Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 602: Terrible

Hurricane whistling, gas ‘wave’ arrogant, each ‘color’ ray is filled with heaven and earth!

The roar of the roar is erotic, and the screams are heartbreaking. -- The sound of ghosts and wolverines can be seen everywhere, and the roar of Shura is even more derogatory.

This is the scene in the **** of Shura at this moment!

The horrible battle is spreading, and Wang Chen is in the position of the whole position. This is the case. Under the fierce battle, Wang Chen still has a pale face, and his mouth overflows with a trace of blood.

The ‘exciting’ fierce battle, the burden on the field, is really the limit of terror.

If it is not the soul of Wang Chen, it is really unparalleled, I am afraid that the field at this moment has already broken.

Seeing that the inside of the field is now a **** on earth, Wang Chen’s ‘color’ is still very cold.


I don't know how long it took, Wang Chen muttered to himself.

At this moment, the battlefield of Shura is full of **** smell!

The rich **** smell even reached the point of disgusting! Between heaven and earth, looking at it is a blood red.

Until this moment, Wang Chen knows that the Shura field has been brewed to the limit level, and Shura Wang can play!

"Shuro King!"

Thinking of this, Wang Chen quickly condensed the seal.

In a twinkling of an eye, there was a roar in the interior of Shura’s ‘door’.


Then, a burst of cold and shocking footsteps came.

This footstep sounds like it comes from the boundless hell! Every footstep seems to step in people's minds.

The footsteps are getting bigger and bigger, and the momentum of the air is spreading to the next moment.

All those who do not enter the pure yang, at this moment under the breath, feel suffocated.

Even some of the warriors who did not enter the ranks of the gods, under this momentum, were even more vomiting, and the face was pale.


Finally, when a figure rushed out of Shura's 'door', a shout of roaring noise came.

"Shuro King!"

"Not good... is Shura King!"

"The Eight-armed Shura Wang! It turned out to be the Eight-armed Shura King..."

Seeing that the huge figure fell on the battlefield, igniting the entire Shura battlefield, everyone was even more shocked.

At this moment, the king of Shura came. This makes people who are caught in the collapse of the sea more desperate.

Endless Shura, thousands of evil spirits, black robe, Liu Xinyan, Jiang Chenyuan... These powerful existences have made them unable to resist. And now it is a horrible and bloodthirsty Shura King, how does this make people contend with it?

The feeling of despair is filled with the heart of every sea.

All the remaining sea people in the field are now shaking and regretting in fear!

They are afraid, they regret it!

Wang Jia, Wang Chen, Black Sea City... Perhaps this is not the opponent they should offend, nor is it their opponent.

Unfortunately, they have done this now.

Now, the results they face are cruel.

Look at the boundless blood and broken limbs around you. Listening to the screams that came from the ears, the rest of the sea people began to collapse.


In the fear of the sea, the Shura King, who appeared in the sand at the moment, was crazy.

The **** horror of the horror, the **** body of the horror tumbling the blood of the body of the Shura.

Between the mouths and mouths, in the roar, King Shura devours dozens of bodies.

With the moisturization of the body and blood, the king of Shura continued to soar.

Eight-armed dancing, this time Shura Wang is unparalleled.

During this period of hard work, the six-armed Shura King in the Shura field has condensed to the level of the eight-armed Shura. At this time, under the moisture of the blood, the strength of the Eight-armed Shura King is unparalleled.

Although the strength of Wang Chen was imprisoned, the strength of the Eight-armed Shura King was limited to the level of pure Yang Peak. However, his breath is now more powerful than the ordinary pure martial arts.


The eight arms slammed at the same time. For a time, the whirlwind swept.

The boundless wind blew out in all directions.

With the gust of wind dancing, the endless sea people were torn into pieces!

The next moment, Shura Wang opened the big match and directly entered the crowd.

For a time, the scene appeared to be more 'mixed' and 'chaotic' and bloody.

Killing! At this moment, the killing continues. Moreover, with the appearance of the Shura King, Wang Chen’s advantage has become even greater.

This is simply a unilateral killing of red ~ 'naked' ~ 'naked'.

At this moment, in the field of Shura, the death of God came, the sword of death continued to wave down, taking away a life, the soul is crying...



Just in the battlefield of Shura, when it was killing, on the Nether Sea, at the moment it was the ‘wave’ ‘flower’ roll.


Suddenly, the sea surface swept by the wave of 'waves' exploded.

The next moment, a huge figure appeared between this world.

"Kunyi ancestors, this is here! Wang Chen and others are killing my endless people in the sea here, you have to avenge us!"

After the appearance of that huge figure, the sea surface exploded, and another figure appeared next to this huge figure.

At the same time, a burst of crying came at this moment.

I saw the person who said this, isn’t that the figure that is called the strong man of Kunyi’s ancestors?

And if Wang Chen is here at this moment, he will certainly be able to recognize it at a glance, this is the North Sea Dalang that he had previously smashed away!

At this moment, this Kunyi ancestor brought by Beihai Dalang is also an old acquaintance of Wang Chen - Kunhai Kunyi!

An ancestor of the Beihai Haihuang family, the strength is unparalleled.

"What about people? What are the generations of my sea people? Where is Wang Chen?"

Listening to the words of Beihai Dalang around, I was asked to appear in the Beihai Kunyi noodles in the North Sea.

Today, the Hai army came to the Black Sea City, which is a victory for the Haizu. However, who thought it was a change?

Wang Chen, who should not have appeared here, appeared.

Even the North Sea Dalang has been hit hard and has to escape.

Because of this, the North Sea Kunyi was rushed to this place.

His grandson, his endless strongman of the Haihuang family, was killed by Wang Chen.

Hearing that Wang Chen is here, the North Sea Kunyi came here, it is to kill Wang Chen directly.

However, now that I have arrived outside of Black Sea City, I have not seen a figure, which has made the North Sea Kunyi brow tightened.

At the same time, between the heavens and the earth, there is a **** atmosphere, and between the heavens and the earth, the faint gold ‘color’ blood makes the Beihai Kunyi heart sink.

A bad feeling began to spread in the heart of Kunming in the North Sea.

"People? How is it possible?! People? Where is my army of the sea? What is the strong man of the Haihuang family?"

When I heard the Kunming of the North Sea, the North Sea Dalang came back at this moment and quickly looked around.

From this point of view, it is to see a sea of ​​nostalgia, not the limit of the slightest battle, which makes the North Sea Dalang also widened his eyes.

"Hey! What about the sea? Give me out!"

Glanced around, Beihai Dalang noodles ‘color’ ugly shouted loudly.


With the loud sound of the North Sea Dalang, the sea surface exploded.


A moment later, a scream came.

"Beihai Liulang!"

Seeing the figure of the line, the North Sea Dalang eyes widened.

At this moment, along with the sea water blasting, a figure was forced out of the sea.

This is a broken figure, I saw that most of his body is almost destroyed, and the soul is very weak. And this is not the Beihai Liulang of the Beihai royal family?

Looking at the dying Beihai Liulang, Beihai Dalang squinted his eyes: "Six Lang, what is going on? What are the people of my sea family? Where is my Haihuang family strong?"


In the face of the question of the North Sea Dalang, Beihai Liulang shivered.

His eyes were scattered, as if he was a demon, he muttered to himself, but he couldn’t say a word.

"Six Lang, return to God!"

Seeing such a scene, the North Sea Kunyi face ‘color’ condensed and shouted.

This anger, the sound 'wave' is as basic as it is, rushing into the ears of Beihai Liulang in the ‘mixed’ chaos.


The sound 'wave' exploded in the brain of Beihai Liulang!


In this sound 'wave', between the mouth of Beihai Liulang, there was a spurt of blood.

With this blood spurting out, the appearance of Beihai Liulang was shocked, and it seems that it has gradually returned.

The next moment, when he saw the North Sea Kunyi and Beihai Liulang in front of him, he suddenly burst into tears.

"Old ancestors, Kunyi ancestors... finished, my seas... finished! All are finished! Ten thousand maritimes, full of thousands of sea people! All finished! And my sea emperor, There are thirty-nine people! It’s over, it’s all over! My ancestors, we’re done...”

After seeing the North Sea Kunyi and Beihai Dalang, this moment, Beihai Liulang burst into tears.

He almost climbed to the side of Kunyi, Beihai, and cried out loud.


The words of Beihai Liulang are like Xuan Lei generally exploding between heaven and earth! This made the North Sea Kunyi and Beihai Dalang both open their eyes and exclaimed.

"Six Lang, what are you talking about? Finished? My sea is over? How come... How could it be..."

Beihai Dalang's ‘color’ brush was pale, and he grabbed the shoulders of Beihai Liulang’s shoulders and asked him.

"What happened to Liulang?"

The face of the North Sea Kunyi’s face 'color' has become pale. He asked with a trembling tone.

The words of Beihai Liulang, so that the two are also Ling 'chaos at the moment.

Is the sea finished? Ten thousand maritimes are finished? Are the 39 people of the Haihuang family finished? What exactly is going on?

Beihai Kunyi and Beihai Dalang feel almost suffocated at this moment.

"It's over! Our seas are all over! Ten thousand maritimes... almost all of the tens of thousands of sea people have been slaughtered! Wang Chen, Wang Chen... He is a demon! He is not a man, he is a devil, he is a hell. The devil! I have scented the sea of ​​tens of thousands of sea people to redden this piece of water. And... and my sea emperor! I am 39 people of the Haihuang family... almost all the army is destroyed. Kunyi ancestors, only no Five people have escaped! Plus me and Dalang, only seven people have survived! The remaining 32 people have all been destroyed. There are thirty-two people!"

In the inquiry of Kunhai and Beihai Dalang in Beihai, Beihai Liu Lang said, crying.

He was crying at the moment, his heart, this moment is almost broken!

Fear, filled the whole world of Beihai Liulang. --16353+dsuaahhh+0xs13-->


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