Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 1431: End of abuse (below)

At this moment, under the means of the battle, the shadow and quicksand really have to be mad.

"Ah... **** it!"

Shadow and quicksand roared in anger after another fight by the war.

His anger at this moment is beyond control.

Counterattack, he wants to fight back!

This will be killed by the living.

Thinking of this, the shadows and quicksand eyes are red.

It has never been so weak, it has never been so embarrassing.


Finally, this time, I saw that the battle had once again appeared on my side, he no longer avoided, and the punch rushed toward the battle.

In order to fight, he no longer evades.

"Not self-reliant!"

And seeing the shadows and quicksands, the fierce punches came over. At this moment, the corner of the battle was a sneer.

"You are good, but it is still too weak!"

Then he murmured. At the corner of his mouth, there was a sneer of scorn.

Still not aware? If so, let him realize!

Just in the moment when the shadow and quicksand blasted out the punch, the battle was also moving.

I saw that the battle was very an understatement and grabbed it toward the front.

That's right, it's catching, not resisting, not attacking!


The next moment, the punch of the Shadow Sands was on the palm of the battle.

The roar of the earth shook the sky, and the waves of waves spread one after another.

That raging wave is extremely powerful, and wherever it passes, the wind is raging.

The power of this boxing can be imagined.

I believe that if Wang Chen and others are facing this punch, they are categorically afraid to resist it.

However, the battle has been done this way.

"How can it be……"

However, very quickly, in the next moment, there was a cry of exclamation.

How could it be, the eyes of the shadows and quicksands are coming out quickly.

His own full blow, a sudden blow under the madness, this power is unimaginable.

However, it is just such a blow. At this moment, it is difficult to shake the battle.

I saw that after the battle was resisted, it turned out to be a rock-solid stone!

He was still understated and still stood still, even without even the slightest change in his face.

Does this make the shadow and quicksand not stunned? Can you not be shocked?

The shadow of the sand and the quicksand was pale and pale.

"No, go..."

The next moment, I came back to God, and the shadow and quicksand jumped wildly and quickly wanted to escape.

Without a blow, he fell into a more dangerous situation.

"Ah... how could this be... you... you..."

However, just in the moment when the shadow and quicksand had to escape, at this moment, he was once again witnessing the battle.

There was a trace of panic in his face.

Because he found that his fist was unable to recover at this moment.

Yes, it is impossible to recover.

His punch was not only resisted by the understatement of the battle, but even at that moment, it was directly captured by the battle.

At this moment, Shadows and Quicksands seem to have become impossible to escape.

This makes the shadow and quicksand not to be shocked?

This is simply a complete abuse. I was abused by this battle...

"Oh... now, it’s my turn!"

When the shadow and quicksand was shocked and found this situation, the battle was a sneer and a faint sigh.


The next moment, but the opportunity to not give a shadow and quicksand reaction, the battle is like electricity, very fast.

Suddenly grabbed the body of the shadow and quicksand, this is the opportunity to not resist!


In a twinkling of an eye, the battle with the shadows and quicksand disappeared into place.


Only after a moment, the two appeared on the stone pillars 100 meters away.

The body of this shadow and quicksand was smashed on the stone pillar.

The sturdy stone pillar suddenly shook. Then, the figure of the shadow and quicksand was inlaid into this stone pillar.

"Before, what you did to Wang Chen, I want to ten times, a hundred times to return! One hundred times is not enough, then thousands of times!"

At this time, the battle was finally talking, cold and incomparable.

Retaliation is now the real beginning.

After a single blow, the battle will be pulled out by the shadows and quicksands embedded in the stone pillars.

Then the figure flashes in succession.




A burst of roar came, and the violent crash was deafening.

Every time, the figures of the two people flashed, which can bring a collision.

Every time the impact came, the shadow and quicksand were all abused.

At this moment, the figure of the shadow and quicksand is like a sandbag. It is flying in the air, on the altar, constantly hitting and hitting everywhere.

Every impact is fierce.

Every time the impact, the body of this shadow and quicksand is inlaid into the ground. This sturdy altar ground is now riddled with holes.

Every time bombardment, the battle is seemingly overbearing. There is no opportunity for the Shadows and Sands to resist and resist.

Abuse! Mad!

At this moment, what Ling Chao is doing is what the shadow and quicksand did to Wang Chen.

However, at this moment, the battle is more embarrassing and more violent!

Blood arrogant, for a time, the shadow and quicksand only left a scream...


Looking at the scene that happened in front of me, everyone in the room was shocked.

This...the battle is really strong to what extent?

Shadow · quicksand! This is the shadow and quicksand. How terrible is his strength?

Even if it is the flow of the vines, it is impossible to face this shadow and quicksand? Even the battle will be extremely difficult. Whoever wins and loses is hard to say.

However, now, the battle is to let the shadows and quicksand have no counterattack! This shadow, quicksand, is simply being mad. Ling war, actually horrified to this point? Has he actually reached this point?

Three kings...

In an instant, Wang Chen, Bai Xiaofeng, Zhu Tianyu and Wu Gan and others flashed an idea.

Three kings!

That's right, just three kings!

At this moment, even if there is no strength of the three kings, it is definitely the first person under the three kings!

What's more, he is not doing his best at all. If it is really exerting its full strength, what will it be tough?

Is it necessary to add another king to Tian Xuan mainland?

Thinking of this, everyone's face is changing.

If this is the case, the pattern of the Xuan Continental will really change dramatically that day.

Wang family? The seventh largest family?

Wang Chen's true blood, plus the strength of Wang Chen, Ling Zhan and others, may really become a big family!

At the very least, replacing the Fuji family and the warrior is completely without problems.

Thinking of this, a few people looked at Wang Chen and looked complicated.

Looking at the distant raging shadows and quicksands, it is even more bleak.

Ling war, this most mysterious Shenwu, now shows his embarrassment.

However, this one is awkward.

However, under such shock, everyone could not help but breathe a long breath.


Yes, they saw victory!

Death is far away and victory is at hand.

With the power of one person, Linghuo turned around and reversed the situation.

This made Wang Chen and others hovering in the heart, and for a moment, they all relaxed and relaxed.

"damn it!"

On the other side, Hao Tian·Xiong and others are pale.

The strength shown in this battle is really horrible. At this moment, they are so weak.

Even the little rebellious heart of the face is gone.

Shadow and quicksand are definitely the strongest among them. However, today's strongest is being abused in the face of the battle, no resistance, how can they resist?

Thinking of this, their faces were pale.


Finally, there was another roar.

This roar is deeply shocking everyone's heart. It seems to be the one that touches the bottom of their heart...

Accompanied by this roar, the shadow and quicksand were embedded in the ground.

The whole person was deeply embedded. This time, it is more fierce than any previous one...

Until this moment, the battle did not continue to attack!

Standing in front of the shadows and quicksands embedded in the ground, he glanced at him with a faint glimpse.

The next moment, bending over, pulled the guy up, and then, one hand was like a chicken, and the guy slowly walked toward Wang Chen.


Came to the front of Wang Chen, Ling Zhan a hand to throw this guy in front of Wang Chen.

"Hey, boy, how? Satisfied? If you are not satisfied, continue!"

Ling war last night all this, but it is nothing to look at, Wang Chen asked. The discourse seems so understated as if it were a trivial matter.


When I said something, it was really a stone-shattering shock, and I was shocked by everyone present at the moment.

This is the absolute strength, this is the absolute abuse!

What words, how to overbearing? Some words, such a strong?

Not enough to continue?

How can everyone do this in the face of such a battle?

Even Wang Chen, when he heard this, the corners of his mouth were twitching.

This battle, let Wang Chen have a feeling of crying and laughing.

Looking at himself in front of him, now it is blood, scarred, terrible shadows, quicksand, Wang Chen's complexion is more complicated.

It is this guy who is vulnerable to his own face.

And he was vulnerable in the face of the battle.

I am really too weak.

strength! At this moment, Wang Chen is extremely eager for strength. He knows that there is still a great distance from the real peak!

At the same time, looking at this horrible shadow, quicksand, Wang Chen sighed.

The first magic of the United States will be the shadow of the fighting force? This is just the case... This is the world of the strong.


Taking a deep breath, Wang Chen sighed.

At this point, what else is not enough?

Looking at the shadow in front of the scene, Liu Sha Wang Chen complex complex...

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