Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 1409: Holy flower


The aura is rolling, and at this moment, the aura of the altar in this altar has reached a point of horror.

At this time, these auras are completely rushing toward the holy grass of that plant, and are absorbed by the holy grass.

That sacred grass, at this moment, rose to the height of twenty centimeters at the end of the month, deceiving the leaves to spread out, and under the aura of the aura, it looked brilliant. That green, but at the moment it is so eye-catching and seductive!

The blade, which was originally slightly curled, gradually stretched out at the moment.


At this moment, the altar is so quiet that even a needle can be heard on the ground.

All that can be heard is the gasping of everyone.

The holy grass is ripe, and a big battle is inevitable.

"Be careful, the holy grass is going to mature!"

Seeing that all the blades are stretched and opened, the aura in the air is quickly reduced. I noticed this scene, and said after Wang Chen’s side, Wu Gan swallowed his throat and said.

Yes, the aura will be gone.

At this time, the holy grass is nearing maturity, only a little bit last.

Everyone is ready to fight for it.

Especially the magic of the other side.

The seven devils will now be able to wait for the holy grass to approach the past!


It was just at this time that there was a sudden change in the entire altar.

At this time, the entire altar was shaken by the embarrassment. Before, the aura that was about to disperse was suddenly violent at this moment.


There was a burst of dragons in the distance.

Among the halls that passed by, the eighty-one wrapped dragon columns shook at this time.

On the other hand, the engraved eighty-one Panlongs seem to be alive at this moment, and they make a burst of roar.

Then, these eighty-one Panlongs went straight to the sky and traveled the sky!

Eighty-one thousand dragons! At this moment, these dragons are lifted up and they are long-lasting! What a shocking momentum, and what a magnificent scene?


The sky is changing. It was originally above the quiet sky, but it was clouded at this time!

The road is like an arm-sized lightning, breaking through the sky and breaking the silence. It seems to be to tear the sky apart.

It was a great change in the sky.

At this time, the aura that had been scattered before, suddenly became extremely violent, once again gathered toward the sacred grass in the center of the altar.

If the previous aura is to attack all the aura within ten million meters, then this moment, this aura is to gather the entire Tianlong Cave, even the entire Xuefeng Mountain, and even gather the whole day. All the auras within the city.

The storm is generally violent.


Feel the scene, everyone is not only lost, but also shocked.


Oh la la la...

The lightning flashed, I don’t know when, above the center of the altar, at this time, the lightning flashed and then condensed in addition to a blue cloud.

After the clouds have reached a certain level, with the thunder and lightning, it started to rain!

"Ling rain, my god, it is a rain!"

"Spiritual rain, how is this possible?"

"Is it..."

"Impossible, this spiritual rain, actually..."

As the blue raindrops drifted down, everyone on the scene was messy.

All the people who had been eager to move before stopped their actions, stopped their own steps, and looked at this scene incredulously.

This... this turned out to be spiritual rain.

Spiritual rain, this is the raindrop that is converted into the extent that the aura is rich to the limit.

Just as the water vapor condenses to the limit, it turns into a cloud, and when the humidity is large enough, it starts to rain.

And the rain is like this. However, he is not a steam, but an aura.

Aura. A little aura is still very valuable. However, at this moment, it is actually a rainstorm. This is how to go against the sky.

Tiancheng... This is bound to condense all the auras within the entire Tiancheng. Otherwise, this will not be achieved.


After this judgment, everyone sucked a sigh of cold air and they were shocked.

"The holy flower is definitely a holy flower! God, we actually came across the holy grass!"

After a sudden, a voice in the crowd exclaimed.

"Yeah, it is a holy flower. It must be a holy flower!"

"The sacred grass blossoms once in a thousand years, have they been met by us?"

"Ha ha ha... holy flowers, we have a chance to get the holy flowers!!"

"This holy flower, but precious than the holy grass, do not know thousands of times thousands of things!"

"In this world, there may be no more precious things than holy flowers!"

The next moment, the crowd is gone.

Everyone's face was flushed, showing a very excited expression.

The holy grass blooms, it is the holy flower. Holy grass, cooked in ten years!

Every time the Dragon Cave opens, it will mature. Even the holy grass does not necessarily grow. ,

But in contrast, the frequency of this holy grass is still very high.

But what about the holy flowers?

This holy flower, however, only blooms once in a hundred years or even the year before.

It is almost possible to bloom in the past year or so.

The energy in this holy flower does not know how much stronger than the holy grass.

Living dead and fleshy bones?

What is this for the holy flower! This feature can even be done easily.

Moreover, the holy flower dissolves the poison, and it casts the body of the poison. Not only that, the Holy Flower can even enhance a person's potential and help repair all damage.

Even the broken gods can recondense. And I don't know how many times I am stronger than before.

Not only that, the Holy Flower has a great chance to help a warrior directly to his final step, rushing out of the shackles of the Shenwu people and rushing out of this world.

It is said that the holy flower is able to directly increase the power of the blood.

If Warcraft is taken, it can be turned into a blood of the beast. If human beings take it, they can understand the blood of the true god...

This is the precious place of the holy flower.

Unexpectedly... This time, they came into the city of Tiancheng, and they actually came across the sacred grass.

If you win this holy flower, what is the best for that day? Can not be.

"St. Flower, the boy didn't expect you to be so lucky, even came across the holy grass!"

Even the soul of this worry-free old man who has existed for thousands of years can not help but marvel at this moment.

Six thousand years. He has existed for more than six thousand years.

In the past six thousand years, the holy grass blossomed, he only saw it three times!

Flowering the year before, not even enough to describe the holy flower!

He remembers when was the last time the sacred grass blossomed?

Looks like it was very early and early, right?

The guy who gets the holy flower today doesn't know how far it has reached.

At the very least, he has been out of six reincarnations.

"The kid, to win the holy flower, must win the holy flower!"

The worry-free old man has something to say to Wang Chen.

"Kid, you can be confident and eager to fight. The deity will never give you a scorpion in the back. Even the deity will help you even if you do your best."

If I get the holy flower, I will leave your body. ”

The next moment, the worry-free old man quickly promised.

Holy flower. This makes the worry-free old man see hope!

His soul? Is it just a **** now? What is this again!

As long as there is a holy flower, his worry-free old man will reappear on this heavenly continent and appear in this world.

If you get the holy flower and use the holy flower to quench the medicinal herbs, just one medicinal herb can make the worry-free old man rebuild the golden body by his own soul.

Moreover, this body will have a powerful force, and there will be a terrible intensity. There is also the best fit.

The soul is able to win, this is not bad. However, after all, the body that has won the battle can never reach the perfect degree of integration, which is a huge shortcoming. However, with the holy flower, he does not need to be defeated. Even looking for precious herbs to reshape your body is not needed.

What are those things compared to the holy flowers?

The breathing of the worry-free old man has become thicker.

"Ha ha ha... this holy flower, I have to fix it!"

The magic will be Hongwu at this time and then shocked and laughed loudly.

"Raining sand, 弑天·雄, how? Together! How do we join forces to kill these humble humans?"

As long as they kill them, this holy flower is ours. Are we fighting for it, or how do we divide it? ”

Hongwu’s next eyeball turned, and asked about the shadows of the side, Liusha and Yan Tianxiong.

A holy flower, nine petals! If it is alchemy, you can train the old Jindan.

A petal is a golden dragon.

If the three of them are equally divided, then everyone can get three Golden Dans!

This is already a very good result.

As for the remaining few demons? That is to compensate them for something else!

"The holy grass, come to you!"

Taking a deep breath, this Hongwu continued.

He looked at the remaining four demons!

Holy grass, but also precious and precious.

However, with the holy flower, what is the holy grass?

With the strength of these four people, they want to compete for the holy flowers themselves, that is impossible. Even the holy grass, they don't want to think about it!

So, it is very good to give this condition now.

When I heard Hongwu, a few of the demons in the room would have a hint of heart.

Everything you need, it seems good!

It’s much better than competing with humans.

"it is good!"

Take the lead, two of them will say.

"Hehehe... Hongwu, people also want a petal!"

The enchanting woman is also smiling at the moment, watching Hong Wu say, eyes and souls!

"Ha ha ha ... you are a little singer ~ goods! Rest assured, if you follow me, then give you a piece of what!"

Hongwu laughed loudly.

"Raining sand, 弑天·雄, how?"

Then, Hong Wu asked for the shadow, quicksand and 弑天·雄.

He waited for the reply of two people.

With the statement of Hongwu at the moment, the atmosphere inside the stadium suddenly solidified again.

If these devils are to join forces, they must be terrible forces.

How can Tianxuan mainland be willing?

Everyone is staring at the shadows, quicksand, and the sky. They are waiting for the answers of these two people.

If you answer the alliance, I believe that a big battle will soon be opened!

The holy flower is out, the heavens are chaotic.

The holy flower is now, everything is destroyed!

The holy flower appeared and the heavens collapsed. The Holy Flower appears to be destroyed. And this destruction is killing each other.

In the face of such temptation, this is inevitable.

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