Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 874: War of the Holy Lord (middle)

Strong and powerful!

Looks dignified, watching the rolling waves, Wang Chen took a deep breath.

This is just the momentum, it is enough to crush most of the pure Yang strong.

Under this momentum, I don't know how many strong people are afraid to be directly broken into pieces! This is the momentum of the Lord? Which makes Wang Chen dare to care?


Suddenly, Wang Chen made a roar.


When the wrist trembled, Wang Chen directly sacrificed the heavenly order!

In the battle with the Lord, Wang Chen did not dare to have the slightest intention.

Although Wang Chen is very strong and strong today. However, it is certain that the Lord is stronger. Wang Chen didn't even know how powerful the Lord's strength was.

Under such circumstances, Wang Chen is naturally a means of use, all of which are displayed.

This kind of heavenly order, after Wang Chen’s re-refining, has already become extremely powerful.


With the day of the sacrifice, under the urging of Wang Chen, in an instant, the nine dragons roared out!

The moment when these nine dragons appeared, they were surrounded by Wang Chen and protected Wang Chen.


With the formation of the Kowloon defense, Wang Chen's body shape did not retreat, and went out to the front!

He wants to compete with the Lord.

In the face of such a strong person, you must not back down.

Once retreating, it will only allow the other party to form a complete repression. By then, Wang Chen will fall into a more passive situation!

Only one battle!

Wang Chen also has no retreat!

He is very clear that this battle is inevitable.


Seven steps in the footsteps, Wang Chen figured a virtual shadow!




After the strength of Cui to the extreme, how is the seven steps of Wang Chen’s earthquake?

Shake the heavens and ignite the endless gravity.

The entire valley seemed to have fallen in an instant.

The roaring sound continues, gravity and the momentum of the Lord contend, as if between the mountains, constant impact confrontation!

In the bursts of roar, Wang Chen used the powerful strength to break through that layer of momentum.


When the seventh step was taken out, Wang Chen’s figure suddenly slammed, driving the power of the whole body and blasting the earthquake.

This boxing shocks Tian Quan, Wang Chen played to the extreme.

The eight-door armor is opened, the blood talent is stimulated, the blood of the blood is spread, the power of the Suzaku is smashed, and the white tiger's scorpion is excited...

The power of the stars surging, the power of chaos in the body turned into a long dragon condensed on this fist. The integration of the three elements of the five elements into a flame of fire...

The essence of Zhentianquan was also motivated.


It’s just a punch, and it’s not yet officially confronted with the Lord. The momentum is melting the valley.

Around the valley, the endless hills began to collapse!

"God... horror!"


"Good and powerful Wang Chen! This punch is so ruined!"

"There was a thunder! The punch of Wang Chen actually led to the thunder!"

Seeing that Wang Chen blasted this punch, he did not know how many strong people were stunned.

Rao is the group of the Wang family. After seeing this attack, it seems to have seen ghosts.

This is the real combat power of Wang Chen?

It turned out that Wang Chen was still hidden in the battle with Li Xiong.

If Li Xiong meets Wang Chen’s attack, how can it be ugly to die?

The people of these royal families are also shocked.

In the exclamation, everyone blasted back thousands of meters toward the rear, which is to avoid the storm!


Just when these people just avoided the storm brought by Wang Chen’s fist, Wang Chen’s fist was already confronted with the Holy Lord’s blow.

A dull roar exploded.

In an instant, it seems like the stars are bursting!


A burst of roaring blasted.

A wave of violent waves rushed out around the center of the two people's confrontation!

The entire valley, madly turbulent, countless hills, razed to the ground!

The sky is falling apart.

Thunderclouds are rolling in the sky, because of the battle between Wang Chen and the Lord, the thunder and robbery are beginning to fall.

Numerous lightnings fell and turned into a sea of ​​fire!

The world is suddenly becoming confused and chaotic!

In this scene, countless people who are watching are thrilling!

This is the confrontation between the strong? Is this the battle of the peak?

This is the first move! This is the first move of Wang Chen and the Lord. However, the first move between them has already reached this point.

Thinking of this, everyone can't help but face each other!

The first move is so earth-shattering, let the two men continue to fight, and how will it be turned into a scene? The entire Xiaolong Mountain is afraid to be turned into ruins, and even the entire battlefield will be involved in this battle.

Thinking of this, the look of everyone can not help but mad.

They finally know why Yu Qianqiu and the ancient ancestors of the Dragon Pavilion entered the void and fought.

Before, many people felt that the two men entered the void and could not witness the legendary battle. What now? Now some are just lucky!

The first encounter between Wang Chen and the Lord is so devastating.

If you add a battle between Yu Qianqiu and the ancient ancestors of the Dragon Pavilion, I am afraid that all of them will not escape!

Just now, in the boundless Thunder Sea, in the dust and the wind, how about Wang Chen and the Lord who fought?

This is also the most important thing people care about.

Can such a confrontation be able to separate high and low?

What is the situation?

Everyone stared at the rolling world. Staring at the dust of the sky. Waiting for the appearance of the two figures!


The roar is constant.

The storm around me is rampant. It seems that countless beasts are trampling and swearing.


The bones and flesh and blood of the body are shaking, in the 呻~吟! ~

What is the situation outside, Wang Chen has been unable to pay attention to it.

He devoted himself to the battle.

Tightly biting his teeth, Wang Chen's face was flushed, and his mouth even overflowed with a trace of blood.

Looking at the closeness and resisting the Lord of the Earth, Wang Chen’s face is extraordinarily dignified.

It's really powerful.

The Lord is like a world! He stood there, and Wang Chen was hard to shake.

This Zhao Tian Quan is extremely powerful, but it has been resisted by life.

The shape of the Lord is not even moving.

He looked indifferent, and no one knew what the Lord was thinking at the moment.

"A very powerful move!"

Finally, until Wang Chen’s face gradually became pale, the saints in the stalemate with Wang Chen showed a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

It is very powerful.

After the real confrontation, the Lord has a new understanding of Wang Chen.

"Li Xiong, dead in your hands, no loss! Kirin can not kill you, it is normal! Originally, you have reached this point! You almost broke through the shackles of the heavens and the earth, beyond the rules of heaven and earth!"

The Lord looked at Wang Chen, and his eyes flashed.

Wang Chen’s strength is really strong.

I am afraid that this world, now able to compete with Wang Chen, is only his own, is the ancient ancestor and Yu Qianqiu?

This Wang Chen is incredible!

"You are very powerful. However, it is a pity that you are meeting me! Your miracle will stop here! Your life is destined to die here!"

After the emotion, the mouth of the Lord overflowed with a sneer.

Wang Chen is strong enough, but it is not strong enough to destroy himself.

Since Wang Chen can't destroy himself, he can only destroy him.

At this moment, the murder of the Lord has really emerged.

He wants to kill Wang Chen.

Can't let this guy continue to grow.

How many years has it been? Wang Chen has grown to this point!

If you continue to let Wang Chen grow up, then what is it? Who can kill him at that time?

I am afraid that I will not do it myself!

"Give me a break!"

Thinking of this, the Lord suddenly chilled.


With the coldness of the Lord, a huge force erupted.

For a moment, the Lord is like an erupting volcano, full of tyrannical atmosphere, full of majestic energy.

If it is said that before Wang Chen and the Lord's contend, that is the confrontation between the Yangtze River and the river, then, the moment of the eruption of the Lord, it seems to be the sea of ​​shackles.

How can the river compare with the sea even though it is tyrannical?


That overbearing energy eruption, in an instant, makes Wang Chen's figure tremble suddenly.

A **** flower bloomed in the wind.


Between the vagueness, a burst of bones broke.


In a scream of screams, Wang Chen seemed to be a kite with a broken line.

The internal organs seem to have shattered.

At this moment, Wang Chen’s muscles and veins even seemed to collapse.

If it is not at a critical moment, Tianling has removed most of the energy, now how is Wang Chen, he can't even imagine it!

"not good!"

The body's blood and blood flow, Wang Chen dizzy, my heart is not good!

In the moment of being bombarded, Wang Chen felt a bigger crisis.

Because the Lord is obviously a murderous move, he has to solve Wang Chen in one breath, and does not even intend to give Wang Chen a chance to breathe.

After seeing a trick, the character of the Lord flashed and chased Wang Chen.

Very fast.

In a blink of an eye, it was in front of Wang Chen.

"Ha ha ha... Wang Chen, your death is here!"

Chasing Wang Chen, the Lord laughed loudly.


Among the big laughter, it was to see a sign in the hands of the Lord, and instantly rushed toward Wang Chen.

"damn it!"

In the heart, Wang Chen couldn't help but scream.

"The light of the stream!"

Between the thoughts, Wang Chen quickly mobilized the streamer.


With the mobilization of the streamer, Wang Chen’s overall popularity has suddenly changed!

The previous tyrannical atmosphere disappeared. At this moment, Wang Chen was as light as a breeze.


The speed has suddenly increased!

At the moment when the seal hit Wang Chen, Wang Chen's body was turned into a light and shadow, and it swept a few kilometers.


At the moment when Wang Chen plucked, the place where he was before, blasted and landslide.

This made Wang Chen's pupils shrink.

A strong and powerful mark.

If you bear the blow yourself, I am afraid that it will be seriously injured.

Fortunately, the trend of streamer, play in time!

"Not getting out of danger!"

In the dark start, Wang Chen did not dare to hesitate!

Because, he saw the Lord once again rushed through the dust, chasing after him.

This makes Wang Chen complain.

Forced to enhance the trend of streamer, Wang Chen was quite embarrassed to go away in the distance, in an attempt to get rid of the Lord's pursuit.

This is really a loser, recruiting and losing!

One step behind, Wang Chen is behind the pace!

The battle began. After a confrontation, Wang Chen had already fallen into the position of passive beating.

The situation is at stake.

The powerful power displayed by the Lord made Wang Chen complain, and let Wang Chen dance on the edge of death!


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