuxuan, like a fairy in a sleep, makes the whole world of the world seem to be eclipsed, so that Wang Chen feels suffocated.

Looking at this scene, Wang Chen's heart couldn't help but feel a pain.

This is Han Yuxuan. Compared to the original, Han Yuxuan at this moment seems to be more real.

If it is not pale, no one will think that Han Yu has announced something. This is just a sleeping fairy.

However, Wang Chen is able to feel that Han Yuxuan’s life is declining.

Han Yuxuan’s incident has been going on for a while.

If you don't get the blood and help of Yaowang, if you don't rely on the suppression of Qiankun World and Fenglong, you are afraid that Han Yu Xuan has already disappeared.

This is the case, and today’s Han Yuxuan, the situation is also very bad.

Today, Han Yuxuan’s life is almost insignificant.

If this is maintained, no more than three months, Han Yuxuan will die! Even if there is a means of against the sky, I am afraid that Han Yuxuan will not be able to recover!

Feel this, Wang Chen's heart, bursts of pain.

"Rain, why bother? In this life, I am destined to owe you too much!"

After a long silence for a long time, my face didn't know how many times I changed. After taking a deep breath, Wang Chen looked pale, and the corner of his mouth shook a little, and said hard.

Looking at this face again, Wang Chen deep in the heart, there are countless memories emerging.

The original Tianfeng City, the original Qingfeng City, the original...

Yes, after the defeat of the Wang family, the Han family did something to be sorry for Wang Chen. The Han family owed the royal family and owed Wang Chen. But what about Han Yuxuan? Does he really owe the Wang family and Wang Chen?

Perhaps at the moment of the retreat, Wang Chen’s heart had endless hatred. However, after so many years, that hate has gradually subsided. Wang Chen understood.

Han Yuxuan is just a poor person.

Her fate has never been dominated by herself!

At the time of the Han family in the Breeze City, Han Yuxuan’s fate was in the hands of the family. For the family, she was promised to Wang Chen, who did not know whether she liked it or not.

After the fall of the king's family, the Han family abandoned the royal family for the future, ungrateful, and Han Yuxuan's marriage contract was lifted under the forced request of the Han family. Although Han Yuxuan promised, but is that true?

In the next few years, within the Han family, Wang Chen was not taken care of by Han Yuxuan. Han Yuxuan, is this out of jealousy? what is this else?

What is certain is that Han Yuxuan is just a commodity of Han family!

After that, Wang Chen rises, and the Han family will awaken the exquisite Han Yuxuan for self-protection and give it to Linglong Han family! Han Yuxuan really wants to enter the exquisite Han family?

Although within the exquisite Han family, Han Yu Xuan was taken care of, and attracted attention and gained unprecedented status. But that's just the surface!


In the exquisite Han family, Han Yuxuan is really happy and happy? She is only an item of exquisite Han family.

Just as the rise of the royal family after the rise of the Han family was wrong, Han Yuxuan could not sacrifice?

In the end, Han Yuxuan left the exquisite Han family and entered the battlefield.

Perhaps, Han Yuxuan wants to get rid of fate! Perhaps, Han Yu Xuan, after entering the battlefield, she can get rid of her fate, she can be free.

But what about it?

Han Yuxuan is in the hands of the three sons!

Following the three sons, what did Han Yuxuan suffer? Wang Chen does not know! However, it is certain that Han Yuxuan is not happy.

Finally, the three sons were killed by Wang Chen, but Han Yuxuan was to save Wang Chen and was severely wounded. If Wang Chen and Yao Wang fully defended Han Yuxuan’s last breath, Han Yuxuan has already been fragrant and jade!

This woman, for the first half of her life, is lonely and pitiful! She has always been just a chess piece. She wants freedom, wants to get rid of the **** of fate, but fate is always joking with her!

Thinking of this, Wang Chen’s heartache became more and more painful. Looking at Han Yuxuan, who was quietly sleeping in Fenglong, Wang Chen’s eyes became more and more complicated.

"I know your bitterness! Maybe I didn't know it at the beginning, but when you blocked me and blocked the blow, I understood!"

His face changed a little, taking a deep breath, with a pale complexion, Wang Chen looked at Han Yuxuan quietly lying in front of himself whispered softly.

"I know your bitterness! Is it a bitterness to say no? This is the most bitter! You want freedom, but you have had freedom, you want to find yourself. But, you haven't found it yet, but it is already……"

Wang Chen’s mouth showed a pale and bitter smile, muttering to himself.

Sitting on the edge of the dragon, quietly watching Han Yuxuan, this moment of Wang Chen, as if to be a confidant.

"Now, you are perhaps the most comfortable? You may prefer this kind of quiet? The world is very dirty. This world is very chaotic!"

Wang Chen sighed and muttered!

Han Yuxuan’s fate is bumpy! Under such a frustrating fate, what Han Yuxuan might want is the quietness of today! Perhaps at this time, Han Yuxuan will not be manipulated, it will not be a commodity!



Br> Speaking of this, Wang Chen's face softened, his eyes full of pity.

He slowly reached out and helped Han Yuxuan sort out the hair that was breezy: "But, unfortunately, I can't give you such silence! I won't let you sleep all the time! Because, I owe you, It is destined to be returned to you. Perhaps, you can't give it what you want. However, I will try my best to compensate. At the very least, I will give you freedom!"

Wang Chen’s eyes suddenly became sharp.

I don't know if Han Yuxuan really likes the quietness of today. However, such a quiet Wang Chen can not be tolerated.

He owes Han Yuxuan a life, which is destined to be returned.

For this, Wang Chen killed the holy mountain and tried to find the heart of crystal. It is a pity that it was taken away by the Lord.

Therefore, Wang Chen came to the high battlefield and went directly to the corpse Wang Zong.

There is a returning soul here, there is yin and yang here!

These can replace the heart of crystal!

Thinking of this, Wang Chen’s eyes became awe-inspiring.

Han Yuxuan did not get the freedom at the beginning. This time, Wang Chen wanted to give Han Yuxuan. This is the compensation of Wang Chen.

After all, they are still friends!

After all, Wang Chen never forgot the original fiancee. Perhaps, there is no love now. However, what is the friendship that has been under the umbrella?

"I succeeded. Return to the soul Dan, I got it. Rain, you wait, I will be able to restore you soon! This is the soul of Dan, can help you gather souls! After taking this soul, you quickly Being able to wake up. Maybe you can't recover, but at least you won't face the test of death. As long as I find yin and yang, I can let you recover completely. Yin and Yang are in front of me, I won't let it fall!

Even though this is the corpse Wangzong, even though the strong here is like a cloud. However, no one can stop my pace! ”

Gradually, Wang Chen’s tone became excited.

Return to the soul Dan, yin and yang!

Han Yuxuan has hope.

Especially looking at the soul of the soul in the hands, Wang Chen is even more excited.

"Now, I will help you take the soul of Dan!"

Excited, Wang Chen no longer hesitated.

Even at this moment, Wang Chen did not want to delay the slightest time.

He must immediately let Han Yuxuan take the soul of Dan!

Thinking of the effect that the soul of the soul can bring, Wang Chen's face gradually became flushed, and his eyes showed a look of fanaticism, excitement and expectation.


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