Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 548: Fallen true God

It seems to have passed through a time and space! This little space is like a fairyland on earth.

What awesome aura? What a majestic atmosphere?

Standing in the space where you can see the border at a glance, Wang Chen is involuntarily awkward at this moment.

This is the last piece of pure land left by the true God.

After crossing the barrier opened by the flash hole, Wang Chen stood in such a space.

In it, it is full of the power of the Five Elements, full of the power of heaven, full of the purest aura. This is the true **** guarding the pure land that I don't know for many years. This is the last place where he is obsessed with guardianship.

"The Holy Scripture!"

Take a deep breath and look at the eccentric book that is quietly suspended above the most central altar in front. Wang Chen brows his head.

This should be the holy script, right?

I don't know how many years have passed, the atmosphere of history has been so rich.

When I saw it, Wang Chen’s heartbeat could not help but accelerate.

No longer hesitating, in a snoring, Wang Chen quickly went forward.

The body shape moves with the wind, and Wang Chen goes away.


In a twinkling of an eye, Wang Chen came to the altar.

The altar is not tall. However, the top is densely carved and engraved with an extremely delicate picture!

"God and Devil!"

Looking at this picture, Wang Chen's face is more and more complicated.

This picture, Wang Chen is very familiar.

He didn't know how many times he had seen such a picture.

Is this really a picture of a big war?

The blood of the corpse is bloody, the blood flows into the river...

That is a picture that is enough to shake people's hearts.


Taking a deep breath, Wang Chen suppressed the inner agitation and tried to calm himself down.

He put all his attention on the holy book in front. What is hidden in the holy scripture? Can you find more answers? Can you solve the doubts in your heart?

Wang Chen slowly walked over the altar.


However, just as Wang Chen took the first step, he had a whole meal and the blood in his body rolled.

As if there was a boundless energy, it rushed into the body of Wang Chen, igniting the tyranny of Wang Chen’s blood.

The eyes are reddening unconsciously.

Long hair dances with the wind.

Wang Chen’s breathing suddenly became rushed.

At this moment, Wang Chen seems to be in another time and space.

In front of me, shouting and killing.

The chaos became a group.

God and the war.

Wang Chen is once again in the field, what is this battlefield.

The strong are gathered, the strong are standing. This is an era where there is absolutely no shortage of power.

A respected **** is gone, and a great demon is standing in the air.

"No... this is not a **** war, damn... this is... the battle of Shura?"

Just, very quickly, as if I saw something in general, Wang Chen was wide-eyed.

It is not a battle of gods and gods.

Because Wang Chen did not see the battle between the gods and the great devil, he even saw the endless strong of the sea and the orcs.

These strong, at this moment... actually stood on a front line!

And on the opposite side of these powerful people, there are thousands of innumerable troops standing.

Shura army.

The tyrannical atmosphere is empathetic.

As if they were standing there, they turned the world into a sea of ​​blood.

Looking at this scene, Wang Chen could not help but hold his breath.

This is a picture he has never seen before.

Shura battlefield? Is this a field battlefield?

Is this the last gift left by the true God?


In Wang Chen’s awkwardness, I don’t know who’s screaming, as if it’s a thunder.

The next moment, Wang Chen saw a body shape to kill.

In the twinkling of an eye, the endless strong is killed together with the Shura army.

The roar, the roar, became a piece.

The blood is raining, the blood is filled, and the flesh and blood are splashing.

This is clearly a **** on earth.

Wang Chen finally realized the power of Shura.

It is more powerful than the Shura in the field of Shura.

A Shura is in the snoring, killing a strong man at the level of the gods.

Wang Chen also saw that a strong man who almost reached the height of the king of God was completely suppressed by Shura.

Powerful flesh, powerful power, **** means...

The scene of the scene constantly impacts the nerves of Wang Chen...

Time freezes, space freezes...

Looking at this picture, Wang Chen feels suffocated and can't breathe.

Oh la la...

Until the past, I don’t know how long it takes, more and more people are falling, and fewer people are standing.

Finally, the corpse was everywhere, and the blood flowed into the river.

The sky was reddened and the earth was reddened.

Until the last strong man fell, the final result turned out to be the loss of the gods and the army!

On the other side of Shura?

There are also a few left.

This is a thrilling battle.

That kind of shock, deep into the bone marrow of Wang Chen.


Until the picture disappeared, Wang Chen couldn't help but **** a cold air and muttered.

There are some confusion in my eyes.

Wang Chen is very clear. If he is in the battlefield with his current strength, will it be wiped out in an instant?

This is the strength of the Shura army? Is this his real enemy?

Thinking of this, Wang Chen was silent.

"Heaven, is that you? Why, why are you so banned!!"

Just in the silence of Wang Chen, a faint voice was coming at this moment, with grief and indignation.


Then, the space seemed to be torn apart, and Wang Chen returned to a calm world.

Wang Chen saw a shadow.

"True God?!"

Looking at that phantom, Wang Chen was shocked by the alarm.

That's right, standing at the moment not far from Wang Chen, it is not a magnificent figure. The figure that came out of the open space.

He is a true God.

What makes Wang Chen stunned is that behind the true God, there is a figure lying down.

He is...the devil!

When the two figures that emerged from the beginning of the day, Wang Chenxi can forget?

It turned out to be them?

Now, where is it? What is wrong with this?

Why do you see the true **** and the devil.

Moreover, it seems that the devil is dying, although the true **** can still stand, but the complexion is extremely pale and crumbling.

The eyes of the two people, even at this moment, are bleak!

Is this the highest battlefield?


Wang Chen heard the words of the true God.

Looking at this day, there are too many emotions in the eyes of the true God.

Is this the time when he finds his fate bound?

Wang Chen opened his eyes.

"The world is indifferent, everything is a dog! I want to go against the sky!"

Without paying attention to Wang Chen’s words, the figure looked at the sky and muttered to himself.

The sound can be heard clearly by Wang Chen.


When the voice fell, the face of the true God suddenly twisted, with a trace of unwillingness, he smashed into the sky like an eagle.


Double punches and take the body as a device!

At this moment, the true **** seems to want to break the sky.


With the strength of the true God, how powerful is the full blow under the wrath?

It is impossible to imagine.

The light blooms and envelopes the heavens and the earth.


In the horrible roar, under the dazzling light, the heavens and the earth are eclipsed.

Within the roar, the whole sky trembled.

The whole earth rolled over.

The wind blew across the sky.

Even though there is a time and space, Wang Chen seems to still feel the atmosphere of destroying the earth.

The true God is integrated into the heavens and the earth.

He seems to destroy this day.

God, is he trying to get rid of his fate?

Looking at this scene, while shocking, Wang Chen’s heart has also sunk.

Even in the heart of Wang Chen, there was a trace of compassion.

It turned out that, as the true God said, they are all pieces.

The true God is no exception.

Before this, Wang Chen always thought that his fate was under control. The invisible hand that controlled his own destiny was the true God.

But now, it seems that the true God is also a chess piece.

Moreover, with the strength of the true God, he can not shake this day, then himself?

Puff puff……

Just in the feelings of Wang Chen, suddenly, a piece of blood was floating.

The original bleak world, suddenly, is bright.

Sun and moon with the same!

I saw that the torn world was quickly restored.

In the gust of wind, the **** of the true God made a trip, as if it had been hit hard, and the whole person was distorted.

In the midst of a snoring sound, the true deities fell to the ground.

No blood, the whole person is weak to the extreme.

This is everything that Wang Chen saw.


Yes, the true **** has failed.

He couldn't get out of that layer of shackles. He is destined to get rid of it.

For a moment, the true gods and devils lying on the ground are dying.

Even, they have suffered the terrible pressure of heaven...

The blood spurts and the breath of the two is weakening.

"It seems that it has failed!"

In desperation, the demon reveals a bitter smile, weakly speaking.

"No! We have not failed! We are not successful now. But, the future? The future of this era is destined to be brilliant!"

There was a resolute look in the eyes of the true god, Shen Sheng said.

"You are planning..."

When you hear the true God, the demon seems to be aware of what, exclaimed. The pale complexion even revealed a little flushing in an instant.

"Yes! This time, we failed. But this is not the end, just the beginning!"

Looking at the expression of the demon god, the **** of truth reveals a mad look.

"It seems that I am going to be crazy with you? How is it going?"

Looking at the serious expression of the true God, the devil took a deep breath and asked.

Before dying, this moment was suddenly quiet.

Seeing hope, this is more important than death.

Death was abandoned to the side.

Wang Chen, who looked at this scene, also widened his eyes.

He is looking forward to the next answer.

However, it is a pity that Wang Chen is facing a vague picture! The sound seems to disappear here without a trace.

It seems that there is an intention to hide what is general.

I saw a picture, and everything in front of me disappeared.

The final picture is fixed in the scene of the devil and the true **** body being divided and flesh and blood.

Looking at this scene, Wang Chen’s eyes widened. The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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