Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 591: Black Sea City Conspiracy (middle)

At this moment, when Jiang Chenyuan and others were about to shoot, the black robe stood up when the war broke out. -

The expression before Wang Chen has explained everything.

It is now obvious that the situation is urgent, and Wang Chenxi can be entangled with these guys.

This cane is very strong. If Wang Chen is fighting with such a strong person, the battle will inevitably end.

Even the outcome is unknown.

If so, isn't that trouble?

So, at this time, the black robe stood up.

This is his chance to make a contribution.

Although the black robe is very afraid of death. However, at this time he is obliged.

Because, Wang Chen’s interests are closely integrated with him, because the opportunity to make meritorious deeds has been lost, and the next opportunity to make meritorious deeds is not easy to find.

What's more, the strength of Teng Li is strong. However, if he is circling with Teng Li, his black robe can still be obtained.

"it is good!"

When I heard the black robe, the murderous Wang Chen was stunned, but the next moment was a bite.

Black Sea City!

Now, Wang Chen is more concerned about the Black Sea City.

Although, Teng Li is one of the characters that Wang Chen must kill. Moreover, if Wang Chen is desperate and full of strength, with the energy of his five elements of power, with the strength of the Kunming Ding and the changes of the field, he may not have the opportunity to fight with Teng Li.

However, the price that this opportunity needs to pay is too great.

Now giving up Teng Li is the most sensible choice.

Black Sea City is the top priority.

If there is an accident in Black Sea City, then it is too late.

If Teng Li is too late to kill, then there will be hope for the next time.

Therefore, for the advice of the black robe, Wang Chen naturally agreed.

This person, he accepted.


Thinking of this, Wang Chen gritted his teeth and yelled at Jiang Chenyuan, Madman and Liu Xinyan.


When the voice fell, Wang Chen went straight to the crack in the space that was about to close.

"Wang Chen is off!"

Seeing that Wang Chen was leaving, Teng Li roared.

His body flashed and he rushed toward Wang Chen.

"Ha ha ha... your opponent is me!"

When I saw Fujichi killing, the black robe was laughing.

The figure was horizontal and the black card was blocked in front of the road leading to the vine.


The next moment, in the face of Teng Li's moves, the black robe went without fear.


The ray of black 'color' exploded.

The endless winds of this moment swept the transformation.

The earth is violently shaken.

"how come!"

After this attack, the face of the vine was suddenly changed.


The next moment, a blood spurted between the mouths of the mouth, and the vines burst away with a look of sorrow.


Looking at the black robe, this moment the vines in the heart of the sorrow screamed ‘wave’.

Who is this guy?

Why have you never heard of it, Wang Chen is still so strong around him? The strength of this guy is actually comparable to himself?

In the absence of precautions, this moment, the cane suffered a big loss.

"Ha ha ha... Bunny scorpions! All for the old man!"

One move ‘force’ retired the unsuspecting vine, and the next moment, the black robe laughed.


In the roar of the roar, the black robe hands slammed out.

This time, it is even more angry with the 'waves'.

With the hands of the vines, the horrible palm prints and fists, as if they were in substance, floated between the heavens and the earth, and rushed to the vines and warriors who had been killed in all directions.

The roar is constant.


In the roar of the roar, there was a scream of screams.

Those who did not guard against the black robe and the warriors had suffered a big loss in an instant.

In the screams, an individual plunged toward the rear.

The blood is floating, and the earth is moving.

"How could this be!"

"Great! Who is he?"

"In the Wang family, there is another such strong person?"

"The devil! He is a demon person, even... there is such a powerful demon person sitting in the Wang family!"

"This Wang Chen is really a must!"

Looking at such a shocking scene, the people who have not left before are shocked and surprised.

There was a burst of exclamations, one after another.

After all, the black robe's shot at the moment is really shocking.

"Ha ha ha ... Fuji, home! Laozi first step, there will be a period!"

As Fujio was forced to retreat, the Rattan and the Warrings were all forced to retreat. At this moment, the black robe stood proudly on the spot and laughed loudly.

Watching Wang Chen and others have entered the cracks in time and space, and the time and space cracks will be closed in an instant, and the black robe is ready for retreat.

He is not stupid enough to fight the Fuji family and the warrior with one person.

He is a black robe, but he is very afraid of death. How can he do this? Although when the hero feels good. Just like this is now, I’m so arrogant and enjoy the attention of everyone!

However, life is obviously more important than this feeling.

If one of the vines is full of hair, it is enough to make a pot of black robes. What's more, there are many strong players in the Fuji family and the warriors?

Thirty-six counts, go for the count!

Under such circumstances, after laughing, the figure flashed, and when the people were too late to counterattack, the black robe rushed into the crack of time and space and disappeared.

"‘Mixed’ eggs...”

Seeing that the black robe rushed into the crack of time and space, this time, the vine was completely angry. His eyes were red and roaring was rushing toward the crack in time and space.


However, just in the moment when the vines were chased up, the crack in time and space was completely closed, and the hope of tracking the vines was broken.

"‘混混蛋! Wang Chen! I want to kill you! Kill you!”

Looking at this scene, the figure was fixed in place, and the face of the vine was completely smashed.

His crazy roar and roar.

Wang Chen! If he does not kill him, he will not swear.

Thinking of this, the vine chestnut ‘color’ is almost distorted.

Looking at the look of the vine, look at the results at the moment, the rest of the staff is in the face!

What happened today is too much?

First, Wang Chen and Yu Chengyue fought, the strength of terror. Han Tianyi of the Korean family appeared. Now it is the warrior and the Fuji family...

These people have fought with Wang Chen in succession?

This makes people feel uncomfortable?

And all the results are beyond the expectations of everyone.

Qi Chengyue and Wang Chen have a battle, no one knows the outcome. Han Tianyi was tyrannical, but then there was something unexpected. They seem to be devoid of gems for ‘ jade’?

As for the Fuji family and the warrior...

They are still tragedy.

Teng Li was first repulsed by Wang Chen, and then a lot of masters from the Fuji family and the warriors were thrown out by the Wang family.


This shame is lost.

Originally wanted to encircle Wang Chen's Fuji family and the warring family, this time not only did not succeed, but it was once again humiliating.

Look at the look of vines and anger now! Can this make people feel shameless?

Poor Fuji family... poor warrior...

In the end, everyone has this feeling left.

In the face of the complex eyes of the surrounding crowd, the vine is even more crazy.

"Old ancestors, now..."

In the side of the vine, a strong singer of the vines asked intently toward the vine.

“‘Mixed’ eggs!”

Upon hearing this person's inquiry, Teng Li snorted. Then his face 'color' was transformed.

Wang Chen, today let Wang Chen escape.

The appearance of the black demon person was beyond expectation. The strength of Wang Chen’s side is getting stronger and stronger. This makes Teng Li very uneasy.

Wang Chen, who was in his eyes at the beginning, can’t be seen now. Even to the point where it has to be destroyed.

If you continue to let Wang Chen develop, the end of the Fuji family may soon come.


When I think of this, the moment of the heavy-hearted vines seems to have been thought of as a general slogan.

"Escape? How can you escape? Hahaha... Wang Chen, you are waiting! A good show is about to be staged, how would you express it? You can't escape!"

Rattan sneered in his eyes and sneered.

"Hey! Go, go back to the family! Wang Chen... He will fall soon! The king will soon be destroyed!"

After sneer, the mood of Teng Li seems to be better.

He looked at the people around him and said with a wave of his hand.

Wang Chen escaped, and he did not have to continue to stay here. Do you want to stay here and bear the strange and sympathetic eyes of everyone? That is an unbearable shame for Fujiwara.

What's more, there are more things waiting for them to do. The end of Wang Chen is coming.

Under such circumstances, the body shape flashed, and the vine was hurriedly leaving the place with the vine family.

In a twinkling of an eye, the vine family left, and the victors also left, and the field fell into silence.

"What did you say to Wang Chen?"

At this time, in the back of the crowd, at this moment, Han Yuxuan was looking at Han Tianyi around him, his brow wrinkled and asked coldly.

What happened in the last stage of the battle? Han Yuxuan naturally does not know.

He did not know why Wang Chen and Han Tianyi did not seem to have fought.

I don't know what happened between them.

I don't even know why Wang Chen's **** 'color' changed greatly and hurriedly left the place.

What did Han Tianyi do?

"I? Hehe... rest assured, won't harm him! Even, help him!"

In the face of Han Yuxuan’s almost questionable tone, Han Tianyi smiled and said faintly.

Then, he squinted at Han Yuxuan: "Worried? Or... However, it looks like Liu Xinyan... Going with Wang Chen! Hehe..."

Said that, Han Tianyi looked at Han Yuxuan's expression and played it.

When he heard the words of Han Tianyi, Han Yuxuan’s eyes suddenly fell silent.

Liu Xinyan!

That even made him have some ‘female’ people with low self-esteem. That Liujia’s Tianjiao...

Today, she is not easily comparable to Han Yuxuan.

Is she really the best person for Wang Chen? After all, today's Wang Chen is already powerful enough to imagine!

Perhaps, only the ‘female’ of the top Tianjiao, such as Liu Xinyan, can deserve him?

And yourself?

The one who was at the top of the day is now just an ugly duckling!

The performance of Wang Chen today completely shakes the heart of Han Yuxuan.

Looking at the direction in which Wang Chen left, Han Yuxuan fell into a long silence.

"Okay! It's time to go!"

Looking at Han Yuxuan who was caught in silence, Han Tianyi grinned and stretched out a sigh of relief.

"Black Sea City?"

Going back to God, Han Yu Xuan Shen ‘color’ suddenly asked.

Black Sea City...

Where did they go before a few days ago, but now they are finally going?

"Yes, look at the show!"

Han Tianyi laughed.

Having said that, the ‘precision’ light flashed in his eyes.

Black Sea City... The big show should... is it going to start?

Thinking of what was going to happen, Han Tianyi could not help but be excited again.

He grinned and walked toward the distance! --16353+dsuaahhh+25356946-->


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