Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 862: Entering the Dragon Pavilion

Seeing Wang Chen again, it is obvious that Wang Chen’s changes can be felt. Even Wang Yan’s changes are even more surprising.

Looking at the two brothers, inside the hall, everyone does not know what it is.

These two brothers are really against the sky!

"Going out?!"

Compared with the shock of others, the people inside the Wang family saw the changes of Wang Chen and Wang Yan, but they were secretly excited.

For example, Sun Yifan, such as madman!

Liu Xinyan, also in the eyes of the colorful flashing, watching Wang Chen, she showed a smile.

"Well! Come back!"

When he heard Liu Xinyan, Wang Chen nodded lightly.

At the last moment, Wang Chen was finally rushed back.

Even Wang Yan is also at the last moment.

As for the result of this retreat? Perhaps only Wang Chen and Wang Yan are clear about themselves.

"You have improved a lot!"

Then, after looking at Liu Xinyan, Wang Chen suddenly said softly.

This time, Liu Xinyan returned from retreat, and obviously there has been no small change.

Her temperament changed significantly, and it was higher than before.

"Improved some!"

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, Liu Xinyan showed a smile.

"Wang, Lord, you will come back! We are really worried that you can't catch up!"

"Wang family, how about? When will we leave?"

After greeting everyone, watching Wang Chen sitting at the top, this time, within the hall, the core personnel of the various forces could not help but ask.

Great attention!

This moment of Wang Chen is the core of the field.

Even though Sun Yifan and Liu Xinyan can only stand on one side, their light is completely shrouded by Wang Chen.

"Are you ready?"

In the face of the people's inquiries, Wang Chen asked.

"Everything is ready!"

Said everyone.

This point has been said before with Sun Yifan.

"Then go now!"

Wang Chen sighed a little and said directly, a glimmer of cold in his eyes.

Everything is ready? ! Since everything is ready, why wait?

It’s time to go!

Dragon Pavilion?

Wang Chen is very curious, what are those people doing now?

Thinking of this, Wang Chen raised his eyes.

An invisible momentum spread out, as if to shake the world.

The people in the whole hall feel the momentum of Wang Chen, and they can't help but give birth to a **** meaning!

"Good... hahaha! Let's go now!"

"It should be sooner rather than later! 斩龙阁... It should be broken!"

After turning back, everyone couldn't help but laugh.


The night is still.

However, the entire battlefield is not calm.

The news from Hongcheng has brought the entire battlefield into shock.

"What? Wang Chen is out?"

"Wang, is it moving?"

"They went to the Dragon Pavilion?"

A burst of exclamation, under the night, spread throughout the battlefield.

Wang Chen went out and Hongcheng had a move. The Wang Jia Alliance army left Hongcheng and went straight to the Dragon Pavilion!

The whole news, like a gust of wind, swept the entire battlefield!

Who can still calm down?

This time, the Wang family’s move obviously did not hide it!

They are posing in the final battle.

Everyone knows that this day will come back sooner or later, but when this day really comes, they can't suppress the shock in their hearts.

This is a decisive battle between the old and new forces. This is a big battle that determines the entire era.

"Go, go to the Dragon Pavilion!"

"Haha... I will also go to the Dragon Pavilion!"

"This feast is rare for millions of years!"

"Do you witness the rise of a king, or witness a new end?"

"I can't wait!"

"This is destined to be written into the history of the long river!"

After the shock, the entire battlefield boiled up.

I don't know how many people are excited to suppress.

Such a war is rare. For millions of years, it is possible to compete with this, perhaps only in the ancient times, the gods and the war, right?

In addition to the magic war? Even in the War of the Ancients and the War of the Middle Ages, it was impossible to compete with this one-time war.

The holy mountain and the dragon pavilion, how many years of sacred land, the ancient wars, the medieval war, are difficult to shake their position.

But this time, they are coming to an end. Can this not be expected?

No one wants to miss such a big fight.

For a time, under the night, I don’t know how many people would like to take a break, don’t care about everything, and dare to go in the direction of the current Dragon Pavilion.

The entire battlefield is in full swing.

This battle has touched everyone's heart.

"Wang family, finally can't help but come?"

Similarly, the dragon pavilion that received the news, this night is also no sleep.

The few poor people left in the Dragon Pavilion were swaying.

In the hall of the Dragon Pavilion, listening to the news from the following, Li Xiong looked gloomy.

"Wang Chen, it’s too deceiving! It’s not enough for my holy mountain to be destroyed by him. Now it’s hard to bear it, it’s hard to bear it! If my Lord is not in the holy mountain, you can let They took the holy mountain. This time, they came to the dragon pavilion and found death!"

Looking at the gloomy Li Xiong, inside the hall, a man looked gloomy.

There was a mad murder in his eyes, and he had endless resentment and hatred.

If Wang Chen is here, he will be able to find out that this person is not his old acquaintance? This is a strong sacred mountain, or, this is one of the supreme sacred mountains above the Tai Xuan mainland, after the battlefield opened, a short agent of the sacred mountain guardian!

He once smashed Wang Chen almost once, and he made the Eastern Niu Hao almost fall down!

After this person enters the battlefield, he will recuperate and retreat all year round to improve his strength! Within the holy mountain, it is considered to be famous, and when it is with Tian Xuan, it is naturally impossible to compare. However, the retreat in these years has been promoted by the Lord, and his strength is horrible!

Unfortunately, he could not turn things around.

This time the Mount of Sanshan fell, this person was able to see the situation can not be reversed, and even did not play against the Wang family to choose to escape.

He came to the Dragon Pavilion with a few martial artists.

What is the hate of these people, the news of the fall of Mount Holy Mountain? The holy mountain is home to them. It is the holy mountain that gave them glory.

The sacred mountains fell, and their fall was destroyed. This is what they can't stand.

Therefore, at this moment, Wang Chen, the people of these holy mountains, is simply gnashing their teeth.

"Wang family, want to eat us? Just look at whether they have this ability. The Holy Lord and the old ancestors sit here, I don't believe, the Wang family can still have a means of heaven!"

"Even if we are going to die, this time we have to take Wang Chen as a back!"

Inside the hall, I am filled with indignation at this moment.

They are all a group of people who have been forced into a desperate situation.

On the edge of the cliff, these people are almost crazy.

The glory of the past, the status of the past, disappeared without a trace. They are like dogs of funeral. They are now mad dogs.

As long as they can kill Wang Chen, they are willing to do anything!

"Adult, what should we do now?"

"This time, the Wang family is in a state of turmoil, and the Haotian League is already on the road. This battle is inevitable!"

In the bursts of roar, some people were worried about asking.

Whether it is anger now or madness, the most important thing is to think about how to resist the Wang family's offensive!

"According to my previous request, everyone prepared each other. This thing, I will let the ancient ancestors make a decision!"

Li Xiong said with a blank expression.

Then, in the eyes, there was a cold flash: "Of course, we can't just wait here. After I ask with the old ancestors, we have to make some moves! People in the world really think that we are finished." Did you really think that the holy mountain was completely destroyed? I want them to know. The Dragon Pavilion is still the Dragon Pavilion, and the Holy Mountain is still there. Wang Jia? I want to use the other way, and still give him a body!"

The murder in Li Xiong’s eyes suddenly bursts and the whole world is solidified.

In the face of the Wang family's step by step, Li Xiong finally could not stand it, and he was completely angry.

"I am going to see too old ancestors!"

When the voice fell, Li Xiong just got up and walked toward the back of the hall.


"Are you finished?"

Among the caves in Houshan of the Dragon Pavilion, I looked at Li Xiong, and the dragon ancestral hall was too old to ask for expression.

"Tell it out!"

Hearing the inquiry of the ancient ancestors, Li Xiong said cautiously.

Outside, he can be tall and unparalleled.

But in front of the ancestors? It is impossible!

Li Xiong is too aware of the gap between himself and his old ancestors.

They are not people in the world at all. If he dares to disrespect the old ancestors, it may not be clear how he died.

"Well! Now that you have finished, go on! I know, how do you want to do it, how to do it!"

Too old ancestors closed their eyes.


When I heard the words of an ancient ancestor, Li Xiong flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes and quickly responded.

The old ancestors agreed to their own plans?

This made Li Xiong unable to get excited.

Thinking of his own plan, Li Xiong’s mouth was full of sneer.

Wang family?

This time, Li Xiong wants the Wang family to let Wang Chen pay the price.

Thinking of this, Li Xiong quickly turned and left.

"What do you think?"

After Li Xiong left, the old ancestors of the Dragon Pavilion were closed, but they asked directly.

"Maybe it works? His plan is good. In his own way, he is also a man. I believe it will be very interesting!"

The voice of the Lord came when the sound of the ancient ancestral voice of the Dragon Pavilion fell.

After a pause, the Lord continued: "However, it is impossible to rely on this to reverse the situation! The general trend of the family has been formed and it is difficult to reverse. You know this! In this battle, the Dragon Pavilion will be defeated! However, we Can kill Wang Chen, isn't it?"

The Lord sneered.

The Wang family has become a big force and cannot resist.

The Lord knows this very well, so he does not intend to resist the pace of the king's family.

But, Wang Chen? He is going to win.

As long as he won Wang Chen, he will leave the world.

What about the world, lost to the king? Without Wang Chen’s Wang family, can you control this world for a few years? Perhaps soon, the world will fall into disintegration. All this is no longer important.

“Is there no resistance?”

Hearing the words of the Lord, the dragon ancestor was too old to form a body. After a long time, he sighed without a trace: "I know! But, be careful of the age! I feel his breath, he came. !"

The ancient ancestors of the Dragon Pavilion opened their eyes without any warning, and their eyes seemed to be sharp swords. It seemed to see through this world!

Yu Qianqiu is here.

This is what worried the old ancestors and the Lord!

As for the king? Let Li Xiong first make trouble!


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