Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 387: Object is human

The emergence of Yaowang made Wang Chen feel surprised.

The dance of Qing Xue summoned her own medicine king, how she did it, and what she wanted to do.

Do you need a drug king.

Wang Chen's brow is locked.

"Pharmaceutical King, huh, huh..."

Looking at the medicine king hiding behind Wang Chen, the face of the snow-clear dance is a little more smile that people can't understand.

"Let him out."

After laughing, the dance snow was not too slow to see the drug king said.

That tone, as if it were an order.

"You...who are you talking about, I... I don't know."

When I heard the dance snow, the drug king’s eyes flashed and said quickly.

"Kid, don't listen to this woman, damn, I have to go back and let this woman leave as soon as possible."

At this moment, the king of the drug king also appeared to have some whitishness. It seems that he was afraid of something.

"What is going on, what are you talking about, who, is it, there are people hiding here."

In the face of Yao Wang and Wu Qing Xue, Wang Chen suddenly found that his brain seemed to be insufficient.

He frowned, looking at the dance snow and Yaowang asked.

Who is the person who dances Xue Xue?

The drug king is escaping something.

It seems that there is something secret between them.

Wang Chen's face was dignified.

This feeling is very bad.

Especially Wang Chen.

For Wang Chen, how many years has the drug king followed his side? Perhaps, for Wang Chen, the drug king has no secret in front of him.

However, when one day suddenly discovered that he had no idea what the drug king was hiding, Wang Chen had a kind of loss and anger.

"You don't know, hey, who am I talking about, you should be very clear, are you let him out, or I personally ask him to come out."

I ignored Wang Chen’s inquiry and danced with no expression on the snow.

Her eyes, staring at the drug king, the eyes, as if a sharp blade, seems to be inserted into the heart of Yaowang.

For a moment, the medicine king's heartbeat seemed to stop, and his face became more and more pale.

"I know you are confused, you still remember the nine kings."

Waiting for the answer of the drug king, dancing snow and watching Wang Chen said.

"Nine must be king."

Wang Chen’s eyes widened.

Nine must participate in the king, how can this Wang Chen forget.

At the beginning, the nine-supplemented king brought great help to Wang Chen, and it also helped tremendously in his cultivation of Tianjin.

In fact, the value of the nine kings to participate in the king is far more than that, and Wang Chen is very clear.

It is unimaginable that the king of medicine, even the refurbished medicine king, has reached the point where strength has reached a certain level and how much it can help people.

It is a pity that the nine kings have not yet formed a complete cohesion. It is precisely because of this that Wang Chen has temporarily collected the nine kings and did not do too much.

He is waiting.

Waiting for the complete maturity of the nine-supplemented king, at that time, it was when Wang Chen used the nine to participate in the king to complete a leap.

Unfortunately, this day, it seems that it will not come so soon.

However, if you dance the snow now, it is to make Wang Chen feel as if he is aware of it. The look is more and more gloomy: "You said, this is how it is."

Wang Chen opened his eyes.

The nine kings were given to the king of medicine. This matter, the drug king should be the clearest.

It seems now that Yao Wang seems to have deceived himself.


In the face of Wang Chen's inquiry, the snow was pierced by the dance, and there was no trace of blood on the face of Yao Wang.

He watched Wang Chen with vigilance and watched the dance clear snow: " can't do this... my ancestors...the ancestors he really hasn't recovered."

Yaowang quickly explained.

At this moment, the situation is quite bad for him.

Damn woman, dancing snow, this **** woman, she knows that she is a huge scourge.

In the heart, the drug king can't help but marry her mother.

"Oh... your ancestor, he doesn't seem to be your ancestor, hasn't it been completely restored? Maybe he is not inferior to you, isn't it, at least, it can already appear in front of us, Isn't it?"

The voice of Yaowang has just fallen, and the snow is sneer.

"You, come out."

Immediately afterwards, it seemed that I was aware of what was going on, and the snow in the eyes of the dancing snow flashed and the face was expressionless.

"I didn't expect it to be noticed by you."

The voice of the dance snow has just fallen, not waiting for the drug king to explain, waiting for Wang Chen to speak, a faint sigh came.

In the next moment, in front of Wang Chen and others, a virtual shadow appeared slowly.

The voice looked hoarse, and the figure looked illusory.

Gradually, that figure was solid, and it was until this time that Wang Chen was able to see this figure clearly.

This is a teenager who looks like a ten-year-old.

A long blond hair and a white robe.

The temperament seems to have some dust, giving people a feeling of not seeing.

On the body, it is a faint scent.

Such a teenager, appearing in the wilderness of the world, seems to have some surprises.

Looking at this scene, Wang Chen’s pupil suddenly shrank.

That boy, very extraordinary, that aroma, very familiar.

"You are... you are the nine kings."

Taking a breath of cold air, Wang Chen looked uncertain and looked at the boy.

Nine must participate in the king.

Is this young boy the figure of the nine-sacred king who was acquired in the core of the sea eye? How is this possible...

Wang Chen has some mess.

"Yes, I am a nine-seeker."

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, the blonde white robe teenager said quietly.

After looking at the medicine king, I looked at Wang Chen and danced the snow. Finally, he fixed his eyes on Wang Chen’s body: "I know that you are very confused and angry, but this matter has nothing to do with Yaowang. I, Jiu Shen, was indeed immature at the beginning, and was caught in a chaos. Until recently, I realized that I had a will and slowly recovered.

However, as you feel, I am not yet in perfect shape. Now I, the breath that comes out from my body, I believe that you all feel it. This breath is fatal. Therefore, I ask the medicine king to help me hide it. I am afraid that it will bring danger, even I am afraid of your embarrassment.

It is precisely because of this that the drug king has concealed everything for me, please forgive me. ”

Looking at Wang Chen, the boy said seriously.

Some words made Wang Chen silent.

At this moment, Wang Chen’s heart flashed countless thoughts in an instant, but in the end, he turned into a sigh.

"I know what you did for me, your human feelings, I will return, but not now."

Looking at Wang Chen who was caught in silence, Jiu Xuan Wang continued to smile.

"Yes, kid, this thing, we are discussing together. If you want to be angry, you will come to me. Damn, I will pick it up. As for the ancestors... He is not a ungrateful person, your kindness, we all remember, In the future, we will naturally return, but now it is not, the ancestors still have things to do.

If you need it, I can give you some of my blood first, or... my ancestors are willing to give you some blood as a temporary compensation. ”

Yaowang is also nervous.

Now, the situation is quite unfavorable for them. Yao Wang is really afraid of Wang Chen's anger, and they both eat directly. In that case, there is no place to cry.

Yaowang believes that Wang Chenzhen will do such a thing.

Human beings are undoubtedly cruel, and there is nothing that can't be done.

Even if Wang Chen has some differences with the rest of the people, he can't get rid of his human identity.

Now, you must appease Wang Chen.

Yaowang has some urgency.

However, it is rare that this does not speak the loyalty of the drug king, this time did not even abandon the nine must participate in the king, this is to let Wang Chen accident.

"I know."

When I heard the drug king, I felt the nervous eyes of Yao Wang and Jiu Xuan, and Wang Chen smiled bitterly.

What happened, how can it be.

Wang Chen seems to be able to understand the thoughts of the drug king.

Perhaps, there is still some anger in my heart, but Wang Chen can still control, he is not so stingy.

For the enemy, Wang Chen has always been cruel.

However, for the friends around me, Wang Chen has always been tolerant.

Medicine King, isn't it a friend of mine? Can Wang Chen really do something that can't be done.

Now, what Wang Chen really cares about is the dance of snow on one side.

Dancing snow, she is doing what is going on.

Wang Chen slightly narrowed his eyes, his look, and became dignified.

"We met."

In the look of Wang Chen's dignified look, the nine-sacred king took a deep breath and looked at the complex dance in front of him.

"Yeah, I met again, but you are no longer the one you were."

The dance Qing Xue looked deeply at the nine-seekers in front of her eyes, her eyes, at this moment, there was some erratic.

How many years have passed.

Perhaps she can't remember it herself. There are still a few acquaintances.

This is probably the last one.

This should be a happy thing, but unfortunately, at the moment, whether it’s dancing snow or the nine kings, they are all heavy and can feel the heavy weight of each other.

Things are human.

They have all changed.

The times have changed...

That attachment is changing.

"You should know, I am looking for what you want to do."

Taking a deep breath and abandoning the idea of ​​an alarm clock, the dance snow said.

"I know, but, you know, that's impossible, I can't help you."

Nine must be a wrinkle in the brow.

"However, your current injury is very serious. If you need it, I can help you recover from the injury in the shortest possible time..."

The nine-seeded king is still serious.

The dialogue between the nine kings and the dancers is very simple, but it is not enough for outsiders.

Wang Chen did not know what the relationship between the two of them was.

Is it true that the sky is guessing, the dance snow is the guardian of the nine kings.

"I know it's hard, but I want to give it a try, I need your help."

The dance snow was silent for a moment, said.

"Yes, I am staying


help you. ”

Nine Shoumeng did not hesitate and nodded directly: "I owe you years, now, I will pay back."

As if I had thought of something, the look of the nine-supplemented king became dignified and obsessed.

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