Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 626: Wind sweep

"Oh my God, the holy mountain was looted."

"What sacred mountain, the distinct holy city, Wang Chen took people into the holy city and ransacked the holy tower. I heard that the sacred beads of the holy mountain were taken away by Wang Chen."

"No, Santa, isn't that the sacred mountain's endorsement in Tianxuan mainland? It turned out to be ransacked."

"The holy city is in turmoil, and this time the holy mountain is a shame."

The next day, the entire Tian Xuan mainland was blasted.

What happened in the Holy City yesterday was like a gust of wind that swept the entire Tian Xuan mainland.

Therefore, for a time, Wang Chen took people into the holy city, killing two ambassadors of the Holy Mountain, killing dozens of holy mountain guards, and escaping the holy towers to avoid the waterdrops... These things swept the entire Tian Xuan mainland.

For a time, Tian Xuan mainland shook it.

Holy Mountain, how pure is this.

For millions of years, the leader of the Tianxuan mainland, the majesty of the Holy Mountain, no one has dared to break.

Even before the millennium, how strong the stars were, the number of stars in the original, more than 100,000, the strong is even more countless.

However, in the end, after the violation of the Holy Mountain, the result is that the sects are destroyed.

For millions of years, all the courageous violations of the sacred mountains have been destroyed.

Today, the Wang family unexpectedly... once again challenged the majesty of the Holy Mountain.

Moreover, even though it was a star sect, it never directly confronted the holy mountain, but Wang Chen took people into the holy city.

How shocking this move is.

The news came out, it was like a blockbuster, and it exploded in Tianxuan.

For a time, everyone was crazy.

"Wang, is this crazy?"

"The holy city, they actually entered the holy city and ransacked the holy city."

"There has never been a thing."

Thinking of this, within the Tian Xuan mainland, the arguments come one after another.

For the Wang family to rob the holy city, it is even more shocking to let everyone know.

This is tantamount to a broad daylight, and the slap in the face of the sacred mountain.

This is all right.

So, once again, everyone focused their attention on the holy mountain and the royal family.

For this matter, what will happen to the Holy Mountain and what will happen to the Wang family? This has become a matter of concern to all.

Wang Jia, whether this huge monster that rises within a short period of time will be devastated by this incident, this is also a curiosity for everyone.

However, when the Tianxuan continent was shaken, the inside of the Black Sea City was very excited.

Holy Mountain.

The original holy mountain was naturally the object of worship by everyone in Black Sea City.

However, the situation is very different today.

Since the sea has struck, the Black Sea City has almost disappeared, and within the Black Sea City, there is no more holy mountains.

For these people, the Holy Mountain gave up on them, and why they believed in the Holy Mountain. On the contrary, for the Wang family, no one did not clap their hands, which made them swear.

Under such circumstances, everyone’s respect for the Wang family has climbed to the peak level.


Inside the Black Sea City, everyone celebrated.

Among the Wangjiafu, it seems to be quiet.

Even, quiet to have some abnormalities.

"How the boss has not returned."

"Wujiang big brother and homeowner, is it dangerous?"

At this moment, within the hall of the Wang Family House, the atmosphere was unusually dull.

Liu Xinyan, madman, Yangsha, black robe, Jiang Chenyuan...

Everyone gathered in the hall at the moment.

Or, from last night, they are all concentrated in this hall waiting.

They are waiting for the return of Wang Chen.

Yesterday in the Holy City, in order to delay the embarrassment, Wang Chen and Wu Jiang finally chose to stay.

Liu Xinyan, Jiang Chenyuan, Madman and Black Robe are the first to leave the Holy City.

However, now that almost one day has passed, Wang Chen and Wu Jiang have not returned, which makes people not worried.

For a time, everyone looked extremely dignified.

"Bastard, it's not good. We are going to the holy city again. I have to see, what can those guys do? If Wang Chen’s kid is in trouble, seeing that I am not going to destroy the holy city, I want to let hundreds of thousands of people live with them. ""

Under such a dull atmosphere, Jiang Chenyuan did not have a good voice.

He waited anxiously.

"It is not so simple to want to slaughter the holy city, but it is ok to slaughter some other cities."

The black robe is also a frown with a frowning face and a gloomy face.

At this moment, the black robe is fearful.

His fate is closely related to Wang Chen.

If Wang Chen had an accident, the ancestors of the Xingyue family would not let him go.

This makes the black robe awkward.

"Asshole, this **** holy mountain."

When I heard Jiang Chenyuan and the black robe, the expression of the madman became cloudy and uncertain.

In the field, only Liu Xinyan was silent at the moment, and did not say a word.

However, everyone can see that at this moment, Liu Xinyan's eyes are very cold.

A faint murder, filled the body of Liu Xinyan, sweeping.

Such Liu Xinyan, although not speaking, is more horrifying.

Everyone imagined that once Liu Xinyan broke out, the blood would flow into a river and the corpse would be a million.


And just in such a dull atmosphere, suddenly outside the hall, a shadow disappeared.

The next moment, a figure appeared in the eyes of everyone.

"Boy, you are back,."


"Chen brother..."

With the appearance of this figure, the dull atmosphere in the field was suddenly broken.

All of a sudden, everyone is exclaimed.

Yes, the person who appears here at this moment is not Wang Chen.

Just when the Wang family were worried and prepared to take action, Wang Chen returned. His return, such as a stone thrown into a pool of stagnant water, suddenly stirred up endless waves.

The dull atmosphere, this moment accompanied by the appearance of Wang Chen, swept away.

Looking at the excited appearance of everyone, Wang Chen also had a warm current flowing through his heart.

Today, he is no longer a person.

They are a team, a family, and a group of brothers.

Looking at everyone, Wang Chen slowly entered the hall.

"Well, boss, Wujiang big brother."

Seeing Wang Chen return, after the earliest excitement, very quickly, the madman frowned and asked.

He looked behind Wang Chen and found no figure in Wujiang. This made the madman's heart heavy again.

"Wujiang big brother...he..."

Jiang Chenyuan was also a face, and asked quickly.

At this moment, everyone's eyes are concentrated on Wang Chen's body.

Just dull and boring, this moment appears again.

"The big brother of Wujiang has something to do, and he has not returned. If he has a fate in the future, he will see you again."

In the face of the inquiries and concerns of everyone, came to the hall, Wang Chen sighed and said quietly.

Then he said something about yesterday.

"I didn't expect that the big brother of Wujiang actually met the strong mountain of the Holy Mountain. It seems that his identity is unusual."

After listening to Wang Chen’s words, the madman sighed.

"Skynet, rumors, is a magic weapon for the holy mountain."

Liu Xinyan said hesitantly.

Her words made people in the place unable to win.

Mount Shengbao, Skynet.

This thing appeared in the hands of Wujiang, which inevitably makes people smell more unusual atmosphere.

After hearing the words of Liu Xinyan, everyone in the room fell into silence.

Wujiang, this person who stayed with them for a long time, seems so mysterious at this moment, which makes everyone's heart, how can not be shocked.

"However, there should be no problem with the big brother of Wujiang. Otherwise, they will not let the boss come back so easily."

Silence for a moment, the madman sighed.

"Kid, what do we do next."

Black robe and Jiang Chenyuan were silent and asked directly.

Now, avoiding the water pearls, the next step, no accident should be straight to the Nether Sea.

Wang Chen, what are the plans?

With the inquiries from the black robe and Jiang Chenyuan, everyone’s eyes are now concentrated on Wang Chen’s body.

He is the backbone of this family, he is the leader of this family.

Everyone is waiting for Wang Chen’s decision.

"Tomorrow, the Netherland."

In the gaze of everyone, Wang Chen said after a moment of indulgence.

When the voice fell, Wang Chen’s eyes became very fierce.

A cold light, shot from the eyes of Wang Chen, like a sharp knife, across the sky.

At this moment, Wang Chen's eyes can not help but feel cold.

Undoubtedly, this time, Wang Chen is really angry.

That rich murder is the best way to explain the killing of Wang Chen at the moment.

"Okay, go straight tomorrow morning."

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, the madman was gearing up.

"Hey...the sea, it’s interesting, this time, let the Netherland turn over the ground."

Jiang Chenyuan also said sneer.

Especially when they have the water-avoiding beads, they have added a lot of capital to Wang Chen.

Nether sea...

At this moment, everyone has turned their eyes to the direction of the Nether Sea.

Everyone in the room knows that a feast of killing will begin in the Netherland tomorrow.



Inside the secret room, Wang Chen was sitting cross-legged at the moment, only to see him between the spit and the aura.

Yesterday, the battle of the Holy City, Wang Chen consumption is huge.

Then, all the way back, there is not much time to recuperate.

Tomorrow, killing the Netherland, there is not much time left for Wang Chen. In the hall, after the plan of the people to kill the Nether Sea tomorrow, Wang Chen came directly to the secret room.

He needs to adjust his state to the best.

Starting tomorrow, the battle within the Nether Sea will not be simple.

The sea emperor family is bound to be inexhaustible.

Wang Chen has already prepared for the hard battle, and the Nethery Seas are by no means easy to deal with.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Chen will be so cautious, he does not dare to have the slightest care and relaxation.

Nowadays, pure Yang is imprisoned and cannot enter. Under such circumstances, what Wang Chen can do is naturally to adjust his own state to the best.

Only in this way, Wang Chen has more confidence in the battle in the Nether.

Just when Wang Chen was practicing in the secret room, Tian Xuan mainland was still silent in the madness.

The sacred mountain turmoil has not dissipated. Even this turmoil is only the beginning, and now it is getting worse.

In such a storm, who does not know, a new storm, is about to kick off, the book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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