Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 622: Name of death

The atmosphere of the entire battlefield seems to be solidified!

A breath of chill is shrouded in this piece of heaven and earth.

It may not be such a situation for a long time, so the entire battlefield seems to have some turmoil.

Countless eyes are concentrated on the Ninetowns Alliance! No, maybe it shouldn't be called the Ninetowns League now.

Because the Ninetowns Alliance has become a historical dust, the current Ninetowns Alliance has become the Wangjia League, headed by the Wang family, the four major families, the four great holy places, the demon and the orcs. It is said that the warriors and Mohists have also joined. By the way, is there a star ancestor? There is also... mysterious Xingyue family?

In short, today's Wangjia Alliance has become a hottest existence.

This time, such a behemoth should be confronted directly with the Dragon Pavilion.

斩龙阁, this is the holy place within the battlefield. There are countless strong people, and they have created endless glory!

What kind of spark will this kind of collision between a holy place and the royal family?

Thinking of this, everyone in the entire battlefield cannot be calm.

Their hearts seem to be hanging up.

Especially today, today, the news came that the Dragon Pavilion army has already killed a canyon that is less than a hundred miles away from the Ninetowns Alliance. They have already pointed to the entire Wang family alliance!

The war is on the verge, and the storm is coming!


Gancheng, today is particularly quiet.

The bustling and noisy past seems to have been suppressed.

In the sky, there seems to be a layer of metaphorical atmosphere, and the layer of dark clouds seems to be in the hearts of everyone.

The crowds who occasionally pass by on the streets are also very serious, as if they are full of thoughts. Many people, subconscious, will look at the mansion in the center of Gancheng!

Wang family! There is the residence of the Wang family. How is it going now?

This time is the final battle, right? In the face of the giants, the Dragon Pavilion. Can the Wang family still be strong? This has become a doubt in many people's minds.

Especially the dial-ups that pass by from time to time on the street, this makes the whole air seem to have solidified.

These people are the strongmen who come from all directions.

There are four major families, four of the holy places, the devils, and the other strong.

Many powerful people gathered in the dry city, this is unprecedented.

The lineup is so strong.

The entire dry city, could not help but be nervous.

"How's it going?"

In the Wangjia Hall, there are many people who don’t know at the moment. Not only the Wang family, but also the four major families, the four holy places and the Mozu! The atmosphere looked solemn and solemn, looking at the crowd below, Sun Yifan whispered.

"No accident, you may arrive here tonight!"

When I heard Sun Yifan's words, everyone was subconscious and quiet, and an old man stood up and said.

I will arrive here tonight, and the nature is the Dragon Pavilion!


When I heard the old man, Sun Yifan blinked a little! The speed of the Dragon Pavilion is very fast.

Three days? Today is the third day? Very punctual! It seems that they can't wait?

"how many people?"

At this time, Wang Yan, who was next to Sun Yifan, asked in a blank expression.

On the day of winning the Ninetowns League, Wang Yan returned directly to the dry city. He was waiting for the arrival of the Dragon Pavilion.

At this moment, Wang Yan is filled with a chilling atmosphere.

This is the biggest enemy of their royal family.

"Many! The Dragon Pavilion itself has more than 50 people. This way, it has recruited no fewer than 100 people! Now the number is only two hundred! There are many strong ones!"

When I heard Wang Yan’s inquiry, the broken blade said in awe.

No less than two hundred people, this is not a small lineup. This lineup is enough to make almost everyone stunned.

More importantly, this is the core of the Dragon Pavilion staff!

How terrible is the dozens of Dragon Pavilion staff?

The staff of the Dragon Pavilion who did not rain 50 people, there is no weak inside the Dragon Pavilion. The strength of these people is enough to destroy the land.

Even enough to destroy almost all the forces within the battlefield, right?

Thinking of this, the scene became more and more dull.

"It is said that there are four elders and one ancestor!"

An old ancestor of the Liu family added.

The elders of the four dragons, one of the ancestors of the Dragon Pavilion, this is the most terrible existence.

Can become the elders of the Dragon Pavilion, the strength of these people is just the level of nine re-repair? Even if it is not up to date, it is almost the same!

What is more important is that the ancestor must have reached nine re-repairs, and the strength is unusually strong.

Who is there to say that he can compete with it?

"Is the ancestors coming? Hehe..."

When I heard the words of Liu’s ancestors, Sun Yifan’s mouth rose slightly and revealed a sneer.

In the Dragon Pavilion, it is a good life to value their royal family.

I don't know if it is fortunate to say it? Still should be honored!

It is a privilege to be able to make the Dragon Pavilion so important for thousands of years. I am afraid that it is only the home of the peaks of the peak, the Yinshan Yujia and the Holy Mountain. In addition, few people can get the attention of the Dragon Pavilion. I have to know that there are already hundreds of people in front of the Qianlong Pavilion who are spending money on the Wang family. Is this almost two-thirds of the strength of the Dragon Pavilion?

To deal with ordinary forces, even powerful forces, more than ten people in the Dragon Pavilion are enough, but this is true for the Wang family. Is this not an honor and what? At the very least, the Wang family has also created a period of brilliance that is enough to make people look good, isn't it?

As for the good fortune... It’s just that I’m lucky enough to wake up to the Dragon Pavilion. Otherwise, three years in advance, no, or even just one day in advance, the Dragon Pavilion will come up with such determination, and the Wang family will be defeated without any slightest chance of winning.

At that time, the Wang family was in danger on all sides, and the Dragon Pavilion was enough to push the Wang family at that time. However, the Dragon Pavilion is a big deal, but it is a small look at the Wang family. This gave the Wang family more time. This is not fortunate and what?

Sun Yifan’s smile is intriguing!

"Strength is not small! If you want to deal with it, it is not easy. It is said that those who are attracted by the Dragon Pavilion are not weak!"

With a sigh, many people on the field talked about it.

"Unfortunately, Elder Tian Tianxiang was seen through it. Otherwise, we will get no small help!"

An old man from the White House sighed.

Everyone knows about the things of Hao Tianxiang!

The first time to know about this matter, the people first marveled at the ability of the Wang family, and they had already joined forces with the elders in the Dragon Pavilion. It was followed by a sigh. One big idea is to lose the most powerful help!

Otherwise, Elder Tian Tianxiang is still there. What great role can he play?

However, after sighing, many people looked at Sun Yifan’s eyes and looked forward to it.

The Wang family is only afraid to have more connections with Hao Tianxiang? Is there any backhand?

For the Wang family, everyone has never understood. Never seen clearly.

What is the hidden means of the Wang family? Can this be shown this time? Sun Yifan, this unfathomable guy, what surprises will this bring to everyone this time?

This is what people expect.

Can Sun Yifan be as mad as the previous few times?

"On the other side of the Dragon Pavilion, there are naturally surprises waiting for them! However, as far as I know, this time, the Dragon Pavilion has another mysterious force! The law enforcement team is also known as the **** of death! I don't know if you listen. Say?"

Seems to feel the eyes of everyone, Sun Yifan asked like a smile.


Suddenly I heard Sun Yifan’s remarks. Under this time, many old people present couldn’t help but take a breath.

"Death? Is that mysterious death organization? The law enforcement group of the Dragon Pavilion is also known as the Death God, and some people call it the Black Guard. These people are the elites selected from the 斩龙阁 disciples, and they get the best training from childhood. For the loyalty of the Dragon Pavilion, only the owner and ancestor of the Dragon Pavilion can mobilize! Even the ordinary elders can not order them, let alone their place. This mysterious force has also been dispatched?"

Rao is an old man of the Mozu, and at this moment he can't help but change his look.

Hei Wei, Death, Law Enforcement, this reputation is really too big. They have created brilliant!

At the very least, there are a period of time that many people know. It is said that in the ancient times, the Dragon Pavilion was divided internally. Some people wanted to stand on their own feet and with a strong force ready to leave, but the black guards moved. That night, the blood flowed into the river, and that night, the death came. The force that chose to leave was uprooted. At that time, the Dragon Pavilion was still at its peak. The force was more than 100 people, and there were several elders and three ancestors. However, these people were killed, and no one survived and escaped! The internal turmoil of the Dragon Pavilion was completely suppressed overnight, which is the origin of the name of the **** of death.

After that time, the **** of death also made several trips. However, in a handful of actions, the gods of death ended in victory! As the name suggests, these people are the **** of death and the spokesperson of the **** of death. They are waving the scythe of the **** of death, harvesting the lives of all people!

Such a mysterious power has appeared? How can this be amazing?

"Damn! The Dragon Pavilion is really moving!"

"It was originally a real thing. At this time, if the Dragon Pavilion is still not moving, it is a fool!"

"This time, the Dragon Pavilion is a slam dunk, but I didn't expect that they even sent out the death!"

"When the original Yinshan Yujia was dealt with, did the death **** have not been dispatched?"

When the original suppression of Yufeng Yujia, the death did not show up! Now, will death come to the dry city to deal with the king? Is this an honor or a sorrow?

Thinking of this, everyone's face is full of grace.

"If the **** of death is out, it is trouble! What should we do?"

After a sigh of silence, I was silent for a moment, and the ancestors of the four big families, the four great holy places, and the Mozu who were present could not help but ask.

If they say that there are only those forces on the face of the Dragon Pavilion, they can still compete.

It is unusual to know that the current Wang family alliance.

However, if you add those gods of death...

damn it……

The situation is beyond control.

It seems that the real crisis has already struck.

The name of death is not to look at it. That is the name of blood and life!

This is their biggest enemy! Mobile phone users please visit

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