Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 899: Sealed


The big earthquake swayed.

The **** rain sprayed down and turned into a blood river.

And the **** river rolling, the endless blood, actually began to strangely blend into this ground.

With the integration of blood, the violent and cold horror of the horror became more and more intense.


Between the vagueness, a burst of horrible whispers began to pervade.

The voice, as if from the bottom of the earth, seems to come from everyone's heart.

"not good."

Seeing such a scene, a burst of exclamation came.

"Everyone fled, **** it, this vine is mad, and everyone in the Fuji family is crazy."

It’s not a black robe that makes this exclamation.

Until this moment, the black robe seemed to see something that was perceived.

And this discovery, it is to make the black robe face brush pale.

It seems that it is a frightening thing.

"Heaven... is it... the Fuji family..."

Then, at the side of the black robe, the face of the Liu family was also ugly.

He seems to have seen something.

"Blocked out."

The Zhu family ancestors were directly exclaimed.

His tone has even become sharp at this moment.

In the tone, it is full of endless panic.

The three words seem to be dreams, appearing in the minds of these people.

"It’s a smash, Fuji, they are crazy."

"Damn, that's all, flee."

"Bastard, the Fuji family wants to kill us all."

A burst of exclamation came from the next moment.

"Break the array."

Even Wang Chen, at this moment, heard the exclamations of those people, but also changed their face.

These three words, Wang Chen saw it.

Sealed, as the name suggests, this is a powerful killing.

This demise has emerged from the battlefield of the gods of the ancient times.

That's right, it's a killing in the battlefield of the gods and gods of the ancient times, which can block the creatures in all the battles.

When the seal is out, it will be turned into a ruin, and everything will be withered and turned into a Jedi.

Wang Chen didn't know much about the seal, but this vague understanding was enough to make Wang Chen's face change.

In the ancient times, it was able to block the gods and even seal out the rituals. In the rumors, the Terran, the Mozu, the Orcs, the Haizu... in the law, hundreds of thousands of people fell.

Is this record not enough to be scary?

If it is closed, then today, some people will die at the place.

Rattan, obviously, is already ready.

"The kid, fleeing, is the squad, damn, the Fuji family has mastered this array."

At the time when Wang Chen’s face changed, the Zhu’s ancestors behind him were already exclaimed loudly.

Sealed, the powerful killing of the ancient times.

In that battle of gods and devils, it was frustrating to seal up the array.

This method has appeared three times in total, and each time, it has taken away endless life.

The last time, it was to block millions of creatures.

Among them, there are strong gods of the level of the gods, and there are strong men of the pure level.

Those people, all of them are strong.

Since the ancient times, the seal has disappeared between this world.

On the one hand, it was because the last descendant of the first squad was also degraded after the ritual method, and there was no more succession.

On the other hand, it is also because the gas of killing and killing is too heavy, and it has been criticized. Since then, neither the Tianxuan continent nor the devil world has allowed such a formation.

Because of this, for thousands of years, this method has been almost forgotten by people.

However, now the Fuji family has actually sacrificed this method.

This makes the Zhu family ancestors not surprised.

When I thought of the horror of the ban, the Zhu family screamed.


At the same time, the voice fell and he took everyone in the Zhu family and quickly retraced toward the rear.

In an instant, the scene was confusing.

After the three words were sealed, everyone felt the endless panic.

In all directions, I don’t know how many gathered to watch the war, or the strong one standing in the camp of the Wang family.

Escape is the most critical.

Hundreds of thousands of people inside the castle.

They did not even think that the Fuji family would be so cruel.

They are going to let everyone be buried.

This time, hundreds of thousands of people moved and they flocked to the outside of the city.

At this moment, they only hate that the mother did not give them a few more legs, otherwise they can run faster.

The scene was a mess.

Cry, roar, and even a piece.

"Damn, go."

Rao is Wang Chen, and at this time, he does not care much.

Before, Wang Chen said that the battle began. It was true. In Wang Chen’s view, this was his battle with Fuji Yusong. Their battle began only until one of them fell.

And Wang Chen firmly believes that the person who fell will inevitably make Teng Yusong.

However, Wang Chen did not expect that from the beginning, Teng Yusong did not intend to fight with Wang Chen.

Even, all of this is planned.

Why did Wang Chen and others enter Fujio, and at first there was only one ancestor of the Fuji family.

That's because the rest of the people are preparing for this seal.

At this moment, Teng Yusong's **** madness, he is integrated into the law with blood, he will use the array to kill everyone.

Because, Teng Yusong is very clear about the fate of the Fuji family.

He made such a choice.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen looks ugly.

His body flashed and he also exploded toward the rear.

"Ha ha ha... yes, it is the seal."

Seeing that the chaos of the heavens and the earth became a piece, watching people cry and flee, Fujimatsu was flushed and madly laughed.

"It’s late, hahaha... you are all late, now, do you still want to go?"

Looking at the people who fled, Teng Yusong was even sneer.

Especially looking at Wang Chen, Wang family, watching the staff of Zhu Jia and Liu Jia, Teng Yusong is even more stunned.


These people still want to escape now.

It’s a long time, and it’s a long time.

Even the foundation of this law was simply left by the ancestors of the original family.

Today, Teng Yusong is going to use the array to let everyone fall.

Wang family, want to perish the Fuji family.

Everyone in Tianxuan mainland wants to watch the vines die.

The holy mountain abandoned the Fuji family.

Everyone has abandoned the Fuji family.

Thinking of this, Teng Yusong is distorted in the face.

Yes, he knows that under such circumstances, the Fuji family will inevitably perish.

There is no other way out.

Because of this, Teng Yusong made this decision.

Even if the vine family is to perish, even so, he will let the entire Tian Xuan continent tremble.

He wants to let everyone know how much it will cost to get the vines to die.

He wants to let the king's family bury, to let everyone bury.

He also wants to let the holy mountain know how to make a mistake by abandoning the Fuji family.

Their Fuji family can make Tian Xuan mainland fall into a mourning.

Thinking of this, the expression of Teng Yusong became more and more crazy.

He laughed unscrupulously.

"Array, start."

The hand prints out, and Fuji Yusong unscathed his own good blood into this array.


The endless blood is floating, and the flesh and blood of the rattan Yusong quickly fades into the heavens and the earth.

In the distance, behind the Fujia House, at this moment, it is a **** sky.

At this moment, it is not just Teng Yusong that opens the array.

With his own power, it is still difficult to open this battle.

Today, it is the strong home of the Fuji family and the Fuji family.

The vine family stayed in the family above all the sacred warriors above the level of the strong, this moment is honoured with blood.

A stream of blood poured into this piece of land, letting the land roll over.

The sky is twisted.

A piece of blood is covered.

Here, turned into a **** world.


Under the infinite flesh and blood, and finally in the trembling and distortion, the heavens and the earth suddenly changed.

An extreme red glow bursts out from a distance.

Shot from the ground and rushed directly into the sky.

Then, the second red light... the third red light...

The moments of red light are intertwined.

"Ah... no... no..."

A scream came.

The farthest warrior who fled, too late to rush out of the red light that woven into the sky, was caught in the light.

In an instant, the screams of heartbreaking came.

Flesh flies.

In the midst of the tragic mourning, the warrior turned into ashes.

The sound came to an abrupt end, and only the **** fog and the distorted red light of the sky were left. The warrior who rushed to the forefront disappeared into this world.


Not only this warrior, but many warriors who have already rushed to the edge, once exposed to the red light, are instantly involved in the whirlpool of killing.

The red light, at this moment, seems to be a sickle of death, harvesting flesh and blood and life.

However, in the blink of an eye, the dense red light, more than dozens of people killed.

And those red lights, and soon intertwined into a network of heaven and earth, completely blocked this piece of heaven and earth.

"No, don't... don't touch those red lights."

Seeing such a scene, Zhu Jia and Liu Jia's ancestors who rushed to the edge looked ugly and greeted everyone.

Still a step late.

Sure enough, as Teng Yusong said, they could not escape this world and could not escape this law.

Seeing this **** world, Zhu Jia and Liu's ancestors, their faces are ugly.

They are trapped in the law of extermination.

The array method has already been opened.

Death has already shrouded in them.

At this moment, if they are forcibly rushed out, they will be involved in the blood and become ashes.

Stopped and stood on the edge of this law, Zhu Jia and Liu's ancestors, this face is bloodless.

"We are dangerous."

Looking at Wang Chen who rushed to the side, the two said in a deep voice.

Under the huge crisis, this moment, Rao is the two strong, and also lost the calm of the past.

Their hearts fell to the bottom of the valley.

Unexpectedly, the Fuji family who fell into the desperate situation actually had the power to counterattack, and their counterattacks came so fiercely and terrifyingly.

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