Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 869: The storm is coming (on)

"No... you can't do that, you guys..."

"Bastard, how can you do this, my Fuji family and the warrior, this has been for thousands of years..."

In the face of the announcement of the result of the leader of the old man, the people of the Fuji family and the warriors were mad.

Was abandoned.

Was expelled from the holy mountain.

If so, it means that the end will come.

This makes people not crazy.

At this moment, the Fuji family and the warrior suddenly jumped.

"Oh, it is because of the true identity of Wang Chen, so that you have to give in."

In such a madness, the old man headed by the warrior snorted and glanced at everyone present and asked.

"Not to give in, to be recognized, don't forget, what is the duty of our holy mountain."

The Zhu family veterans sneered.

"Oh, ... recognize, if Wang Chen is not a true **** heritage, then how to recognize, our sacred mountain duties, I naturally have not forgotten, my warriors have not forgotten, if Wang Chen is a deceitful thief, how do we."

There was a faint glimmer of light in the eyes, and the veteran of the warriors asked indifferently.

"This is impossible."

The Zhu family veterans said with confidence.


At this time they are still holding a lucky attitude.

The situation of Wang Chen is undoubtedly the best understanding of Zhu.

At this time, all the struggles of the warriors are useless.

"You said, guardian adults."

However, this time, the veteran of the warriors did not pay attention to the words of the Zhujia old man, and did not pay attention to the expression of someone at the place.

He squinted and looked at the guardian.

That's right, this is the guardian of the new generation of the Holy Mountain.

At the end of the high battlefield, the original sacred guardians and a group of ancestors had to enter the highest battlefield.

In this case, a new guardian appears.

At this moment, the old man who is headed, to expel the Fuji family and the warriors from the old man of the holy mountain, he is the guardian of the sacred mountains of this generation.

At this point, the ancestors of the warriors are waiting for his answer.

"If Wang Chen is not a true **** heritage, then he is evil."

In the face of the aggressiveness of the veteran of the war, the guardian of the Holy Mountain was cold and cold.

There was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

This is dissatisfaction with the attitude of the warrior's ancestors, but also the dissatisfaction with the Wang family.

Warriors are abhorrent, but they are an important part of the Holy Mountain.

And the Wang family.

The Wang family now pushes the holy mountain to the cusp.

If there is something happening in the holy mountain, how should he face the people of the Holy Mountain and how to face the world.

Therefore, for the move of the Wang family, the guardian of the Holy Mountain is angry.

And he is angry with the warriors.

"Ha ha ha... It’s awful, it’s good, hope, when the guardian can make a fair decision, and my house is innocent.”

After hearing the guardian’s words, the warrior’s ancestors laughed.

He, waiting for such an answer.

The warrior is now entering the impasse.

However, they are not yet destroyed.

There is still a trump card in their hands.

They also have room for manoeuvre and opportunities for counterattacks.

What he wants is the guardian’s words.

At that time, he would have to look at the holy mountain, the royal family, how to face the world.

"Hey, go."

Thinking of this, the ancestors headed by the warriors slammed their hands.

When the voice fell, he took the warrior and quickly left the holy mountain.

Here, there is no need to continue to stay.

A good show will start soon.


Looking at the warriors and leaving, the Fuji family looked at each other.

"We are also leaving."

After a while, the old man headed by Fujio also snorted and left with everyone.

The warriors left, and their Fuji family still stayed here and boring.

The attitude of the warrior made the rattan smell some breath.

Perhaps the warrior really has a backhand.

Thinking of this, the old man headed by Fujio showed a sneer.

Returning to the Fuji family and uniting the warriors, they want to let the holy mountain see a good show.


Until these people left, the guardian of the Holy Mountain snorted.

He looked ugly.

The holy mountain, standing in this land for thousands of years, has never been so embarrassed.

Now, being forced by the Wang family to be so embarrassed, this makes the Guardian of the Holy Mountain also sighed.

"Declare the world, temporarily expelling the Fuji family and the warriors from the holy mountain. As for the true identity of Wang Chen, my holy mountain needs to be verified."

After the cold, the guardian of the Holy Mountain looked at everyone and said coldly.

The voice fell and his body flashed, and he disappeared into place.

And as the guardian of the Holy Mountain disappeared, the rest of the people looked at each other.

"The Fuji family and the warrior... ruined."

After a long time, some people could not help but sigh.

The expulsion of the holy mountain is a blow to the Fuji family and the warriors.

Their status will inevitably fall in an instant, which is tantamount to worse.

As for the king's family.

When I think of this family, everyone has different expressions.

It seems that the Guardian of the Holy Mountain did not want to immediately recognize the identity of the royal family.

This is intriguing.

It seems that there is still a good show to watch.

Thinking of this, the Zhu family were frowning, showing a trace of worry.

The move before the warrior left, people have to think of something.


"God... Holy Mountain is in action."

"The Fuji family and the warriors were expelled from the holy mountain."

"How could it be... This is the disaster of the Fujiko and the Warring States. It really came."

“Why didn’t recognize the identity and status of the Wang family.”

"What the Holy Mountain is thinking."

In the evening, accompanied by a paper of the holy mountain, the whole world, once again stunned.

The sacred mountain, this supreme being, after all the people waited for three days, finally, they made a sound.

This time, the move came so fiercely.

The Fuji family and the warrior, these two behemoths, were directly expelled from the holy mountain.

Suddenly, the world shook.

And when the entire Tian Xuan mainland oscillated, the inside of the Fuji family and the warriors, this day is clouded.

The two families are gathered together at the moment.

Inside the Warrior Hall, at this moment, there are almost all the strongmen of the Warriors and Rattans.

When the Wang family came, they were forced into a desperate situation, which made the Fuji family and the warriors have no choice.

They can only hold tighter.

"Wang, you have to start acting."

In the boring atmosphere, the owner of the Fuji family, Teng Jun said quietly.

The things that happened in a few days have made the home of the Fuji family, who has never been seen in the past, look tired and worried.

Especially today, the vine family was expelled from the holy mountain, which is even more fatal.

The king, you have to start acting.

Everything is known to the present, and everything that the Wang family has to do is finished.

After taking the next two, it is like a storm and a general counterattack is coming.

"Recently, a lot of old guys have appeared, and now they are coming to Hongzhou."

With a sigh, Fujitsu continued to say.

The warrior is the first to bear the brunt.

In the face of this scene, the Fuji family did not have the slightest gloating, but it was not taken lightly.

The lips are cold and the teeth are dead. This is what the Fuji family knows.

If the warlords are destroyed, it will be a long time since they were destroyed.

At this time, in the face of the counterattack of the Wang family, what the Fuji family can do is only unlimited support and warriors.

Because of this, today, almost all the strongest of the Fuji family have come to the warriors.

The king is not terrible.

The horror is those who came here to help the king.

Among them, some people may really help the Wang family, but there are bound to be many people who are unconcerned.

These people are the roots that can make the Fuji family and the warlords fall.

"Those who come together."

When you heard the vines, the warriors frowned.

This is what they are worried about.

"Come on, come here, let them watch a big show."

After a moment of silence, the head of the warrior’s family showed a sneer.

The strong who gathered from all sides.

They really responded to the call of the Wang family.

Not necessarily seen.

They have to watch the show, then let them watch the show.

This time, the warriors will not let these people down. This time, the warriors will let these people know that the warriors are still the warriors, and they are still unmatched.

They want to shock the guys who are ill-intentioned.

"You are... no..."

When I heard the words of the home of the warriors, Teng Jun showed a hint of doubt.

The warrior’s performance in recent days seems to be not normal.

They have any backhands.

"Oh... Junyue brother can rest assured, Wang Chen, who said that he is the inheritance of the true God, now, is this situation not because of his identity, as my warlord said, if he is just a deceitful thief, and how is it."

There is a glimmer of light in the eyes of the warrior’s master.

This plan is ready.

This is the biggest backhand of the warriors.

He promised that this time the plan will be carried out in an incomparably smooth manner, which will make people stunned.

"Don't you..."

Under this circumstance, I saw the eyes of the warrior’s family and listened to his words.

He, as if he had thought of something, gradually widened his eyes.


However, before the end of the vines, the lord of the warrior nodded.

The guess in the heart was confirmed by the warrior's family. The more gradually the vine was, the seriousness of his face disappeared, and his mouth gradually revealed a smile.

That smile is constantly magnifying.

"Ha ha ha... well, very good."

Finally, Fujitsu even laughed loudly.

He knows the back of the Fuji family.

Moreover, more importantly, Teng Jun knows the power of the Fujisawa.

If they can succeed, the crisis of their Fujia and the warriors will be lifted.

Instead, it is the Wang family...

At that time, they will fall into a boundless crisis.

Thinking of this, Fujitsu is more excited in his heart.

This is his most relaxing moment in the past few days.

Yes, how can I forget the horror of the warring house?

At the beginning, how was the blood of Shenwu destroyed? At that time, what strength was the warrior, was it not destroyed?

Now, Wang Chen, who can achieve what climate, he is destined to look down on any storms.

The king is coming.

That's it.

Teng Junyue and the warrior family and the two of them looked at each other, and the expression gradually became wonderful.

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