Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 94: Destroy the sword (on)

"Yuyang Wang Yihai, I don't know."

When the guy inside the smug was proud, Wang Chen said with a blank expression.


His words made the shock of the embarrassment.

"What, you don't know the deity."

The next moment, as if I heard a big joke, Yuyang Wang Yihai shouted loudly.

do not know……

These words, for Yuyang Wang Yihai, may be the biggest humiliation.

I thought that at the beginning, he was also famous for the world, and he was shocked by the strengths of all directions. Now, he has been answered by a person who does not know.

If it was at the beginning, he would definitely shoot this guy directly.

But how can it be today?

In short, this moment Yuyang Wang Yihai is mad.

"very famous."

In the face of the anger of Yuyang Wang Yihai, Wang Chen was a faceless expression.

"You... nonsense, think about what the deity said, too..."

When I heard Wang Chen’s innocent question, Yuyang Wang Yihai was almost crazy.

However, halfway through, he seemed to think of something in general and suddenly silenced.

"what happened."

Wang Chen asked.

"Oh...not very famous, you don't know, you don't know,, it's me, I was a little person."

Yuyang Wang Yihai suddenly laughed.

Even at this moment, he changed his name.

From the deity, it has become me.

This is a small detail, but it is enough to explain too many things.

In the face of this scene, Wang Chen frowned, and after a moment, he showed a sneer that was hard to detect.

It seems that the guy inside this is not honest.

"It is best not to do anything else, otherwise, I am sure, you will regret it."

Muttering, Wang Chen flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes.

"Okay, the rest is the inheritance, you, can give me what heritage."

Collapse the idea, Wang Chen slowly asked.

He looked at him, revealing a hint of curiosity.

Before that, in the land of that place, Wang Chen was a horrible and powerful Pingbu Qingyun, so here.

Wang Chen knows very well what the cockroaches in front of him represent.

Being able to be in the first place, his inheritance can be simple.

Wang Chen showed a look forward.

"Inheritance... This... naturally there is."

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, I sighed and said.

"I need your strongest heritage."

Waiting for this to say what is passed down, Wang Chen added.

The tone is unquestionable.


Wang Chen’s words made the voice inside Yan’s voice somewhat angry.

He Yuyang Wang Yihai is who, at the beginning, why did someone dare to talk to him like this.

Those who talk to him will die very badly.

but now……

"I believe that you won't deceive me, don't you?"

Not waiting for Yuyang Wang Yihai's holy spirit, Wang Chen continued to add.

In a word, let Yihai completely have no temper.

People have to bow their heads under the roof.

"Well, give you my strongest inheritance."

Taking a deep breath, the sound is a bit dull.

"However, you are not allowed to promise me a condition."

Yuyang Wang Yihai, the opportunity to propose.

"You are not qualified."

Wang Chen looks indifferent.

"No, I have, uh... because if you promise me, in addition to inheritance, I can give you more."

The voice laughed.

"for example."

Wang Chen asked curiously.

This statement by Yihai has some temptations.

More benefits.

Wang Chen could not help but be curious.

He believes that Yuyang Wang Yihai is so confident that he believes that the so-called benefits will not be anything unusual.

"Well, it must be a big advantage. For example, now, this is a good thing, oh... even if it is a god, it is almost impossible to destroy this cockroach. So, choose the finest heavenly crystal. Stone, built with the supreme means, is itself a powerful magic weapon, the **** is difficult to destroy.

Then, it is engraved with the mysterious array, able to live dead and flesh-and-blood, even if it is a thousand years of death, it can also be reborn. More importantly, after incorporating this method, this is no longer the gods can destroy. At the very least, ordinary gods, don't think about it, this is not a good thing. ”

The voice smirked.


Wang Chen thought about it and nodded.

This is really a good thing.

"Haha... smart people, if you get such awkwardness, when you get to a powerful enemy, you can deal with it. No matter how you resist or not, this thing is not as good as yours, but it is absolutely nothing. You, the world of Qiankun, is very powerful and can refine people. However, today, you are afraid of encountering the rebuilt person that I have been hit hard, and it is difficult to trap him in it.

However, my jealousy is different, you can live forever and sleepy forever. ”

I was very proud of the confirmation of Wang Chen.

"What are the benefits?"

Wang Chen continued to ask.

"You still need benefits."

The voice inside the cockroach is very depressed.

This is really greedy.

Wing Hai can't wait to resurrect immediately, tearing this guy into pieces.

It is still not enough to pass on the inheritance of Da Shen Tong and its own embarrassment.

It's going to be good.

However, very quickly, thinking of this guy's greed, Yihai has nothing to say.

Who, it will be so crazy, in the land of that place, even desperately fleeing with a beggar, and, just because of his own escape.

Such a person is definitely the most greedy person.

Thinking of this, Wing Hai has nothing to say.


After a long silence, Wing Hai seems to think of something: "Your blood seems to be very good, just, oh... the power of blood, the more you go to the back, the harder it is to practice, I seem to smell a touch of true God, you, Perhaps it is the inheritor of the true God, oh... it is unusual.

Just right, there is a way I can improve my blood, I can help you. ”

After the silence, Wing Hai said quietly.


When I heard this benefit, Wang Chen smiled and smiled.

This is what he wants most.

"What is your request?"

After the transaction, Wang Chen directly asked.

"My request is very simple. I need your blood, the blood of the true God, hey, I don't ask for much, three days and one drop, last for one hundred and eighty days. In addition, take this world as a guide and help me recover as soon as possible. Come over, of course, as a reward, after I recover, I can help you further the world."

Wing Hai vowed.

"it is good."

This time, Wang Chen did not ask for more.

The request is already enough.

The benefits he can get are also enough.

Underneath, what else is needed.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen's look has become more and more.

"How much do you know about this space."

Wang Chen continued to ask.

"This is not within the scope of our negotiations. However, I am in a good mood now, uh... telling you is no problem. You better try to leave. Although, hope is very embarrassing, but you better before I recover. Try to get out of here as soon as possible.

In the depths of the world, but a horrible guy is imprisoned, that guy, I can't handle it.

At the beginning..."

Speaking of this, Wing Hai seems to think of something, and he trembled.

Clearly, Wang Chen can feel the breath of fear.

It seems that the guy in Yihaikou makes the sea of ​​wings very jealous and fearful.

This made Wang Chen secretly vigilant.

"In any case... in short... well... you'd better stay here, and then try to get out as soon as possible. If there is no way, you have to learn to live, yes... damn... just live, live and wait for me. Get rid of the crisis, then I will leave you with you."

Between Wang Chen and Shen Yu, the voice was very dissatisfied.

At this moment, Wang Chen felt that Yihai seemed to be shaking.

"I went to see."

Looking at the wings of the sea, Wang Chen was silent for a moment, then said.

In this case, he said very seriously.

That one is serious, and even people have seen the sincerity of Wang Chen.

"Damn, you are crazy, do you know what guy is that? At first... the deity... I... cough and cough... In short, I accidentally ate a loss, a little bit of a loss, but I am Anyone, that little loss is not a bad thing, you go and see, you are going to die."

When he heard the king's words, Yihai suddenly got anxious.

"I feel the call."

Wang Chen said coldly.


The wings of the wing sea shook.


How can it be……

"You didn't lie to me."

Wing Hai asked quickly.

"I will lie to you."

Wang Chen seems to be talking about the big jokes.

"That... that won't work."

Wing Hai hesitated for a moment, not angry.

"I will go and see, after three days I will come to take your inheritance."

Wang Chen is sure.

This is not a discussion, but a notification.

When the voice fell, Wang Chen’s body shape flashed and left the world.

This embarrassing crisis was lifted, and Wang Chen did not have any worries.

Whether it is the Longtan Tiger Cave in front or the **** of the hell, Wang Chen has to go there.

That call, so that he can not refuse.

"Asshole, you are crazy, you are really crazy, damn..."

Seeing that Wang Chen left, the wing sea madly roared.

He is really scared.

Do not.

The fear that should be said.

He is very afraid of the guy in the deepest.

Now that I know that Wang Chen is going there, Wing Hai is not crazy.

It is a pity that in this world of glory, even if the sacred sea is crazy, it is useless. In the end, he can only turn into a sigh.

The world is clean.

However, there was a hint of gloom and a little more fear.

There is some confusion in the atmosphere of the world,



And Wang Chen, has completely ignored.

Returning to the outside world, he sat quietly and sat down, slowly practicing, and further comprehend the Pingbu Qingyun Shentong.

After three days, he will gain another inheritance and then go to the depths of this wilderness.

He wants to find out.

At this moment, no one can stop Wang Chen's footsteps.

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