Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 723: Sweeping the square (middle)

The sun and the moon are dull, and the world is bleak.

The boundless sword shadow is overwhelming.

That horrible murderousness, this time makes the Fuji family and the warrior strong face pale.

Especially the middle-aged man of the Fuji family, in which he is, is almost suffocating.

"Get out."

In the middle of a roar, the middle-aged man of the vine family swept the sword, and the magic weapon in his hand was sacrificed.

He will not sit still.

"The arm is a car, not self-reliant."

Seeing the dying struggle of the middle-aged man of the Fuji family, there was a cold snoring in the light and shadow.

“It’s all shattered.”

An angry drink.


The next moment, the infinite waves exploded.


One after another, the shadow of the sword fell down.

The thunder burst and the world was turbulent.


At the end of the mountain, this moment is finally unable to withstand the beginning of collapse.

Endless flares, endless bursts of light.


In a twinkling of an eye, the **** soldiers in the middle-aged man's hand of the Fuji family split apart.


Then, the magic weapon that was sacrificed, the light suddenly dimmed.


In the gust of wind, the magic weapon flew out into the distance.

"Do not……"

The screams of despair came.

The blood in the mouth is constantly sprayed.

At this time, the middle-aged man of the Fuji family was full of horror.

"help me."

He shouted at the pale-faced warrior old man.

The fear of death, this moment will cover the middle-aged man of the Fuji family.

His long sword broke, his treasure was bombarded, and he was shrouded in endless swords.

The breath of death is constantly pervasive, which makes the man's heart full of fear.

"Give me a hand."

Finally, in the exclamation of the middle-aged man of the Fuji family, the veteran of the warrior roared.

The voice fell and the figure flashed, and the veteran of the warrior quickly killed.

At this moment, he also shot with a hard scalp.

He has no other choice.

The strong person who appeared in front of me is too strong.

It’s not what they imagined.

Within the Wang family, there is such a strong person.

Is that the black robe of the Mozu?

The old man of the warrior was terrified.

If the middle-aged man of the Fuji family is dead, he will die.

They are now a person on board, living and dying.

"you are too slow."

However, watching the old man of the warrior kill, the cold voice came again.

Full of disdain and ridicule.

This speed also wants to save the middle-aged man of the Fuji family.

Idiot said dreams.


Finally, a burst of roar broke out.


The roaring sound oscillated.

"Do not……"

The sound of despair filled the world.

The next moment, the sound is coming.

The endless sword shadow distorted the heavens and the earth.


A touch of blood rushed to the clouds.

A head, throwing it out.


Between the vagueness, it seems that I heard a deafening roar.

The shadow of a beast rushed out of the gods and swallowed away from the spirit of the middle-aged man of the Fuji family.

"Don't... I don't want to die."

The horrible exclamations filled the world.

The voice is extremely ethereal.

The soul of that spirit shivered and swept away in the distance.

"I still want to go."

Seeing that figure was going to plunder, a sneer came.


Light and shadow flashed, that Warcraft remnant soul, instantly swallowed that spirit.


The screams of fierceness swayed between this world.

The next moment, the voice finally disappeared completely between the world.


Losing the body of the skull, spraying the blood, the cockroaches fell to the ground.

The middle-aged man of the Fuji family, at this moment in the storm, fell.

He has no power to resist.


Seeing this scene, the old warrior who was killed before him was pale.


His face is unbelievable.

How can it be……

The veteran of the war can not accept such a result.

But it is also a blink of an eye.

Under one trick, it was spiked.

The strong man of pure Yang ranks like this.

The head was thrown away, the blood was floating, and the spirits were destroyed. This was completely degraded.

Thinking of this, the heart of the old warrior, stunned.

The boundless shock, sweeping the hearts of the old warriors...

Even before I saw who my opponent was, the middle-aged man of the Fuji family was degraded. This is a pure Yang strong...

"Wang Yan."

The next moment, after seeing the figure that appeared in front, the veteran of the warrior exclaimed.

That's right.

Wang Yan.

The person who appears here at this moment is not Wang Yan.

I saw Wang Yan holding the soldiers at this time, standing proudly between this world.

His face was cold and his body was full of breath.

Just now, the person in the void was Wang Yan, and the person who killed the middle-aged man of the Fuji family was Wang Yan.

Wang Jia’s big brother among the dragon and tiger brothers, Wang Chen’s eldest brother Wang Yan.

It turned out to be him...

Looking at Wang Yan, the pupil of the warrior’s pupils contracted.

"It turned out to be you."

He looked at Wang Yan and his face was unbelievable.

Wang Yan, but it has disappeared for a full year. How come he again.

When is the matter, why is there no slightest wind, and his strength is so powerful.

Endless doubts, for a time filled with the minds of the veteran of the war, so that he is even difficult to return to God.

"He, dead, a guy who first entered pure yang, and dared to beat my king's idea, the next one is you."

In the face of the excitement and the shocking old warrior, Wang Yan’s eyes were cold and expressionless.

Some words, as if to elaborate a result in general.

Such a hegemony, so determined.

A strong man who entered the pure yang, this in the eyes of Wang Yan today, perhaps really can not be beaten, like an ant.

In the past year, Wang Yan’s pure Yang level has been killed.

His eyes blinked.

However, very quickly, it is murderous.


When I heard Wang Yan’s words, the veteran of the warriors changed their face.

"Wang Yan, you... you are going to be crazy, don't forget, you are a holy mountain."

Taking a deep breath, the old man of the warrior snarls.

The sacred mountain, the **** holy mountain, how did you not constrain Wang Yan this monster.

"Holy Mountain, huh..."

When I heard the old man, Wang Yan smiled coldly.

"The world has changed. The holy mountain is no longer a holy mountain. When the master asked me to enter the holy mountain, I still don't believe it. Now it seems that this is the case. If the holy mountain is negative, I don't have to hold the holy mountain. Now, we don't have Relationship."

In the face of the roar of the old man, Wang Yan squinted and muttered to himself.

When the voice fell, his eyes narrowed up: "You, also the people of the Holy Mountain, I have seen you. Soon, I will go to the Holy Mountain, and they are against the promise."

Said that Wang Yan's tone is getting colder and colder.

The holy mountain is no longer the holy mountain that Wang Yan insisted on.

At this moment, there is only anger in Wang Yan’s heart, only killing.

There have been too many things happening over the years since I left.

The sacred mountain even combined the sea people to seek the king's family, which Wang Yan could not accept.

As he said at the beginning, even if he slaughtered the world, how?

The king's family is his foundation. There are his loved ones, everything about him.

Why is he righteous when he is not holy?

This time, returning to Tian Xuan mainland, knowing this news, Wang Yan is angry.

He has no relationship with the Holy Mountain.

Today, Wang Yan has strengthened his own ideas when he sees the old warriors.

Because this old man is the sacred mountain.

Wang Yan also knew that he had been to the Holy Mountain before Ling and others left.

The Holy Mountain will not shoot the royal family within one year.

But now, it is clear that the Holy Mountain has shot.

On the bright side, they are still quiet, but in the dark they are shot.

These sacred guys appear, it is a problem.

Although the name of the warrior and the Fuji family is hung, there is actually no shadow of the holy mountain, and everyone knows.

Thinking of this, Wang Yan’s eyes flashed,

"You... Wang Yan, what do you mean?"

When I heard Wang Yan’s words, I felt Wang Yan’s murderousness, and the old warriors yelled.

"Kill your intentions."

Wang Yan arrived.


The voice fell, and the figure flashed, and Wang Yan plucked.


When I heard Wang Yan, the old man changed his face.

"You really have to turn your back on the holy mountain. Do you know what the consequences are?"

The old man quickly retired and shouted.

"How about that, the holy mountain is not benevolent, and the abandonment of the true God is how it is."

Wang Yan arrived.


The old man looked a bit.


Seeing Wang Yan in front of him, the old man quickly slammed his fists.


The air waves are sprayed out.

The mountain peaks into a flat land.

Endless dust, skyrocketing, let this world, as if to meet the end.


A spurt of blood, the old man's body suddenly regressed, his eyes are full of horror.

"How can you..."

The old man is even more shocked at this moment.

After knowing Wang Yan’s identity, he settled down first and then saw hope.

Wang Yan.

Even if the strength is strong, then how?

He knows that Wang Yan has not yet stepped into pure yang.

It seems that it is only a coincidence that the middle-aged man who killed the Fuji family before.

However, after this move, the old man’s heart is full of stunned.

He is different from the middle-aged man of Fuji.

His strength, but reached the middle of pure Yang.

Such a strength, even a move was repulsed by Wang Yan.

When Wang Yan became so powerful, the old man was shocked.

"Being dead."

However, in the face of the old man's surprise, Wang Yan is just a word, still murderous.

"Wang Yan, you dare... Fuji, the warrior and the holy mountain will not let you go."

Watching Wang Yan kill again, the more violent breath, the old man exclaimed.

"Holy Mountain, what to do with me, if they are going to kill me, I am waiting, as for the Fuji family, oh, the younger generation, your warrior, a pseudo-blood family that has abandoned everything, what is it?"

Hearing the exclamation of the old man, Wang Yan sneered.


A roar, the momentum is like a rainbow.

The words of the old man not only did not threaten Wang Yan, but this moment, it turned out that Wang Yan’s murder was becoming more and more crazy.

The long sword swept, the light was shining, and the killing machine was stunned.

At this moment, Wang Yan did not stay in the slightest.

Heaven and earth, at this moment, a piece of silence, the book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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