Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 147: Escape (below)

The radiance of the sky rises.

At this moment, the entire mountain peaked.

At this moment, the people above the entire mountain peaked.

"With it."

"Ha ha ha... the day does not live with me."

"Sure enough, the calculations of the ancestors of this time were correct, and he was calculated accurately."

"Someone really came to my land."

After stunned, nature is excited.

Those who are silent, dancing at this moment.

Even, among them, there are some old guys who have been waiting for hundreds of years.

Today, I finally saw hope.

The dull atmosphere was broken in an instant.

Everyone is looking very hot and looking towards the void.

This time, it’s time to gain something.

The land of Xiqiao, this piece of land that has been silent for too long, seems to be boiling.

"Oh, good luck."

At the forefront of the crowd, the young man’s mouth showed a smile and muttered to himself.

The old man around him, his eyes suddenly sharpened, as if for a moment, sweeping the invasion of hundreds of years.


The next one is a glimpse of the figure and spread out in all directions.

The prey appeared.

A prey that is hard to come by, who can stand by.

No one wants to let this prey slip away.

No matter what the cost, no matter what effort you make, you should always leave this prey.

Otherwise, the land of Xiqiao is shameful.

"No matter what the arrogance, this time, you must die."

The young man whispered softly, and he turned to look at the old man around him: "You, know what to do."

"Even if it is Tianjiao, then how, in the past, it is not that Tianjiao has fallen under such circumstances. Whenever Tianjiao is completely intact."

The old man muttered thoughtfully.

That's right.

Endless years, how many times the Tianlong field has been opened, and how many days of arrogance have returned.

Although there is not much arrogance in every return, there are always one or two unlucky people every time.

Even if it was thousands of years, only three days of arrogance returned from the Tianlong field, and eventually there was a fall.

This is a lesson from the past.

This time, there is no exception.

There should always be someone who fell, and the guy who chose the land of Xiqiao fell over there.

That one is a heavenly order, that is something that is enough to make people jealous.

Under the madness, it will inevitably make people lose their senses.

No matter what arrogance, in such madness, it will always be overwhelmed.

The old man's figure has been slightly bowed, and he stared at the sky, ready to shoot at any time.


I don't know, in this waiting, after how long it took, finally, the void began to oscillate.

The original calm sky, suddenly at this moment, the wind is surging.

A void black hole that gradually opens.

At this moment, above the mountain, everyone once again held their breath.

Of course, there is even more powerful momentum that is in full swing.



In the darkness, Wang Chen saw the dawn.

In the time and space tunnel, I don’t know how long it took, Wang Chen finally saw the light.

"Bright, still dark."

Seeing this ray of light, Wang Chen raised his eyes.

The light has appeared, but it is bound to be endless darkness.

The crisis has only just emerged.

Whether you can survive this last crisis.

Death, or survival.

The breath in the body, slowly mobilized, Wang Chen began to brew.

Good luck, Wang Chen learned the blue light burst.

Otherwise, today, I am afraid that Wang Chen will fall into a boundless crisis, because he is likely to have no means of coping.

The blue light ball in the hand, unconsciously, has been brewed by Wang Chen.

The sound of nourishment is endless and even harsh.

"You are also ready to prepare."

Wang Chen’s side is a avatar.

This avatar, it should be done.

Wang Chen, still not confident that he can rush out of the encirclement by the blue light.

The blue light bursts must be there, and the means of avatar should naturally be applied.

Even if you pay a big price, you have to escape.

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, the breath of the avatar was also at this moment, and suddenly began to climb.

Finally, Wang Chen is getting closer and closer to that light.

Finally, when Wang Chen was integrated into a ray of light, he acted.

"go with."

A roar, before Wang Chen, the blue light ball was the first to rush out of the darkness.


The roar of the robbers exploded, and the whole world was shaking.


Then, not waiting for the roar of the spread of this place, at the side of Wang Chen, the avatar has already acted.

Wan Guiling has already made a comeback, and Wan Gui has already whistled.

At the same time, the moment of the gourd is also erupting.

The golden light that has been brewing for a long time, and the speed of its horror, shot out in the distance.

“Flat step clouds.”

Then, in the moment when Wang Chen rushed out of the light, he had already stepped out of the blue clouds.

This is a stepping green cloud that blends into the fire of the wood.

The speed is very fast, almost making the sky twisted.

There was a burst of cursing in the ear, and there was a burst of rushing sound behind him.

Wang Chen's brow is locked.

Because, the person who chased him behind him, more than one or two.

"damn it."

Seeing Wang Chen’s figure smashing out, the people who laid the nets here are ugly.

There are some strong people, but they are even more ugly.

The moment they opened the void black hole, they would not know what was going to happen.

Therefore, many people are ready to shoot.

However, I did not expect that the prey was even more embarrassing and took the lead.

A blue light explosion opened up to confuse the crowd.

If it is not already prepared for the magic weapon of protection, I am afraid that many people on the spot will be seriously injured.

That blue light ball is terrible.

Even now, it still makes people feel awkward.

Tianjiao is worthy of Tianjiao.

However, this cyan ball of light is obviously not enough.

There are still huge encircles waiting for prey.

However, who can think of it, just in the moment when the cyan ball disappears, a touch of golden light has already been shot.

Blood donation is floating.

Jinguang passed, killing one person directly.

You know, it is a strong peak of pure Yang.

Even a rebuilt pure Yang Fengfeng strong.

The strong man, before resisting the blue light burst, used a protective.

Not to wait for the defense, it was directly killed by Jin Guang.

The speed is too fast for people to react.

At that moment, I have to say that some people are shocked and some are chilling.

How fierce this means.

This time, it appears in the land of Xiqiao, which is the arrogance.

And just between the shock of everyone, the third wave of attack came.

It is a boundless evil spirit.


These evil spirits roared, and it was the confusion of the place.

It was also until this time that a figure suddenly rushed out.

The speed is too fast.

The exhibition is categorically a vast number of supernatural powers such as shrinking into the ground.

In the chaotic situation, under the horrible speed, the figure teared a tone and shot away in the distance.

Those who respond quickly are now rushing to catch up. Those who are slow to respond are also in the middle of roaring, and they are chasing.


However, the shock has not yet subsided.

This day is destined to be an extraordinary day in the land of Xiqiao.

Because, when the figure was quickly shot, the space vibrated, and there was a figure in the void.

"and also."

People in anger have widened their eyes.


Before, still squinting, the face of a young man with a sense of anger, a brow.

"Go kill him, the first person, leave it to others."

The young man suddenly laughed.

Two prey.

This is much easier to do.

Don't want to escape this prey.

And the strong guys who stayed.

Nature is also laughing.

The first prey seems to be a bad deal.

Then look at how this second prey is.

For a time, the people who wanted to chase, stayed and went to the man who appeared this time.

The battlefield that should have been one heart and one mind has been split into two battlefields at this moment.

Wang Chen may not know, invisible, the man who chased him, actually helped Wang Chen to withstand a huge crisis.

Otherwise, the infinite powers are all chasing him away, and the danger is bound to increase geometrically.

And now, at the very least, not the worst result.

As for his grievances with this man.

Then you have to wait until Wang Chen and this man can survive and say.

As for the thought of this man's heart at the moment.

He frowned and looked serious, and forcibly broke away in the distance.

Originally, I wanted to catch the cockroach, the oriole was behind, but now the situation is beyond expectations.

He wants to kill Wang Chen, and naturally wants to use Wang Chen.

Therefore, he followed Wang Chen into the land of Xiqiao.

On the one hand, he wants Wang Chen to attract the attention of all the strong and help him share the danger.

On the other hand, when you want to, kill Wang Chen.

However, who thought that Wang Chen was so embarrassed.

First shot is strong.

He actually took the lead in successive shots and broke through.

This is the first step in the men’s plan, which has already failed.

Now, he is also caught in a crisis.

"damn it."

The roaring doctor, the man glanced at the direction of Wang Chen’s escape and fled in the other direction.

However, the mood is not too bad.

Although not the best result, it is not the worst.

It should be much better than acting alone.



The wind whistling in the ear.

Feeling the strong people who came after him, Wang Chen frowned.

The plan was successful in the first step.

Highlight the burden and share the pressure.

Followed by the people who entered the transmission line, want to play Wang Chen's idea, Wang Chen did not want to hit the guy's idea.

Just play and play.

Wang Chen is afraid.

At the very least, everything is still in the imagination.

However, how to get rid of those who are chasing after him is a headache.

Especially in the pursuit of the first few figures, the momentum is extremely powerful.

There is a guy who is not slower than his own pace.

Being close to myself a little bit.

This is what Wang Chen is most worried about.

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