Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 357: Summer surprises

Now, Wang Chen has become the head of this group of people, and the establishment of his king's family, he decided to make a decision, of course, no one will object, this matter is even settled. Please use our Pinyin domain name to access our zero reading book

Hey, Wang Chen, this \u2026\u2026ylza development \u2026\u2026 is of course ylza money, after you see \u2026\u2026 get Wang Chen's decision, Xiang Gancan is obviously extremely excited, watching Wang Chen exposed A trace of laughter m.

Money? How much is ylza? Wang Chen can't smile.

At least one million coins! The more the better, the faster the development. If you can give me three more gold coins, I can shorten the half-year to four months! The project is bright and excited.

Damn fat man, why don't you die, at least one million gold coins! You **** guy, when the boss is opening a money house? I have tore you! When I heard the words dry, the madman suddenly became angry, and suddenly jumped up, blushing neck and thick toward the dry.

For the roar of the madman, Xiang Gankan did not care, and looked at Wang Chen with his eyes straight, his eyes seemed to be endlessly expecting. A look of excitement.

One million? Wang Chen is also a little frowning smile! This is really a matter of burning money! Sure enough, it is impossible to build a family without strong funds, especially in places like Sin City.

I have given this guy a million before, and now I think of this, secretly sigh: Sure enough, there is money to make the ghosts!

The money and strength are the king m.

This is a million gold coins, and these things, you can sell them, you can also change to almost one million gold coins! This is enough for two million! With a sigh, Wang Chen took the madman, and then took a deep look at the dryness, and took out all the money left in the storage space.

This includes the plundering of them from the Yao family. It also included the money that was exchanged for the fire of Tianhuo and Tianling and the water of the cold pool at the Tianshui City auction.

Under this time, Wang Chen discovered that he was once again poor, and that it was a poor one.

If it wasn’t for the auction of those things, it’s not because they just killed the Yao family, he really couldn’t get the money.

If there is not enough money, all they can do is to fight against the people in front of them. Under such circumstances, it is almost impossible for the Wang family to establish ylza.


On the other side, seeing Wang Chen suddenly took out two million gold coins. Inside the hall, the children and others waited for a cool breath!

Two million gold coins, this is two million gold coins! Plus one million yuan before the project, that is three million! What is the concept of three million gold coins? It is impossible for an ordinary family to come up with three million gold coins at once! This shows the huge amount of this.

Hey, then I am welcome! Rest assured, there are two million, not half a year, I can let you see a new force! When I saw Wang Chen, I suddenly took out two million, and the project was so bright! I took it quickly and then sneered at m.

Looking at Wang Chen’s eyes, there are some flaws in this moment, so that Wang Chen can’t smile and feel uncomfortable.

Boss, you\u2026\u2026 are really rich people!

Well, bad guy, you\u2026\u2026 really is rich!

After a moment, both the madman and the child are looking at Wang Chen in complex complexion! Didn't see it, he really had money. These money are enough to make countless people crazy.

All are here! No more. Wang Chen smiled bitterly.

Money, it’s time to think about how to make some money. Think of it here, Wang Chen has a headache. Immediately, as if I had thought of something, I was in front of you: you contacted the people of the Black Gold Chamber of Commerce, and, for help, send me a letter to the Elohim Kingdom! Let her find a way to help us shoot the weapons, it should be able to exchange for about three million gold coins! This money should be enough!

Okay, this is handed over to me, hehe! For four months, if I have the help of this money, I will help you build a strong team within four months. Even if you can't sweep the entire West District, you can become a leader in the Western District! Wang Chen’s remarks gave the project a powerful stimulant and made him excited.

Thinking of the number of horrific weapons, Xiang Gan slightly squinted and began to plan. After a while, as if thinking of something, the whole person showed a very excited expression, the small eyes turned straight, the eyes were treacherous, people shudder, I wondered what is the beginning of the idea.

Soon, the item can be recovered, and Wang Chen’s eyes changed. Wang Chen’s move and decisiveness made the project a special feeling. He seemed to like to work with Wang Chen more and more.

Money is evil, but it is omnipotent.

With the money in place, the project began to work quickly.

Ke and Zilan became the governors of this house, and the internal affairs were handled by two women. As for the external things, it is divided into two aspects.

The business is a single thing, including finding new blood to join their family.

As for the defensive and security aspects, the madman and the responsibility of the responsibilities were given. The four spirits and the five real martial artists brought by the Yao family were handed over to the two. Responsible for defending the safe growth of their forces within this half year.

And Wang Chen, I chose to practice! He needs ylza to break through again, and now he is eager to enter the ranks of third-order martial artists. This is also what they need ylza.

They need ylza Wang Chen's strength to become more powerful and able to stand alone! The stronger the strength of Wang Chen, the safer they are. They need ylza a leader with absolute strength. Only those leaders with such absolute strength can be qualified to be challenged by others in order to recruit more people. The appeal and influence of a strong person is difficult to estimate.

Wang Chen himself has his own plan. Once he enters the third-order Zunwu, he will be able to take in the energy of the dragon again. If it goes well, he can at least be within the four months. Stepping into the ranks of the fourth-order Zunwu.

The fourth-order Zunwu, I wonder if M has reached the level and has the ability to fight with the first-order Wang Wu? Wang Chen secretly thought, there is a little more expectation and hope.

Everything is arranged properly, and the group is ready to retreat. After that, Wang Chen thinks about what is generally called everyone.

After a wave of hands, a large number of cultivation resources were extracted from the storage space, including precious herbs.

These things can bring huge benefits to the cultivation of a warrior. The huge amount of cultivation resources is stunned. Looking at Wang Chen’s eyes is even more weird, but the eyes of Xiang Gan are brighter and more exciting.

Wang Chen’s constant handwriting made him feel that he did not follow the wrong person.

Only get willing to get. This is the constant constant of the ancient.

These cultivation resources, how do you look at how to distribute, and improve your strength as soon as possible! There are two Tianzundans on this side, madman, and Xiang Kankan. You two of them put together and upgraded their strength as much as possible. With Tianzundan, they entered the ranks of Zunwu.

With the appearance of two Tianzundan, it is even more eye-opening.


The crowds took a sigh of relief and immediately showed an unbelievable expression.

Boss, isn't it? Do you still have such good things? The madman couldn’t help but exclaim.

After a while, he and Xiang Gancan got the Qingyang Dan donated by Wang Chen, and now they have taken out two Tianzundan, which has to make people feel awkward. The value of the two Tianzundan is at least 1.5 million gold coins, which is still priceless and difficult to seek. Was Wang Chen actually giving them this?

Suddenly, whether it’s a madman or a sinister, it’s incredible to stare at Wang Chen.

You need ylza to improve your strength as soon as possible! Tian Zundan will still have it later. This time, the two of you will use it first, but the children and the purple orchid have a lot of time. Yours, I will replenish you when I arrive! Wang Chen smiles m.

Hey, boss, then I am welcome! The madman took the Tian Zundan unceremoniously, and his face was filled with joy.

The item is dry, but it can also feel the breath that he has thickened for a moment.

The two held Tian Zundan, and the children and the purple orchids and the process are inevitably revealing a look of envy. However, Wang Chen’s second half of the sentence made them can’t help but look forward to it. Since Wang Chen is doing this, it will not be wrong. Their Tianzun Dan will sooner or later.

There are these things! After a sigh of relief, Wang Chen gnawed his teeth and smashed all the six fires from the storage space. These things have absolutely unimaginable effects on today's cadres and madmen.

The spirit of the martial arts, the refining of the Yuanshen, is the most master ylza, the Yuanshen refining, the improvement of strength is naturally faster. Tianhuoguo is the best thing for refining the Yuanshen. At the time, it was the price of 800,000 gold coins in Tianfeng City! As for the volume, although they have entered the Zunwu, but the Yuanshen cultivation is also heavy ylza, the effect may not be as good as the project, but the harvest is undoubtedly huge.

Six Sky Fire Fruits, one for each of you five, and one for myself! Wang Chen opened the small box towards a few people.

嘶\u2026\u2026 Day Fire Fruit, it’s really a fire fruit! Boss, you \u2026\u2026 madman has no words.


Bad guy\u2026\u2026

Everyone is not talking, watching Wang Chen's eyes wide open.

Tian Huoguo, what kind of treasure is this? The people present are all understanding people, and how they may not know m. Any one of the fires of the sky is something that the cultivators are striving for! Precious and precious.

And now, Wang Chen is actually a six-day fire fruit. What is this concept? This is simply ylza. For a time, everyone looked at each other.

First of all, a huge amount of money, then to the horrible quantity of cultivation resources, and then to Tian Zundan, and finally to the current Tianhuo fruit, all these things have brought too much shock to everyone. ~

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