Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 671: Kill it!

"Wang family, deceiving people too much."

In the midst of the turbulent storms, countless warriors took pictures at this moment.

On this day, these families suffered heavy losses.

They tried their best to arrange the personnel within the king city and tried to control all the dynamics of Wangcheng.

But the final result is.

The end result was that overnight, their staff was uprooted.

Endless blood stained the sky of Wangcheng.

When I saw the **** scene, these people could no longer restrain it.

"Wang Cheng, go in."

In the meantime, a burst of roar came.

Murder, this moment in the countless places skyrocketing.

In the midst of roaring noise, wave after wave of strong people killed the king.

The Wang family, nowadays has been turbulent, and even dared to be so rampant.

Are they really the king of the heyday?

Today, the strong will be the strength, Wang Chen independence is difficult to support, not to mention Wang Chen is not in the Wang family, this Wang family dare to be so arrogant.

It is simply unforgivable.

Thinking of this, the group is angry.

At this moment, the storms are raging, and the storms that are brewing are about to fall. Many people have set their eyes on the Wang family.


"Ha ha ha... Wang family, they are looking for death."

On the other hand, I heard the news from the distant Wangcheng, and the people of the Fuji family who were rushing to Wangcheng could not help but cheer.

Especially the vine, there is a hint of smirk on the face.

Wang Jia, how the Fuji family is trying to start with the Wang family, did not expect that the Wang family was sent to the door.

Although, this time must be to destroy the Wang family.

However, Teng Li did not intend that they would rush to the end, and the Fuji family would control the loss to a minimum.

Although the strong man of the Wang family left, but the Wang family is still a tiger.

As long as Wang Chen is still there, this is a huge threat.

Moreover, there are those guys of the Mozu.

It seems that there is also a strong person of the Mozu.

If you give these people a chance, they will always be able to bite a piece of meat.

Fujiko does not want to be bitten by this piece of meat.

Therefore, they need someone to die.

The warrior is obviously not so ignorant.

Under such circumstances, it was someone who took the initiative to send it to the door. This is simply a good thing.

"Go, go to the king city and see the situation."

Thinking of this, Teng Li waved his hand and approached the past with Wang Fuji people.

Not only the Fuji family, but also the same choice was made at this moment.

The death of the Wang family is obviously the scene that the Fuji family and the warriors are most willing to see.

They seem to see the tragic appearance of the Wang family, and the Wang family’s temperament is almost the same.


Within the city of Wangcheng, the atmosphere today is particularly hot.

The spectacular scene that appeared in the morning made people still unable to calm down at this moment.

The heads hanging above the walls still exist.

The sunshine after the rain always looks fierce.

Under the violent sunshine, those heads are even more dazzling.

The **** atmosphere pervades the sky above the king's city, and several families are happy.

Some people applauded for the practice of the Wang family. Naturally, some people could not help but worry.

Although these people are very clear, they will stand with the Wang family, but this time the storm came too fiercely, and the Wang family made such a crazy move.

In the coming turbulent winds, how should the Wang family respond, whether they can dominate the ups and downs.

When I think of this, everyone can't help but secretly drum.

Compared with the complex mood of the people in the city, at this moment, on the wall, the project is full of ease.

"nice weather."

Under the afternoon sun, a stretch of dry hair whispered to himself.

I came here in the morning, laid a leisurely lay on the wicker chair, and watched the row of heads to go to sleep.

A morning break, the spirit of the project is obviously good.

"We two are not crazy."

Looking at the lazy appearance of Xiang Gan, Sun Yifan asked interestingly.

He also rested here for a morning.

Keeping thousands of heads, sniffing the **** smell, sleeping a morning... This kind of move, I have to say, it is crazy.

If it is placed yesterday, Sun Yifan may be uneasy.

However, at this moment, he has instead let go.

Last night's action, Sun Yifan realized a lot.

When the words are dry, let Sun Yifan suddenly wake up.

He knows that today they have forced themselves into desperation.

This time, they have no way to retreat.

This time, they can only move forward with a hard scalp.

Going this step, Sun Yifan has instead let go of his hands and feet.

He seems to have found the original feeling.

The kind of survival in the endless cracks, resisting the counterattack in the endless threat.

The return of this feeling makes Sun Yifan feel very fulfilling.

"Maniac, huh, huh... maybe it is, but, you know, a madman can't offend. If anyone sins a madman, probably that person will become a half madman."

Feeling the change of Sun Yifan, Xiang Gan showed a smile.

When the voice fell, he looked at the time with his eyes open: "It’s almost late, you said that those people will come today."

Xiang Gan asked thoughtfully.

"Yes, we have waited for a full day, if they don't come, what's so good."

Sun Yifan laughed.

"Haha... yes, they have to come, we have waited for a full day."

Xiang Gan laughed a lot.

At this point, no more words are needed, and the two look at each other and know what they think.

Dealing with smart people is always a simple matter.

Especially when the two smart people stand behind the same front.

"The Fuji family and the warrior should also come."

Xiang Gan can ask.

"Sure, they will not miss this good show, we just responded to their ideas."

Sun Yifan’s eyes flashed and whispered: “But these two days, they are not expected to start, but they are sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight.”

"That's a pity. I still think that the storm is going to be more violent. Sometimes, seriously ill with heavy medicine, I always feel that it is not a bad thing, you said."

The item is sighing.


Sun Yifan whispered to himself.

When the voice fell, he moved his muscles: "The people on the other side of the family should almost come over."

Looking back at the direction of the Wang Family House, Sun Yifan muttered.

"Alright, warm up, always won't make too much wind and waves, can pull in and count one."

The dry eyes are flashing in the eyes.

When the voice fell, he looked at the sky: "Tonight, it will be a **** night..."

Gradually, the dry mouth is a smile.

However, this smile is very strange...

This smile is enough to make a shudder for those who are not far away.

The meeting of the setting sun, the red color of this piece of land, this last glimmer of light, is also a layer of thick blood fog for the king city.

As if I felt the coming of the night, it seemed to feel the unusual atmosphere. On this day, within the city of Wang, the quiet was very early.

Less than the night falls, there is no figure outside the city.

In the sound of the hustle and bustle, the gate was closed in advance.

Above the street, there is only a single shadow.

Passing by pedestrians, the look is rushing, almost in the way of a trot, rushing toward the distance.

Every household has a closed door.

The big king city, this moment, quiet to make people feel suffocated.

"The night is coming." When the last ray of sunshine gradually disappeared above the horizon, the day after waiting for the day on the wall, he muttered: "The wind and rain are coming."

Having said that, he got up and looked at the distance with his eyes open.

A few kilometers away, dozens of figures took the lead in the sight of Xiang Kankan.

Soon, these people came under the king city.

With this first wave of people appearing, followed by the second wave, the third wave of people appeared.

In the twinkling of an eye, the empty gates of the city have gathered nearly a thousand people. Not only that, but in the far rear, in the night, there are still dark shadows coming close to this side.


When these people came under the wall, when they saw the row of heads above the wall, they took a breath of cold air.

This is simply a Shura hell.

The dense head, under the dark night, is particularly dazzling and shocking.

These skulls seem to hold everyone's heart and make people unable to breathe.

For a moment, I don’t know how many people’s eyes are red.

Among them, there are their brothers, their relatives...

Just before today, these people are still alive, but at the moment, their heads are icy and hung above the walls...

Suddenly, many people can no longer control their emotions.

"Wang, you are deceiving too much."

Finally, in a repressed atmosphere, a roar came.

Among the crowd, a silver-haired old man stared at the bell-bellied eyes and looked at the obese figure standing above the wall, shouting loudly.

Between the words, the silver hair dances, the long hair has to shake, and the old man is angry and rushing to the crown.

Because, among these heads, he is not the head of his own son.

Old age, this makes the old man almost crazy.

"Wang, what do you mean by this, why kill my people."

Another middle-aged man yelled.

The momentum is skyrocketing and murderous.

"Wang family, today does not give us a satisfactory explanation, my Huo family and you vow not to give up."

"Wang, you are too crazy, why have you killed more than a hundred people in Zhao?"

"Wang family..."

As the first person speaks, the second person begins to speak.

For a time, a burst of roar came.

The scene, the moment is fierce to the apex.

The strong breath of a stock filled the heavens, which made the air seem to solidify.

Looking at the wall, the group of anger and anger, standing on the wall, the project is full of sneer.

At this moment, he is condescending, facing thousands of people, his face is inconvenient.

"There are still many people coming."

Xiang Gancan around, Sun Yifan squinted at the distance and whispered.

"how do you feel."

Xiang Gancan asked Sun Yifan.

"It’s killing."

Sun Yifan flashed a cold light in his eyes, faintly said.

The dialogue between the two people is light and bleak, but between the words and the sentence, the horrible murder is revealed at this moment.

Kill it.

In a word, it's so simple, but at the moment it is tearing the silence of the night, but it is rolling the storm.

This sentence, domineering, this sentence, killing the plane.

This sentence also opened the prelude to the **** night, the book first from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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