Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 329: Lost place?


The pain in the whole body.

In the dark world, Wang Chen felt cold and pain.


In a snoring sound, Wang Chen almost exhausted his strength, which was a slow opening of his eyes.


The glaring sun that is the first to enter the destination.

"It seems that I have left the wild space."

Feel the atmosphere around, feel the warm sunshine, Wang Chen muttered to himself.

Here, it is no longer a wild space, there is no such violent and barbaric atmosphere in the wild space, here is the battlefield, this point, Wang Chen can be sure.


When I noticed this, Wang Chen couldn't help but exhale the first breath.

"The rest of the people."

Then, Wang Chen frowned and quickly looked around.

Wang Chen did not forget, just before, they almost fell into the situation of death. In the wild space, in the Shenwang Dongfu, Wang Chen and Qi Chengyue and others suffered an endless crisis.

Even if it is a snow dance, there is nothing to do.

Finally, the unexpected South Sea Savior appeared.

It is her, with her own fusion runes, tearing up the trapped dragon array, and even tearing up the space, giving birth to a path to hope for all.

Then, Wang Chen and others rushed into the passage.

But next,

What happened next?

Wang Chen’s brow was locked up.

"It seems... after entering that space, we have encountered a storm of time and space."

Wang Chen remembered it.

Although they entered the passage, the passage was very unstable.

After all, it is difficult to tear the space of the king of the gods. Rao is the honor of the South China Sea and it has been paid a huge price. This channel is unstable and can be imagined.

Immediately after staying at the last minute, in order to withstand Gao Zhan, the South China Sea Sovereign exhausted the last glimmer of force and forced the retreat of Gao Zhan, which made this instability climb to the extreme.

Although Gao Zhan did not leave everyone behind, the final blow also shook the passage of time and space.

Under the sweep of time and space storms, it seems that... everyone is dispersed.

Then, Wang Chen fell into a coma, the ultimate weakness, and Wang Chen’s consciousness was completely swallowed up.

Now, when Wang Chen woke up, he saw everything in front of him.

"Where is this, the rest of the people."

Thinking of this, Wang Chen could not help but be anxious.

Taking care of his injuries and the general pain of tearing his body, he took a deep breath and forced himself to stand up.

"damn it……"

Just, very quickly, Wang Chen’s look is ugly.

There is no space in the sky.

Even, forcing the release of the broken soul, Wang Chen covered a few kilometers, and did not notice the slightest breath.

"It’s completely dispersed."

Wang Chen looks ugly.

It seems that the impact of that time and space storm is huge.

At this time, Wang Chen is most worried about the South Sea Sayādaw and the dance snow.

How are they?

Especially the South Sea Supreme.

She is integrated into the print, what happened in the end, is it...

As if there was a tingling in my heart, Wang Chen couldn’t help but snorted.


A blood spouted, and Wang Chenxi sat on the ground.

"Why, why do you have a familiar feeling? I am not familiar with the Nanhai Supreme, but why do you feel that, as if thousands of years ago, we have a connection, it is the feeling of deep blood, Is it true that what happened in the beginning, who is the South Sea Supreme, who is it."

Sitting on the ground, Wang Chen looked into the distance and muttered to himself.

There are too many doubts in my heart.

He has confirmed that, indeed, the South China Sea Sayādaw and the dance Qing Xue are aware, and the relationship between the two seems not simple, and even has a deep entanglement.

What is the relationship between the South Sea Sayādaw and the dance Qingxue, what happened to them.

Wang Chen is not clear.

Even now, Wang Chen’s identity of Nanhai Zun and Wu Qingxue is still unclear, and everything seems to be a cloud.


Thinking of this, Wang Chenxi’s roared.

There is that dance clear snow...

Thinking of the situation of dancing snow, Wang Chen’s heart is hanging up.

The situation of dancing snow is very optimistic.

The soul is wounded, the body is poisonous, the blood is short, and the blood is both deficient...

It can be said that in order to deal with the red ball of light, the dance clear snow pays the most.

Now, where is she, and how.

Wang Chen’s heart was anxious.

If it is ok, Wang Chen wouldn't mind going to find the snow and look for the South Sea Supreme.

Unfortunately, Wang Chen can't do it.

The serious injury made Wang Chen almost so difficult to stand up.

"It seems that it is necessary to resume the injury as soon as possible."

Taking a deep breath, Wang Chen whispered to himself.

Even if there are more concerns, it can only be the first to recover from their injuries.

“乾坤鼎, I can’t use it now, it seems that I can only temporarily find a relatively safe place to practice.”

With a sigh, feeling his own situation, Wang Chen smiled.

乾坤鼎, yes, this time if you can display 乾坤鼎, enter the world of 乾坤 for cultivation and recovery, this is undoubtedly the best choice.

However, he can't do it.

The opening of the world of Qiankun is not that simple.

Need a strong spirit and vitality.

Now, the soul of Wang Chen can't support the opening of the world, and the vitality is even worse.

Only after the initial recovery, Wang Chen is likely to open the world of Qiankun.

Under such circumstances, Wang Chen had to drag the scarred body and walked away in the distance.



The waves are rolling.

In the underground world, Wang Chen sat quietly at this moment.

Fortunately, Yaowang can be summoned by Wang Chen.

With the help of Yaowang, Wang Chen found a safe place and entered the underground world~.

One day, after a full day, Wang Chen’s injury was finally stabilized.

Serious injuries are naturally impossible to recover immediately, but at the very least, after the initial recovery, Wang Chen has the ability to open up the world.

In the darkness, Wang Chen opened his eyes. In front of him, there is Qiankun Ding on this side.

Wang Yao and the squadron, Wang Chen no longer hesitated, directly into the world of Qiankun.

It is imperative to restore strength as soon as possible.

Only when the strength is restored can we figure out where this is, and then we can find Qi Chengyue and others.

Time is lost in minutes and seconds.

With the help of Kun Kun Ding, Wang Chen's recovery speed can be described as doubled.

The physical injury is serious, but it is much simpler to restore with Wang Chen’s current star quenching level.

Even though it is the most difficult soul to recover, Wang Chen is also using the spirit liquid to completely recover on the fifth day of entering the world of Qiankun.

What is really troublesome is the lack of blood.

In this respect, Rao is also a small force.

In the end, relying on the dedication of the drug king and the help of some holy drugs, Wang Chen was able to recover himself after the shortest time.

Under such circumstances, Wang Chen also spent a full ten days.

On the 10th, Qiankunding, the outside world.

This is Wang Chen's greatest advantage. Otherwise, if it is changed to an ordinary person, what will happen now, I can't imagine it.

In such a strange place, I don’t know what dangers are there and I am seriously injured...

Perhaps, at any time, you may be killed.

And Wang Chen, finally insisted on coming over.

Two days after entering the underground world, Wang Chen returned to the ground again.

Unfamiliar environment, Wang Chen had to be vigilant.

The spirit is released and spreads out in all directions. Wang Chen tries to find some traces or breath.


However, when Wang Chen released the soul, it was very quick, but it was noticed that something was wrong.

"Damn, what's going on, my soul... I was imprisoned, three kilometers, this is my limit."

There was a strange and awkward look on his face. At this moment, Wang Chen was in doubt.

Two days ago, Wang Chen was seriously injured. He tried to release the soul to find the whereabouts of dancing and snow.

However, at that time, Wang Chen was too weak.

Therefore, he did not notice anything wrong. At that time, Wang Chen covered only a few thousand meters.

However, today, when Wang Chen thoroughly responded, he was aware of the bad situation.

Three kilometers, this is already the limit of Wang Chen's soul.

It seems that there is a layer of invisible shackles. In this space, it is difficult to penetrate the soul. If you don't have this time, Wang Chen's power of souls can easily cover tens of thousands of meters.

"What the **** is this."

Perceived by this strange, Wang Chen's brow was locked.

In his eyes, there was a bit more caution.

Obviously, the strangeness of this place made Wang Chen feel uneasy.


"damn it."

In the middle of the night, the wind whistling.

But between this mountain and forest, Wang Chen is particularly ugly at the moment.

He lost his way.

At the very least, it seems to be the case now.

After perceiving the strangeness of this place, Wang Chen gave up the possibility of searching for the soul.

He subconsciously walked toward the front.

Now, the injury has been restored, and it is Wang Chen’s top priority to find the dancers and other people as soon as possible.

However, it is precisely because of this that Wang Chen realized a more serious situation.

As he progressed, his power of the soul was bound more and more powerful.

Up to now, even the scope of diffusion has been compressed to less than 100 meters.

This is not critical.

More importantly, as Wang Chen advances, he does not know when, at the side of Wang Chen, a layer of fog rises.

Over time, this layer of fog became more and more intense.

Even though the wind is whistling, the thick fog has never dispersed, but it has become more and more concentrated.

At this moment, Wang Chen is deep in the fog, and can't see everything in all directions.

He seems to have fallen into an infinite labyrinth.

Lost land.

After trying a few times, Wang Chen looked ugly and stopped, and his heart jumped, and a word appeared in Wang Chen’s heart.

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