Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 731: Successful integration


Boundless wind dancing!

The whole world is like a collapse!

In the center of this world, there is a whirlwind at the moment as if Tianzhu is in the sky!

In the whirlwind, you can see a burst of golden light bursting out, as if a sun, moon and stars are hidden in it.


Between the vagueness, a roar of sound came from, and it was able to feel the violent power that came from it. This force is even more boundless!

"The trend of the gold, the potential of the mother water!"

If someone is here, you will be able to clearly feel the breath of these two elements!

That's right, what came from that Tianzhu at the moment was the breath of these two elements.

This is the energy of Wang Chen's fusion at this moment!

The potential of Tianjin mother water! Jin Shengshui, the fusion of the two kinds of energy, so that this is the hegemony of the overbearing Tianjin trend? There is more boundless power! However, this is not what Wang Chen wants.

With this energy fusion, Wang Chen did not stop.

"This time must be successful!"

In the whirlwind, at this moment, Wang Chen looks dignified.

In this world of Qiankun, how much time has passed, Wang Chen’s memory is not clear.

He just knows that he has failed again and again!

Every failure has made Wang Chen bear the unimaginable load. Today, Wang Chen is already the last fight!

This time, only success is not allowed to fail!

If it fails, it represents the retreat of Wang Chen, and it is a failure.

Three kinds of five elements!

At the very least, you need to combine three kinds of five elements!

Wang Chen secretly thought.

The potential of Tianjin mother water can also be called the potential of mother water. These two energy fusions are very strong, but they are not enough!

Need to incorporate a third energy.

“Golden water, aquatic wood! Integrate into the wood!”

With his eyes open, Wang Chen made the decision in the first place!

Before this, Wang Chen tried a lot of energy fusion.

He tried the trend of the fire of raw wood and the thick soil, and wanted to make the violent and raging fire of the woods more mellow and boundless! However, Wang Chen failed.

Because although the wood is burning, the fire is earth, but among the power of the five elements, the potential of the wood is incompatible with the thick soil! The combination of the fire and the fire is too tyrannical, and the thick soil is just vast and boundless. Wang Chen can't control it!

Later, Wang Chen also tried other methods.

Unfortunately, they all failed.

This time, he tried to merge the potential of the mother water and gold.

"However, the trend of Tianjin and the potential of raw wood is difficult to integrate, I still need to be careful!"

Thinking of the third kind of energy to be merged, Wang Chen frowned and whispered softly.

Just like the fact that he had failed to merge with the smoldering fire before him, this time there is also a fusion of power.

Perhaps this is the most difficult place for the integration of three intangible energy. This is also why, in view of the long history, few people can combine the power of the three elements. On the one hand, there are few people who can master the power of the three elements. On the other hand, it is also because... it is really too difficult to do this.

How many times has the experience of Wang Chen been experienced before and after? But all failed. Over the years, he has stopped at the power of this integration, and that is why!

Even though the occasional integration has been successful, it is only a short-lived.

"At the beginning, I had accidentally combined the success of these three elements. This time, I should have hope!"

Thinking of an accidental attempt a year ago, Wang Chen raised his eyes.

When it was successful, why not now?

"Just, can't force fusion! Jinshengshui, aquatic wood, gold is the tendency to restrain the wood! I need to adjust this! Maybe... I should abandon the tyranny of Tianjin, and turn to the whole Potential?"

Thinking of the accident at the beginning, Wang Chen’s heart seemed to have caught something!

Yes, that time, after the fusion of energy, Wang Chen reached the limit.

That time, Wang Chen almost ignored the trend of Tianjin! What about today? Is it feasible?

"Try it and you will know!"

Thinking of this, Wang Chen did not hesitate to hesitate, and soon invested in cultivation!

"Give me the power, come to me!"

In the hands of the seals, Wang Chen scorned, maintaining the strength of the Tianjin mother's colleagues, mobilizing the potential of the wood between the heavens and the earth!


Suddenly, Wang Chen’s body in the Dantian small world, a burst of green light shines.

That tree of raw wood suddenly glowed with endless vitality!

Gold, blue, green! Suddenly three kinds of light shine in the world, hehe!


However, Wang Chen did not wait for more reactions. As the potential of the wood was absorbed and incorporated into the energy, Wang Chen suddenly felt a burst of impact.

His body smashed, and he spurted a blood between his mouth.


The blood was sprayed and Wang Chen’s face became pale.

"No! Not yet!"

The heart was anxious, and Wang Chen screamed secretly.

With the utmost suppression of the tyranny of Tianjin, Wang Chen turned to use the energy of Tianjin to use the potential of mother water! Only in this way can we suppress the energy of Tianjin to the lowest level.

Sure enough, as Wang Chen did this, the sense of rejection gradually decreased.

However, the sense of rejection still exists.

However, whenever the potential of the wood is dare to merge, the potential of Tianjin is as if it is stimulated and it is difficult to control.

"damn it!"

The three energy stalemates did not know how long it took, and there was no sign of integration. This made Wang Chen unable to stand up.

"Let's go on, it's okay! It seems that the coincidence of that time is that there are too many factors in it! Is it what I ignored?"

Breathing in the air, forcing himself to calm down, Wang Chen secretly thought.

"Jinkemu! The reason why the two kinds of energy are the same is that it is just because of the victory, the trend of Tianjin is until the yang, and the potential of the wood is a flexible representative, so it will be suppressed! But..."

Thinking of this, as if thinking of something, Wang Chen is a bright spot!


Seems to think of something, Wang Chen flashed a look of surprise in his eyes.

Just wins soft? Do not! This world is not just just a soft win, and many times it is the best way to use it!

Maybe... do you try this yourself?

The potential of raw wood is the representative of flexibility and lightness, but the potential of mother water is also the air of rigidity. If it is possible to bring the softness of the mother water to the extreme, maybe it can solve this problem?

The potential of Tianjin’s mother water is to lose that kind of softness and too much tyranny. If I can take the potential of the mother water to the extreme, let the mother water take more initiative, if I can stimulate more energy of the birth of wood, perhaps...

Even the potential of raw wood has a unique nature. This is why Wang Chen finally chose these three energy fusions!

The potential of raw wood is not only a representative of flexibility, but also a representative of lightness! Representing the wind, yearning for freedom, representing the wind and unparalleled... or what can make this feature fully play out?

Seems to have found the way forward, Wang Han, who is not willing to do it, once again began to try.

Crazy to promote the mother tree and the tree of the wood, Wang Chen wants to be soft!

Although it is very difficult to do so, at least you have found the way forward!





The world of turmoil is turbulent.

A burst of roar came.

The pillar of the vortex formed in the center of the world, turbulent, shaking, raging, roaring! It seems that it may collapse at any time, and it seems that it may sweep the world at any time!

A burst of light broke out. Time is the golden light, but the soft blue light, but the green light filled with vitality...

Waves of light continue to burst, and energy fusion hits again and again!

Wang Chen has been numb!

There was no trace of blood on his face.

He doesn't know how long the years have passed!

"Come back!"

In the middle of a roar, Wang Chen once again blended energy.


Another roar came.

However, this time, after Wang Chen was snoring, his body did not shake.


Then, before Wang Chen was disappointed, a scornful voice came.

A weird situation appears at this moment.

I saw that, in another attempt, with the bursting of Bodhi energy in Wang Chen’s small world, the potential of the wood was successfully rushed into the potential of the mother water!

Then, the energy of Bodhi is also integrated into it.

Guided by the energy of Bodhi, the power of the three elements of the five elements began to merge!

"This... is this successful?"

Seeing this situation, Wang Chen was almost desperate, and suddenly jumped up.

His face is full of hope and full of desire.

At the very least, this is the only time to let the three energies temporarily merge!

Although it was only temporary, Wang Chen saw the dawn of victory!

Be careful! Be careful! Be careful!

Wang Chen slowed down his move.

This time, Wang Chen did the violent reduction of Tianjin's potential. First of all, the potential of Tianjin was used to completely promote the potential of the mother water, and the potential of the mother water was merged as much as possible. The unique and light features are integrated into it, giving up the flexible side. Finally, the energy explosion of Bodhi, this is a windfall!

Unexpectedly, Bodhi energy, even in such a situation, brought a surprise to Wang Chen!

The energy is threaded into the buckle and blended a little.

The heart of Wang Chen changed.


I don't know how long it took, finally, when the three energies were completely integrated, Wang Chen only felt the blood in the body, as if it were boiling.


The storm swept.

In this case, Wang Chen’s momentum has risen steadily.

"Good momentum, good horror!"

Rao is Wang Chen, and he is scared by his breath of soaring at the moment.

Really a very strong atmosphere, very terrifying momentum!

The rigidity of the wood, the extension of the mother's water, the lightness of the wood, the gentle energy of the Bodhi, and the complete fusion of several energies have brought unexpected results.


Feeling the energy of the near explosion in the body, Wang Chen snorted and his body swept forward.


Heaven and earth seem to have been torn.

The wind whistling in the ear, the golden color quickly receded, and the whole world seems to be illusory!

fast! fast! fast!

At this moment, Wang Chen's speed reached an unimaginable speed.

"This feeling... really good! Success! Hahaha... I succeeded!"

In the void, Wang Chen’s laughter came from now!


At this moment, Wang Chen finally knew that the integration of his three elements of the five elements finally succeeded!


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