Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 471: Second Order King Warrior

This can make the **** fetus feel horrible and chilly, and perhaps only the blood of the gods can do it.

Even, the rest of the five major heirs are hard to do.

Under such circumstances, under the influence of the blood of the gods, the energy of the blood-blood tires will be defeated, the defeat will be defeated, and the layers will be compressed!

Finally, all the energy digestion was digested, and the remaining part was a corner of Wang Chen’s body, shivering in front of the blood of the gods, and dare not have the slightest rebellion.

Between the vagueness, a low-pitched snoring seems to be asking for help, and it seems to be begging for something.

Hey, give me a condensate! In the face of the pleading of the **** fetus, Wang Chen did not relax and tempted.

Under the cold, the power of the blood of the gods began to quench the energy of the blood.

Under the influence of the blood of the gods, the process of tempering is beyond the imagination, and it is beyond normal.

At this time, Wang Chen began to allocate energy.

A part of the refined energy that has been tempered enters into the blood, part of which is integrated into the gods, part of which is integrated into the soul, and the remaining part is integrated into the true power.

In the constant integration, Wang Chen's body is like a small universe, the energy is constantly erupting, and the strength is constantly improving.

Of course, all this is just the beginning, the easiest start.

Wang Chen gave a glimpse of the spirit and began to madly concise the energy of the dragon.

One after another, the energy of the dragon and the blood of the dragon is absorbed into the body by Wang Chen, and it is integrated into the true power and the **, powerful and powerful.

Under the impact and condensing of numerous energies, Wang Chen’s strength has rapidly increased!

Finally, I don’t know how long it took, Wang Chen has already reached the level of the first-order Wang Wu’s peak.

He faintly felt the threshold of the ranks of second-order kings.

Feeling this situation, Wang Chen was overjoyed.

A deep breath, Emperor Dragon began to run wildly, roaring, Wang Chen began his first step impact, toward the ranks of the second-order Wang Wu.

In such a situation, he absorbs the energy of the dragon's blood and is more crazy and violent. Do not absorb the energy of this life to strengthen your own strength, and move toward the second-order Wang Wu.

This crazy energy absorption, if it is changed to an ordinary person, has already died and died, but at this moment, Wang Chen is still not slow, still well organized.

When you look at Wang Chen’s life, you can absorb the energy of the dragon and the blood. The battle that stands on the side of a watchful face is wide-eyed: What is this kid doing? Is she crazy? God, **** guy\u2026\u2026 he\u2026\u2026

Seeing Wang Chen is a breath that absorbs a dozen of dragons and blood, and the face of the battle becomes extremely complicated.

If he didn't calculate the error, this moment, along with Wang Chen's absorption of energy again, he has absorbed the energy of the 512 dragons and bloods of the body!

The energy of such horror, if it is an ordinary person, has long been out of control, and the body has died, but Wang Chen is \u2026\u2026

Especially at this moment, there are blood energy in the body of Wang Chen, as well as the energy of those potions and yin jade.

The combined strength of these energies has reached an extremely terrifying level.

However, Wang Chen did not show the slightest discomfort\u2026\u2026

This makes Ling war already do not know what to do.

It seems that anything can happen to Wang Chen’s guy! There is no impossible in him, only to think of it.

Think of these battles.

Of course, the war ignores a point that is crucial to p. That is the star quenching of Wang Chen's cultivation has made Wang Chen's physical strength beyond the ordinary people do not know how much, coupled with the physique of the blood of the gods, Wang Chen's body capacity is not ordinary people can imagine.

His body is like a black hole that can hold an unimaginable amount of energy!

Now it is the body of the stars, which makes Wang Chen even more powerful. There is no need to worry too much about the body's inability to withstand energy.

When I saw Wang Chen for a long time, Ling war sighed secretly, I don’t know what to do, I can only observe it quietly.

What is Wang Chen’s current situation? He is not clear. The only thing he knows is that Wang Chen is crazy now! Now Wang Chen’s situation has already exceeded his expectations.

It seems that the horrible world of fantasy has not appeared. It seems that the most dangerous level in the imagination has passed.

What happened to this, how is this possible?

Is it the blood of the gods? The power of the blood of the gods that was just released was very quick, and the brow brows, and his eyes widened and he screamed out.

Wang Chen also has the blood of Shenwu, and the power of Shenwu blood.

The blood of the gods, the king is in the world, is the blood of the gods so strong that it is so strong?

But, if it’s not the blood of the gods, the battle is really unexpected, there is still something that can make Wang Chen so crazy, so smooth~!

This kid! Thinking of this, Ling battle complex complex, looking at Wang Chen, a bitter smile, sighed.

The specific situation, it seems that only this kid can wake up from the cultivation to know.

Breaking! In the period of thinking about the battle, Wang Chen’s body energy came to a saturation point.

With his gods and souls under the scouring and refining of the blood of the flower, I don’t know how many times the power is strong. The mood is already far beyond the ranks of Wang Wu. Wang Chen has already had a thorough moment. Break through the capital of the ranks of the second-order Wang Wu.

With the anger of Wang Chen, leaving the blood of the gods to watch the remaining blood energy, the rest of the real energy is all mobilized, impacting the ranks of the second-order Wang Wu.


Under the conditions in which all aspects of the situation have reached the p-question, Wang Chen’s impact has broken through the shackles and allowed him to enter the ranks of the second-order Wang Wu.

This kid\u2026\u2026 broke through \u2026\u2026 and suddenly felt the riots of heaven and earth. I felt that these forces were rushing toward Wang Chen. At the side of Wang Chen, Ling Zhan’s eyes widened. Unbelievably muttered.

Wang Chen broke through, and this moment has already broken through!

This speed even makes it difficult for the battle to react, and it is difficult to accept \u2026\u2026

Sure enough, Wang Chen’s kid made another earth-shattering move. Before he completely refining the ghost flower, he ventured to take the lead in helping him break through the ranks! This \u2026\u2026 is definitely an adventurous move.

Once this time, Wang Chen will die without being smashed into the blood.

It can be said that it is a hell.

This kid is too messy! Looking at Wang Chen, I thought of all this, and I was screaming and cursing. But it did not help, only to wait for Wang Chen to complete the cultivation.

What else can he do now, apart from this?

Of course, Wang Chen, of the idea of ​​the battle at the moment, certainly won't know.

With the stepping into the ranks of the second-order Wang Wu, the outside energy rushed in, and Wang Chen led the Emperor to quench the body for dozens of days, and Wang Chen once again began the quenching of energy.

This is still not an end, rushing into the ranks of the second-order Wang Wu, just a beginning! There is still a lot of energy in the body of the ghost flower, and he feels that he can absorb many dragons and blood to help his strength once again reach a higher level.

He re-entered the cultivation again without hesitation.

The energy in the body continues to wake up and erupt, the energy in the blood is constantly waking up, and more blood-blood energy is integrated into the blood. Wang Chen's blood begins to purify and mutate bit by bit.

Wang Chen’s behavior can only make concessions and wars, and his eyes are anxious, and there is no other way.


This kid is twenty days old, and I don’t know how! I hope that nothing will happen!

When Wang Chen cultivated, the people who worried about him were not only in the secret room, but also stood in the battle of Wang Chen.

Besides the secret room, the elders and enshrined members of the Stars are also very nervous about his cultivation and worry about it.

How difficult it is to refine and refine **** flowers. Of course, they know that they are more aware of what benefits Wang Chen will gain once refining is successful.

Looking at the secret room in front, five dedicated to the mouth, with a worried look and whispered.

In these twenty days, he almost went every day and turned to two circles to see the situation, but unfortunately it has been all the gains.

It should be fine, twenty days, and something should have appeared! Standing next to the five offerings, the elders muttered to himself and seemed to comfort themselves.

He is also the other most worried person. After all, now, Wang Chen’s strength is there, a first-order Wang Wu, and can he really refine the blood?

If it is ordinary refining, twenty days should be enough to make Wang Chen refining, but now, Wang Chen's refining and chemicalization has lasted for 20 days without any indication. This is inevitably worrying.

The atmosphere is very stable and should be fine! The big break of the previous few days should be that the kid broke through. Look at it in the next few days. The problem should be small! At this time, the figure of the big offering appeared before the cultivation room.

Looking at the secret room, facing the five offerings and the big elders.

This is fine.啧啧啧\u2026\u2026 I really look forward to how much the kid will improve after coming out this time! I don't know if I can reach the third-order king.

If you can achieve it, with the combat power of this kid, this time the North Xinjiang ratio, our results will be better! The elders nodded and sighed.

In the eyes with an infinite look of hope, looking at the secret room, Shen Sheng.

Well, hope so! Well, the days of Qiankun array should also end in the end of the day, starting tomorrow, everyone will gather in the Qiankun array, ready to take back the Qiankun array! After a while, the big offering turned to look at the open space in the back, feeling the energy from that direction, offering to the five offerings and the great elders.

Fantasy dance, Xiao Nizi p condensed energy? When I heard the big offer, I asked a look of excitement on the face of the five offerings.

almost. The effect is better than we think, the effect of the three demon dan is very good! The big offer nodded and was satisfied.

The nirvana.啧啧啧\u2026\u2026 I am looking forward to it! If this time I get Jiuyang Dan, once this Xiao Nizi grows up, my Stars will be greatly benefited! Five enshrined the look of the face, looking at the direction of the open space, there are some ecstasy, soft voice. ~

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