Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 865: Step by step (middle)

Sun Yifan left the study.

Although there were a lot of doubts in my heart, Sun Yifan did not ask.

For example, there is a connection with the Qingliu Pavilion on the other side of the Devil.

Why do you need to clear the flow of the League?

This is the biggest doubt.

However, Xiang Gan did not say that Sun Yifan did not ask.

Between the two, cooperation for so many years, these tacit understanding, but still there.


Until Sun Yifan left the study, Xiang Gankan exhaled a sigh of relief.

"Han family, huh, huh... interesting."

Squinting, the dry mouth is a little sneer: "There are always some people who don't know how to live and die, and they are looking for a dead end. Han family is not the first one. However, it is not the last one. Holy Mountain, I hope your choice. It is wise."

Looking at the moonlight outside the window, the item was muttering.

He was caught in a long silence.

"Come out."

After a long time, I don’t know how much time, Xiang Gan can suddenly say to the empty night.


At the moment when the words were dry, the space fluctuated, and a black man appeared quietly in front of Xiang Kan.

He seems to be integrated into the night, as if it is integrated into this world.

And his existence, the entire Wang family, is afraid that only the project can be known.

This is the biggest trump card in the hands of Xiang Gan.

Even Sun Yifan and Wang Chen did not know the existence of this black man.

And this black man is not a blind guard, he is not alone.

"Go, go get this thing done, I want to make this day, no longer calm."

Looking at the black man in front of him, Xiang Gan was awe-inspiring, and he gave the black man an envelope.

When he heard the words, the black man nodded and took the paper envelope. Soon, once again, it was incorporated into the night.

Heaven and earth, once again fell into a silence.

As if, the entire black man did not appear, as if it did not exist.


"God... this is..."

"Wang family, they actually called on the Holy Mountain to discuss the war."

"The warrior, the pseudo-blood... The original ones were betrayed, and the enemies were reported... I didn't expect... they were such a family."

"Oh... today's warriors are no longer the original warriors. It's no wonder that the strength of the warriors has been declining over the years."

"This time, I have to watch it, the holy mountain...haha...the relationship between them and the Wang family seems to be bad."

"Isn't it, within the city of Wang, in the silent mountain, oh... this, the holy mountain will make a statement."

"It seems that the relationship between the holy mountain and the Fuji family is good, but the holy mountain seems to be the inheritance of the true God..."

The next morning, the Tian Xuan mainland, which had not yet settled down, once again fell into the hustle and bustle.

A piece of paper from the Wang family, pushed the waves to a higher height.

After yesterday, Wang Jia, the second move, fell.

Four days ago, a big battle outside Wangcheng was to let the Tianxuan continent boil, the strong counterattack of the Wang family, the defeat of the Fuji family and the warriors, which made the entire Tian Xuan continent fall into a shock.

This time, the shock has not yet fallen. Yesterday, the Wang family declared the crusade against the war, which made the storms rise again.

Today, it has reached an unprecedented height.

The sacred mountain, this behemoth is involved in this huge vortex.

For a time, everyone talked about it.

Especially the relationship between the Wang family and the holy mountain, this is even more and more people are lingering.

We must know that the relationship between the Wang family and the holy mountain is not good. At first, the role of the vine and the warriors against the king's family and the holy mountain did not seem to be glorious.

This is the saying that Wang Chengzhi is in the silent mountain.

Later, Mount Shengshan started on the Wang family. They indulged the Hai people to shoot at Black Sea City, which made the relationship between the two sides reach a freezing point.

After that.

Wang Chen took people into the holy city, took away the water-avoiding beads in the holy tower, and then fought against the seas...

There is nothing about the things between the Wang family and the holy mountain.

Even this time, the Fuji family and the warriors started against the Wang family, the Wang family was in danger, and the holy mountain was always silent.

Everyone knows what the silence of the holy mountain represents.

If it is said that the Holy Mountain does not know the actions of the Fuji family and the warriors, it is obviously impossible.

If it is said that the Holy Mountain is opposed, it is even more impossible.

The discerning eye can see that the vines and the warriors have this ability to encircle the king's family, and the holy mountain also played a role.

On the one hand, acquiescence, on the other hand, the people who were inside the sacred mountain and the warriors were transferred back.

All of this is the foundation of the strength of the Fuji family and the warriors.

What is more embarrassing about the holy mountain is the transfer of the Zhu family, the relationship between the Zhu family and the Wang family, who does not know Tian Xuan mainland.

At the same time, Haotian League participated in the battle.

This is no longer a secret.

The Heavenly Alliance, the Mozu people, such people, participated in this battle, the Holy Mountain really do not know.

All the news represents the annihilation of the sacred mountain.

Even many people feel that if it wasn’t for the first time that the people had forced the Holy Mountain to make an oath, and within a year, if they didn’t start with the Wang family, the Holy Mountain would not be able to destroy the Wang family.

Unfortunately, due to this oath, the Holy Mountain can only choose to acquiesce, and can only choose to help.

It is a pity that the Wang family did not disappear, and the calculation of the holy mountain fell through.

Even this is not just the plan of the holy mountain, but the holy mountain is equal to the invisible fan.

And Wang Chen showed the inheritance of the true God, which pushed the holy mountain into a situation of embarrassment.

The holy mountain is already unstable.

At the very least, within the holy mountain, it has begun to shake up.

Throughout the Tian Xuan mainland, I don’t know how many people’s eyes are staring at the holy mountain.

The sacred mountain was originally the inheritance of the true God, the name of the true God, and the organization that survived. It is precisely because of the name of the true God that the Holy Mountain became incomparable.

For thousands of years, the Holy Mountain has been living here. The guardian of the Holy Mountain is the guardian of the Tian Xuan mainland. It is the executor of the true will of the gods. It is even more rumored that the first generation of the guardian of the holy mountain was the disciple of the true God. one.

Under such circumstances, if the true God inherits, whether the holy mountain should do something, whether it should be stated.

People are waiting for the holy mountain to speak.

Unfortunately, Mount Athos is disappointing.

For so many days, the Holy Mountain has always been silent.

As if they didn't know that Wang Chen had returned, they didn't even know that Wang Chen had a true God heritage.

Today, the Wang family’s move is to let the holy mountain express its position.

How to deal with this holy mountain.

Responding to Wang Chen, acknowledging Wang Chen, if so, do they really help Wang Chen to deal with Fuji and the warriors.

This possibility... does not seem to be big.

However, they can still resist.

If they resist, then their masks for so many years will be completely torn.

At that time... then there was a good show.

It is precisely because of this that Tian Xuan is particularly crazy on this day.

It is precisely because of this that on this day, above the holy mountain, there is also a thick cloud.

Within the holy city, this day is also very gloomy.

Even, very quickly, there were rumors that the upload of the Holy Mountain was fiercely disputed and divided into two factions.

One party, led by Fujiwara and the warrior, resolutely opposed the recognition of Wang Chen, and the other party, headed by Zhu Jia and Liu Jia, demanded that the Holy Mountain respond to the call...

Always, the holy mountain is not too flat.

This holy place of thousands of years, today, has become turbulent.

The Holy City has become the focus of attention.

Everyone is waiting, waiting for the final decision of the Holy Mountain.


The holy mountain is turbulent.

On this day, the Fuji family, the warrior, and the Han family were even more turbulent.

Wang Jiayi paper told me that the Fuji, the Warrior and the Han family suddenly felt a huge crisis.

Holy Mountain.

Their hearts are also hung up, and the decision of the holy mountain will be made.

The Fuji family and the warriors are fighting for and working hard.

However, it is undeniable that the crisis has really come. This time, it may be really difficult to resist.

The clouds are rolling, the wind and rain are coming, the Fuji family and the warriors are crumbling.

And all this is not the end, just the beginning.

Along with the announcement of the Wang family's call for the holy mountain, it was not waiting for this whirlwind to pass. On the third day, Tian Xuan mainland once again broke the news.

"The holy mountain and the Fuji family and the warring family joined hands, forgetting the original glory and turning away from the true God."

"The holy mountain is not the original holy mountain, the holy mountain, has already turned away from the true God, they want to be king."

"The original blood of the gods was destroyed, and it was the great thing that the holy mountain teamed up with the pseudo-blood."

Each message is like a spring rain, and it appears in every corner of Tian Xuan mainland.

Suddenly, everyone was lost.

“Does the holy mountain really turn away from the true God.”

"Oh my God, the original blood of the gods turned out to be the destruction of the Holy Mountain."

"The holy mountain, what is the difference with the thief."

"It's no wonder that the Holy Mountain is for the King's family. It turns out to be the case."

"It seems that the Holy Mountain has already known Wang Chen’s identity..."

With the appearance of these news, with the help of the people, after a day, the Holy Mountain fell into a boundless crisis.

A crisis of confidence is coming.

The entire Tian Xuan mainland began to condemn.

After all, hanging sheep's heads, selling dog meat, and returning to enmity, betrayal, how can such people not be denounced.

Especially under the impetus of the people, a condemnation of the holy mountain began, which directly forced the holy mountain into the impasse.

The cliffs are in sight, at this time, the Holy Mountain has to make a choice.

The third move of the Wang family has already fallen.

Until now, everything is under control.

The world is already in chaos.

The holy mountain, the entire holy place, has been shaken.

But this is not enough.

Then, on this day, the news came, Zhu Jia released the ultimatum, if the Holy Mountain could not give a reply, they quit the holy mountain.

At the same time, Liu Jia also exerted tremendous pressure on the Holy Mountain.

Bai Jia, Xuanwu family, at this time, also began to express their views.

The general trend, they have to make their own voice.

What is even more shocking is that on this day, Baiyue Valley and Qingliuge among the four holy places stood on the side of the king's house.

They acknowledged the inheritance of the true God and they issued a wanted night to the Holy Mountain.

If the sacred mountain abandons the glory of the true God, Baiyue Valley and Qingliuge withdraw from the holy mountain and declare war at the same time.

After several explosive news, it was even more pressing.

Wang family, step by step.

Until this day, they took the lead in pushing the holy mountain to the cusp.

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