Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 644: Compensation (below)

With the words of the war, let everyone's heart hang again.

The words of Ling War did not leave the slightest face. Did he want to turn his face with the holy mountain?

If so, I am afraid... there is still a big fight.

However, what surprised everyone was that the old man of the Holy Mountain did not show the anger in his imagination when he heard the battle.

"This matter has given the Wang family enough face."

Silence for a moment, the old man of the holy mountain sighed.

Yes, in this matter, it is obvious that this old man also feels wrong, so at this moment, in the face of the words of the war, he did not show any anger.

As for the Wang family, as the old man said, the Holy Mountain has given enough face this time. Otherwise, if Wang Chen is like a broken city, it is really so simple, he can smoothly leave with the water.

All this, but the sacred mountain acquiescence.

"Oh... face."

When I heard the old man of the holy mountain, Ling war sneered: "The face is not what you give, but what we earn."

If it is a battle, it is still aggressive.

Having said that, Ling’s eyes smashed up: “Holy Mountain, I didn’t expect it to fall to such a degree now. Do you think your face is very valuable, or you think that your face is so Let the kid put down his dissatisfaction with the holy mountain, or say, you think, I can count it."

Speaking of this, Ling Zhan's body is getting colder and colder.

"Then what do you want."

Silenced a bit, the old man looked at the battle and asked, his tone is gradually blunt.

Perhaps, for them, this time, everything that has been done this time is enough. In the face of the aggressive momentum of the battle, the old man always feels some dissatisfaction.

They chose low-key this time and chose to forbear, which does not mean that the holy mountain is afraid of the royal family, or is afraid of the battle.

The Holy Mountain never needs to fear anyone.

Even if they are the Mozu, they are not afraid at all, so naturally it is impossible to be soft at this time.

"I, I don't want to be like, oh... I have to shun the water drops and give it to you. What I need is the holy mountain to protect the king's family for nothing."

In the eyes of Ling Zhan, a flash of light smiled.

This time, his words were spoken to the old man of the Holy Mountain by means of sound.

Because there are still some guys who haven't left in the distance, for these guys, the battle is very annoying, and now, what he said, can't let those people know.

Therefore, Ling war chose to pass the sound.

In this world, as long as the war is not willing, few people can glimpse the contents of the battle.

"Nothing in a year."

When I heard the battle of the battle, the old man of the holy mountain looked up and fell into silence.

The next moment, he revealed a bitter smile and said: "It seems that you are already ready, this battlefield is about to close, you and I will have to leave, the danger of the king is coming soon, now, you propose This requirement is actually a bit high."

The eyes of the sacred old man have some erratic eyes.

That's right.

The requirements put forward by the war seem to be very simple, and even make people feel confused.

I believe that if you say this to outsiders, you will only laugh.

Bao Wang’s family has nothing to do for a year. This request sounds too tasteless.

Now the Wang family is so strong.

Who on this Tian Xuan mainland can really threaten the Wang family.

Rattan, warriors, they have no ability, the sea, and so on.

What is left?

Holy Mountain.

You must know that this paragraph is time. Wang Chen is completely torn apart from the holy mountain. It is a dead end between the two sides.

However, Wang Chenhe was afraid of it.

Under such circumstances, if you fight, it will naturally feel like a chicken.

However, the old man in the presence of the Holy Mountain does not think so.

When he heard the battle, he suddenly flashed his eyes in his eyes.

He knows what the war is saying.

For those at this level, there is not much time, right, yes, it’s not much time,

Because, the battlefield has been open for some time, and now it is about to close.

When the battlefield is closed, people at this level must enter the battlefield, otherwise they will be annihilated.

This is something they can't resist.

Under such circumstances, the battle can remain in Tian Xuan mainland.

The battle must go. The powerful guys in the Wang family, such as magic dance, breeze, and thousands of months, must also leave.

In this way, the Wang family has any strength.

The momentum of the Wang family is now that Wang Chen is right.

However, Wang Chen is not an invincible existence. Even, it is difficult to hear that Wang Chen has not yet entered the ranks of pure Yang. He even can only be regarded as a strong person who does not enter the stream in this troubled world.

That is to say, relying on the perverted combat power and the powerful magic weapon Wang Chen has a foothold.

Today, Wang Chen's strength is very strong, but it is only him alone.

Wang family, if only Wang Chen is such a strong person, the Fuji family, the warrior, and even the holy mountain have already destroyed Wang Chen, and destroyed the Wang family, where they will let them indulge into the present.

All this is only because of the deterrent power of the magic dance, the battle, the breeze, the thousand months and so on.

If these people leave, the Wang family will fall into the situation, can be imagined.

Wang Chen, one can't support the Wang family.

Even with the men of the Mozu black robe that appear today, there are several rising stars of the Mozu, and they are equally difficult to prop up the Wang family.

Once Ling Zhan and others left, the battlefield was closed and the crisis of the Wang family came.

This point, the people of the Holy Mountain can see clearly.

This point, the Fuji family and the warrior can also see.

It is precisely because of this that during this period of time, whether it is the Fuji family, the warriors and the holy mountains, they are forbearing.

They are waiting for an opportunity.

The flood, already brewing in the dark, can erupt at any time.

Once erupted, the king will be caught in a land of eternal annihilation.

Obviously, the battle is also very clear. He knows how the crisis will be encountered by the Wang family once they are completely gone and cannot return.

It is precisely because of this that the current battle made this request.

Thinking of this, the old man of the Holy Mountain looked weird and sighed: "I can't decide."

"No, you can decide, uh... Tang old man, your status, I know, you know well, I only have such a request, the holy mountain and the seas join hands to deal with the Black Sea City, oh... great In fact, since there is a skill to join hands with the Hai people, can't you keep the Wang family for nothing, you know, Wang Chen, the kid, the strength is not bad, the black robe that appears today is also so-so, once our generation leaves, The strength of the two of them, there is not much problem in maintaining the Wang family, as long as you sacred the balance of the Fujis and the remaining guys of the warring family."

When I heard the old man of the holy mountain, Ling Xiao said with a smile.

In one year, he only needs to fight for Wang Chen for a year.

Because once the battlefield belonging to them is closed, the next battlefield will open.

And that battlefield is the battlefield of Wang Chen and others.

For up to a year, that battlefield will also be closed.

Wang Jia, there are not many top powers today, but the rising star, under the efforts of these years, there are quite a few.

As long as there is no strongman in the level of the Shenwu, relying on those rising stars, it is enough to support the Wang family from the disaster.

Therefore, this year is very crucial, and the war must be won in any case.

"You know, too many people want to let the king's family be destroyed."

When I heard the battle, the old man of the holy mountain sighed.

He defaulted to the words of the battle, but he did not want to agree to the requirements of the battle.

"This is a little make up for the Wang family. Those who jump the clown want to let the king's family be destroyed, then how? If you can't agree with the holy mountain, I don't mind washing it in the last few days,

You know, the stars and the royal family are the most incomprehensible in my heart. If I really want to suffer the disaster, I will also pull some funerals.

I will not let the situation before the millennium reappear. This time, the enemy wants to destroy us, then I will let them be disabled.

Maybe, I will go to the holy mountain and go on a trip.

You know the character of my person.

I may not have the ability to wash a lot of strong people, but it is okay to kill a younger generation. I can put this figure down. Right, Qing Tianqiu also puts this figure down, maybe my brother can do the same. There are also fantasy dances, don't ignore them, I believe they are willing to do something before leaving. ”

The battle was faint.


The words of the battle made the old man of the Holy Mountain suddenly open his eyes.

He smacked his mouth and looked at the battle. His face was ugly: "If you do this, you violate the rules of the game, and you are not afraid of attacking."

The old man of the holy mountain screamed.

"Oh... I’m attacking and attacking, I’m afraid, of course, I’m afraid, otherwise, we’re going to have no shots at the Rattan and the Warring States. Otherwise, if you think that the Holy Mountain is doing such a shameless thing, we will have no reaction.

However, since you guys have not shot, everyone has defaulted the rules of the game, then the default, young people, always should experience some experience, this time, Wang Chen suffers, Wang family suffers, I look just hurt After all, after all, this is their own mistake. They underestimated the shamelessness of your holy mountain. However, now that they have come, they have seen the shamelessness of the holy mountain. I believe that they will not look down on anyone, especially those. A wolf in sheep's clothing, eat a long, smart, I can watch them lose money.

However, if it is really the end of the game, the rules of the game are nothing, and if it is broken, it will be broken. At the very least, let the battle that should have happened in that place be staged in the Tianxuan mainland in advance, and it will inevitably be bloody. Chenghe. ”

For the anger of the old man, the battle is very calm.

He grinned and licked.

The discourse is not very intense, but every word and every word in the battle at the moment is faint with a **** atmosphere.

This makes the old man of the Holy Mountain look more and more ugly.

Every word of the battle, as if he was beaten in his heart, made his heart more and more tense.

"I can't answer you right now."

After a long time, the old man of the holy mountain said quietly.

In the discourse, there is a slight loosening of the live, and it is clear that the threat of the war has played a role.

"Nothing, there are still a few days."

As if I guessed this answer, the battle was indifferent.

"Five days, five days later, I will give you the answer."

The old man of the holy mountain said with a flash of his eyes.

"Five days."

When I heard this time, Ling Brow frowned: "You counted well. We have only seven days left for the rest of the time. Leave it to me for two days. Maybe you will delay it again, then I will delay it. There is no time to do what I want to do."

"Oh... but it doesn't matter, five days, five days later, I need results. Even if I only have two days, I am enough to do something I want to do. You should know that if we are crazy in this world, it will cause What results."

Take a deep breath, and the battle is like laughing and laughing.

Since the other party’s tone is loose, the battle has not continued to be aggressive.

Five days, what is that, the battle can wait, the book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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