Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 369: 王家危机

In the city of sin, it is still in full swing, especially in the West End. This period of time is particularly lively! With the rise of a new force, the Wang family has become more chaotic. Please use our Pinyin domain name to access our zero reading book

Wangjia, spending money like flowing water has created the most prosperous street in the Western District, and suddenly attracted all the forces and jealousies in the West. The battle is in full swing in such circumstances.

And the Wang family launched counterattacks again and again under the leadership of the madman and the volume. With the support of the entire street personnel, the enemy was forced back and forth again and again.

At the moment, on Wangjiadao, another battle is in full swing. This is the first battle in a few days, and it is fierce.

Ha ha ha \u2026\u2026 Wang Jia, x see how you are arrogant today. Today, x of the stinger team will definitely let you change the name of Wang Jiadao to the Stinger Avenue! At this moment, in the field, a half-level king-level warrior will suppress the amount of people and others to retreat, and laughter at a time.

Hey, the stinger team, you are already the tenth ztoy! Ztoy has been ten times in three months. No success, you don't feel shameful! Although the madman retreats, he is embarrassed, but his mouth is not lost at all, with a wild look, cold and cold.

The voice fell, the fists were waving, the fists whistled, and the shadows of the sky were rushing toward each other.

Ha ha ha \u2026\u2026 today x home boss personally shot, x see how Zhang Hu can protect you, he can be self-protection is not bad, as for you \u2026\u2026x one person is enough! See how you die! Seeing that the madman once again rushed, this half-level king of the martial arts sneered again and again, waving between the palms of the hand to the madman.

砰砰砰\u2026\u2026 This palm actually suppresses the madman to death, and at the same time, under the huge anti-shock force, the madman is directly blasted out.

The sputum \u2026\u2026 sprayed out of a blood, and the madman’s face suddenly turned pale.

Hey, today the x stinger team will let your king know, what is the strength! Little emerging powers are also brazen in the city of sin, looking for a dead end! Give x death! The madman was shot and the half-armed martial art was rivaled. All the way, many members of the royal family were shot and flew out. It is not his enemy of a move at all, and the half-wu martial arts, not the spirits and the general martial artists can compete.


The city of sin is still standing quietly on this barren land! Outside the city, a few people came in and out, but it showed a trace of desolateness!

The city of sin is unpopular, and there is no doubt about it! Therefore, if you don't need it, no one wants to come to this evil place. This place is always respected.

According to the route in memory, I came to the street where the Wang family was. Wang Chen suddenly felt that there was some stunned eyes. It’s really earth-shattering. This originally barren street was thriving at the moment, showing that it did not lose to the prosperity of Dongcheng, Beicheng and Nancheng. Standing out in the West End.

The item is dry for more than three months, but it really makes the face fresh.

Going forward along the street, there was a fight of fighting in front, and it looked fierce, mixed with screams and screams. It is even mixed with Wang Chen and his familiar voice!

I want to receive x Wang's family, I don't think about it! I still have a sigh of relief, you can't think about it! ! This screaming Wang Chen can be said to be familiar. In this roar, with unwillingness and determination.

When I heard these sounds, Wang Chen brows slightly, his heart jumps, and he quickly walks along the front. As it is, the two groups of people at the corner of the front are fighting together.

The madman’s height of one meter is particularly conspicuous. There is also a measure, he is also among them. Even, I saw the shadow of Zhang Hu.

Seeing Zhang Hu, Wang Chen’s heart is warm, and sure enough, he said it must be done, ztoy helped him take care of the Wang family, and he did it.

At this time, in the battle, madmen and other people showed a defeat! At this moment, the madman's face was pale, and his mouth was with a trace of blood and he was standing in the same place and wheezing.

In the opposite of the madman, one and a half of the king warriors with a sneer, directly shoot the flying road and the two flew toward the madman.

Zhang Hu was tightly held by a Wang Wu who had no time to look around.

Go to hell! Only listening to the half-Wang martial arts screamed, a thin red halo condensed on the palms of the hands, like a fiery burning, holding the whole hand in it, with the power of destruction to the madman.

Looking at the half-Wangwu who once again, the madman’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light, flashing a trace of despair.

Boss, it seems that this time Laozi is going to die first, can not follow you to lay a big river! Looking at the distance, the madman's eyes flashed a bit unwilling.

There are people around the corner of the Wang family.

The amount is also seriously injured, but Zhang Hu, who can only fight Wang Wu, is tightly restrained by the stinger boss. Both of them are now the fourth-order Wang Wu. He simply couldn't help himself to save himself.

Is this finished? The madman is really reluctant. He also used this pair of fists to follow Wang Chen to lay a big river, how can it be finished?

However, this half-wu martial artist is not his ability to confront, even after entering the ninth-order martial arts in the past few days, he still has no way to fight this half-wu martial.

The fierce momentum instantly locked him completely, and this was a serious injury to his body. Under such an imposing manner, he slammed into the ground for a while! But with the stubborn willpower madman once again barely stood up.

How can a man be jealous of his parents? He remembers the boss ztoy passed the sentence, even if it is dead, stand still! It’s better to live without it.

Boss, x won't let you see jokes! The madman’s mouth showed a stunned smile and muttered to himself.

He knows that he seems to be hiding today.

After the madman \u2026\u2026, seeing such a situation, shouted loudly.

Hahaha\u2026\u2026 The kid is dead, and you, and so on, will soon be your turn! The half-Wang martial artist laughed happily, and both palms caught, and in the twinkling of an eye, it was like a giant tiger opening his mouth and swallowing away toward the madman.

Not good! Seeing this scene, Wang Chen's face changed greatly, and the ghost step flashed at the foot: give x roll!

Under a violent drink, the momentum is raging, and the figure suddenly rises sharply, turning into a virtual light and appearing in front of the madman.


The wave of the palm and the half of the king of the warriors smashed together and in a blink of an eye, half of the king warriors retired.

Wang Chen's figure is just a slight meal, his face flashed a trace of cold: dare to hurt x brothers, die!

The voice fell, the red sage sword started: the purple thunder and the dragon decided, the dragon and the dragon annihilated nothing!

Into the ranks of the fifth-order Zunwu, Wang Chen has been able to display the fourth move of the Purple Thunder Dragon, destroying nothing.

At first sight, destroy everything and turn into nothingness!

The red giant sword instantly extends for dozens of feet, covering the sky, turning into a hundred feet of dragons and shadows from the sky!

Death! Under one stroke, the momentum is soaring, the eight-door armor is open, and the blood talent is broken. Wang Chen has already had the same strength as the first-order Wang Wu.

Small and half-armed warriors also dare to let go! When the voice fell, the dragon had already arrived in front of the half-Wangwu.

Suddenly, all the people in the field were stunned, especially the half-wu martial artist, who even widened his eyes and his face was awkward.

A strong breath made him **** and uncontrollable, as if he had to leave the body. This powerful momentum made him tremble like a call to hell.

Who is this boy? How could it be so powerful? Why are you helping them?

Brothers? Who is his brother? Is that the **** madman of the royal family? How can it be! How can the Wang family hide such a powerful hand.

Underly, I quickly lifted my hand and stopped.

Wang Chen's face is cold, the madman is his brother, dare to hurt the madman, this half-wu martial artist lost the qualification to continue to live! In the body, Wang Jia’s short-term and overbearing factors were motivated. For a time, the killing machine is full.


The red giant sword is under the force of hundreds of thousands of pounds. Is this half-armed warrior's hands able to withstand it? This power is already the power of the King of War.

Under a trick, the two arms flew up, the blood was floating, and the screams shattered.


The hands were smashed, and the half-Wang martial artist squatted on the ground and rolled back and forth. The screams were creepy.

Wang Chen defeated half of the king under the sword, and is equivalent to spike, without both hands and half of the king, how can it?


This scene makes people take a breath of cold at the place. Whether it is the Wang family or the stinger team, or watching the crowd, this moment is shocked.

Where is this sacred, it is so far. Even the first-level Wang Wu is difficult to achieve this level?

God! Is he a Wang family?

very likely!

啧啧啧\u2026\u2026 The Wang family is so powerful!

This boy\u2026\u2026

The stinger team is in trouble this time!

Yes, Zhang Hu and the stinger boss are quite powerful. This young man’s strength should also reach the ranks of Wang Wu, so under \u2026\u2026

Suddenly, there was a lot of discussion, and the crowd was in a state of utter dismay. Everyone looked at Wang Chen’s eyes and became confused and confused.

Boss! At this time, the rear came back to the madman to look at the familiar figure in front, the body shivered slightly, Rao is a seven-foot man this moment is also a red eye, a tear in the eyelids, dragging the body to Wang Chen .

Boss, you\u2026\u2026 you are finally back! In the past, the madman was violent and violent. In the past, the nerves were mad, this moment is like a child, with red eyes and a trembling voice standing in front of Wang Chen excited ztoy.


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