Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 788: Fight to the end

As the king of medicine rushed out, the earthquake was angered.

A shape of lightning, this moment falls.

This is already the last wave of thunder.

If it is possible to survive this wave of robbery, the nine kings will be completely reborn.

Therefore, watching this thunder robbery, Wang Chen and Hao Tian's look are incomparably awe-inspiring.

"Get out."

Among the roars, Haotian took the lead to kill.


I saw the power of the stars at the moment, and the bang of the fist was on the flash of the shape.

It’s awkward...

A sharp burst of sound came.

In an instant, the flash of lightning changed a bit, and the next moment, bursting into endless pieces, flew out in all directions.

Oh la la...

A thunder and lightning came out of the way, destroying the surroundings and letting the air burst.

Puff puff……

Under this thunder and lightning, among the snoring sounds, the whole person burst out and the blood could not stop floating.

At this moment, what awkward things are like.

Rao was swallowed to avoid the thunder, and Rao was physically strong and unparalleled. He still ate a big loss.


However, just as the first thunder and lightning were smashed, the second thunderbolt was rapidly falling.

"Hugh thinking."

Seeing such a scene, Wang Chen killed.

Haotian was injured at the moment, and the next one was handed over to Wang Chen.

The drug king can't be distracted.

At the moment, it is already a critical period.

If this moment, let the thunder and lightning fall, not only the nine must participate in the king is likely to encounter a huge crisis, and even the drug king suffered heavy losses.

This is definitely what Wang Chen does not want to see.


A roar, Wang Chen sacrificed the four heavens.


Black light blooms.

The boundless gold is infused.

At this moment, the Quartet is like a mountain, sweeping across the sky.

How powerful is this power.

Especially after joining the trend of Tianjin, the Quartet is full of tyrannical atmosphere, as if to suppress everything.


In the twinkling of an eye, among the voids, the four sides of the heavens and the plaques collided with the thunder.


Endless thunder and lightning instantly swallowed the four-way sky.

Puff puff……

Among the power of this thunder and lightning, Wang Chen’s soul suddenly swayed.

Let him even could not help but spurt blood.


A sorrow came.

The Quartet was trembling, and the light suddenly converges.

In the next moment, I saw that the four sides of the sky were turned into a stream of light and flew back.


Seeing that the first and second lightning were blocked, Tianwei was even more crazy.

Hao Hao Tian Wei, grace is so embarrassing.

In the roar of the roar, this moment is a thunder of lightning.

This lightning is more rapid than before.

It turned into a giant axe, when it was empty.

"Get out."

Seeing that this huge axe fell, Wang Chen didn't even have time to make more moves, and he could only resist it.


In the void, Wang Chen collided with this lightning.


The boundless thunderbolt wraps Wang Chen and arbitrarily destroys Wang Chen’s body.

The blood is floating, flesh and blood.

Rao is the body of Wang Chen, and it is difficult to resist at this moment.

Oh wow, wow...

Within Dan Tian, ​​the infant of reincarnation, this moment of crazy help Wang Chen to absorb the power of lightning.

In the small world, it is even more raging...

Five rows of saplings, at this moment, are also awakened in general, diffusing out their original energy.

A strand of energy rushed out, helping the power of chaos to refine the thunder energy that poured into Wang Chen's body.

The confrontation is continuing.

The sound of destruction in the hustle and bustle continued.

At this moment, Wang Chen’s figure was even completely overwhelmed.


In such a scene, let the people who saw it in the distance take a breath of cold air.

Even, subconsciously, some warriors stopped attacking women.

Such a robbery can be resisted by human beings.


He is dead.

Almost everyone thought of this result.


However, just as everyone decided to make a result, a light and shadow was rushed out of the thunder.

In the roar, the third thunder broke.

The giant axe disappeared without a trace.

"God, he broke open."

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

However, they quickly showed a sneer.

Although I don’t know what kind of means this human has used, it has ignited the rapid evolution of the Nine-Kings, and I don’t know how he resisted the thunder and lightning.

How terrible this last wave of thunder and lightning.

He is just looking for death.

The three lightning bolts in succession are just beginning.

There are also the last two lightnings, that is the general existence of destruction.

At this time, humans who are almost inhuman form can still resist.

They don't believe it.


Sure enough, in the sneer of these people, the dark clouds rolled, and a wave of lightning fell.




Three consecutive bangs came, and the world was in turmoil.

This time, three lightnings were dropped in one breath.

The three lightning bolts are a sharp sword, a long knife and a giant hammer.

Three lightning bolts fell towards the top of the mountain.

This is the crazy thunder.


Seeing that these three thunders fell, at this moment, above the top of the mountain, Wang Chen's pupils contracted.

With his heart, this moment, even hanging in the air.

This wave of lightning, so fierce to such a point.

The sense of crisis suddenly surrounded Wang Chen.

This, where is the nine robbers to participate in the evolution of the robbery.

I am afraid that if I evolve into a drug king, I will not encounter such a thunder.

what is the problem.

Wang Chen’s heart complained.

The pain in the whole body made Wang Chen even realize that he reached the limit and it was almost impossible to resist this thunder.

"I come."

However, just when Wang Chen complained, when the crisis shrouded, a roar came.

However, Haotian did not know when he rushed toward Wang Chen again.

"The power of the original source."

In the middle of the roar, at this moment, I saw only the atmosphere of the sky.

A burst of crisp blasting sound came, and Haotian’s figure swollen quickly.

A skylight swept down from the void, passing through layers of thunderclouds, shrouded over the top of the sky and poured into his body.

This is a near-black light, not terrible.

"The power of the stars."

Seeing such a scene, Wang Chen's pupil shrinks.

This is the power of the stars, I did not expect that Haotian actually displayed this trick.

For this move, Wang Chen is absolutely no stranger.

Because, when he was facing the silver wing, he tried the horror of this trick.

It is a crazy move to cite the power of the stars to pour into the body and forcefully improve their strength in a short time.

This move, the load brought to the body and the soul, is absolutely unimaginable.

Moreover, after reaching the limit, the physical condition must turn sharply.

Unexpectedly, Haotian was forced to such a point.

However, I want to come, too, at this moment, in addition to this, how can it be.

Wang Chen, Hao Tian, ​​even the woman, even the wild ancestors, have already pushed all their chips into this crazy gambling.

If this fails, the consequences will be disastrous.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen’s look is awesome.

The body shape flashed, Wang Chen quickly guarded the drug king's side.

This wave of lightning, handed over to the sky to confront.


Just when Wang Chen returned to the drug king, Hao Tian had already collided with this wave of lightning.

I saw the shape of the sky, and now it became a streamer, and it was inserted into the thunder and lightning.

Long soldiers, big knives, sledgehammers...

At this moment, the shackles of the shackles fell on the sky.

The power of the black star that fell above the sky was even distorted and almost cut off.

In the thunder and lightning, Wang Chen clearly saw the scene of the blood and blood sprayed by Hao Tian.

Rao is the power to ignite the origin of the natal star at this moment, and Haotian is still unable to withstand such a terrible thunder.

The horrible Tianwei, this moment, people can not help but suffocate.


A roar of noise came from the thunder.


At this moment, almost no adult-shaped scorpion, crazy blasting his moves.

The blade was robbed and this moment was broken.

The giant hammer thundered and thundered.

However, along with the thunder of the thunderbolt and the thunder of the giant hammer, Haotian was caught in one step and one step.


The screams of heartbreaking came.

Finally, in the face of the third thunder, when the giant knife robbery, Hao Tian retreated.

The power of the original source of this life, this moment, turned out to be a hard-hitting smashed by the big knife.

This time, it is directly to let Haotian lose the support of powerful power.

For a moment, in the screams, Hao Tian’s body broke open.

The smashed body was smashed out.


The smashing of the sky, the big knife and thunder, the power has hardly weakened.


In a roar, the big knife thunder, it is straight to Wang Chen and Yao Wang.

Seeing such a scene, Wang Chenxi took a breath of cold air.

His face is extremely ugly at this moment.

The situation is obviously worse than what Wang Chen imagined.

Haotian, lost.

He did not break this thunder.

At this moment, the sky is dead or alive.

Wang Chen is not even clear.

Because, Wang Chen has not felt the breath of life in Haotian.

This makes Wang Chen's heart even heavier.

However, Wang Chen did not have more time to care about Haotian.

Because this lightning has already arrived in front of Wang Chen.


Looking at this scene, Wang Chen snorted.

"Give me a break."


In the roar of the roar, Wang Chen faced this big knife and thunder, and directly sacrificed Qiankunding.


The red light exploded, and the influx of gold was insane.

At this moment, Wang Chen took advantage of the long-awaited Qiankun Ding to fight against the big knife.

He has no retreat.

He must stick to the end.

Because, Wang Chen is very clear, at this moment, behind him, is the king of medicine, it is the nine must be king.

If you quit this step, you will definitely lose.

In any case, this big knife thunder, he, must be broken, the book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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