Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 599: Against the sky

Seeing the distant thunder robbery, the momentum is soaring, but it is not aware of the gods, this time, everyone in the distance is suddenly hot.

Is the treasure unearthed?

If so, who can calm down?

Any treasure that attracts the taboos of the heavens and the earth must be the object of the heavens, and it can be obtained, and the strength will inevitably rise! What is the treasure of the sky? Has it led to such a thunderous robbery?

Between the vagueness, you can hear the sound of swallowing water.

Even a lot of people have gone a little closer to the front, regardless of the threat.


However, there was a lot of discussion in the crowd. When everyone’s eyes were hot, they saw that a thunderbolt would fall completely, and suddenly there was a roar.

Immediately afterwards, a breath of breathlessness swept the whole world.


An extreme black light rises to the sky.


The light did not retreat and collided with the falling lightning.




This time, the roar of the earth shook.

This time, the ten heavens and the earth are turbulent.

This time, the landslide is cracked.

Oh la la...

I saw that in the roar of the roar, the falling thunder and lightning slammed, and then suddenly exploded.

In the midst of a dull voice, the huge thunderbolt was torn apart.

It’s awkward...

The sharp sound is endless.

The black light suddenly turned into a huge evil spirit head, and swallowed lightning.

Then, all of them looming, it seems that a figure is standing proudly, standing in the thunder and lightning!

"Heaven... that is..."

"Who is it! Is there someone who will be the first to get there?"

"Where is the powerhouse? He is not afraid of lightning? Is he fighting against the power of lightning?"

People who finally saw this scene can no longer be calm.

The exclamation is even more so.

When everyone thinks that someone wants to achieve the position of the god, it is an accidental discovery that it may be unearthed.

When everyone thought it was a treasure, it was discovered unexpectedly.

The feeling of this roller coaster, people can not help but have some dumbfounded eyes!

Looking at the figure standing in the thunder and lightning, letting the lightning swept, wrapped and swallowed, many people showed a shocking look.

Is this still human?

What kind of power is this?

How powerful is the power of this thunder, is the body able to compete?

One by one doubts come one after another!


Where does Wang Chen know about everything that happens in the distance?

At this moment, Wang Chen is full of excitement!


That's right, standing in the thunder and lightning, looking at the darkness of the hand with a little **** red ghost, Wang Chen mouth smiled!

Seven days! With a full seven-day effort, Wang Chen succeeded in refining the 10,000-ghosts and breaking through the original extremes. Today's Wan Guiling has reached a new height.

If the original Wan Guiling is already the best in the world, then today is one of the top treasures!

Although the original Wan Guiling was against the sky, but Wang Chen could feel that if it was in perfect harmony with the heavens and the vicissitudes of the world, I was afraid that the ghosts would be a little better! It can only be as good as the Quartet, or more powerful than the Quartet. It is the treasure level of some powerful gods or big devils!

But what about now?

Nowadays, after refining, the ghosts have changed.

At the moment, under the perfect state of the Wan Guiling, Wang Chen even has the confidence to make him and the perfect state under the heavens!

This is almost a magic weapon that transcends the gods or the great devil.

Can be compared to the magic of the true God and the devil!

That majestic breath, that horrible energy...

Everything makes Wang Chen feel better than ever!

"Millions of ghosts! Hahaha... In this case, I will take you to the world!"

Thinking of this, Wang Chen is so angry!

Even in the horrible thunder and lightning, enduring the endless suffering, Wang Chen can ignore it at this moment!

Compared with the transformation of the Wan Guiling, what can make Wang Chen care? The power of such lightning is terrible. However, it is not going to let Wang Chen be destroyed.

Wang Chen would like to see how powerful the Wan Guiling is.

"The baby of reincarnation!"

Thinking of this, Wang Chen no longer hesitates!

In a cold, Wang Chen retracted his thoughts, suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, and shouted loudly.


With the cold snoring of Wang Chen, the infant of the reincarnation was excited.

In the midst of a sharp roar, the reincarnation of the baby sitting in Wang Chenzhong's Dan Tian suddenly opened his eyes.

In the eyes of the two lightning powers flashed past, the reincarnation of the baby opened his mouth!


A cold, Wang Chen crazy to absorb the power of his own lightning!

Emperor Dragon is running, and the power of chaos is rushing.

The endless power of thunder and lightning was swallowed up by Wang Chen forcibly refining in the body, and was swallowed by the reincarnation of the baby!

For a time, the power of lightning wrapped around Wang Chen's body began to decrease at a rate visible to the naked eye.


However, it is the effort of a cup of tea, Wang Chen actually resolved the power of everyone's thunder and lightning!

At this moment, Wang Chen's appearance gradually appeared.

At this moment, Wang Chen stands proudly between heaven and earth.

At this moment, Wang Chen is like a king, it seems to be the master.

At this moment, Wang Chen's body energy 澎湃, combined with such a powerful power of lightning, Wang Chen feels better than ever.

As if for a few days, the energy that the refining and scenting of the devil has paid has been made up for a moment!

"Ha ha ha ... thunder and lightning? Hey! Little thunder, but dare to let go here? See I broke you!"

A little activity on the bones, watching the more and more crazy over the sky, Thundercloud, Wang Chen mouth reveals a sneer.

He must take the initiative to attack!

"Give me broken!"

Thinking of this, Wang Chen held a million ghosts and went straight to the sky.

Today he wants to let the ghosts compete with the heavens and the earth.

He wants to see what the strength of the million ghosts is!


Like Dapeng wings, straight into the sky!

"Damn... that is... seems to be Wang Chen?"

"How could it be... not Chen Chen! Wang Chen should be in the dry city now! How could he stay in the Yinshan?"

"That guy, what are you going to do?"

"He is actually provoking a thunder, is he crazy?"

"Maniac, this is definitely a madman! Actually challenge the thunderbolt? Don't kill it!"

Seeing the distant figure of Wang Chen went straight into the sky and went straight to Thundercloud. This time, those people in the distance are even more crazy.

Some sharp-eyed people seem to recognize Wang Chen’s identity.

Some people remain skeptical.

More people are in vain.

unbelievable? This is really going against the sky!

Can he compete with the heavens and the earth?

This is not looking for death and what?

There are also some people who have seen this scene, and there is a sneer in the corner of their mouth.

They want to see, this is not a self-sufficient guy, how bad it will be!


In the snarl of everyone, heaven seems to be getting more and more angry.

It seems to feel the majesty of someone who is provoking it!

This makes it how to bear it!


When the figure looked at it and rushed to the front of the thundercloud, a thunderstorm that was bigger than before would seem to smash the cockroach that was not self-sufficient!


However, just at the moment when the thunder and lightning fell, a snoring sound came, and the whole void seemed to suddenly slam.


Then, a black smoke came out.


The black smoke wrapped up a huge lightning bolt in a blink of an eye.


Then, the black smoke exploded and the thunderbolt followed.

A huge demon head hung high in the sky!


The devil's head opened his mouth and swallowed the thunder of lightning.

"How can it be……"

In this scene, let those who are waiting to see jokes stunned.

"what is that?"

"Ghosts? Such a huge evil spirit?"

"This is impossible! How could there be such a huge evil spirit! Even if there is such a huge evil spirit, isn't the thunder of the evil spirits? How can this evil spirit swallow the thunder?"

"In the end what happened?"

"It's that black token! It's the treasure! That's right! It must be the treasure, the treasure that was unearthed here before! I didn't expect it to be so bad!"

The exclamations came one after another.

"Look! That figure is hand-held to the treasure and rushed into the thundercloud!"

"What is he going to do?"

"Is it rushing into Thundercloud, is this crazy?"

One after another, an unexpected picture appeared, making everyone shocked.

Some people are even numb.

They widened their eyes, opened their mouths, and couldn't believe everything they saw.

Sure enough, to fight against lightning in the flesh! Do not! He even wants to destroy the Thundercloud.

With such crazy things, how many people have done it in the past and the present?


This time, after the exclamation, everyone was subconsciously silent.

They held their breath and stared at the thundercloud in the sky!

They want to see, what happened next?

It’s awkward...


In the gaze of everyone, the clouds of the sky rolled and roared.

It seems to be perceived as being invaded. A huge thunderbolt began to swim inside the Thundercloud.

It seems that this invading guy will be completely destroyed.

A burst of low roar came from the thundercloud, deafening!

Day, solidified!

Time, freeze!

The world seems to be quiet!


After a long time, I didn’t know how long the sound was coming, and a roar of earth-shattering came.

Whirring whirring……

The wind blew.

woo woo woo woo……

The evil spirits roar.

That silence was torn.

I saw the violent roar, in the turmoil of the whole world, the huge thundercloud, this moment actually exploded!

The thunder and lightning that walked through the road turned out to be broken and turned into crushing!

That void, even hard torn!

Tiandi Avenue collapsed and the heavens were destroyed.

The whole world seems to have come to an end.

The group of devils dance, the ghosts roar...

It seems to be coming to hell...

The sky is dull, the wind is sweeping!


Seeing such a scene, those people in the distance have completely fallen into a sluggish state.

That mysterious guy...has it succeeded?

He even shredded the thunder, and actually moved the world? He turned out to be successful! The thunder robbery was even too late to be fully embarrassed, and was even killed in the embarrassment?

The mysterious strong man, in an unparalleled gesture, smashed the world!

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