Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 815: Amazing discovery

On the road to becoming a god, the role played by this day's dance steps makes Wang Chen's heart feel a thousand emotions at this moment.

Too many doubts appeared in his heart.

Purple Temple, Purple Temple...

They come from where they came from.

This most mysterious sect, so far, even Wang Chen can not understand.

No one can find them where they are allowed.

Their bodies seem to be hidden with endless secrets.


After a long time, Wang Chen, who couldn’t think of it, exhaled a long breath.

He once again looked at the road ahead.

This time, Wang Chen did not even wait, but chose to step out.

This time, Wang Chen does not need any induction.

In the body, it seems that the blood to be sprayed is enough to tell Wang Chen.

The shock of his own soul is enough to let Wang Chen know everything.


Under such circumstances, Wang Chen stepped out step by step, and he was on a solid road.

Under the guidance of that strong atmosphere, Wang Chen once again chose to be true.


This step stepped out, and the whole became a god, and it was shaking wildly at this moment.

A sharp breath broke out.

Wang Chen only felt that the mountain seemed to collapse.

Above the sky, the situation changes.

The whole time and space is distorted at this moment.

Under the feet, trembled.

Under the horrible momentum, this Chengshentai seems to be a sword that has been sealed for many years, and it has to be shelled out at the moment.


The wind blew.

Everything in front of me is changing.

For a long time, when the wind fell, when the world once again fell into silence, Wang Chen saw everything in front of him again.


However, this eye is to make Wang Chen fall into shock again.

At this moment, Wang Chen is indeed standing on the top of the mountain.

This is a platform with hundreds of square meters.

Here, on the cloud.

However, this is not the real platform.

Because, Wang Chen saw that a huge altar was suspended above his head.

On that, the light is scattered, and a breath of breath is emitted.

The breath of Poseidon.

Over there, it is the land where the sea **** becomes a god.

That is the real platform.

Just, there, hundreds of meters from here.

Even Wang Chen is ready to jump.

It is a pity that here, Wang Chen suddenly discovered the power of chaos in his body, as if he had been imprisoned.

His body seems to be heavy.

This made Wang Chen unable to rise up.

He seems to be able to look up to the altar above.

This made Wang Chen’s heart suddenly become heavy again.

In fact, it is simple to want to board the platform.

Since ancient times, how many strong people have come to this place, and they want to set foot on the platform of God, but in the end, there are very few people who can successfully set foot on it.

Those who can get a big chance are even rarer.

At this moment, it is like a scorpio in front of Wang Chen’s eyes.

Let Wang Chen be insurmountable.

Standing in the same place, the brow was locked, and Wang Chen was caught in silence for a long time.

"damn it."

Can't help but scream, Wang Chen looks ugly.

Is it here that it is time to stop?

Is there no way for the road ahead?

This makes Wang Chen how to be willing.

"Others can be made, I will be able to."

However, after the roar, Wang Chen’s eyes became decisive.

He, looking at the look of the sky, stunned.


Taking a deep breath, Wang Chen figured up.


Even if there is no power of chaos, then what?

Even if it is impossible to mobilize the trend of the five elements, then what?

Even if it is heavy, what about it.

Wang Chen’s heart cannot be resisted.


Only this time, Wang Chen failed.

His figure just leaped, and the cockroach was smashed to the ground.

"Come back."

However, Wang Chen did not give up.

Try again.


Another failure.

Above the foothills, this figure constantly rises and rises, and it continues to fall.

I don't know how long it lasted, I don't know how many times I failed.

When Wang Chen was almost exhausted, suddenly, his mouth was a smile.

"I know."

Suddenly, Wang Chen stood here and laughed loudly.

Just now, the endless failure, let Wang Chen find a clue.

Every time, his failure seems to have made Wang Chen gain.

At this moment, the accumulation of harvest, Wang Chen saw the hope of success.

Here, when you arrive above the platform above the sky, it seems that there is no way to go, but it is full of roads.


Heaven, this is the road.

The end of the way that Wang Chen comprehends, at the moment, allows him to make full use of it.

Close your eyes and feel quiet.

Sure enough, Wang Chen did not expect.

In this space, the heavens are dense and the avenue is endless.

The traces of these avenues, the heavenly lines, are intertwined and turned into a avenue.

And this Tongtian Avenue is the way to let Wang Chen set foot on the high platform.

I am afraid, only Wang Chen, who understands the extremes of the Tao, who is extremely sensitive to the power of the road and the power of the heavens, can find this clue under such circumstances.

At this moment, looking at the criss-crossing road, Wang Chen’s mouth showed a smile.

"It's here, go."

An angry drink, Wang Chen rose again.


This time, Wang Chen did not fail.

This time, every step of Wang Chen’s stepping out ignited the earthquake.

This time, every step of Wang Chen’s stepping out was a deafening voice.

The whole world, at this moment, is the color of Wang Chen.


Nine steps.

After nine steps, Wang Chen finally set foot on the high platform.

Standing on this suspended high platform, Wang Chen exhaled a breath.

Condescending, the mountains are small, the hearts of the heroes, can not help but suddenly live.

Looking at this quaint platform, Wang Chen gradually calmed down.

This is the land where the sea **** is a god.

Here is the legendary sea-eye sanctuary, the holy land of the sea.

Feeling the boiling of blood in the body, Wang Chen could not help but fall into silence.

"Well, that is..."

When Wang Chen carefully observed and went, the next moment, Wang Chen could not help but widen his eyes.

Because, at this moment, Wang Chen saw something familiar with him.

Or to be precise, at this moment, Wang Chen saw the words that he was familiar with.

This is the word of humanity.

This is definitely not a word that can appear within the sea eye.

On the stone tablet in the middle of this high platform, Wang Chen clearly saw two lines of words.

Among these two lines, the breath that is revealed is not the atmosphere that this high platform should have.

This ... a breath, let Wang Chen deep in the blood, could not help but have a hint of incitement.

"I am coming, I am, gone."

Before going to the stone tablet, Wang Chen saw this sentence.

I am coming, I am leaving.

The simple words are the ones that made Wang Chen fall into a long silence.

And Wang Chen, what he found is not just this line of words.

"Poseidon, true God."

"Poseidon, why?"

"True God, why?"

Immediately after this line of words, Wang Chen also saw a lot of small fonts.

There is an endless doubt between each line of words, ‘

It seems to be asking what seems to be exploring.

It seems that it is explaining what is going on.

"True God."

When Wang Chen saw these two words, his heart beat faster.

I actually mentioned the true God.

"Human, it really is that there are human beings here, who is it."

Wang Chen knew that before him, humans entered this place, but they did not know who it was.

At the moment, these fonts left here are more illustrative.

Someone has been here.

Boarded this high platform and left his mark.


However, when Wang Chen continued to look at it, he saw two fonts that were enough for his pupil to shrink.

War day.

These two words evoke the endless memories of Wang Chen.

"War, is it you, you are here."

"War... I have been waiting for you for too many years."

"You...not a war..."

In the brain, it seems to have flashed the words that made Wang Chen heartache.

The face of the city, the sad look...

Magic dance.

Yes, Wang Chen thought of the magic dance.

The first time I met with the magic dance, Wang Chen did not hear the name of the war.

That is the man who waited for thousands of years for the magic dance.

Let the man who is willing to let the magic dance be willing to nirvana.

His name has appeared here...

He even came to the sea eye, and appeared on this platform of God...

Seeing this, Wang Chen feels suffocated.

"Damn... what the **** is going on."

At this moment, Wang Chen can no longer be calm.

As if, there is a big secret hidden here.

And this secret is what Wang Chen wants to know.

About the sea god, about the true God, about humanity, about the war, and even about this world.

However, why these words are so vague.

Why, no one left a detailed record.

In the cool breeze, Wang Chen stood in front of this stone tablet and fell into a long silence.

Looking at this stone, he seems to be seeing through all the years.

For a long time, Wang Chen seems to be transformed into sculpture.

And in such a calm, above the stone monument, it is suddenly rolling.

The soul of Wang Chen, the next moment, even before it was too late to react, was absorbed.

That is a huge space.

Wang Chen saw a huge man standing between this world.

A magnificent momentum spread out from this man.

He holds a long sword and confronts the sky.

The thunder and the gods are falling apart.

This man, stirring this piece of heaven and earth, scrolling endless clouds.

Endless gods, shrouded him and eventually torn him.

The blood of the whole body, this man slowly looks in the direction of Wang Chen.

"I, after that, it is the sea god, I want to let this piece of the sky, can no longer stop my footsteps, this world, there is no place where I can't go..."

Looking at Wang Chen, the man said slowly.

As the voice fell, his figure slowly became blurred.

He is the sea god.

At this moment, watching such a scene, Wang Chen was stunned.

His soul is now within the stone monument.

That man is the sea god.

This is the day when the sea **** became a god.

Wang Chen held his breath.

It seems that here he may know something.

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