Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 301: The anger of the Dragon Pavilion (on)

C_t; nine days of the church is coming. The latest chapter full-text reading access:.

With the sacred hall of the nine days, Quan Long suddenly fell into an endless panic.

Today, he is seriously injured, the strength is not stronger than Wang Chen, the advantage has fallen into the nine-day sanctuary...

Under a series of blows, Quanlong was finally on the verge of collapse.

Looking at Wang Chen, this moment is full of horror **** ‘color’.

Especially in the face of multiple rohan siege, holy suppression, Quan Long and then stupid know, so go on, he will be what to end...

"No... Wang Chen, don't kill me... you can't do this... you can't turn me into a beggar..."

After thinking of possible outcomes, Quanlong is a complete collapse of the heart.

For a moment, Quanlong shouted in horror.


Listening to the horror of Quanlong’s cry, Wang Chen’s disdainful cold snoring.

"Holy suppression..."

Quan Long has been trapped by Luo Han, and Wang Chen is unceremonious to start refining.


As Wang Chen's inscriptions were pinched out, it was only a moment that the endless sacredness seemed to be in the essence, and the rushing to the sea was over.




Big ‘wave’ 滔 heaven.

The sweep of a wave of 'waves' makes Quanlong seem to be in **** readings;

The breath of death.

Quanlong clearly felt the death.

At this moment, Quanlong’s heart has endless panic...

"No... don't..."

As the sacred enthusiasm poured into his body, Quan Long’s panic reached its limit.

He found that his strength is disappearing a little. He found that his body gradually began to be in control, and even his own memory, this moment began to regress.

The surrounding is bright and bright, but in the eyes of Quanlong it is turned into endless darkness.

It is a desperate darkness.

The cold breath, piercing.

"Wang Chen, let me go. I won't be bothering you again. Ah... I am the person of the Dragon Pavilion. You are so against me, we will not let you go."

In desperation, Quanlong moved out of the Dragon Pavilion.

At this time, the only life-saving straw that Quanlong can grasp is the Dragon Pavilion.

He hopes that the reputation of the Dragon Pavilion will allow Wang Chen to give up on him.

"斩龙阁. Hey."

Listening to the words of Quanlong, Wang Chen is even more sneer.


Today, regardless of whether Quanlong is a person of the Dragon Pavilion, Wang Chen wants to refine it.

Even if it is the Dragon Pavilion.

Wang Chen did not offend the Dragon Pavilion. However, the Dragon Pavilion clearly has the heart to kill Wang Chen.

Before the dialogue between the dragon and the high heaven that left, Wang Chen could not hear it.

Even though they didn't start with Wang Chen, the three sons seemed to have the idea of ​​starting with Wang Chen.

Therefore, between Wang Chen and Xiaolongge, it seems that they have been unable to get rid of each other's relationship. Their hostile relationship seems to have been doomed from the beginning.

Moreover, Wang Chen will not let go of the three sons.

Because, he is the arrogance of the Ninetowns Alliance, destined to be the enemy of Wang Chen. Because the three sons are more likely to have the breath of the true god, Wang Chen can not let Wang Chen.

Since it is necessary to become an opponent sooner or later, Wang Chen must be too jealous.


Thinking of this, Wang Chen did not stop the means of refining. On the contrary, he was even more mad to push the endless sacred spirit to the almost desperate power.



This time, along with the urging of Wang Chen, the entire nine-day church seems to be crazy.

The gas 'waves' came one after another.

A burst of roar, it is roaring constantly.

It seems that the endless gas ‘wave’ will be a **** of heaven.

Quanlong body began to numb...

"No... I am not willing... Wang Chen... I am not willing. Why, why is this. Wang Chen, I will not let you go." My brother will not let you go. ... my father and grandfather won't let you go..."

Wang Chen did not let go of his own meaning, and Quan Long was completely desperate.


All he has left is endless fear.

He fell into a dark world. The world is dark and cold.

In this world, time seems to start to fall back, and the loss of its own memory...

Until the last moment of memory loss, Quanlong is desperate and remorseful.

Why, why did you meet Wang Chen?

Why is Wang Chen so powerful?

Why is it so useless in front of Wang Chen?

Originally, with his own strength, shouldn’t it be killing Wang Chen? I didn’t want to use Wang Chen’s head as a gift to see the morning brother.

However, why did it end up like this?

If you know Wang Chen’s strength early and you are so powerful, you can’t fight Wang Chen’s like this.

If the world can regret ‘medicine’, Quanlong is willing to pay for it at all costs. If at this moment, Wang Chen can give the opportunity to Quanlong, Quanlong can abandon everything...

Unfortunately, all this is impossible.


The last scream was miserable and sad.

It is a pity that with the last scream of screaming, Quan Long has never heard the slightest sound.

The last trace of memory is finally lost from the body of Quanlong.

Since then, there has been one person in the world called Quanlong. Wang Chen’s nine-day church is able to produce a powerful Luohan.

Three times to rehabilitate the perfect Luohan, the power is hard to imagine.



In a messy mountain, Wang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Going back here again, the battle has already come to an end.

Quanlong has been refining into a Luohan.

As for the incarnation of Quanlong. It is the seal of the dragon seals;

The separation of Quanlong.

His avatar has long been entangled in Wang Chen's avatar.

Although, Wang Chen's avatar may be more than a detachment of the power dragon, but there is no problem at all.

As the deity of Quanlong was refining by Wang Chen, his avatar was defeated without fighting.

From then on, there will be no more people in this world.

The battle completely ended, and Wang Chen finally relaxed.

"Power Dragon. It's a pity."

Thinking of the right dragon, Wang Chen shook his head.

Strong strength, even less than ‘color’ yourself.

Unfortunately, Quanlong did not know how to exert his strength to the most powerful level, even he did not know where his limit was. The experience is too bad.

Officially because of the poor experience, Quanlong will be caught in the violent storm of Wang Chen after being accepted by Wang Chen.

The final suppression of the avatar, but also broke the last hope of Quanlong.

This battle is not too difficult.

However, Wang Chen also knows. This seemingly difficult battle, how to be thrilling.

If it is not possible to suppress the right dragon at the beginning, I am afraid that Wang Chen is still in a bitter battle.

The light enemy of Quanlong is also a major reason for ruining the life of Quanlong.

"Power Dragon. No matter. With him, my Luohan adds one more person. Today, the nine-day church is constantly perfect. Perhaps, soon, it will be perfect."

In the eyes of the "fine" light flashing, thinking of the changes in the nine-day church, Wang Chen had to have a little excitement.

"However, Quanlong was refining by me, but I am afraid that the trouble will not be small. You may find the "door" soon."

Suppressing the excitement in the heart, Wang Chen quickly calmed down the reads;


It is inevitable that this 斩龙阁王辰 will have a headache.

The Dragon Pavilion is definitely a giant, a behemoth that is enough to tremble the entire battlefield.

In the Dragon Pavilion, there is no weak.

It can be imagined how the strength of the Dragon Pavilion is.

As for the dragon. Wang Chen seems to see something from the last words of Quanlong.

Quanlong’s father and grandfather seem to be the people of the Dragon Pavilion. It is precisely because of this that he became a member of the Dragon Pavilion.

His father and grandfather will make revenge.

What about the Dragon Pavilion?

All this is what Wang Chen needs to face.

In addition, what Wang Chen cares about is the three sons.

The three sons who were called the brothers of the morning.

His strength seems to be very strong.

Even Gao Tian, ​​who is obviously more powerful than Wang Chen, seems to respect the three sons in words. Such a person, how powerful the strength will be.

Today, the three sons came to the wild space, and apparently have already stared at themselves.

Wang Chen, who learned this, was in a heavy mood.

Undoubtedly, the three sons brought great pressure to Wang Chen.

A nine son, now Wang Chen is still difficult to fight, and then a three sons...

Wang Chen shook his head and couldn't help but scream a bitter smile.

The situation is in jeopardy.

More importantly, there seems to be a big move on the side of the Dragon Pavilion.

Moreover, they are consistent with Wang Chen’s goal.

This is also inevitable, bringing more trouble to Wang Chen.

"It seems that this trip is not simple. I don't know what is going on in the snow."

In the face of complex and dangerous situations, Wang Chen inevitably thought of dancing snow.

I don't know how it is now.

If there is a dance to clear the snow to help, maybe the situation will be much better.

"damn it……"

The mood became more and more heavy, and Wang Chen shook his head and screamed.

"Yulong Pavilion, I will see what you have in the end. This time, even if it is a raging sea, I have to go and see what you want to do. I see if you can succeed."

After a long time, I regained my thoughts and looked at the front. In the eyes of Wang Chen, it was ‘fine’ light flashing.

A cold and sturdy body, between the flickering of the body, refused to restore the energy consumed by the battle, Wang Chen is plundering in the distance!


"Right Dragon... Quanlong’s younger brother..."

That is to say, when Wang Chen left the forest, there was a strange atmosphere in the wild space.

When the dragon pavilion entered several people in the wild space, at that moment, it was inevitable that God’s ‘color’ changed greatly.

The fragmentation of a life card seems to make the whole situation suffocating.

The people of the Dragon Pavilion were degraded.

Moreover, it is an unusual power dragon.

This made everyone in the Dragon Pavilion change its color.

A huge undercurrent, under such circumstances, began to pick up.


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