Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 4: Wolverine fleeing

For the first time, Wang Chen felt that he was so small.

Looking at the giant who is close at hand, Wang Chen feels suffocated.

Time, stop at this moment! The space is frozen at this moment.

As if, Wang Chen can clearly smell the rotten smell of this giant.

Staring at the gray pupil, let Wang Chen's heart, could not help but shrink.


Wang Chen can even hear his heartbeat clearly.


At this moment, the whole world, the rest is only silence.

The storm of the dead, I don’t know where it was, and disappeared into the sight of Wang Chen. It seems that it has been a long time since millions of years. Wang Chen and the giant are just looking at it.


Until the past did not know how much time, when Wang Chen almost collapsed, finally the dead giants reacted.

It seems that Wang Chen has never been seen. When the light on that layer once again shines, the giant slowly turns around.

I saw the giant seemingly stiff and smashed the broken knife with a size of several dozen feet on his shoulder, turned and walked toward the distance step by step.

As if it were a patrol general, this barren land of barren bones is his territory. Now he is visiting his territory.


Until that huge figure went away, Wang Chen came back to God.

Breathing, Wang Chen no blood.

I don't know when, Wang Chen's clothes have already been soaked by his sweat.

"Good and powerful existence. Damn, who is he? Why do you feel familiar?"

Knowing that the giant walked out of the hundreds of meters until the light above the altar was once again obscured by Wang Chen's line of sight, Wang Chenxi muttered on the altar and muttered to himself.

That's right, now the doubts in Wang Chen's heart are getting more and more.

Originally, entering the high battlefield, appearing in such a strange place, this is enough to attract Wang Chen's endless doubts.

Now, this doubt is magnified again.

The previous doubts have not been resolved, and the new doubts are now sweeping again.

The strange place in front of me, the feeling for Wang Chen, is a mysterious place.

What is this place? Why do you appear here? Who is that giant? What is he going to do...

Too many doubts, filled in Wang Chen's heart, made him feel a headache.

"Fortunately, there is this altar. It seems that the existence of this altar is the only safe place in this land of bones. If it is not this altar, I am alive and killed by the storm of the dead, living is already fallen. In the hands of the giant?"

Wang Chen did not doubt his judgment.

Whether it is the storm of the dead, or the giant who has gone far, it is not Wang Chen's ability to confront.

It can be said that this will kill Wang Chen's abrupt sacrifice, but also saved Wang Chen's life.

"It seems that this place is not unusual in the high battlefield! This is not the place I can explore now. I must leave as soon as possible!"

Gradually calm down and feel his own situation, Wang Chen smiled.

This place has something to do with yourself. In the future, I have to come to this place again. This point, Wang Chen is extremely convinced!

Whether it is this time, he happened to be here, or to enter the scene of the high battlefield, the picture that he saw. Or come here personally, my heart is full of doubts! This is doomed to Wang Chen and this place, there is a close relationship.

What's more, in the moment when the giant just walked away, Wang Chen once again felt a kind of incitement!

It is from the depths of the blood, from the depths of the soul.

That incitement came from the core of this land of bones. It is the Necromancer Storm and the place where the giant appeared.

There, there must be something that Wang Chen needs to look for.

The reason for all this is that Wang Chen must be deeply involved.

But not now.

Wang Chen, now, is really too small.

If he stays here, Wang Chen doesn't know how ugly he will die.

Although he was not willing to leave, but Wang Chen also knew that leaving this place is his most sensible choice.

Take a deep breath and feel the energy that almost becomes empty again in the body, feeling his own injury, Wang Chen smiled!

Before leaving, it still seems to take a lot of time!


"The time left for me is not much!"

In the land of white bones, a figure quickly swept away in the distance. This figure, the speed is fast, it is difficult to see. It seems to be integrated into the world and turned into streamer.

The wind whistling in the ear, Wang Chen's look is awe.

Yes, this mad figure is not who is Wang Chen?

After the crisis of nine deaths and a lifetime, it took another three days to return to the six or seven layers, and Wang Chen could not wait to leave.

Even if he is not willing to leave, Wang Chen can only accept this result.

Staying in the green hills without ignoring firewood, Wang Chen is very clear, for him now, living is the most crucial thing.

If it is dead, there is really nothing left.

Living, everything has hope.

The land of this bone is very mysterious, but it is not the place where Wang Chen should go.

Want to set foot, Wang Chen also needs to improve strength.

At the very least, what he needs to do first is to step into the ranks of the gods.

With such a belief, Wang Chen left.

Moreover, through these days of understanding, Wang Chen gradually learned the difference in this place.

Every day, for a fixed period of time, that deadly storm will sweep out and sweep the entire bone.

Every day, the giant went back to inspect his territory, as if to perform a certain task mechanically.

Wang Chen must completely get rid of the bones before the emergence of the giants before the arrival of the dead spirit storm.

Otherwise, he has only one dead end.

It is precisely because of this point that Wang Chen is full of strength and rushes to the front at any cost.

Because there is not much time left for Wang Chen.

Yesterday, after the storm completely disappeared, Wang Chen began to set off.

However, this land of bones is far greater than he imagined.

Almost one day, Wang Chen has not escaped from this place. How can Wang Chen not worry?

Because the time of the storm is not much.

Moreover, through these days of understanding, Wang Chen can almost certainly determine that the storms he saw were the storm of the dead. And, every time there is a storm, there is more than one.

I really don't know how this place is, how to create so many storms of the dead, it is simply mad.

If it really falls into the storm, what are the consequences? Wang Chen can imagine.

This makes it even more anxious.

It is not easy to leave this place.


I don’t know how much time I’ve moved forward. Suddenly, the whole bones trembled, and then in the sky, the clouds were dark and the wind was dancing.


Seeing this scene, Wang Chen's face was pale.

Undoubtedly, the Necrotic Storm has appeared!

Sure enough, with the raging wind, Wang Chen is faint, you can see dozens of miles behind him, a few whirlwinds.

These whirlwinds may not be as strong as Wang Chen saw outside the altar on the same day. However, it is also scary enough.

The farther away from the core, the weaker the storm.

However, such a small storm is enough to bring a blow to the destruction of Wang Chen.


Looking at this scene, the roar of the roar, Wang Chen had to speed up and flee away in the distance.

The drums are full of strength. This time, Wang Chen really does not hesitate to pay.

The energy in the body rolls and flows, and the potential of the streamer shows the ultimate. The energy seems to be a venting of the general, and the speed of Wang Chen is once again elevated.

Rao is so, the distance between Wang Chen and the storm can not be opened.

At this moment, Wang Chen is racing against death.

Death, it is far behind Wang Chen, and a little closer!

"The margin, I saw it!"

I’m racing against the dead clouds, I don’t know how long it’s been. When those few dead spirits are less than a kilometer away from Wang Chen, even when Wang Chen can feel the clear death and cold atmosphere, he is almost desperate. Wang Chen, a bright light, showed a ecstatic look.

That's right, Wang Chen saw it clearly at this moment.

Just in front of him, just outside the tens of thousands of meters, there was a mountain!

How many days have you been to this piece of white bone? This is the first time Wang Chen has seen the vivid colors.

The mountain is green, the sky is blue.

It is completely different from this piece of white bone!

Where will Wang Chen not know, is that the border?

Moreover, from the anger that came from there, Wang Chen can almost conclude that this storm will certainly not sweep into the mountains.

Otherwise, the breath of life has already been swallowed up.

Seeing hope, Wang Chen, who almost reached the limit, seemed to have produced a force from the air.

The potential is thoroughly stimulated, and the desire to survive will sweep away Wang Chen’s exhaustion.


The speed is increased again.

This time, Wang Chen showed a smile on his face.


In just a few short breaks, Wang Chen finally rushed into that mountain range.


Just as Wang Chen rushed into that mountain range, Wang Chen had just breathed a moment of hard work, and the storms had already swept the edge of the mountain.

However, as Wang Chen expected, those storms of the dead did not get involved in the mountain half a step.

It seems that this mountain range and the land of white bones, sealed by a five-line enchantment, sealed the two worlds.

Beyond one step is the world of death. And within one step, it is a world full of life!

"Finally left!"

Watching the storm gradually weaken at the border, and gradually disappeared, Wang Chen was really a long breath.

Looking at the dead bones in front of him, he muttered.

"What the **** is this? I don't know! But, I know, I will come back! Soon, soon! Next time, I will conquer you!"

Breathing for a full quarter of an hour, until it was completely calm, Wang Chen looked at the infertile land in front of him in a complex look, muttering softly.

However, his tone is an unprecedented firmness.

A place where Wang Chen was so embarrassed to escape, a mysterious place, destined to engrave a deep memory for Wang Chen!


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