Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 680: Last gift

"The battlefield is closed, the gods are in place!"

On this day, the news swept the entire Tian Xuan mainland.

A few happy couples.

For those who look at Wang Jiahu, people are taken for granted.

However, those who are worried about the Wang family are clouded at the moment.

For example, the Wang family. It is undoubtedly a low atmosphere at the moment.

In the Wangjia Hall, at this time, I felt this breath, and Xiang Gan and Sun Yifan’s face became pale.

"Before you imagine, come earlier?"

The item was dry and swallowed, and it was difficult to say.

He showed a bitter smile: "Maybe, we are in trouble!"

"Yes! Trouble!"

Sun Yifan also smiled bitterly.

“It seems that our plan is still a slow step!”

Then, Sun Yifan, sighed faintly.

There is endless worry between his words.

They are slower! That's right, that's it.

In the past few days, Xiang Gan is so crazy, what exactly does he want to do? Where is Sun Yifan unclear.

Xiang Gan has a bold and crazy idea. That is, before the battlefield is closed, he should try to inspire the contradiction as much as possible. He wants to pull all the enemies into the vortex of this storm.

Only in this way can we maximize the contradiction.

And what is the purpose of maximizing contradictions? Naturally, let the Wang family meet the horrible storm as much as possible.

Even before the war and others did not leave, the danger of the royal family was completely exposed.

As long as they have not completely left the battle, as long as the battlefield has not been completely closed, they will not be afraid of anything.

I believe that by the time, even if they are caught in the quagmire of self-extraction, they will also take the shot and pull the king's house!

This is the main purpose of being crazy.

This is also the main reason why Sun Yifan is crazy with his work.

Of course, the worst result, that is, under the pressure of these people, those small people control the anger!

In this case, the Wang family can also kill one or two more days and kill more people.

At this time, for the Wang family, one less enemy is a threat. They will try to kill the threat in the cradle.

However, I did not expect that when they did not completely bring the storm, the battlefield was closed.

After all, it is still a slow step.

Under such circumstances, the Wang family is caught in a very passive situation.

The crazy slaughter in these days, the enemies solved, are still too little and too little.

Once the battlefield is closed today, the king will have to meet the storm tomorrow.

Their killing has already formed an irresolvable hatred with too many people.

In addition, there are too many details and things that cannot be controlled.

It can be said that the closure of the battlefield today has completely disrupted the arrangement of the project.

Even if it is more time to give them more than two days a day is good...

The brow was locked and the hall was in silence.


Just when Xiang Gan and Sun Yifan fell into silence, within the hall, suddenly two lights flashed past, and the next moment, two more figures.

"Breeze predecessors!"

"Thousands of predecessors!"

After seeing these two figures, Xiang Gan and Sun Yifan quickly got up and saluted.

Breeze, thousands of months.

This is the last trump card of the royal family.

At the moment, they appear here, for what? Xiang Gankan and Sun Yifan looked at each other and everything was in the air.

The breeze and the thousand months are leaving.

This is exactly what Xiang Gan and Sun Yifan are most worried about!

The two men flashed a sly but dignified look in their eyes.

"We are leaving!"

After a moment of silence, the breeze looked at the two and sighed.

"I wish the seniors to show their strengths in the battlefield and go further!"

When I heard the breeze, Xiang Gan said with a sigh, and Shen Sheng said.

The breeze and the thousand months to leave, this is definitely not something that can be stopped.

All he can do is blessing.

"The storm is coming!"

I took a deep look at the project and said softly in a thousand months.

This remark made the project suddenly stunned.

"Yes! The storm is coming!"

He smiled and said.

"Is there anything we want to do?"

Qian Qian softly asked.

During this period of time, the Wang family has fallen into what kind of situation, where can't you see it in a thousand months?

Even on these two days, why did Xiang Gan and Wang Jia suddenly go crazy?

Everything that happens outside the world is absolutely impossible to hide the thousand months and the breeze.

Behind this crazy, what is it for? The breeze and the thousand months have also been guessed.

The Wang family is in danger and will soon fall into the infinite vortex! They are faced with the threat of terror.

Because of this, Xiang Gan can only make the final stroke!

Knowing these thousands of months, I couldn’t help but ask.

Before she left, she wanted to leave something behind.


In the words of a thousand months, let Xiang Gan and Sun Yifan look at each other. Their faces showed a moving look.

Obviously, they did not expect the breeze and the thousand months to say such things.

However, after moving, the two are mixed!

What can they ask for?

If it is ok, the two want to let the breeze and the thousand months help too much. Even directly resolve the threat of the Wang family today.

However, they know that this is impossible.

Time is running out.

"There is no time! I will only hope that my predecessors will be able to follow the trend!"

Thinking of this, Xiang Gan was stunned with a sullen look.

Xiang Gankan’s answer, let the breeze and the thousand months look at each other, they all saw a trace of surprise.

What is the situation of the Wang family today? In their view, how can the project help them to help with some things. These two days, the madness of Xiang Kan and the Wang family, is not to attract more enemies, in order to force the two to help each other?

This point, the two looked very transparent!

Therefore, they believe that at this moment, the project will certainly make a request.

I didn't expect his answer, but it was...

However, they did not expect that, in the end, the two actually said such a thing.

"At the beginning, I was trapped in the demon world with the breeze and turned into a lonely soul! The appearance of Wang Chen brought us hope and new life! We owe him a major human condition.

I promised to guard the royal family for a hundred years! However, now I have to leave.

Now, what you think in your heart, I know it one or two! Since you don't say it, I don't have much to say!

Wang Chen, the little guy, has not returned yet, the Wang family is turbulent, how can we leave something behind! ”

I looked at the project deeply, and said softly in a thousand months.

Said this, thousands of months sighed, after a pause, looked at the breeze: "You will arrange it! I will go out!"

Said here, a thousand cold eyes flashed a trace of cold light!


The voice fell, not waiting for the breeze to answer, and the thousand months disappeared into the hall.


Listening to the words of the thousand months, watching the thousand months that disappeared in the same place, Xiang Gankan and Sun Yifan were stunned.

The remarks made by the breeze and the thousand months made the two people feel very surprised.

Thousands of months, what are you doing now? They are very curious.

As for the breeze? Array method?

This is the last life-saving means they left for the Wang family?

Thinking of this, Xiang Gan and Sun Yifan showed a hint of joy.

At the very least, if there is such a formation, they will have more enthusiasm and opportunity!

"I am going to the array!"

Until the thousand months completely disappeared into the sky, the breeze sighed, and after explaining to the two people, walked toward the door: "I will take some things out!"

"What is the predecessor's command, even though! I have all the resources of the royal family, let's move!"

When I heard the breeze, where can I still hesitate?

When the voice fell, the item was carefully followed up, and a golden key was taken from the arms. This is the key to the treasure house of the royal family!

The resources are hard to imagine!


"It seems that we may still have a chance!"

Until the breeze and the thousand months disappeared in the hall, Sun Yifan looked at the returned items and said softly.

"I hope so!"

The project is hard and laughter.

The two were in the hall, sitting quietly and waiting.

What they can do at the moment is also true.

Time, minutes and seconds passed, after three hours, the breeze returned to the hall.

His face looks pale!

I saw him sighing slightly at the moment.

Obviously, it took him a lot of energy to lay out that array.

After the key was thrown to the dry, the breeze was no longer spoken, sitting directly in the hall and quietly practicing.

In the face of such a scene, Xiang Gan and Sun Yifan did not dare to bother.

In the cultivation of the breeze, time passes by!

After two or three hours, finally, there was a wave of space.

The next moment, the figure of a thousand months appeared in the sight of Xiang Gan and Sun Yifan.

Suddenly seeing the return of the thousand months, Sun Yifan and Xiang Gankan took a breath of air.

The thousand months at the moment, even let the two have some do not know.

The cold atmosphere of the whole body seems to make the air solidify, and a faint **** smell makes people feel scared!

This is the first feeling that a thousand months give people.

Where is this still the woman who looks so soft?

"You're back?"

In the shock of Xiang Gan and Sun Yifan, the breeze that was being cultivated opened his eyes and sighed and whispered.

"Well! Come back!"

Nodded for a thousand months.

"Why are you doing this? This thing, I will do it well!"

The breeze reveals a pitiful look!

"Crazy once, okay!"

Thousands of months whispered.

When the voice fell, he showed a smile.

The appearance of this smile, as if the spring breeze passed, instantly dispelled all the chill.

"how many people?"

The breeze brow wrinkled and asked.

"Not much! But it is more than a thousand people!"

Thousands of months whispered softly.

When the voice fell, he looked at the misty water and Sun Yifan: "In the city, I swept more than 600 people! ~ Today, within the city of Wang, there is no threat. The Fuji family and the vassal family of the warriors, I am sweeping More than three hundred people! Among them, 137 people were killed and more than one hundred and seventy people were seriously injured. These people could not threaten your king's family within half a year. The rest of the giants, I killed 37 people and wounded. One hundred and ninety-seven people. These people cannot threaten the royal family within half a year!"

Thousands of months slowly said.


When I heard the words of a thousand months, this time, Xiang Gankan and Sun Yifan almost gave up the eyes.

This string of data, shocked people!

In just one day, this thousand months has swept away more than a thousand people?

What does he mean by what? Sun Yifan and Xiang Gan can naturally know.

Within the city of Wangcheng, there are more than 600 people! This is the existence that even Xiang Gan and Sun Yifan did not find.

These people seem to be hiding deep! Even the dark guards could not find out.

However, under the horror of the thousand months and the breeze, where did they escape?

During this period of time, the breeze and the thousand months realized that it was not good, but secretly observed the Wangcheng for a long time!

Since they promised to guard the royal family, their most basic thing is to return to the Wang family an Enron king city. Not a crisis in the city!

The sweeping of Xiang Gan and Sun Yifan is not enough for them!

Therefore, thousands of months have personally shot.

In addition, thousands of months in a short day, step through the sky!

With a strong strength, cross the void.

He went to the vassal family of the Fuji family and the warriors, and went to a few giants who were speculative about Wang’s home!

Those families, the loss is not small, those giants, were injured some people!

This has greatly weakened their strength, and it has greatly reduced the pressure on the Wang family.

Thinking of this, how can Xiang Gan and Sun Yifan not move?

For this result, they can't even think about it. But it is the result they want most.

Thousands of months of shooting, this sweeping, at least for the Wang family for three months.

“Thank you for your predecessors!”

Looking at the tired appearance of the thousand months at this moment, they are very grateful.

Undoubtedly, this day, thousands of months are exhausted.

"The array method has also been arranged! Two arrays, one defense, covering the whole city. If it is open, it can protect the king city for seven days! Another one is the defense king.

If it is finally made to enter the king city, this array of methods can protect the palace, ten days innocent! If there is no top strong shot, half a month is not a problem! ”

After the thousand months of voice fell, the breeze sighed and said softly.

"Well! Almost!"

When I heard the breeze, I nodded in a thousand months.

Then, looked at the horizon in the distance.

It started at noon yesterday, and now...Unconsciously, close to dawn...

That pressure has even been strong enough to be unbearable in the breeze and the thousand months.

"time to go!"

Thinking of this, forcibly resisting this pressure, Qian Qian whispered.

"What we can do is only these. The rest depends on you! Tell Wang Chen, if one day, he enters the high battlefield, I will return him again!"

Thousands of months looked at Xiang Gan and Sun Yifan whispered.

"Thank you for your greatness! I will convey my family!"

When I heard the breeze and the thousand months, Xiang Gankan and Sun Yifan said quickly.

Thousands of months of sweeping, the breeze of the array... This is a huge wealth that they left for the king.

Needless to say, thousands of months of sweeping, the Wang family crisis has been temporarily suppressed. At the very least, the storm will not come so fast.

As for the breeze array?

This gave the Wang family the last straw.

Even when it is really irreparable, the Wang family can at least insist on a few days.

And these days are enough to make the project do too much for them...

This allowed Xiang Gan and Sun Yifan to breathe a sigh of relief, and the boulder that pressed in their hearts seemed to have been removed.

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