Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 30: Escape

"Hey ants, I want to kill you."

All the strong players in the room will be regarded as the flaming beasts of Wang Chen’s companions. This moment is like a devil.

He growled and rushed toward these strong men, venting the endless anger in his heart to these people.


Among the icy roars, the flames of the beasts reached out and grabbed the strongest of the pure Yang peaks in the forefront. Even if they did not react, they were directly controlled.


In the next moment, the fire and spirit beast will be sprayed with blood.

The strongest of the pure Yang Peak, even if there is almost no room for resistance, it was directly torn into two paragraphs.

Even the soul of the gods is directly swallowed by the fire and spirits.

In a blink of an eye, under one stroke, the fire and spirit beast kills a pure Yang peak.

This strength, let a lot of strong people chased after sucking a cold air.

"Kill you, I want to kill you."

Killing one person is far from being able to calm the anger in the heart of the fire.

In the roar, he killed the second person.

Compared to the loss of the Qilin King, even if someone is killed in the place, it is impossible to let the fire and spirit beast vent all the anger inside.




The eyes are red, and the flames are madly roaring.




The roar continued to blow up.

This time, the way the flames of the beasts fight, and their madness.

He is almost desperate.

There is no resistance at all, and even endure the danger of serious injury, just to kill the enemy.

Puff puff……

The blood is sprayed, the screams are raging, and flesh and blood are flying.

In such a situation, between the blink of an eye, the flaming beast is killing four people.

Three of these four people reached the peak of pure Yang, and one person reached the late stage of pure Yang.

However, in front of the maddening flames, they did not have the slightest resistance under the uncomfortable fighting style.

Successively killing the strong, the fire and the beast is entering the pattern of the runaway.

Fighting in a domineering manner has even caused him to be attacked a lot. The pain spreads for a while, and the fire beast is roaring wildly.

He's crazy.

"Not good, damn, this guy is crazy."

"Asshole, he wants to go with us."

“The beast is a beast, pulling us to do what we do...”

"That **** kid stole the unicorn fruit, let us be mistaken for his companion, the flame spirit will not let us."

Finally, after the fire and beasts killed two people, everyone looked ugly.

They are all aware of the problem.


Seeing that the situation is uncontrollable, I finally took the lead and had a strong decision to make a decision.

Although they are not reconciled, they have to choose to escape.

Because, this moment of fire and spirit beast has been crazy.

Go on, everyone will die.

The king of Qilin is no longer there, and it is still meaningful to stay here and die.

Thinking of this, the figure flashed, and a strong man pulled away.


Seeing that someone left, more people began to shake.

The fire and spirit beasts are too strong, and they are not at all able to fight.

With the first person to escape, there will be a second and a third.

These strong, if they have the strength, pull out, and walk away with a common unicorn, they are ready to escape.

The Kirin King is gone, but the Kirin fruit is also a holy medicine, how can it be let go.

It can be a little bit.

These strong people are not willing to take a trip.

Under such circumstances, one strong man retreats, and the situation that can barely counterbalance before can instantly lose balance.

The screams came one after another, and the blood was constantly sprayed out. This underground world is like a hell.

"Damn, Yan Chen, you have left a mess."

Looking at such a scene, the wolf's escape from the sea of ​​Chen, this moment is also a bad look.

Kirin Wang, his purpose here is also the king of Kirin.

His idea was to be similar to Wang Chen. He wanted to take the King of the Kings with the absolute speed of the Golden Wing Dapeng.

Before, he was even going to succeed.

If it is not blocked by the flames, he will wait until now.

After several times being blocked, Chen Hai even thought of a response.

As long as there is another tea effort, he can definitely break through the defense and steal the Qilin King through the speed of the Golden-winged Dapeng.

However, people are not as good as days.

Who can think of Yan Chen is the best.

He took the lead in taking the Kirin King.

This made Chen Hai's abacus all empty.

Now, Chen Hai is caught in a desperate situation.

If there is no help from the Golden Wing Dapeng, there is absolute speed. He has already died and has not known how many times.

"Damn, go."

Seeing the collapse of the situation, can not resist, Chen Hai a bite, can only make this decision.

Looking at the last remaining unicorn in the distance, Chen Hai drove the golden-winged Dapeng to swiftly pass the fire-stricken beast and went straight to the last unicorn.

This is no choice.

This time, Chen Hai did not encounter blocking.

Lost the Kirin King, the fire and spirit beast is no longer behind the defense, he only wants to kill.

For the speed of the Golden Wing Dapeng, the fire and spirit beast directly gave up.


Under such circumstances, the golden-winged Dapeng screamed and swept over the flaming beast. Before killing the unicorn tree, he plucked the last unicorn fruit, and his body flashed and plunged directly into the sky.

As the strong ones left, leaving those who were difficult to get out of, they began to despair.


This name has already made people hate to death.



In the underground world of magma, when the situation was out of control, Wang Chen had already broken into the deepest part of the magma.

Staring at the boundless heat wave, with the help of the fire spirit child, dragging the almost collapsed body, Wang Chen quickly swept toward the ground.

"Pharmaceutical King."

When he came to the edge of the magma, Wang Chen shouted.

"I know."

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, Yao Wang appeared directly.

The next moment, the seal appeared, Wang Chen directly fell into the boundless underground world.

God walked thousands of miles, with the help of Yao Wang, Wang Chen rushed toward the distance with the technique of squatting.

He was not even too late to consider the injury.

The blood flowing, making Wang Chen's body more and more weak.

However, he did not dare to stop.

He didn't know when the fire beast would catch up.

Such a sigh, until Wang Chen's body is weak to the limit, directly fainted, lost the last sense of consciousness, it is considered to have stopped.


"Ah... mean guy, I want to kill you."

"Look, find me the boy who is full of treasure, I will kill him."

"Don't kill this, I will not give up."

"Who can find this one, I will reward the weapon of the gods."

When Wang Chen passed out, Wan Cuishan was caught in madness.

Escaped from the crisis, those who survived, this moment gnashing their teeth.

It’s never been so shameful, it’s never been so embarrassing, it’s never been so wrong.

Today, these high-ranking powerhouses have been shot by people.

This is not tolerated.

This is a trampling of their dignity.

Thinking of the kid who is wearing a black gourd to the treasure, everyone is crazy.

You must know that if these people are not excited at this moment, they may have fallen into the hands of the flames.

After eating such a big loss, these people can be willing to give up.

Escape from danger, one by one is roaring and roaring.

Throughout the Wan Cui Mountain, a big pursuit was launched.

Even if you search through every corner and dig three feet, they will also dig out the forced kid.

If you don't kill him, who can be willing.

Even they must find the despicable guy.

Zhibao, Qilin Wang, these things are also let these strong people categorically do not give up.

Under such circumstances, the entire Wan Cui Mountain was full of excitement.

The big chase, kicked off on this day.



In the darkness, Wang Chen didn't know how long he had slept. When he resumed a sense of consciousness again, he couldn't help but make a scream.


The boundless pain spreads the body of Wang Chen at the moment.

At this moment, the icy smell that comes out slowly is like letting Wang Chen be more comfortable.

This cold scent is easing the pain in Wang Chen.

The eyelids seem to be heavy, and at this moment, Wang Chen feels that it is difficult to open his eyes.

It took almost all of his strength, and Wang Chen opened his eyes.

In the eye, it is still dark.

What I feel, besides the pain, is to make him calm and cold, and moist.

"Kid, you woke up."

Feeling that Wang Chen woke up, his side suddenly heard the excitement.

This is the figure of Yao Wang.

"Chen... how are you?"

Then, there was a voice of concern from the Emperor.

When I heard the voices of the two people, Wang Chen gradually awake, and his thoughts were clear.

"We... escaped."

Strongly endured the pain, Wang Chen quickly asked.


Yao Wang said quickly.

Then, revealing a smug look: "Hey... I am who I am, I entered this underground, the strength of the guy is strong, I want to catch up with us, no way."


When he heard the drug king, Wang Chen exhaled a breath.

Danger, lifted, they escaped.

This made Wang Chen finally relaxed.

Thinking of the scene before the coma, Rao is at this moment, Wang Chen could not help but **** a cold air.

This time, he was really in the fire, and the danger was boundless.

One is not careful, one is bad luck, and even has to die.

If it wasn't for the help of the fire-fighting child, if it wasn't for Wang Chen's tone, he would have lost his bones now.

The strength of the flaming beast is too strong.

God level...

In front of him, Wang Chen really felt that he was just an ants and could not stand a blow.

If it wasn't for the time, the fire and spirit beast did not show full force, but I was afraid... Wang Chen was finished.

Thinking of this, now Wang Chen is still secretly afraid.

In the future, this kind of thing will still not be done.

Luck, it's not always there.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen is not.

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