Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 705: One dead end?

Two horrible waves exploded, and the whole world shook violently at this moment.

The roar of the deafening sound is constant.

A wave of turmoil swept out and destroyed everything.

Within a few kilometers, there is no more grass.


Under such circumstances, Zhai Kunding trembled fiercely at this time.


The chaotic long river first collapsed.

Endless energy is circulated around.


Then, the Kun Kun Ding stunned a bit.

A sigh of sorrow came, and the light above the dragon and the throne was suddenly turned up.


After a body shape, Wang Chen spurted a blood.

This is already his limit.


Seeing that he couldn't resist, Wang Chen gritted his teeth and made a decisive decision.


The next moment, the air wave exploded.


Forced to withstand a lot of air waves, Wang Chen body bursts into a burst of crisp sound.

Zhang mouth squirted a blood between the two, Wang Chen directly this violent wave, flying out into the distance.


The demon dances out.

Explosive integration.

Chasing the body of the body...


In an instant, Wang Chen turned into light and shadow, and rushed out tens of thousands of meters.


The wind whistling in the ear.

Everything around you is going backwards quickly.

All the trees, this moment has become illusory.


Between the mouth, a spurt of blood, Wang Chen forced to speed up.

"Want to go,."

Seeing that Wang Chen fled again, the silver-winged eyes blushed and said: "I want to kill you."

At this moment, the silver wing is already crazy.

He is full of energy.

A light of the stars, crossed from heaven, poured into his heavenly cover.

It’s awkward...

The whole body squirmed and made a burst of crisp sound.

The end of the life of the star, this moment is constantly instilling the energy of terror into the body of the silver wing, which makes the body shape of the silver wing soar.

At this moment, the silver wing in the wrath, the strength of terror, the speed is even more terrifying.

He motivated his potential and quickly pursued Wang Chen.


The figure flashed across the void.

Tens of thousands of meters in one step, the stars and the sun are at your feet.

The earth, this moment, seems so small.

At this speed, the silver wing forcibly broke through all the illusions and constantly narrowed the distance from Wang Chen.

If this moment, Wang Chen is not squirting blood, raising the speed, I am afraid that even if it is integrated into the magic dance, it is difficult to adhere to the time.

Rao is guided by blood, but Wang Chen’s distance is constantly being drawn closer.

30,000 meters, 20,000 meters, 10,000 meters...

In the twinkling of an eye, the distance is drawn to within 10,000 meters.


I don't know how many distances I have crossed. I still see a gap of about 10,000 meters with Wang Chen. The silver wing is in a hurry.

Because of this moment, the silver wing noticed the changes in the surrounding scene.

This is already on the other side of the Silver Moon Mountains.

The Silver Moon Mountains are boundless, and their Silvermoon family is still tyrannical, but they still cannot control it completely.

On the bright side, the Silver Moon Mountain Range is the site of their Silvermoon family. However, in fact, the Silver Wing knows that if you move forward, you will enter another land of a guy.

And that guy, even the Silvermoon family, is not willing to offend easily.

If Wang Chen rushed into the guy’s territory and alerted the annoying guy...

The tighter lock of the silver wing brow reveals an anxious look.


The next moment, a silvery flash in the eyes of the silver wing, roaring.

"The blood is the lead, send me to Qingyun."

The twilight in the eyes flashed past, and the silver wings roared.


When the voice fell, the silver wing spurted a blood.

This blood, it turned out to be a strange silver.

The silvery blood suddenly appeared, and a horrible atmosphere spread.


These bloods are blended into the skin of the silver wing, and suddenly a dull sound is heard.


And with the integration of these blood, the shape of the silver wing instantly skyrocketed.

The howling sound became sharp.

"I see how you escape."

The silver wings were pale, and the roaring roar and roared.


The gas waves are like a tsunami.

However, in the blink of an eye, this wave of turbulence opened and the silver wing was quickly close to Wang Chen.

Nine kilometers, eight kilometers...

In a twinkling of an eye, the distance between the two sides is close to five kilometers.

At this moment, the momentum of the silver wing is so terrifying.

All the illusions left by Wang Chen’s magic dance were directly torn into pieces by his momentum...

"damn it."

Feeling the horror of the air and the momentum that came from behind, Wang Chen’s heart screamed and shouted.

"This guy is worried."

The brow is locked, and Wang Chen’s heart is bitter.

The silver wing also spared no effort to pursue itself, which made Wang Chen’s heart hang again.

In this case, he was caught up sooner or later.

"Humble reptiles, die."

Finally, when the distance went up to a kilometer, the silver wing shot.

He looked at Wang Chen, who was in front of him, and his eyes flashed a mad look.


A roar burst.

At the moment, the silver wing hand appeared a sacred soldier, and swept away toward Wang Chen.

The silver light, like a star, is like a river.

The sharp momentum went straight to Wang Chen’s back.

Chilling, cold sweats.

There was a cold breath behind him, and Wang Chen couldn’t help but pause.

Very terrifying momentum.

The breath of death quietly shrouded Wang Chen.

"Get out."

I felt that this momentum quickly approached and blocked all my dodge routes. Wang Chen frowned.

He had to resist.

"go with."

When the wrist trembled, Kun Kun Ding resisted.


The next moment the crash came.

I saw the chaotic long river that was just born, and it was broken instantly.

Only seeing Kun Kun Ding suddenly dim.


The air wave exploded.

Qiankun Ding was shocked and flew out in an instant.


A burst of bones broke.

Flesh fluttering.


In a scream, Wang Chen flew out.

He is full of flesh and blood, and his bones are broken.

In front of a black, Wang Chen almost fainted directly.

After stimulating the blood, at this moment, the strength of the silver wing is even more terrifying to the point of unimaginable.

"damn it."

Strongly endured the pain, Wang Chen looked distorted.

Because, after the silver wing hit at this moment, it has already chased again.

The horrible waves swept, and the murderous machine came again.

At this moment, Wang Chen is a hate.

弑God gourd.

To kill the silver wing, you must use the gourd.

Moreover, with the strength of the silver wing body, the speed of terror, the **** of gourd may not be able to kill him.

More importantly, Wang Chen did not have the opportunity to display the gourd.

The scorpion hoist is powerful, but the shortcomings are equally obvious.

With Wang Chen’s current strength, the effort to display the **** gourd is enough for the silver wing to kill him.

Even if it is a secret attack.

Where does Wang Chen have this opportunity.

The scorpion gourd has to make a blow, it takes too much time, and the tempered air machine will be more powerful.

If you use a scorpion gourd during a sneak attack.

There is almost no chance of a successful attack...

Even if the sneak attack is successful, I am afraid it will pay a painful price.

Because of this, Wang Chen's **** gourd is now useless.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen could not help but be wronged.

Seeing that the silver wing is chasing again, Wang Chen is desperate at this moment.

Qiankun Ding can't resist the other side's blow, and now he is seriously injured, facing the pursuit of the silver wing, the consequences can be imagined.

"Hahahaha... humble human beings, I want to smash you a corpse..."

Seeing that he finally caught up with the humble humans and made him seriously injured, this moment, the silver wing sneered again and again.

This **** human, he is dead.

He will smash him into slag.

Let him smash the corpse, the ash is annihilated, and he must be endlessly tortured.

Only in this way can we vent the resentment in the silver wing.

The old three silver statues, the old four silver Lin, are tragically killed in the hands of this human being, how could he let this human being continue to live.

How could it make this human being better?

Thinking of all this, the face of the silver wing became more and more stunned and distorted.

The horrible murder blasted, allowing the world to solidify and let the temperature drop to the freezing point.

"No... I can't die."

Just in this desperation, Wang Chen broke out.

Under the pressure of a huge crisis, he did not know who was seriously injured. Where did he come from, the moment he saw that he was about to be killed by the silver wing, Wang Chen broke out.

The last energy in the body burst out, and Wang Chen made the final resistance.


The double fists blasted out, and Wang Chenxi’s and the silver wings huddled together.

The impact of the sprays is like a thunder.

The whole ground was turbulent.


The sound of bones bursting came.


Endless flesh and blood splashes out.


In the roar, accompanied by the screams of heartbreaking.

Wang Chen’s body, close to the ground, was smashed and flew out for several kilometers.


All the way, whether it is a big tree or a huge stone, all of them were crushed by Wang Chen’s body.

After several kilometers, Wang Chen’s body finally stopped.

However, at this moment, Wang Chen still has people.

Half of the body has disappeared.

The internal organs are not even complete.

Even if it is the remaining half of the body, it is also very miserable at this moment, the bones are sensational.

Such an injury, replaced by an ordinary warrior, does not know enough to let him die thousands of times.

However, Wang Chen is still breathing in a big mouth.

The eyes are dark and the mind is confused.

At this moment, Wang Chen even disappeared from consciousness.


Between the vagueness, Wang Chen just heard a burst of crazy roar.


In the sound of breaking the air, the murderous murder, once again shrouded Wang Chen.

"Dead, dead."

The corner of the mouth pulled out a tough smile, and Wang Chen thought of it at the moment.

He is no longer able to resist.

Silver wing, too strong.

The silver wing that concluded the life of the star is not what he can contend with.

This is more powerful than the most powerful warrior who was killed by Wang Chen at the beginning.

At the beginning, killing the North Sea Kunyi, with the help of the **** gourd.

In the North Sea, Kunyi, under the ambition, gave Wang Chen the opportunity to display the **** gourd.

The black robe and other people's restraint, so that Wang Chen can safely display the **** gourd.

Otherwise, Wang Chen has a chance to kill Kunming in the North Sea.

However, today, Wang Chen has no chance.

He, only one dead end, the book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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