Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 426: 海皇族族(下)

"Fortunately, I have not been escaped."

Seeing the guy in the hands of Wang Yan, the madman is a long breath.

"You...what do you want to do, I am a member of the Haihuang family. If you dare to move me, my Haihuang family will not spare you. My older brother will inevitably involve the entire Tianxuan continent into the wind. In the middle of the waves."

And just as everyone exhaled a breath, turned into a mini Beihai thirty-six but was struggling in the hands of Wang Yan, roaring.

Unfortunately, under Wang Yan’s unparalleled strength, he was simply pinched and unable to move, and how could he struggle to get out.

"Beihai thirty-six, hehe... Now you are only fine, and you want to threaten us, even if your big brother is not useful, believe it or not, I will destroy you now."

Listening to the roar of the 36th in the North Sea, the madman sneered.

"Wang Yan brother, kill him directly."

The eyes are cold and the madman said with a sneer.

" can't do"

When you hear the madman's words, the North Sea 36 is finally fearful.

He can feel that the man in front of him is not ridiculous.

These people are boundless, and if they really want to kill their hearts, they will die.

Thinking of this, the North Sea thirty-six tone is finally soft: "Don't kill, I tell you, tell you a big secret."

In a hurry, the North Sea 36 said quickly.


When you heard the words of the North Sea thirty-six, the madman’s eyes lit up, revealing a smile.

Even Wang Yan and others showed a happy smile.

They, what they want is nothing more than this result.

In fact, at the beginning, madmen and others did not intend to kill the North Sea 36 directly.

The Haihuang group, in addition to its strength, has an important role to play.

In the rumors, the fineness of the Haihuang family is a rare treasure, which is a good thing for refining the peerless treasures.

The madman and others are really reluctant to destroy this guy directly.

The reason why the madman threatens is that he wants this result.

Just, it seems that the courage of the North Sea thirty-six is ​​smaller than expected.

"Say it."

Thinking of this, the madman is cold and shouting.

"This time... This time, my Haihuang family returned. Today, I heard that among the emperors, one of the old ancestors returned. In these few days, the Netherland and the world’s seas celebrated with each other. This time, I was sent out to station, I also heard that... I heard that the emperor’s ancestors returned, and brought shocking news. In my secluded sea, it seems that I have passed on a bad baby. These days, things The North and South Seas and the Royals sent a large number of people to the Nether Sea, searching around, seeming to find this treasure, and, I heard that there is information."

Under the threat of madman, the North Sea said thirty-six.

He is a regret at this moment.

The man is a knife, he is a fish. At this moment, he still has the qualifications and confidence to resist. He regrets that this time, it is his turn to be unlucky, and he has encountered so many strong people.

I knew this before, and today he will not come to patrol personally.

A few days ago, I heard that there were also strong people in this sea area. It was only at the time that the North Sea 36 was enjoying beautiful food in its own house. Today, it’s a big disaster to come and go.

This luck is really back home.

"The Emperor,."

When I heard the thirty-sixth of the North Sea, Wang Yan and others looked more and more heavy.

The emperor family, these words seem to be heavy, pressed against the heart of Wang Yan and others.


At the same time, Wang Chen also noticed the words of the North Sea thirty-six.

The secluded sea treasure inherits.

I don't know why, but Wang Chen is faint and feels uneasy.

Does they say that the true God Cave House, although it is hidden in the true God Cave, but Wang Chen has to worry.

"What else, say."

The madman asked.

"No, I only know these, really, some adults also know that the world is my family, the sea is a rare, mysterious, but in fact the number is also quite a lot, I have a nameless name, just ranked three Sixteen, where do you know more?"

Under the madman's persuasion, the North Sea thirty-six said with a bitter face.

"Adults, don't kill me, let me go, I promise to listen to the future. If there is news, I will return to the adults in the first time. In the future, within the 36 seas of the North Sea, the adults will be unimpeded."

Poorly watching Wang Yan and others, the North Sea 36 is even more pleading.

"Hey... let you go,"

When I heard the words of the North Sea thirty-six, the madman’s mouth showed a sneer.

"Big Brother, seal him."

Next, the madman said directly to Wang Yan.

As if I had already discussed it in general, when I heard the madman's words, Wang Yan quickly took out a delicate jade box and laid the enchantment. The rapid result was to seal the North Sea 36.

"No... you can't do this, slay, you bastards, you will be punished by Poseidon, you..."

Looking at Wang Yan and the madman’s move, the North Sea 36 was in a hurry.

Before , he still had a glimmer of hope, and this moment completely disappeared.

When he was sealed, he struggled fiercely.

Unfortunately, the sound is getting smaller and smaller, and it disappears without a trace.

"Don't dry."

Until the sound disappeared, the madman grinned and snorted.

Afterwards, there was a smirk: "Although it is just an unnamed royalty, but it is not a small gain, hehe... This thing is rare in a hundred years. If you let the world know, I don’t know what kind of storms to cause. "

Looking at the jade box that Wang Yan put away, the madman licked his lips and said with excitement.

The fineness and preciousness of the Haihuang family are far from being imagined by ordinary people.

Knowing that Wang Yan put away the box, the atmosphere is gradually getting cold.

"Big Brother, what's going on here, the Haihuang family..."

Wang Wang Yan, who was locked in the brow, couldn’t help but ask Wang Chen, who had no doubts in his heart.

For the Haihuang family, obviously, Wang Chen does not know much.

This madman and Wang Yan, they know a lot.

"The Haihuang family is divided into five veins. Among them, the one that leads the first is the emperor. This family is once a pulse of laughter and arrogance.

The rumor is that this emperor is a vein of the sea god. The sea **** is boundless. In the ancient times, it was not inferior to the devil and the true god.

Just, because of the powerful ability, the sea **** made waves and once wanted to rule the world. This attracted the anger of the true god, the demon, and even the beast. Finally, the three gods united and suppressed the sea god.

Looking at the virtues of God's good life, the Three Gods did not destroy the Haihuang family, and did not make any moves against the Haizu. They only asked the Haizu to stay on the mainland.

After the sea returned to the sea, the sea emperor was respected, and the sea was ruled by the sea. The emperor was even more powerful. This emperor was named after the dragon.

In addition to the Emperor family, the Haihuang family also has four veins, which are based on the southeast and northwest, and are stationed in the Quartet.

The Nether is the north of the sea, so it is the North Sea. The royal family in the North Sea is the North Sea.

In the face of Wang Chen’s inquiry, the old man of Bai’s family sighed and said it was the first to say.

Speaking of this, I paused and looked at this boundless sea. He continued: "The number of the North Sea royal family is actually quite large. The reason why the sea emperor is rare is that it is only relative to this vast sea area. In fact, they are not many in number. In fact, there are hundreds of people and even more in the North Sea alone.

Among them, such as the North Sea thirty-six we just met, it is just a lower class of the North Sea royal family.

The sea emperor family is very strict. In addition to the emperor's pulse, all ethnic groups have strict hierarchical distinctions. Among them, each family can only be famous if they pass the test of the family. In addition to the surname, the rest are named after strength.

This thirty-sixth sea in the North Sea is within the royal family of the North Sea, and the thirty-six strong people who have not passed through the sea **** inheritance, hence the name of the North Sea thirty-six.

"This is the case."

When I heard the explanation of the old man, the moment, Wang Chen seemed to open the clouds to see the sky.

In a flash, it was a lot.

At the same time, it is even more shocking.

The North Sea thirty-six, he is not even the core personnel of the North Sea royal family. However, even so, he ranks the outer thirty-six, and his strength is also stepping into pure yang.

There are many strong people in the North Sea.

Looking at this vast and boundless sea, Wang Chen was in a heavy mood.

It’s no wonder that I saw this North Sea thirty-six before, and Wang Yan’s face will be so heavy.

The sea empire is really strong and boundless, and ordinary people are even more daring to offend.

If you just let the North Sea escape 36, Wang Chen and others will suffer revenge, you can imagine.

"Also, this Haihuang family is very big, even if they seem to be physically broken, the spirits are degraded, but there is still a trace of excellence. This is the life of the Haihuang family, so before Wang Yan Big Brother will only seize the fineness of the North Sea 36. Otherwise, in a short time, with the boundless energy, the North Sea 36 will be able to resurrect. At that time, I will suffer endless revenge." /

The madman added.

"This is the case."

Wang Chen sighed again and again.

For the Haihuang family, he really knows that there are too few and too few.

"Now, the situation is not good. I need to leave this place as soon as possible. The people of the Haihuang family will fall. I believe that some people will soon discover that when the strong people of the Haihuang family come, in this boundless sea, I Waiting for an unimaginable danger.

Moreover, this time, the Netherland, is not as simple as that said by the North Sea 36.

This Haihuang family appeared on the coast, but it was only responsible for guarding. It seems that this secluded sea, and major events happen, I am afraid, not only the return of the ancestors, but also the discovery of treasures.

Even, I doubt...this is related to Poseidon.

The old Liu family said quietly.

A few words are even more like thundering, making it difficult for Wang Chen and others to breathe.


A person who once stood side by side with the true **** and the devil, if he had any move, or even returned...

"I didn't expect that the world was in chaos, and it even swept the sea."

Liu Xinyan said, Shen Sheng.

"After silence for millions of years, the original ambitions must not be annihilated. If there is a big chaos today, the seas will definitely want to return, I am afraid, we must be prepared."

Zhu family ancestors Shen Sheng.

Thinking of this, everyone is silent.

"Go, leave this place."

After a moment of silence, Wang Chen said very quickly.

So it seems that this place is now the most dangerous place. I don’t know when the people of the Haihuang family will arrive here.

You must stay away from this before.

The voice fell, no longer hesitating, and Wang Chen took the crowd and quickly went in the direction of the true God Cave.

Just, along the way, everyone’s heart is a little more worried.

Everyone feels that their trip is not so simple.

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