Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 277: Doubt layer

Along the winding path, the gradual view is widened.

In the midst of the clouds, it seems to have come to another world.

"Good aura..."

Rao is Wang Chen, and I can't help but marvel at the moment.

Above this proud dragon, the aura has encountered a degree of terror.

It’s more than two or three times within the battlefield.

"Cultivating here, one day will be able to live on the outside world for a few days. It is no wonder that there are many talents in this dragon pavilion. This is the talent of Tianjiao. It is possible to know how to cultivate and bless the land and improve its strength."

Thinking of the legend about the Dragon Pavilion, Wang Chen’s heart is even more emotional.


However, this kind of amazement did not last long, and a more shocking scene appeared in front of Wang Chen.

Going to the top of the mountain, the world in front of you is completely amazing.

What did Wang Chen see?

It is a world that is completely empty.

A huge island suspended above this proud dragon.

As if, a star is hanging high.

The majestic atmosphere of the oncoming, even people can not help but rush to worship.

"Great handwriting."

Taking a deep breath, Wang Chen was secretly surprised.

Along the way, this dragon pavilion brought a lot of surprise to Wang Chen.

The underlying, perhaps, this is the foundation of a holy place.

In comparison, the current Wang family is stretched, and even the Ninetowns Alliance is nothing before such a holy ground.

Standing in front of this vacant star, Wang Chen can clearly feel his blood, this moment seems to be burning.

"What is going on, why, my blood will react, why my soul feels trembling, what kind of breath is it, as if there is a force that makes me jealous and makes me excited."

At this moment, feeling his own changes, Wang Chen’s heart is even more alarming.

This feeling is getting stronger and stronger.



In front of a flower, Wang Chen seems to have seen a boundless battlefield.

What confrontation on the battlefield.

One strong, flying in the sky, a stalk of the gods, penetrating the clouds, destroying the world.

That one of the gods is standing between the heavens and the earth.

As if, they are the control of this piece of heaven and earth, in front of them, at this moment, Wang Chen feels that he is so small, so humble, here, he is an ants.

The battle was fierce, but for a moment, the picture turned, Wang Chen saw the blood of the corpse.

"How is it possible... this picture... why is it so familiar..."

In the shock, Wang Chen jumped up in his heart.

The scene I saw in front of me made Wang Chen feel familiar.

It seems that I have seen such a scene somewhere.

"In the forbidden land of the Jiang family, I seem to have seen it. In the realm of the devil's heaven and earth, I seem to have seen the remains of the ancient battlefield. This... Is this a picture of the war? may."

For a moment, Wang Chen was sweating.

Everything I saw in front of me made Wang Chen think too much.

At the beginning, in the domain of the gods, Wang Chen seemed to see such a picture between them. When Jiang was forbidden in the forbidden land, when Wang Chen got the image left by the big demon, when Wang Chen first came into contact with it. When it comes to the things of the true God, Wang Chen seems to have seen it.

Also, in the cave of the true God, Wang Chen also saw the scene of deja vu...

This is a picture of what the war is.

Why is this picture appearing here?

"The Dragon Pavilion, what kind of existence is there, he, and the gods and the war, what is the difference."

At this moment, Wang Chen has endless doubts in his heart.

He seems to sink into the doubts in his heart, as if he has fallen into the world.

"wake up."

And just as Wang Chen thoroughly indulged in this world, a whisper of whispered in his ear.

That light drink, it is like a Xuan Lei general, squatting down, let Wang Chen a moment of cleverness.


The sizzling in the brain, Wang Chen's face suddenly pale.


A blood spurted out, and at this moment, Wang Chen’s eyes were a little confused.

"what happened."

A dream millennium, just now, Wang Chen seems to have experienced thousands of years.

His constant reincarnation repeats the scene of the big battle, constantly experiencing the process of the gods and the war.

What exactly is going on.

"If you don't want to die, your mind will be one, this is not the place you should come."

In the face of the confused Wang Chen, the cold voice came again.

"Dance the snow."

Finally, I heard this voice again, Wang Chen looked up and his face was full of horror.

Dance clear snow.

That's right, at this time, it's not the dance of snow, who is there, and that flaming figure still gives people a bright feeling.

Between the repeated, the surrounding air, because of her appearance, became hot.

Just now, just as Wang Chen was indulging in the world of what was in the world of war, it was the sound of dancing and snow, which brought Wang Chen back to reality.

Wang Chen did not expect that he would meet the dance snow here.

She really came here.

In Wang Chen’s heart, it is inevitable that I feel a touch of ease.

He is not too late, at least, there is still no accident in the dance.

Just, how did the dance clear snow find itself appearing here, how to find one's own.

"follow me."

When I heard Wang Chen’s exclamation, the dance was clear and the snow was condensed, and I quickly caught Wang Chen, and then plunged away in the distance.

As if between, dancing snow, seems to be avoiding anything.

Until with Wang Chen, came to the top of the mountain, a gap in the cave caused by a huge rock, it seems that this dance is a breath.

"How come you are here."

Looking at Wang Chen, the dance cleared the snow and asked.

"You, in the hem, why can't I come, I heard that the land of the Dragon Pavilion is about to open."

Wang Chen frowned.

"This is not the place you should come. Just now, if I found your breath, you have already indulged in the world, or anyone can kill you, or you will sink into the world because of it." Was killed by time."

The dance is clear and the face is blank.

At the same time, looking at Wang Chen, her eyes seem to be a bit more complicated, and the words are stopped.

"What happened just now, here, what is going on, why, I have a feeling of deja vu, what is the relationship with the gods and devils, why do I see the picture of the war, why do I I will sink, why can't I come here."

Feeling the seriousness of ruthless learning, Wang Chen asked in a loud voice.

There are too many doubts in his mind.

As if to come to the Dragon Pavilion, Wang Chen has arrived in a brand new world. Everything here is so strange to him, it is unknown.

"斩龙阁, huh, huh...have something to do with you, no, it should be said that it has something to do with that person."

There is a bitter smile on the corner of the dance. "It’s a pity that this relationship is not necessarily a good thing for you. I don't want you to come here. I didn't expect you to come, this, maybe It is life."

The dance snow whispered to himself.

At this moment, she showed a rare tired look.

"As for everything you just saw, it is nothing wrong with the war. This dragon pavilion has a close relationship with the gods and gods. The picture is a world. Ordinary people may not be like, even, feel. Not the picture, but you are different, because the blood of the true God flows through you."

The dance snow clear gradually became serious: "Now, you will leave this place."

"Leave, no."

When he heard the ruthless study, Wang Chen suddenly said.

go away.

He can't leave.

Come here, it is for the wild world.

Coming here, Wang Chen felt too much unknown, perhaps, here, what he could find.

What's more, why did Wang Chen come here?

In addition to the news of the land of the wasteland, the main purpose is to dance the snow.

Wang Chen did not forget the words of the South China Sea.

Even Wang Chen came here, the original intention is not because of the words of the South China Sea Sayādaw.

This makes Wang Chen even more confused.

Who is the South Sea Sayādaw?

Dancing with snow, what is the relationship with the South Sea Supreme.

They know what they are.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen has a feeling of madness.

At this moment, Wang Chen felt that he seemed to be a fool, as if he was a blind man.

The world is big, others see everything, but he is in the dark.

It seems that everything is unknown.

It seems that everything is under control.

This feeling is very bad.

"No, if you want to die, you can stay."

In the face of Wang Chen’s refusal, the dance was clear and expressionless, and there was even some anger.

"Give me reasons."

Wang Chen was silent for a moment and said.

"Your blood, everything you have encountered before, this is the reason, this is just the beginning, if you stay, there is more dangerous, waiting for you."

The dance is clear and cold.

"My blood, what is the relationship with this place, who is the person in your mouth."

Wang Chen was not willing to ask.

Dancing snow, never explained this.

"Your blood...the blood of the gods, the relationship with this place, maybe a friend, maybe an enemy, who said it clearly, it has been too much time, genius until you and this place, what is the relationship now, I am not Know that as for that person, that person in the land of wasteland, he has the same identity as you, why you will be excluded, perhaps, after you enter the land of wasteland, you will know everything, but, I don't want to see you in it, because that's just looking for death."

The dance is clear and the snow looks complicated.

When the voice fell, there was a trace of desolateness on the face of the dancing snow. Looking at the distance, she seemed to have some ecstasy.

"Leave, everything you want, I will bring it back~."

For a long time, the dance snow took a deep breath and said it again.

If the dance is clear, let Wang Chen fall into silence.

Wang Chen knows


He should refuse.

However, at the moment his heart has some confusion.

There have been too many doubts that made Wang Chen more and more.

That person, the descendant of the true God, sure enough, there is something he needs here.

However, why the dance snow seems to be hiding something.

It seems that things are not as simple as imagined.

go away.

Can you really leave?

Perhaps, at the moment when I stepped into this side, it was doomed and could not be separated.

As the dance snow said, this may be life.

"I want to stay, no matter life or death, I want to understand everything, this is my life."

After the silence, Wang Chen finally looked up.

This time, he no longer avoided, but stared at the dance and snow, and said seriously.

This is the final choice of Wang Chen.

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